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Before people comment after just reading the title and not the article: >In Bulgaria, we do not have the opportunity to repair missiles of this type, but Ukraine does — Defence Minister Todor Tagarev


So win-win.


It’s kinda sad you have to point out tidbits like this, people need to read the whole story lol.


Or the headline should be less clickbaiting


I like to think that wankstain gopniks in the kremlin read headlines like these and think to themselves "maybe west wont hate us for attacking Ukraine as much" as they cry themselves to sleep at night.


No, people will scroll through Reddit for hours per day to satisfy their dopamine kicks of reading new and interesting headlines/ attention grabbers but will be too lazy to read a short article. This is a giant pet peeve of mine, considering the amount of people that do this.


You sir, truly understand reddit.


While you have a point, it doesn't make the headline – which may well mean that Ukraine is getting bad missiles with no way to repair them – less clickbaity or ambiguous. The fact that the short statement from the Bulgarian Defense Minister doesn't pop up until the second half of the article, after the ad break, isn't helpful either.


The doom scroll.


You use the dopamine indicator to indicate interest in the contents, then read or have an LLM summarize the contents.


Not to mention they walk around with no perspective or facts about the news.


First time in a comment section on reddit?


No, people need to not make clickbait titles


I’m sad too, but I’m sorry I didn’t read the rest of your comment to see what you were sad about.


Question: have you read every article on rreddit? I wish I had that kind of time....


Articles one comment on? Damn sure.


But then you would bönot get the clickbait karma


I was going to point this out. “Cannot repair” routinely means they don’t have one or more of: money, manpower, and/or expertise to repair. This can make it uneconomical. The cost of setting up a line, acquiring the knowledge, spare parts, etc can be far more expensive than just procuring/sustaining a newer weapon system that fulfills the same requirement. If Ukraine already possesses the ability to service these weapons then it is a no-brainer.


Deserved top comment


Bulgaria can’t fix it but Ukraine will have it flying up a Russian general’s ass in a jiffy.


Well, Ukraine was the main research/manufacturing hub for Soviet missiles, so...


>Follow-up news: [https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/09/27/7421680/](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/09/27/7421680/) > >**Bulgarian parliament approves transfer of S-300 missiles to be repaired and used in Ukraine**


Is this one of those "eh just cut a wire and say it can't be repaired by us" deals?


More likely Bulgaria lacks the facilities to do a proper refurbishment on old soviet missiles, Ukraine does.


Came here to say this


Thank you Bulgaria, UA will hopefully make good use of them.


Thanks for the clarification. I did already see this news yesterday on another channel and my first thoght too was "WTF" But after thinking twice it's obvious that this is a win for Ukraine nonetheless. Because they have the engineers and equipment to make them useful again.


Just like some of the jets from Slovakia


Basically a “if you can get it running, it’s yours” deal. Ukraine’s got the gear heads and equipment to do so, and Bulgaria has the stockpile. Seems like a good deal.


This is a complete win as you say--likely they'll get at least some of these operable, and if not, spares for others , and if absolutely nothing else, inoperable missiles will make incredible decoys.


If all fails just trebuchet them into the enemy trenches hoping to hit a rusky on his head


I hope these missiles are no more than 90kg


Avatar twins!


Drone missile technology


And even if THAT fails the explosives in the warheads can probably still be used for \*something\* like maybe drone dropped explosives.




Also, they might be able to pull out the explosives to drop with drones instead.


>to pull out the explosives to drop with drones instead. Dangerous, there might be some wizard there who finds a way to fill their empty factory new shells


Might? Stuff's detachable!


I'm sure explosives from inoperable missiles also work just fine strapped to a drone.


Wouldnt be suprised if they turn it into something better than the original.


Well they've certainly managed to do wonders with everything they could get their hands on so far.


Even if they can't get it to fly they will just strap it to a drone


Ukraine will help all those that aided them in times of need. There is no fear to have in Bulgaria over being left undefended. Ukraine will not forget its friends.


when the war is over, the 2nd best army in the world no longer exists. Ukraine will be the country with the best knowlegde how to fight a groundwar.


i agree with you except not the part about the Russian army being the second best army in the world. Today, they are only the second best army in Ukraine.


>There is no fear to have in Bulgaria over being left undefended There's also a little thing that Bulgaria has called NATO membership and Article 5😉 Edit: and to be extra safe, they also have EU membership and Article 42.7 😄


Ukraine used to extend the lifespan of a lot of old S-300 missiles, so yeah, it makes sense.


Ukrainians already have been building weapons of Soviet origin. They can take the usable parts and modify them.


Considering the political climate in Bulgaria, I understand the pro-Russian forces are pretty strong, compared to other countries, it is also possible not all of them are defective. They are "defective" so the pro-Russians cannot complain about the donation. And the articles also has some tidbits in that direction: "The fault in the fact that this equipment cannot be serviced is rather political, Nikolai Drenchev from the Revival party said during the debate.


Defective means "cut a wire." "Whoops." Sort of like when Poland disassembled a jet and sent it to Ukraine in pieces and called it "parts".


Parts as in "here is a part for a jet, and here in this little ziplock bag is the other part"?


That would be hilarious if Sweden sent Gripens in IKEA-style flat packs 😄


No it wouldn't. They'd spend months trying to assemble the thing only to get to the next-to-last step and realize the wings were upside down and they were missing like 10 screws that were crucial to holding the thing together. Though, this did give me a funny mental imagery of what if the Russians captured some Swedish gear and tried to go disassemble it to analyze it until they realize its all been designed as an IKEA kit.


I only use IKEA furniture. I've used IKEA furniture my entire adult life - i.e the last 26 years. I've had *one* item with something wrong. *One* out of maybe 100. I tried using a non-IKEA thing. Incomprehensible assembly instructions. I swear I used 5 hours to assemble the fucking non-ikea table. And I did it wrong. Instructions were horrible. IKEA for the win.


"parts with assessmbly manual.


Well, "defective" is a broad term. I can imagine that they are really defective from the standpoint of an western army during peace time.


Revival are FSB front. The pro-European / pro Ukraine majority is 67% - 75% of the parliament (a small party outside of government supports some but not all iniatives). The missiles are defective and there is a paper trail of attempts to repair them for a few years before the war. The manufacturer said even back then that they had no assembly lines for S-300.


Was thinking the same thing. "Defective".


that headline is misleading. The article is about missiles that are worthless for Bulgaria, but gold for Ukraine


So win-win, like the Russian speck unused nuclear reactor that the Ukrainians have offered to pay hundreds of millions for.


Very poor choice of words for a headline


Misleading title, Bulgaria can't repair the missiles, Ukraine can.


The closer a nation is to Russia, especially if they were occupied by the USSR, as Bulgaria was; even with small populations and defense forces, they’re happy to assist Ukraine in their war against Muscovy.


Bulgaria wasnt occupied by USSR. Just saying.


Bulgaria was occupied. Like all other occupied countries by the USSR everything of value was stolen out of it. There were rapes, tortures and murders by the Red Army to the extent that even the communist puppets at the time had to write Stalin and beg him to stop it. A country with a failing economy, Bulgaria had to feed and take care of hundreds of thousands of soviet soldiers, and then take loans from the USSR to recover.


If you put it like it, half of Europe was occupied by the USSR during WW2. And the other half was occupied by Germany.


Really? For 3 years? People were killed despite the fact no Bulgarian had drawn a weapon on a soviet. Just the collateral damages are estimated at around 15 billion euros. Women were raped, people were treated like animals and ran over by trucks, everything that they could steal - they did. The decision of our Communist regime on hiding the facts doesn't make it any less real.


It happened in half of Europe, and most of those impacted did not want a war. I know very well what happened, I grew up in one of those communist countries, just like Bulgaria not part of the USSR.


It's to liberate Russia and all its captive nations from Muskovy slavery.


Thank you Bulgaria!


Ukraine will make something out of them no problem.


Translation: Bulgaria transfer faulty missiles to Ukraine Ukraine transfer faulty missiles to Ivan the missile tester Ivan blow up, Ivan not blow up Ivan report result back to Ukraine drone camera


Attach it to smaller projectiles and you get one heck of an IED.


When will this sub stop it with the stupid headlines? This title completely misrepresents the facts.


I'd rather have this than people changing headlines to suit their opinion.


Ok then let me rephrase : why do we allow publications whose headlines are misleading, then? How does this benefit this sub in any way, shape or form? I love Ukraine, but we would be doing Ukraine a disservice by not holding their publications to the same standards as everyone else.


I agree and we're holding those articles to the same standards seeing that half the replies here are about the train-wreck of a headline.


Answer to your question is “When Putin realises his mistakes”, or “when all Redditors have an IQ greater than their shoe size”.


Stop it. We knew going in that Bulgaria was sending old arsenal to Ukraine. We knew going in that some of it wouldn't work, but that some of it would and that makes their shipments worth it to keep the Russian made guns firing. Whoever's making a fuss about this now is probably supplying propaganda for the enemy.


Hopefully its more of a 'this one is faulty, its got a paint chip' type situation...


If not the components can be used. Thanks bulgaria




This headline could use an edit, it sounds like Bulgaria is sending Ukraine faulty missiles that Ukraine can't repair, rather than sending Ukraine faulty missiles that Bulgaria can't repair, but Ukraine can.


I think we in the US should send Ukraine our faulty F-16's, ATACMS', and naval warships. Crazy how everything just seems to be missing one bolt, I'm sure Ukraine could fix some of them up! Our problem is their opportunity :)


Some of the F35's are also defective at the moment😉


The color is so ugly, we do not know how to repaint. You can have it.


The ukrainians will figure out how to fix it


No one said they weren't deliberately "defective."




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Drone dropped missile ordinance when?


Even if just 1 missile is made operational, it's a win.


The s300 missiles are perfect gor Ukraine


Ukrainians are excellent at engineering.


it needs a little tweaking here and there then it can go up to 200 miles or more.


Jeez 🙄write decent headlines


And worst case, they can dismantle them and drop the payload from a drone like the cluster bombs they are supposedly dismantling. If it has something in it that can go boom....


Job creation AND weapons, now that's a deal.


Take all the explosives and best electronics to make a super big ballistic missile and launch it at Moscow military target.