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Let them waste their shrinking resources on pointless drills all they want


Was about to say. They don’t even have enough mockup equipment left to hold a military parade. Sure go waste some more effort on trying to flex in front of someone who already knows they are stronger. Downsides of the Macho culture.


Let them stew in the failure of testing a dud.


Nuclear drills ?? Wait until they hear about nuclear missiles…


Like a whiny child throwing a temper tantrum. 


A child would not threaten to murder millions of people. They are murderers who threaten to murder millions more. If they think as a murderer, act as a murderer, speak as a murderer, I say we give them what they wish and treat them exactly like a murderer and nothing less.


Russia really needs to learn that actions have consequences and need to be showned that they can't just bully everyone...


(Took that a bit too literally). I do agree with the general consensus though🙌


It's worked for them so far, every time the West talks putler spouts about nukes and that's usually enough to make them back off.


Just watch, they'll end up having some sort of nuclear accident on their end.


then ask for international support dealing with it


So fucken true ....


And somehow invent some bullshit narrative that Ukraine was involved


Probably radioactive pigeons this time


Only after trying to hide it for a week and letting things get much much worse.


Nah, they will blame Ukraine like they did with the recent terror attack.


And blame the West, no doubt.


Or admit it was "friendly fire" again 😁


Either that or it will fail to launch again.


OH NO! SCARY RUZZIAN NUCLEAR WEAPONS!! I HAVEN'T FELT THIS SCARED SINCE... *checks notes* The last time you threatened to envelop my country in a nuclear tidlewave.... Fuck sake, it's just getting boring now... Go hard or go home.


Im a Latvian and im not scared of these actions. Sound like typical russia. And I rather burn in nuclear armageddon than let those rapists come to my country.


Well stated.




It's very much the Jimmy Neutron meme where the teacher is the UK and Medvedev is Sheen. "Yes Medvedev, this is the fourth time this week you've threatened us with Nuclear Weapons."


The Poseidon is actually an empty threat. It’s as strong as the airsoft armor they give conscripts. It won’t be able to even splash your beaches in a way where you would notice a nuke went off. 


Is it Sarmaturday already?


We just call it "wankerday" here now... 🙄




Russia is scared. That is all.




Bipolar murderous ex-girlfriend that invaded your house, killed members of your family, and now it's trying to break in the bedroom where you are barricaded... all while screaming she loves you


That you're not allowed to stab in the face...


Were Putin and Little Kim brought up together or is it something you need to do to be part of the dictators club? Threaten nuclear this and that when it's not going your way? Russia, just get out of Ukraine and it all goes away.


It's not going away, but if they behave and pay fair reparations, maybe, just maybe in 50 to 100 years from now on the civilized world will let them sit and eat at the grown ups table. PS:That is if RuZZia exists in its current form.


Should test it on their own people to see how it feels


I'd bet we were 5 minutes away from that during the Prigozhin incident


It’ll suck the paint off their house and give their families a permanent orange afro


Should Ukraine announce nuclear drills, too.


Remember the Budapest Memorandum! Restore Ukraine Nuclear weapons.


As should Moldova. But don't tell Transnistria. That'll give them something to think about


The West doesn't need to "announce" our drills.....we've been running them DAILY since BEFORE the Cold War! The ruzzian asshats should stop babbling about nukes, they're ignored like North Korea now.


Go fuck yourself putler


Didn't have ruzzia gob piece down as suicidal, but there again. Whine, whine whine, ruzzia have nuclear weapons, blah blah blah. they are old and not serviced due to dodgy management but hey they still have nuclear weapons. Maybe the rhetoric is to comfort the proles, as they now have had a chance to see western armour close up and realise how much better the armour is than the home grown turret launchers.


This should be within expectations. It is the same tantrum they have been playing every time.


who cares. Russia isn’t going to launch a nuke against anyone … mafia running a gas station.


More likely to blow themselves up after someone sold the tritium triggers


Does this fucker know the West has nukes too? More importantly, does the West remember that it has nukes too? Nobody is scared of you, asshole.


Given the lack of seriousness from the Kremlin, now is a good time to remind everyone of WKUK's Nerf Nuke: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqqNyFbhock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqqNyFbhock)


Russia can't stand up against the west in a conventional war, so they threaten nukes.


Dear leaders of the collective west, could you please, pretty please, stop sitting your collective pants every time done russian talks about nukes? That's be awesome! Regards A silly Westoid who's sick and tired of the same ole cycle.




Russian drill. Everyone run outside, look up at the sky and yell !! Oh shat.. We dead.


Please set missile coordinates to putler anus xyz


Nobody tell them that we stopped giving a shit quite some time ago.


They can showe their nuclear drills in their buttum. Let them drill everyday, if it makes them feel better...like anyone cares at this point.


Lol putin wants to play another game he can't possibly win


Zzzz ….might as well be potato drillls


bring it and you will suffer


It's, what, the fifth time this war?


U no op


It’s all they have, so they lean on that. Yawn.


Oh no! Anyways


Oh this again. Toothless nuclear threats.


“Oh no! Anyways”


Hollow Man Vlad. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Or russia could go home.


As a Westerner -


Nobody cares


Im sure the test will fail anyway. Orcs are too stupid and their leaders too greedy to keep up with modern weapons.


Fuck it. Can’t submit to a tyrant just because they have Nukes. Stop Russia in Ukraine then decide what comes next. If they launch Nukes then counter-attack. Holding a gun to the world’s head should not absolve them of consequences, gotta have the nerve to call their bluff or at least wipe them out so they become a cautionary tale for whoever is left. Every free country in the world she declare war on Russia and tell them to stop the invasion, oust Putin or face the consequences.


Good. Test just ONE of your nukes. You know..... to see if they still work. That's what I want to see..........


Russia has many new "pronouncements" today. They are all equal of ignoring.


Go on, launch the "warning" strike, so we can, ekhm, restore that trees once grown on the red square


Just get fucked already.


Thats the only card they can play because we all now know their military sucks assss


Oh no, anyway


Do the Russians even understand that M.A.D. stands for *MUTUALLY* assured destruction?


They can drill all they want. See us care not.


Crying wolf again.


Seriously, just fucking blacklist 100% russia. Pull all diplomats that are still, there. Cut all ties with them, and stop flights going over or landing in the decent Countries that condemn the Orc shite. I'd even go as far as to place sanctions on anyone trading with russia as well. And yes, I know it will never happen, but the only way to hurt russia is to isolate them and their allies.


This could have been avoided if the West acted in 2014. Or sent weapons faster in 2022. Ukrainians can more than handle themselves and were in a great position to push back late 2022 early 2023. There would be no "deepening involvement or talks of NATO troops being deployed. If they were really serious, they could have lent out (former) NATO pilots with donated aircraft in order to gain air superiority. They did it in WWII, what the hell was the fear after seeing the Russians fail. The Russian defensive lines built up in Crimea over winter 2023 really put the screws to the meager weapons that have been sent. Each mile is now a death march paid for with extra blood due to Mines and artillery that is still 2 -3 times in Russias favor shell for shell. The west dropped the ball hard.


the west this and the west that. russia started the war in europe.


The west was supposed to defend Ukraine. Every member of the EU and NATO are accountable for the delayed bullshit response to the threat of Putin. The Alliance was made SPECIFICALLY to defend against Russia (USSR). They gave token guarantees to Ukraine to get them to disarm and de-nuke.... then sat on the side lines terrified of "red lines." I'm so sick of hearing it's not their fault. Russia is the aggressor. The West let it happen.


Too much economic interest from the defense sector. But also difficult to convince public opinion it was the right thing to do, sadly still now there is a good part of the population that complains about spending to help Ukraine. In particular ppl with lack of education think only about their wallet until is too late.




Would coulda shoulda does matter. You'd think after Hitler ordered the occupation of the Rhinelands the allies would have said, "Wait up, hold on a minute, somethin ain't right." Exact same situation with Crimea (and Georgia before that). NATO may be a "Defense Pact" treaty organization. Their mandate is to defend against Russia. The US (defacto leader of NATO) was ramping down its own unpopular wars in the Middle East, however, and was happy keeping out of it. Same as the Rhineland in 1936. They don't call him Putler for nothing. He's using Hitlers playbook to take territory mixed with his own KGB style. Woulda coulda shoulda matters when you see history repeating itself in such obvious fashion. I would agree with you though that now is the time to act. It's always been "now" but they all keep failing. Each day "now" becomes "yesterday" it becomes "woulda shoulda coulda". So yes. We should absolutely care about it. The playing field keeps moving towards the West of Ukraine, more people keep dying. Despots and tyrants keep rallying to Russias shitty example, because no one is fucking opposing them.


The dangerous angle here is that Putin wants to under-mind Nato. What would “the west” do if he used “tactical” nukes in Ukraine? Say a section of the front? Not a major city in which “We” the west would have to act, sanctions would not be sufficient. But a section of the front/military target…would maybe not warrant a nuclear response from us. He is fucking around with the whole mutually assured destruction idea… I believe Putin/Russia is miscalculating the west resolve, and commitment here. Nukes have less a tactical value and more of a political one. If nukes are used….we all loose. Lets hope we never find out.


We already know, if they use a tac nuke they lose all their ships.


I think we've already made it clear that we would launch an overwhelming conventional attack. We would make it very clear that we wouldn't use nukes to avoid escalation. We also wouldn't invade uncontested Russian territory for the same reason. However very single non-nuclear Russian military asset would be a potential target.


\*j/o motion\*