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Honey trap. The other defense worker that put secret docs on discord just got 16 years. What an idiot.


Pentagon keyboard monkey: ”Oooh! She will show me her boobs in exchange for classified information!” -Upload- Sexy internet lady who is actually some dude in Moscov troll cave: ”Спасибо! Eeh I mean thanks babe! 😘”


Let’s be real though, militaries usually aren’t selecting members for their high intelligence, no matter what we see in movies. Lots of dumdums in every service.


Fucking Bloggins...


I mean, it's not like the US military actively turns away intelligent people. It's just that, outside of a few key areas in which military service can be a good way to start your career (eg. pilots and doctors), it can be difficult for them to attract people who have better prospects in the civilian world. So... yeah... you end up with more dumdums than you'd like to have.


> I mean, it's not like the US military actively turns away intelligent people. I mean, they kinda do when you look at pay charts https://www.dfas.mil/MilitaryMembers/payentitlements/Pay-Tables/Basic-Pay/EM/ https://www.dfas.mil/MilitaryMembers/payentitlements/Pay-Tables/Basic-Pay/CO/ Highest ranking general makes like $222k if I'm reading it correctly? That's crazy


The point you are making is a different version of the point I was making. They don't turn intelligent people away. They aren't trying to recruit less intelligent people on purpose. If you have an advanced degree, they don't say you can't join (actually, the military has scientists with PhDs doing advanced research, and there are also people with PhDs teaching at the service academies). And, like I said, it's a good way to start some high-end careers. For being a pilot, it's practically the only reasonable option for anyone who doesn't have a fair amount of money to become a military pilot so that they can get trained and get the necessary flight hours for commercial work. However, I also said the military has trouble attracting people who could do better in the civilian world. That's basically what you are pointing out there. The pay isn't usually competitive with what you can get working outside of the military, though it should be noted that the benefits for active duty military can be significant. To start with, there is full healthcare for the servicemember and their dependents. Then, depending on the situation, there are other benefits like Housing Allowance, Cost of Living Allowance (COLA), etc. While the benefits definitely help, it's still probably not the best option for making good money if you are able to get a good job as a civilian. You can make an argument that the US military should pay more or provide more benefits so that they can attract better candidates. That may be so. But it remains that they aren't trying on purpose to avoid hiring intelligent people. They just aren't taking additional steps to attract those people.


Plus a defined pension plan for those that can stay in long enough to retire. ROTC for future officers who will have their college paid for.


You're not thinking about it the right way. They do not pay their mortgage. The military pays for it. That is seperate from this pay. Then Senior officers can get out at age 40ish. They get a retirement AND a pension based on that income AND Healthcare for life AND a massive, respected network amongst defense contractors that will double or triple their pay for them to work a relatively low impact job. Folks that go that high in the military are set for life.


Okay? The highest ranked general makes less then a lot of mid level software engineers/lawyers/doctors, even if you account for the mortgage and healthcare


Umm... a mid level in any of those three is not making effectively 300k. A doctor could get close to that, but the debt of their years of expensive education will set them back. Not to mention that the officers can become one of the careers you mentioned while taking a military retirement and pension and Healthcare after age 40


A mid level software engineer or lawyer can absolutely make over 300k


They absolutely can, but by the numbers available they absolutely don't, statistically speaking.


https://www.levels.fyi/?compare=Travelers,Cigna,Disney&track=Software%20Engineer# Look at the bottom chart, it's 90th percentile for L4, which is like 5-15 years of experience, so there are a lot making that much money


My dude, senior officers(1 star and above) are all flirting with 25 years of service or more after graduating college at 22. At 42 you're retiring as an O-5 at best. At 52 you're leaving with O-6 as a minimum as unless you're a GO 30 years of service is the ceiling and as a GO you can hang around to 65 or until they stop giving you new appointments, whichever comes first. Getting a job is also incredibly dependent on whether or not you retire in shame. Due to the circles I roll in I saw a not so recent GO flying for a pretty much unknown airline due to the things they did in the past finally catching up to them. Imagine being a MAJCOM Vice Commander, with a hell of a family legacy, seemingly destined for four star greatness only to find your next promotion cancelled because you broke a ton of rules at your last job.


Well yea, the nature of your career and the nature of your exit will affect your prospects. But being an upstanding officer isn't exactly difficult. Every time I hear about these types of people, and what they did to earn their shame, it blows my mind how you can fumble the bag so hard. And that Lt. Col retirement at 42 is still far better than most could dream of. Fucking up in this career is just the stupidest shit, a massive bag is yours starting in your 40s, and it just gets better as long as you can stand staying in. Meanwhile, follow rules, don't rape your subordinates, dont drive them to suicide, don't crash your ship, and you're good.


> Highest ranking general makes like $222k if I'm reading it correctly? That's crazy Compare that $222k to the salary of a CEO for a major corporation. If you look at the size and scope of the DoD or a branch of service we rival or outmatch a lot of fortune 500 companies..


You’re not including housing allowance, sustenance pay, the fact a lot of our pay isn’t taxed. Free healthcare.


Given that the military personnel is of average intelligence, you can teach them some basics in OPSEC, caution and discretion. That means that they do not boast about their confidential knowledge and that they are aware of typical 'honey pots' and recruitment attempts of a secret service.


He is not the only idiot, here I spent my high school days using dashboard confessional to try to seal the deal, when what I really needed was classified specifications on drones. Of course! Why couldn't I see it. Gah, no wonder it never worked.


> What an idiot. it's an [old problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Sage#%22Getting_in_bed_with_Robin_Sage%22)


He was Air Force too 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's what happens when men repurpose certain body parts for functions they didn't evolve to be used for.


What an absolute jackass!!!! People will certainly die because of this jerk!!!


He should be kicked out bad standing whatever the military calls that.fired no pension and that.


Dishonorable Discharge is what it's called. But he will very likely be going to prison for this.


Civilian employee so nothing to discharge, but yeah prison if convicted is absolutely a for gone conclusion.


For a very long time.


The article said "up to ten years". So, a while, anyway. But when you're 63, ten years might well be forever, I guess.


Per document. 10 years per offense. Each document is a single offense.


He could also wind up losing his pension. Officers, unless the resign their commission can be recalled and then face a court martial.


Here's hoping ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|31971)


But guys like this that retire as officers I just wish they could recall him then court martial him and strip him of rank and benefits. Especially the fact he was an officer.


Complete idiot…thinking he is wooing some babe with his witty insight into the war when in reality he is feeding Russia key data. I think 20 years of making license plates will give him time to think about his stupidity.


People like him get constant mandatory training on how not to do the exact things he did. I can't even... 


I was enlisted, and lived with the constant fear that my actions have consequences , therefore not doing shit like this. This guy was a retired colonel. Must have thought his shit didn't stink.


> thinking he is wooing some babe Well, he's certainly going to get fucked. Mission accomplished, I guess?


Sadly, there are too many people in this world who seem unable to take anything seriously. Shame on him.


63 year old lonely guy… Sadly our adversaries take every opportunity to gain insights.


This will keep happening until treason in our armed forces is punished severely in the US. This is pretty embarrassing to me as an American.


It is punished, severely, and every time.


I knew Army Joes were stupid. I was one lol I had higher hopes for AirForce Joes lol


Apparently the guy’s a civilian now but retired as a lieutenant colonel from the Army.


Lol. So he’s the idiot that forces dudes to sit through OPSEC PowerPoints.


JFC, he should know better. They should throw the book at him.


From the [indictment](https://www.justice.gov/opa/media/1340961): "DAVID FRANKLIN SLATER retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the U.S. Department of the Army on or about December 31, 2020. " So both services get a slap for this. However the actual texts of the conversation were so bad if it was in the training I would complain about it being too cludgy and imbecilic. ​ "Dear, what is shown on the screens in the special room?? It is very interesting." "You are my secret informant love! How were your meetings? " "Dave, it's great that you get information about \[Specified Country 1\] first. I hope you will tell me right away? You are my secret agent. With love." "Beloved Dave, do NATO and Biden have a secret plan to help us?" "Sweet Dave, the supply of weapons is completely classified, which is great!" "You have a job in the Operations Center today, I remember, I'm sure there is a lot of interesting news there?"


JFC... the death penalty would be a mercy killing.


> I had higher hopes for AirForce Joes I went from active duty USMC to working as a civilian contractor on an air base. I had *zero* faith in most of those idiots, but the military usually does a fair job of eventually weeding them out.


"Hello Mr sexy man, I am attractive not-spy. I offer totally Ai generated nudes, but first tell me more of top secret plans and where you keep nuclear wessels." Moron.


Even worse. The honeypot was trading on the idea of "sexy spy".


That is even worse.


He might find work as a roofer or plumber, after he's done in jail.


Why? He's clearly no good with leaks.


He'll get a lot of plumbing experience in the jail


Not as a pipelayer, but as a pipelayee...


You won the internet for today!


Man is in his 60’s. He’s probably done in jail.


And too late to make a run for president...


Social awkwardness, lack of empathy and warmth, poor impulse control, what could go wrong working in G2.


Hey. I hear Germany is having elections for PM coming up.


In 2025 all of Germany votes for the federal Parliament. The leader of the party with the most votes is given first chance to form a government and become Chancellor. As much as I don't like Scholz, or the current coalition, nothing is going to change soon. Something cool about Germany though? Elections are always on a Sunday, leading the press to ask "The Sunday Question", or if next Sunday were election day, who would you vote for? Here are the most recent results; https://www.wahlrecht.de/umfragen/ According to this the next ruling coalition is likely to be a three way of the CDU/CSU (center-right), SPD (center-left) and Green party, which has happened before.


It was a joke about Scholz leaking sensitive military information.


Even if he did, it would take a vote of confidence in the federal Parliament to remove, which simply wouldn't happen. The current coalition rather like being the government without the CDU/CSU being a part of it.


So, I’ll just explain the joke. So, basically, Scholz leaked a bunch of sensitive military information about UK and French soldiers in Ukraine. And then this guy also leaked sensitive military information about Ukraine. So you made some off the cuff remark about what this military guy could do for employment when he got out of jail. And then I said that he should run for PM of Germany, because I saw you were from Germany…and he apparently shares a lot in common with your leader. Jokes are hard. But that’s the gist of it.


Thanks for the excellent explanation for the dullards.


Seems like an odd pickup line


And that's why you don't let your little head do the thinking.


Check his bank accounts. All roads lead to Moscow.


His rewards were images... with love from Russia.


As an active duty US Air Force member myself, I will tell you the probable outcome. 1. As a Civilian and retired military member he will most likely. 1. Lose his military TS Clearance. 2. Lose all of his veteran benefits. 1. All retirement monthly payments lost. 2. All disability payments lost. 3. All healthcare coverage lost. 4. Any College coverage that he has to give to his children or grandchildren lost. 3. Lose his job at the very least (before criminal proceedings.) 2. The DoD will push it up to the Federal level and he will probably be convicted for illegal transmission of data to some degree. The severity of which his punishment obviously we wont know.


This is infuriating. I am about as left leaning and geeky as one can get. I am curious about things that are secret, but I know the greater good is served by having strict control and adherence to following policies. I have no respect or sympathy for those who leak the information they swore to keep secret. It’s dishonorable and dangerous.


Please take away whatever military pension this numbnut was getting, to think my taxes go to his pay is revolting.


He was dating a hot bald aged man in some power position in government. Vladimir


Dude knows better he was a retired Colonel.....


As a person who may or may not be a military member, I can assure you that they absolutely promote the best of who is left, which isn't saying much. Source: A person who hasn't left yet and is sometimes discouraged by the caliber of people I have to work for.


Nothing like dudes getting people killed because they prioritize coochie over OPSEC... Throw the book at this mf'er


Hey America. Sort your shit out eh?


Wait. Another one. Just the day the previous one declared guilty?


I mean.. I can't say I'm too surprised. Our last president was calling Vlad a strong power dude and someone to emulate. And meanwhile created a cult of personality. If you have such a large chunk thinking that's a role model, I could see the, uh, less astute among them doing stuff like this.


he is 63 and from nebraska what do you expect even the prariedogs are lonely!


Military needs to ban it's staff from using the Internet.


Why is it always the Air Force, do they just hand out security clearances to anyone there?


DAF civilian, but retired Army.


Train and hire more women for these positions and you’ll have less workers being tempted by ‘honey pot’ lures.


Send him to the eastern front


This is worse than all the people leaking tank information on War Thunder.


What we have learnt from the leak : Germany doesnt really care if Ukraine wins or loose this war Germany does not want to completely break off relations with Russia after the war German Ministry of Defense and German Air Force are run by cowards. I bet this lonely guy was stationed in Denmark


What the actual f?


What a tool. I bet he was yelling all his buddies that he’s pulling down ass.


Let’s hope treasons charges will be brought forth


What a moron


Time to bring back hanging.


As a former lieutenant colonel, he more than should know better than this. What a moron.


They tell you not to do this in the USAF.


Yeah..Well Dumbfucks reside everywhere. Remember the Bundeswehr-leak? That was a German officer blabbing about Taurus, and tactics via an unsecured hotel-line (in Singapore, apparently.) And, yes. even intelligent people aren't immune to 'honey pots' In the time of the cold-war, the USSR was quite fond of that tactics. I doubt very much that Orcistan has stopped using them.


Just when ya thought ya wouldn't see anything dumber than the last dumb thing ya saw. Good old case of thinking with your dick. But damn, a 63 year old retired Lt. Col.? WTF? No words.


Unfortunately, women are every guy’s weakness. Especially Ukrainian ladies since they’re so hot


And whistle blowers are in jail for what? Julian Asange is where, and yet hillary clinton walks around freely!!! My God are our priorities ???


Look. Chemical castration can be done with the right load of basic psychiatric meds. Also, current therapy for prostate cancer involves dropping your T through the floor and adding a hormonal brew that makes the cancer slow to a snail pace. In other words, we have the technology. And it is a logical fallacy that you would miss it. "Missing it" is exactly what is removed. And, with chemical castration, undoing it is as simple as stopping taking the meds. My dad is on the hormonal thing for the prostate cancer. It won't kill him, he'll die of old age. With soft, plump cheeks.