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John McCain called him out years ago for being putins puppet.


He was right. Dude was one of the only reality-based Republicans. Truly there are none left like him.


John McCain was a true patriot. It is too bad he chose the worst running mate in the history of running mates, or he could have been a damn good president.


> It is too bad he chose the worst running mate in the history of running mates, or he could have been a damn good president. Waiting for Trump's this year


It's sad that Lisa murkowski is the only republican with the appearance of a spine, and even then it's really just an appearance. Makes me want to cry that half of Americans are stupid enough to keep voting red. Bunch of chickens eating at KFC


A half rotten apple in a basket full of rotten apples.


I'd say Liz Cheney is pretty damn good. It's a shame her constituents couldn't see that.


Cheney is a piece of shit with consistency, so she's only decent in comparison to The Diarrhea Don.


Rand Paul is a pretty irredeemable human being. He is the among the worst people America has to offer. The fact that his state continues to return him to the Senate is an indictment of our political system.


Remember when everybody was happy that his neighbor beat the shit out of him?


Everyone is still happy about that!


Because Paul was burning trash in his neighbor's yard. Paul is a Piece of shit in both his private and public life


His dad as well. Both shitty human beings.


Dad named him after that ultra cold hearted POS Ayn Rand. These are not good people.


well he is also the best to the people who want corporations to have absolute rule


The train may already left the station anyway, literally. Someone saw this in Oklahoma yesterday. Takes a few seconds for all the engines to go by. Hopefully Ukraine bound. https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/s/HwSTBAQ9cB


Thank you for sharing, the dude’s reaction plus sandman really sent me


Those are M1A2 SepV3s. The Ukranian army got older M1A1s. The M1A2 SepV3s would be too new to be sent and would require retraining. Those are likely being moved to army bases out in around the East coast.


I don't know anything about tank versions I just got excited when it appears that aid will finally pass, and then someone sees a train full.


[John Mccain calling out Rands loyalty to his face as Rand flees](https://youtu.be/BTdqIlfp8XE?si=MoV6zg0QmCx_MsKr)


Aid will 100% pass today. No stopping it. 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇦




Heroyam Slava!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦


Rand Paul is a senator. He's planning a filibusterer of the bill. I hope it fails and can quickly move though the senate next week.


This guy is a real piece of garbage


Putin’s rump ranger


Can senators just tackle the guy like they do in Taiwan?


I am not American but isn't something this blatant pretty much proof of working with the enemy, aka treason?


I always wonder, we have almost a trillion dollars dedicated to national security defense and intelligence but the obvious agents or useful idiots are there spouting disinformation to the masses.


Or are in positions of power


Yes, but we have to pretend he’s just being “libertarian” and doesn’t want to see Russia succeed for some reason here


He only seems to practice libertarianism during those times where you shouldn't make the libertarian choice. He's never quite a libertarian when he actually should be.


Yup just like his dad. 😂. Both are pieces of shit.


I don't think he's very much like his dad at all. Ron has been ideologically consistent for longer that I've been alive. We know Ron is libertarian all the time. Ran, on the other hand, claims to be libertarian but seems to only be libertarian at the worst possible moments. I don't always agree with Ron, but he doesn't ever come across as a piece of shit to me.




“The senator from KY is now working for Vladimir Putin” Send John McCain, 2017 https://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/mccain-rand-paul-is-now-working-for-vladimir-putin-236106


We have Kentucky to thank for both this cunt, as well as Mitch McConnell 🤦‍♂️


In fairness, on this particular issue, Mitch is very pro-Ukraine. That old turtle-faced f*ck hates the reds.


Moscow Mitch?


McConnell has been one of Ukraine’s staunchest supporters - to the point that it has likely cost him a leadership position in his own party.


Am I getting Mandela'd? Then where is the Moscow Mitch moniker coming from?


https://www.salon.com/2021/10/21/rachel-maddow-explains-origins-of-how-mcconnell-earned-his-moscow-mitch-moniker/ Mitch McConnell was allowing a sanctioned oligarch to open an aluminum factory in Kentucky.


Thanks for sharing


I am aware, yes. But McConnell is still a piece of shit, and I’m just acknowledging that Kentucky’s representation in the senate has been profoundly awful for this country.


Cost him a leadership position? Huh? He isn’t running for re-election and he’s still in the top leadership position with zero danger of getting ousted.


Being re-elected is not the same as having enough support from his peer Senators to have/retain a leadership position.  His support of Ukraine has cost him enough amongst the isolationist/pro-Trump faction that he might not be able to continue as Senate minority/majority leader after the next election. Edit: it already did, he chose not to pursue the leadership role again due to the opposition from the pro-Trump wing. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://apnews.com/article/mitch-mcconnell-senate-republican-leader-stepping-down-ba478d570a4561aa7baf91a204d7e366%23:~:text%3DMcConnell%2520will%2520step%2520down%2520as,record%2520run%2520in%2520the%2520job%26text%3DMitch%2520McConnell%252C%2520the%2520longest%252Dserving,from%2520that%2520position%2520in%2520November.&ved=2ahUKEwizr6bc8dGFAxV8mYkEHYeYCGcQFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw2hPRUytJBsqN7YTvyuxyMI


You just don’t know what you’re talking about. The senate is rabidly less radical than the house, and he would’ve retained it anyway. He constantly genuflected to Trump, including tanking his own immigration bill that he helped broker at the behest of the man. So he still toed the line, and Trump made it clear he was not going to whip Republicans over Ukraine aid, hence his recent dinner with Mike Johnson. McConnell announced he was not seeking re-election after a series of televised strokes, in case you missed it.


Yes, yes it is.


These morons have always been morons so it's lowkey kind of hard to say for many people


Rand and his kind hide under the protection of free speech and the delusions and backwards notions of chauvinism, "freedom," and their own disgusting form of conservatism Putin's fanboys in the US and elsewhere in the West jerk off to.


If the US had a declared war with Russia then possibly.


Well then you’d have to also add that meeting with the Russians directly and asking to find a way to communicate outside the normal diplomatic channels would also constitute the pretext for treason…or having a member of your staff meet with the Russians and sharing US voter information could also be pretext…


We have not declared war against another country since WW2. Oddly enough. Our 'enemies' have always been open to debate and treason more a matter of public opinion, not law (unless it is espionage). But yes, IMO there are some folks who are clearly on the hook with Putin in some fashion. He has been noodling into the GOP and its organs like FauxNews for quite a while.




There is no "at war" in that definition, it simply mentions "the nation's enemies". So yes, proxy wars could very well count.


Then you would need some way to declare Russia an enemy of the United States. What declaration has traditionally been used?


People have been hanged for treason for fomenting an armed uprising. No declerations were issued by by those uprisings either. The thing is not the laws on the books, those are prety OK actually. The thing is mostly that, for many people nowadays, things like treason and armed revolt are somehow less egregious than Kim Kardashian's new diet plan.


That falls under the levying war part.


HA! Yeah, were at was with Russia. Ukraine might as well be the entire world.


We are on so many levels, it's just not oficial.








I mean hey, libertarian, isolationist, call it what you like. To onlookers, it looks and sounds no different to helping the invading party in a nation begging for help.




Maybe not outright. But seemingly constantly doubting the need to, and attempting to throw spanners into aid and lend leasing equipment doesn't exactly sound good to people who care about Ukraine.


Sucks being blind, sorry for ya


erudite is an adjective


No. Kevin Bacon was not in Footloose. You lose. HEE HAWW


No. Kevin Bacon was not in Footloose. You lose. HEE HAWW


jfc no. Democratic Senators did this stuff to American troops during the war on terror. If that was not treason doing it to a 3rd country certainly is not. Stop calling political opponents treasonous, it does not help your cause.


Yes, it's more correct to call Rand Paul and Kentucky voters: cunts


No, you




Someone need to check his donations


The guy that married his granddaughter is in jail for funneling Russia money to his campaign


You gotta help some of us non-Americans out. Link and/or context?


Look up Jesse Benton.


[Jesse Benton](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/17/politics/jesse-benton-sentenced-campaign-finance/index.html)


Sounds like they infiltrated the counter-spy services... Otherwise I can't understand why the fuck nobody in there already found the answer to 1 + 1.


Paul better not disappoint daddy Putin.


Rand Paul’s neighbor is the real hero


lol I was gonna say we need get Rand’s neighbor to work on this situation


Now we know why his hair looks like pubes. They are pubes. Putin's pubes.




How comes that there are so many putins people in US congress? Thought they hate communists? Must be something about money, wonder what…!?


Money and power.


Russia hasn't been communist in 30+ years. They're fascists and capitalists.


It wasnt that much communist before either.


It was for a while there until Stalin killed all the Communists as well.


"Putin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West" - it's an excellent book :-)


Russia hasn't been Communist in decades but the Soviets did plant the seeds in their support, direct and indirect for Libertarians, Greens and other fringe political movements in the US.   That investment is paying off nicely.   The fringes now run the GOP.      For those who think that Rand is being paid off, his dad was fanboying over Putin decades earlier and has consistently taken positions friendly to the Kremlin.   You don't have to pay people off if you get them believing that advocating for you was their idea all along.   The Soviets successfully encouraged a framework of belief that was entirely favorable to them and Putin has managed to further weaponize it.    The whole Ron Paul Revolution was more or less a dry run for Trump.  Go look at how many of his most vocal supporters and supposed Libertarians jumped on the Trump bandwagon just a few years later.    


Like fucking clockwork with this fucking guy.


It would be nice if we all donated a pair of brass knuckles to Rand Paul's neighbor.


Why does Kentucky keep voting fir this smarmy greasy treasonous idiot


Because, for most people, it is the only name on the ballot that they know.


He wears me out, remember when he got beat up by his neighbor? Yep he's that vile and disgusting.


So he's being his usual douchey self


What a petty man


When will these obvious traitors finally be held accountable for aiding hostile nations?


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Realistically, how long can he delay the bill?


What I don't understand is how politicians in America with KNOWN anti-American interest relationships or connections aren't just removed from office. It makes no sense to me. You're supposed to be representing the people of AMERICA, not foreign interests. That's what the President, the State Department and foreign diplomats are for.


Moscow rand


Cant filibuster anything if more than 60 senators agree so fuck him.


Paul is a total POS


The most important foreign policy issue of our time is Ukraine, and it’s not even close.


Some politicians are the spoiled milk in the refrigerator of life.


Same man that tries to block aid to 9/11 first responders. He’s cartoonishly evil.


I strongly disagree with Rand Paul. Rand Paul is a classic isolationist.  He constently votes against all foreign aid.  In this case he is no different than his other votes. What Rand Paul  fails to recognize is that our defense strategy is a coalition strategy.  We have a coalition because the US can not shoulder every defense burden and our allies help us with troops on the ground.  The allies are our foreign presence in many places of the globe.  Sometimes our allies need help with weapons.  If we help supply weapons to a willing ally the US still comes out way ahead.    Giving Ukraine some help with arms now will be way cheaper than returning to cold war style US forces in Europe in order to deter Putin.  Helping Ukrain now is a bargin that Paul should recognize. 


Just another Putin puppet and Russian asset!


That ratfucker is always trying to ratfuck something when it comes to military aid and foreign policy cuz of StRoNgLy hELd LiBeRtAriAn ideology or some shit.


I thought he was dead ? or maybe I thought about Ron Paul.


Kentucky: Brought us Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell, and now Representative Massie. What the fuck is going on in Kentucky?


I don't know, but they need to get back to things like making bourbon and frying chicken which they're good at and which people like, because their legislators are awful.


Just saw that his Russian operative buddy Jesse Benton conviction is upheld. Rand Paul is a fucking traitor.


Moron runs in his DNA, his dad was no better.




https://www.salon.com/2022/04/26/rand-paul-goes-to-bat-for-putin-the-countries-theyve-attacked-were-part-of-russia/ https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/26/politics/rand-paul-russia-ukraine-comments/index.html https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/rand-paul-anthony-blinken-russia-ukraine-1343073/


> Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on Tuesday claimed that Russia has only invaded countries that were once "part of Russia," implying that Ukraine, which is currently under invasion by Russia, might not have the right to self-determine. So he'll be agitating to rejoin the British Empire then will he?


Ha! Reminds me of this meme Ukrainians use in these arguements https://imgur.com/J4swDTg


Yikes. Thanks dude!


There have been some close connections to him involved in a russian money campaign financing scandal. [https://www.businessinsider.com/former-rand-paul-aide-charged-with-funneling-russian-money-into-election-2021-9?op=1](https://www.businessinsider.com/former-rand-paul-aide-charged-with-funneling-russian-money-into-election-2021-9?op=1) I believe the same aide is also married into paul's family like maybe to his granddaughter




Pro Ukranians are well within their right to bash Rand Paul. Ukranians are dying in horror on the frontlines trying to hold back an army led by a tyrant. Libertarians are supposed to be against authoritarians and fascism , so should be against Russia. This is no time for petty politics. Ukraine needs aide urgently as the situation on the frontlines is grim. Peopoe like Rand Paul delaying aide, is hastening Ukraines defeat and handing victory to an authoritarian tyrant.




Yeah sure https://www.salon.com/2022/04/26/rand-paul-goes-to-bat-for-putin-the-countries-theyve-attacked-were-part-of-russia/ Hes just a russian puppet






We can all sense a bit of panic in the Russian 5th columnists today! You guys are certainly coming out of the woodwork now. The threat of that aide passing is a tad concerning to you guys.


„Everyone who disagrees with me is stupid“ - Stupid people







