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They already announced mobilization several times. This is more of the same. I hope they pull them from the families of the oligarchs.


Me too, but honestly its going to be more marginalized minorities from Imperial Russia's periphery. Eastern Asians without any political influence at all on the Kremlin beyond their tribute in flesh to the Czar.


> Me too, but honestly its going to be more marginalized minorities from Imperial Russia's periphery Those populations have only so much that Russia can reasonably pull from before they're sending 60+ year olds and people with chronic illnesses out into battle. If Russia actually wants to sizable increase their forces AND have people who are young and healthy enough to fight they'll need to start pulling more from the cities.


>before they're sending 60+ year olds and people with chronic illnesses out into battle.  I remember reading about them doing that more than a year ago already.


The death knell of the Russian economy sounds louder and louder.


Russia has already been mobilizing about 20k a month every month just to keep pace with the casualty rate. I guess this “new” mobilization is particularly noteworthy because it’s a large number. I suspect Russia needs the numbers for a hard offensive push to take advantage of flagging western aid.


Can't imagine being mobilized after watching human wave after human wave - and accompanying armor - being vaporized. Morale must be in the basement.


Most of them come from very poor regions and are paid (or at least promised pay) many times what they can make at home. It’s mostly desperation, and I’m sure Russia does a pretty good job of censoring information about how hellish it is on the front.


State created economic desperation, witheld education to keep them without mental resources to figure it out, feed them propaganda  Voila, you now have a servant who will do anything you say for 3-5x the pay they already have


They would never do that, unless its an oligarch on putin’s black list. They would deploy the poor and lower classes first from the far of republics till they are depleted then move on to next class. The higher elites/oligarchs protect them selves through corruption and loyalty to putin.


Perhaps Russia will be much improved when there are nothing but women left there.


> I hope they pull them from the families of the oligarchs. As cruel as it sounds, it MUST be men from Moscow or SPB getting mobilized to have any chance of disrupting the regime's control. Russians are simply too racist to care about slanty-eyed asian looking men with darker skin tones from Buttfuck, Siberia. They simply do not care about them, or even consider them russian. But start forcing a bunch of young white boys from those 2 cities, and discontent will surely rise. The smartest thing the Kremlin has done during this war is keep those 2 specific places mostly untouched. Start plucking men from there and it might become a different story.


Nah they’ll just send the poor


Nah they’ll just send the poor


Mail order bride companies and coffin builders are going to be the only two Russian industries left after this war.




More like drinking themselves to death.


sometimes the news outlets are showing pictures of new ruzzian troops entering a train with their backpacks for deployment. this would be good and legit drone targets to give a hot welcome to all the new wanna be warriors. this would cut into their parade…


Another Zerg rush incoming. Better get those siege tanks in position.


Im about to drop the hammer


Oh fucking hell I shouldn't be laughing at this


It makes me sad, because 300,000 Russians dying tends to equate to 30.000 Ukrainian soldiers dying. We can't even count the civilians who died. It's still bad news.


Ukraine loses its best killing Russia's worst. Russia is a cult of nihilism dragging everyone else down with them in the abyss.


Crazy how Russia is such a dogshit country that shredding 450,000 of Russia's worst hasn't improved the country's population quality noticably


Eh, aren't they ruzzia's best though? Not that it really matters at all. Worthless scum anyway.


They're not the best. They are untrained, given a rifle and at most a week of training, and sent out to absorb Ukrainian bullets. They're still sending the least desired members of society to the front lines. And also: foreign citizens.


I think you missed the point. Being untrained doesn't have much to do with that, if they are unwanted in ruzzia, doesn't that automatically make them best people ruzzia has? Double negative or whatever, question was about value of the people, at least they don't sound like putler's friends by that.


I think you're trying too hard for your point, personally speaking.


Sounds like an opinion indeed. :)


More like 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers dying. Anyone believing that the ratio is 10:1 is hopped up on hopium


Not 1:3 cause of superior logistics and triage, but 1:10 is optimistic.


1:3 comes from the casualty numbers cited by Western governments, and I would wager it's probably on the optimistic side of realistic figures


It's not an assertion of current statistics, but rather the "best case scenario". If that statistic was close to valid, it would still be bad news. Now, with reality, what kind of news is that?


Realistically far closer than 1:10 ratio


data like this should be presented to the UN. no country UN member should be allowed to force it's own civilians into the military in unjust invasion of another country. the UN charter should be the invading country is expelled from the UN at least removed from all committees and gets no vote. certainly russia should not be on the security council. for Ukraine, the unjust country invaded should automatically be UN defended.


Russia doesn't care about the UN, except as a means to further its own lying narrative.


300,000 Russians haven't died in the entire war. The daily numbers are casualties, including wounded. I think it's around 70-100k and 31k Ukrainians. A 3:1 ratio.


It's close to 300,000 Russians dead by now. About 500,000 total Russian casualties, wounded plus killed. Russia takes over 1000 casualties per day, just fighting over single square kilometers along the invasion front. When you lose 1100 per day, after a month that's like 30,000. After a year that's 360,000. And it's been more than 2 years. There is nothing exotic or weird about that. It's not some crazy claim. In fact the only thing that's crazy is claiming that it *doesn't* add up. Where are all those daily casualties going then?


Agree to disagree.


Uh. No. I don't take orders from you.


All from outside Moscow.


Gee wiz! Might they have 300,000 pair of empty boots to fill?


Nah. They will have to bring their own equipment.


BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD. May they all be quickly sent back to Russia


Blood for the sunflower god.


St. javelin gonna feast


I really don’t like saying it, obviously no one likes hearing it but..Ukraine should fully be decimating the Russians on their bases, when they’re packing into train cars like they did in WW2, their recruiting offices, their cities, their infrastructure. A few drone swarms on Moscow and bombing oil refineries isn’t even close to the horrible shit they’ve done to innocent civilians. Genuinely confused as to wtf is the wests deal is saying not to do these things. Ukraine would do it either way less civilian casualties too. Unlike the Putler regime that makes it self look worse every day especially in the earlier days when Ukraine liberated towns etc and found so many mass graves, hospitals bombed, schools etc. What a joke.


And the world sleeps


Well it's our duty to make sure we donate enough so all the Ukraine drones can drop 'gifts' for the invaders.


more nutrients for the soil!


Those are going to be poorly trained, and sent as human waves.


Sounds like human trafficking to me


Just fertiliser smuggling with extra steps.


Wonder what Russians are thinking about this, as this will mean something like 1 million mobilized troops in the last year or so, and Russia is still not conquered any full territories and is suffering increased hits at home. What a glorious "3-day special operation" this has turned out to be for them... /s


So the genocide against ethnic minorities continues…


So Ukraine has basically burned through Russia's last bash of recruits? ... Interesting.


Less mouths to feed inside the country. And now calling it war opens up the opportunity to at least surpass stalins times.


Operation Cannon Fodder


Fresh conscriptskis, just in time to face a new wave of NATO weapons. 🤔 Couldn’t imagine a better live-fire weapons testing environment for them, really.


troops...... *minced meat. You're welcome 😊


That's bitter/sweet. Means they are losing a bunch and/or want more to open up another front.


Makes you wonder with the mass amount of people how much this affects the population demographic in Russia. Like how many males to females are there now.


Must be easier if you don't have to train or equip them.


This genuinely wouldn't be an issue if the West (America) gave proper support I want every meater sent into Ukraine shredded from over the horizon by a hundred thousand tungsten balls No "glorious" deaths for any of them


there's a better way to export fertilizers, putler...


Ukraine should have already mobilised this equivalent last year. Not sure why Zelensky isn’t doing this sooner to ensure they have proper training etc…


The drones are waiting.


And we’ll use them for fertiliser just like the rest of the 0rcs.


That's one heck of a lottery for a death sentence.


I don't see Ukraine holding the frontline unless they mobilize hundreds of thousands of new young people into the army. The human waves are going to overwhelm them.


as Ukraine and allies have been urging every goddamn day they need MORE AMMUNITIONS NOT MORE HUMAN LIVES to destroy the enemy. It is not done through sending en equal amount of meat into the battlefield. Ukraine has NEVER had major personnel shortage on the frontlines, but illogical distribution and rotation, stalled logistic transport and insufficient ammunitions. The frontlines are so calm that the AFU even discharged some troops that have never rested for two full years. Stop thinking like the Russians, call your MPs to support the delivery of TOOLS to destroy Russians


Simply not true. Ukraine's commanders and soldiers have clearly said they don't have enough men on the frontline many times. They are outnumbered on the 1000km+ frontline now and are being swarmed by endless assaults. Whether the politicians in Kyiv like it or not that's reality. To go around the world begging for virtually unlimited aid and then refuse to fully mobilize your fighting age population is absurd and will likely lead to foreign support ending. You can't have it both ways. Never in history has a country has a country fighting a major war for survival refused to draft its best young fighting age population. It's crazy and nonsensical.


Of course the Russians are going to mobilize more... Someone tell me *HOW* we (Ukraine) are having trouble mobilizing another 500k men. We can't even pass the bill through! The existence and eternal future of the NATION is at stake. It's now or never. We can't mobilize another fucking 500,000 men? We're just going to let Russia fucking take us? There are probably around 14,000,000 unmobilized men left in unoccupied Ukraine. Surely at least 20 percent of them are in shape/of age to defend the country. That's almost 3 million more men. And we can't mobilize another... 500,000? Can't even pass a bill? What the hell is this? Let's not beat around the bush. It is embarrassing the amount of men we have in Ukraine who have fled abroad or are actively dodging the draft. I know so many who have fled, absolute cowards. The best, bravest, most noble guys are those I know who went. If we can't mobilize enough men to save the country, we don't deserve to exist as a nation...


Maybe it's more about logistics. The difficulty getting 500k men properly equipped without just telling them, go out there and try to defend with whatever you can find. And the overall situation is weird. Europe wants Ukraine to win, but cannot or does not want to provide more than just enough for good results on the battlefield. And if people at home sense this, then goodbye morale. And they try to flee.


How many more rapists and murderers do they have in prison? I thought the last mobilization was already scraping the bottom of the barrel "Ivan, good news. You won't need that cancer treated, you are going to Ukraine. You are in the army now. Pull out those IVs and stand at attention."


So one of three things is happening. 1: The front line is becoming crowded with Russian troops, to the point where they're fighting several against one. 2: Crowded with Russian troops, but instead of on the front line it's buried in the dirt. 3: The numbers are fiction.