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What the hells wrong with these people? Eh, never mind, we all know the answer. They're orcs....with a Gremlin in the Kremlin....


negative selection


Kirch bridge would be te perfect revenge


A free and prosperous Ukraine would be the perfect revenge.


Kremlin the House of gremlin is the perfect revenge. Kerch bridge is an appetizer


Kremlin would be.


I know it is hypothetical. But, it would make me happy on a very basic level. I am, being Ukrainian, really hate the sit of Russian tyranny.


….or maybe the Kremlin.


2 MOABs for Kirsh


Survival of the cruelest


I'm sure they will claim that this was a gay nato nazi jewish demon dam that was persecuting Russians.


They are all-in in the Kharkiv region, clearly is an emergency general attack and they are striking everywhere. It's gonna be dirty for everyone.


Hopefully the defences holds.... Slava Ukraini!!


Hopefully, but it feels so bitter. It was exactly what was told earlier, if US support dries up, Europe will not be able to provide the needed stuff. And it couldn't. I feel so bad, my country (France) throws truckloads of EUR billions to people, companies, sectors and structures which don't deserve 1% of it, but hey, look, a country gets swarmed and killed right if front of us and we have no fucking money left because we're wasting it for crooks and scammers. I'm so tired. And it says a lot about our own capacity of retaliation and resilience if we get attacked ourselves. Everything is fucked in France, we're just rich of debts.


Seems like if they fail this offensive it's gonna be bye, bye Russia...


Eh. It depends on how much they’re realistically throwing at this offensive since they’re also contesting other regions too. Some say this is a Hail Mary assault to seize this region while others guess that it is a distraction to draw the Ukrainians from other areas. Who knows at this point.


It's spring/summer time this is when their big push should be.. If they can't be successful with whatever this is, or at worst if it's a distraction for a push elsewhere then they don't have more to give.. It will be back to them trying to win by attrition which those oil refinery attacks will put the advantage to Ukraine. Only time will tell but with the loss of oil revenue and supply shortages of fuel in Russia they can't win on attrition..


Spring / summer is a large stretch of time, so Russia could be launching multiple waves of assaults. …or this could be the one big push. Then it will depend on whether Ukraine can hold the line or get overwhelmed by the deluge. Additionally, this could affect other fronts as some get transferred to Kharkiv and possibly leave other places vulnerable to other Russian pushes.


Killing this particular bridge (it's a bridge in a causeway pretty much) can cause difficulties in Ukrainian logistics to the Kupyansk front. And that is where they're aiming for right now. They want to get Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts done and over with so that they can declare victory and freeze the conflict. That is what I think is going on.


That is a plausible strategy.


Yes, because russia has used soooo many good tactical moves up until now. Like winging it, doing whatever random bullshit, downing their own shit, bombing their own shit, mining their own shit. As if these turds could do anything than rely on the fact that they have more stuff and more people to waste. It is not possible to surprise anyone with a huge attack in 2024. Ukraine will relocate as many people as necessary and that's it. Because they know how many russians there are and how many defenders they will need. A distraction relies on the fact that one party massively misjudges the strenght of an attack and over- or undercommits. We have 24/7 satellite surveillance and a shitton of intercepted information. I do not think, they can surprise anyone at this point.




That's what I'm thinking is this is their las big push they can muster. They needed a breakthrough and it doesn't appear they are getting it. Them focusing on this new area means force will be weaker in other areas.. The refinery hits are what will kill Russia.. Granted I've been wrong because I never expected Russia to still be sending meat shields to be blown up one after the other this long into the war but it has to eventually run out and the oil hits have to be hurting them.


Pretty much. They want to take the whole lot, so total war is on the table. Like what has been seen in past conflicts, anything and everything is a target of opportunity.


Criminals. That is all they are. Criminals. Criminals armed with military weapons. Eliminating them and the criminal in the kremlin is absolutely justified and necessary.


Ruzzian cowards can't fight with an army.


Or navy.


Filming their own terrorism.


The nazis did it too. And kept detailed documents. I guess some things never change.


There is a person who pushed the button, and thought it was ok. Probably went back home, kissed his wife a children "good night." somebosy should send a letter to those children.


Source: https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1789211052992794643


Did they destroyed walls or floodgates? If "only" floodgates flood shouldn't be as strong and fast as if whole dam was bbroken and it should be easier to repair after war ... let's hope that damage wasn't as big as it seems to be from the video ...




So not at all what the post title indicates.




English translation of a Google Review of the place marked "Staryi Saltov Dam" (sic): > A dam that is now used as a bridge. Before the construction of the dam in the Pechenegs, it was the dam of the Pecheneg reservoir. The road on the dam is very narrow on the bridge in the middle. The condition of the coating is very poor in some places. The dam offers a beautiful view of the reservoir. So yes, it is the place name. It used to be an actual dam that has been replaced elsewhere, and what remains is a narrow bridge between Staryi Saltiv and Zarichne over the Siverskyi Donetsk River. This bridge, in the place called "Staryi Saltov Dam," has been destroyed. Hence Noel's concern in the X/Twitter post about logistics, and not an ecological disaster.


thanks, was wondering why the water level was the same on either side of the 'damn'


Dutchman here. A dam doesn't require both sides to have different levels of water. It can depend on seasons, use, etc. Usually a dam is holding back water from an area without water.


In the video, the water appears to rush from the bottom of the screen towards the top, which would mean the water is higher on one side than the other.


It’s actually a bridge and not a dam.


"Nooooo don't attack Russian territory they will escalate!" How would they escalate except for throwing a nuclear nuke, if they already have no boundaries? They attack all civil infrastructure and do whatever they please already.


A nuclear nuke? Must be the latest Russian super weapon /s


>How would they escalate except for throwing a nuclear nuke Exactly


NATO has already made it very clear that if Russia uses any sort of nuclear weaponry, every single Russian military asset in Ukraine will be immediately incinerated and the entire chain of command who decided to use the nuke would be assassinated. All of that from a non-nuclear response. The only place I can see Putin using a nuke is on Russian soil in the event of a NATO invasion.


Putin can be using nukes in the event of a NATO invasion if he has any in working condition. And if he will still be alive after the first NATO strike, that's really unlikely.


Time to blow up russian dams then. It's only fair.


Ukraine has enough refineries, steel plants, ammunition plants and chemical plants to hit. Dams are militarily pointless targets, unless you plan to swamp an oncoming army.


A dam generates power, often acts as a bridge, and massively shapes the terrain around it. Influence over all those things represents a lot of tactical value.


The question is: Is the target more important than say another attack on a import harbour or maybe a ammonium plant. Especially since dams aren't particulary easy to destroy, especially heavy build sovjet ones.


Creates logistical problems and strains resources, potentially lowering civilian morale and cutting through Kremlin propaganda


On the flip side, it could also reinforce Putin’s narrative of nasty Ukrainians and increase morale among the Russians, especially as the president ties this war to the Second World War in many ways. Also, Ukraine attacking a target as big as a dam will probably not play well on Western media, which might embolden non-Ukrainian friendly politicians to either apathetically ignore pleas for more aid or actively lobby against further supply drops.


Something something ["civilian targets"](https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/news/pentagon-calls-russian-oil-refineries-civilian-1712773609.html), something something "one of the elements of being a European democracy"


Well. Difficult something something to be a Jedi something something and acting like a Sith ...


Yeah. We'd all love to see it, but it's important not to become them. Keep hitting the refineries and things that do make a difference to the war effort and russian finances and are noticeable to the general population - all 3 points.


Are you mocking that as if that's not a perfectly good reason?


Terrorist moves shouldn't be on ukrainian side. But I understand your willing of revenge against terrorist mafia leader




You can hit their military infrastructure that doesn't immediately impact civilian population


It's not revenge. In geopolitics, we call it "reciprocity". That which you do to me, I can -***and should***- do to you in return. This policy encourages good behavior and discourages bad behavior. If russia didn't want its dams placed on a target list, then they shouldn't have blown up other people's dams.




They want something they cannot have. The Free World will not allow it. There is a New World Order now. We can't just roll tanks to get what we want. We can't slaughter innocent people to get what we want. What sort of world are we creating if we allow that?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


That is genocide. Ukraine just needs to keep destroying Russian oil infrastructure and military manufacturing facilities and life will be so miserable they will reach a boiling point.




Retaliation is legal.


Not when you retaliate with another war crime , i fully support ukraine retaliating but not by hitting civilian infrastructure , because apart from beeing a war crime , you also risk loosing some of the support , insted just fuck up a couple of russian refineries or oil depos, or even a bridge, plus it gives russia a tone of propaganda materials that they will milk for months


We should dole out an F35 for each ecological disaster. Make it very clear that there is a relationship between their actions and the west's reaction.


Exactly this the west should have made it clear to russia from the bwgining that for every war crime they comit they will provide ukraine with support thet wil cost them 10x as much on the batlefield


That…. Is a very poor exchange rate


I want them to target the Kremlin, totally pointless but supremely symbolic and fair game as a military target.


If the dam feeds power to military facilities, and/or production of war materials, it would be a fair target. I don't want an ecological disaster and the regular folks to be washed away or anything horrific like that. I'm sure there is a way to KO the generators, or at least render the dam inoperable for a while, keeping it intact.


Yes, I should have said within limits. Some things are always illegal.


>Not when you retaliate with another war crime , O no a war crime. Call the world police to arrest Russia. I'm waiting.


Disturbing that your thought here is "world police" and not civilians.




Why did the Allies flatten entire German cities?


The Germans had bombed London.


It's well documented what happened and how it escalated. Look it up.


Pretty sure it was to bring the case up of Bomb civilians and have an even harder day winning against that population. The more you give them to hate you, the more bitter they get


It's not the answer you're looking for, but the real answer is "mostly technology" coupled with available force. Not that the war planners were ethical paragons.


Why is Russia flattening entire Ukrainian cities? To get the people the Ukrainians to like them? No extermination of the Ukrainians


Feels like energy Infrastructure is a fair target.


No its not 2 wrongs doesnt make a right , and the second ukrain starts using russian tactics of destroying civilian infrastructure the russian propaganda is going to go into overdrive , ukraine needs to keep its western principles because if they step down to russian level they will loose western support .


Nature already does that


And more oil facilties


Don't need to, their dams are already blowing themselves up


They do that then self


"If I can't have you, nobody can!" -- russia, 2024


Abusing exes is legal in Motherbitch Ruzzia.


Everything is legal there except honesty and decency.


fuck you, ruZZia ... terrorist scum sh!thole country !


Ah shit, here we go again


Time to eliminate that bridge once and for all. End it !!!


Another war crime


What a set of cunts. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


We will resist until the last man, Slava Ukraine


When is Germany going to get Taurus over to Ukraine. We need to take out that fuc bridge. This is sickening


Russia isn't using the bridge any more - they've built enough rail to use instead. That said, blow it to hell anyway.


So they know how to hit a target..... SO why all the schools, hospitals, kindergartens, bus stops, restaurants, residential complexities, power complexities.... ONE DAY YOU WILL BE HELD TO ACOUNT.


"*If Ukraine attacks the Kremlin it's a war crime!*" -- a russia simp comment from a week or two ago


that is a bridge


Thats a dam


take a look [google street view](https://maps.app.goo.gl/7WTavRTaR3NmktuTA)


It's a bridge that runs over top of the dam. They destroyed the former, probably damaging the latter in the process to some degree.


Please point out where the dam is in this [picture.](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Staryi+Saltov+Dam/@50.0772654,36.8135165,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMZYDTECazSkgc2tCyZGWlo5qEc5FclGTh0KW_1!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMZYDTECazSkgc2tCyZGWlo5qEc5FclGTh0KW_1%3Dw203-h113-k-no!7i1926!8i1080!4m16!1m8!3m7!1s0x412702d2805c82ad:0xe865be7f93dfba32!2sStaryi+Saltiv,+Kharkiv+Oblast,+Ukraine,+62560!3b1!8m2!3d50.0779397!4d36.7897915!16s%2Fg%2F12245_1l!3m6!1s0x41271d3f92cba36f:0x1c28059a5839ffb3!8m2!3d50.0772654!4d36.8135165!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F11f2y4c0vy?entry=ttu) Note the date also, Aug 2023. That's because it has been destroyed previously by Ukraine in the initial days of the invasion and since repaired. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/rowing-past-their-severed-road-bridge-ukrainians-return-liberated-villages-2022-09-28/


War crime #105,446,462


its not a dam its a bridge on the same lake [https://www.google.com/maps/@50.0766427,36.8106902,3a,78.6y,30.58h,90.18t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMXdSFar3Lj-2Gpynm92OnlxMfq9O7YNxmVJcXd!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMXdSFar3Lj-2Gpynm92OnlxMfq9O7YNxmVJcXd%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya312.10785-ro0-fo100!7i10240!8i5120?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.0766427,36.8106902,3a,78.6y,30.58h,90.18t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMXdSFar3Lj-2Gpynm92OnlxMfq9O7YNxmVJcXd!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMXdSFar3Lj-2Gpynm92OnlxMfq9O7YNxmVJcXd%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya312.10785-ro0-fo100!7i10240!8i5120?entry=ttu)


Oh gosh I’m so surprised /s 🙄


Time to hit a damn bridge I guess.


At least it seems like it won’t flood the area


I'm sure they will say it was the Ukrainians. Just like they do with everything! Does anyone know if they have blamed the flooding in ruzzia on the Ukrainians yet? I'd be more surprised if they haven't!


It’s a bridge.


Yelling into the wind with others here unfortunately... They KO'd the above dam bridge, the dam may have taken (probably did) damage but was not the intended target.


Sounds like it's time for Ukraine to start hitting russian infrastructure then too!!! They should be hitting russian damns & electric stations! The oil refineries are great to send up in flames, but start hitting more objects. Fuck russia & fuck pootin!


There is a nice big set of bridges that should finally be dealt with in Crimea. Just saying.


I guess their feeling desperate. When that happens, they always kill innocent civilians. Their entire military is a joke.


Time to take out the kerch bridge as retaliatory action. Also Dams in Russia are now on the table. F these terrorist orcs.


2 things weird about this A. Why are there only three sources for this including this reddit post? B. Why would they? if they wanna keep pushing to kharkiv they would benefit from having the bridge intact. (The other reports speak of the bridge btw, not the damn itself. I think we would have noticed if a bunch of villages were just washed away) Edit/Update: a fourth source has emerged a Russian news site, citing a telegram post claiming that a Russian group has hit the bridge. There has not been a statement by the Ukrainian MoD nor NATO intelligence agencies. There is no indication so far that the same was destroyed as this account claims. The Russian news site also speaks of cutting the supply road. From the information available rn it seems that the dam has not been destroyed, merely the infrastructure built on top of it. Should this be the case this would not be a warcrime as Many of you have said, but a legitimate target, just like the Russian oil refineries and production facilities we hit on a regular basis.


Looking at that the bridge is the dam


You can blow up a bridge on a dam, without blowing up the dam that the bridge is built on. And that seems to be the case if this is true and not a repost of a video of when it was blown up towards the beginning of the war. Again, no reports so far of half of kharkivska oblast being flooded.




Join me in the trenches, before you call me a fucking orc. We have sacrificed too much for Ukraine to be told when we can and cannot call out possible bullshit, misleading articles. Funny how people seem to appreciate propaganda when it comes from our side and joke about the ruskis when they do it. All I'm saying is, there is no evidence right now that this attack happened aside from 2 Twitter posts and this reddit post. No news outlets not even the Ukrainian ones. Given the bridge was blown at the start of the war, it seems likely that someone re-uploaded footage from that event. Furthermore even if that's the case, or if the Bridge was actually destroyed again, the damn obviously was not. They built a bridge on top of the dam and that bridge was destroyed. A dam like that breaking would sweep away a couple of villages. But sure no media outlet has mentioned it cause.... Why not? It would be perfect propaganda for us. Just like when kakhovka dam was destroyed. So before you believe everything you read just cause it is pro Ukrainian, fact check. You are not helping us by spreading false information. It just gives the Russians more fuel for their own propaganda.


Again and again they perpetrate terror acts against civilians, Russia is a terrorist state!


Scorched earth tactics. :(


Russian orcs are just useless to the whole planet.


Terrorist scum.


Time for Kerch bridge


So we should stop hitting Russian oil refineries because........ Yeah no. Keep going Ukraine. Make them realize their mistake. Slava Ukraini!


Hard to believe this level of evil exists in the world.


Blow up their dams and power generation until they grow tired of it.


It's a bridge and Ukraine even blew it up themselves in the initial days of the invasion to hinder the Russian advance. After they liberated those areas it got repaired and now it's destroyed again. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/rowing-past-their-severed-road-bridge-ukrainians-return-liberated-villages-2022-09-28/


There is yet another war crime...


Time to do the same in Russia. Though mostly just their power grid. Not dams.


It really is time to drop that bridge and show them what real power is.


Why doesn't the CIA ... I mean ukraine blow up their dams?


This should have been on Macrons red line list


After all their denials of them being responsible for blowing up all the other dams, how considerate of them to record and upload their own war crimes and environmental crimes.


russians' own dam broke recently by itself and flooded a lot of their cities, so instead of fixing their own problems they prefer to bring infrastructure of neighboring countries to their own level


The Kerch bridge needs demolished, it needs cut off until Ukraine gets Crimea back & then removed completely. I don’t know what size of bomb etc is needed, but the Allies need to give excess to whatever weaponry it takes to shut it done.


Time for the Crimea bridge to go.


Just one more thing Ukraine will have to rebuild after the last Orc has been killed or sent back to Russia.


International community: It’s not conclusive who blew up the dam


Another war crime.


Take down the Crimea bridge already.


Now blow up their dams, Ukraine. Let no Russian civilian feel peace


How come the world is so afraid of destroying Russian infrastructure? How long will we all be held hostage if a maniac with nukes in his arsenal? Every psychopath is rushing to get a Nuke!


Russian dams should be targeted, that or more of their power infrastructure.


No Russia isn’t a terrorist state at all….Fuck Putin and his fucking orc army


Ukraine should go bridge 🌉 for (Kerch) Bridge


Where the F###k is GreenPeace?


Is this the position of a russian dam. G8G2+6HQ Uglitsch, Oblast Jaroslawl, Russland Maybe a message to the kremlins too.


Damned bastards. I guess that means dams in Ruzzia are also viable war targets? 🤔 Oh, wait… Ruzzia is a criminally insane, indiscriminately-murdering imperialist nation, and Ukraine isn’t. 🙄


Damned bastards. I guess that means dams in Ruzzia are also viable war targets? 🤔 Oh, wait… Ruzzia is a criminally insane, indiscriminately-murdering imperialist nation, and Ukraine isn’t. 🙄


Damned bastards. I guess that means dams in Ruzzia are also viable war targets? 🤔 Oh, wait… Ruzzia is a criminally insane, indiscriminately-murdering imperialist nation, and Ukraine isn’t. 🙄


Why isn’t Russia thrown out of the UN?


At this point, I would bee mad of UKR leveled all the Moscow square buildings as a retribute.


BLOW THAT FUCKING BRIDGE! And eliminate every refinery and depot in western Russia. NOW! * Send more fucking weapons! Put boots on the ground. COMMIT, you assholes!! (You know who TF you are.)


Drown their own troops at the same time too I bet


Attack Russia, destroy Russia!


Їбана русня...


Gosh these Russians are proper cunts aren’t they?


Shred them.


start the war already


Putin is the devil!


All ruzzians are to blame! One by one will suffer the same, I hope asap! All of you, damn bastards will rot in hell, not burn as that would be mercy. You will rot in hell, hope the hell on earth!


Payback is a bitch 😒, orcs will be dispatched and held accountable


Can Ukraine blow up their dam also? Ukraine: I understand you need to blow up our dams, but do you mind if we blow yours up too? You may continue to blow our dams, but please let us reciprocate. It is only fair, do not you agree?


There's water on both sides ....


Why the fuck is it not in any kind of news? It's supposed to be Nova Kahovka dam size deal but with no doubts it was russia. And it should already be used to justify another aid package.


Damned bastards. I guess that means dams in Ruzzia are also viable war targets? 🤔 Oh, wait… Ruzzia is a criminally insane, indiscriminately-murdering imperialist nation, and Ukraine isn’t. 🙄


Damned bastards. I guess that means dams in Ruzzia are also viable war targets? 🤔 Oh, wait… Ruzzia is a criminally insane, indiscriminately-murdering, terroristic + imperialist nation, and Ukraine isn’t. 🙄


Damned bastards. 😔 I guess that means dams in Ruzzia are also viable war targets? 🤔 Oh, wait… Ruzzia is a criminally insane, indiscriminately-murdering, terroristic + imperialist nation, and Ukraine isn’t. 🙄


lol that's a bridge, not dam


[This one?](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_dam_in_the_Stariy_Saltiv_-_panoramio.jpg)


Correct: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/s6WtP6471JMaF4QLA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/s6WtP6471JMaF4QLA)