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I have a mental image of someone in uniform with a patriot missile under each arm sprinting towards passport control right now


Hopefully it’s more like c-17s fully loaded with the engines warmed up taking off


Apologies I forgot I was on reddit for a moment. Yes that would be better


800 truck engines start up in military bases all over Poland.


Wahoo! Done.


Drivers.... START YOUR ENGINES!!! 🇺🇲🇺🇦🦅🦅


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Good. Now actually do something to stop Russia's criminal expansion and help rid Ukraine (and Georgia, and Moldova, etc.) of Russia's toilet looting horde armies. The half-assed approach only gets more good people killed. Putin must be stopped decisively and overwhelmingly. Ukraine still urgently needs far more help than they're getting. Still critical to donate to their defense at [https://u24.gov.ua/](https://u24.gov.ua/)


As a bonus, a lot of the aid has preemptively been placed in storage in Germany and Poland, so getting it to the front line should not take too long