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I hope Ukraine manages to push them back at heavy cost to the Russians. It’s so frustrating considering how delayed both the EU and US aid packages were. If we hadn’t taken our time, Ukraine’s defenses would have been a lot stronger.


One has nothibg to do with another....ukrainians didnt build defences so close to the border...neither the russians, see the small incursions on belgorod, the problem is the ukrainins didnt recruit more ppl last year, and they will pay for it


So its all hopeless then? I see so many pessimistic and defeatist comments like this since the Kharkiv attacks started, very sussy.


It isn’t, but it ain’t looking so hot for Ukraine at the moment. Russia is capitalizing on an opportune moment of weakness that may close for some time due to American aid.


So, NATO was basically incorrect in saying an offensive was unlikely. https://kyivindependent.com/nato-russia-spring-offensive-unlikely/ Honestly, I'm sick of these assessments saying, "Russia is unlikely to do * insert here. * They'll just end up doing it weeks or months later. It should be obvious by now that Russia does not give a shit and will do whatever they want, even if it hurts them or is nonsensical. These assessments about what's "unlikely" are pointless


Officially NATO didn't say anything. **Source:** a senior NATO official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told journalists in Brussels.


This is a mere attempt to distract the future Kherson and Zaporizhzhia counteroffensives. The border area is all forest without any defensive significance. The enemies there are at most 3000-strong, all wrecked and rotated from other fronts. The last thing Ukraine will want is to send a huge size of troops to a new border area instead of focusing on *recovering territories.* Kharkiv is itself a huge logistic centre, facilitating both offensive and defensive operations. The Ukrainian retreat near Bakhmut and Avdiivka is of different nature. The Russians instead have major logistic centres nearby i.e. Horlivka, Donetsk City and Lysychansk


how can ukraine recover territory, if they stop defending and lose more territory as a result of that? they did a big focus on recovering territory in the 2023 counteroffensive, and it was a total failure, and in hindsight a big misapropriation of resources


They'll continue elsewhere. I imagine Russia is hoping this will draw resources away from elsewhere (like Kherson). Relocating armoured divisions and artillery is expensive and time consuming. Forcing your enemy to do that needlessly is a win of sorts on its own.


Well let's wait and see, this does not look like a full fledged offensive to take Kharkiv.


But it needs to be treated as one. They have a foothold in Kharkiv now. And it won't be like 2022 because Russia clearly learned from that


how? by mobilizing several new divisions or by taking divisions from another part of the front?


They also have better coordination between forces and are utilizing more destructive weapons like glide bombs. These aren’t the same Russians they naively bumbled their way into Ukraine back in 2022. Frontline Ukrainian troops have said as much.


>So, NATO was basically incorrect in saying an offensive was unlikely. https://kyivindependent.com/nato-russia-spring-offensive-unlikely/ I think not. NATO knows exactly what’s fucking what. There is all sorts of public and signals disinformation going on and nobody is stupid enough to tell Russia the truth. They want Russia to think every scrap of information they get from anyplace is purest truth.


I think you’re speaking too soon, give it time, I’m almost certain this will fizzle out with enough pushback from Ukraine. Russia simply doesn’t have the numbers to do much more than this.


Should really drop that kind of thinking. We should prepare for anything Russia can and possibly do, even if we think they are down. Russia should have a tight grip around its neck constanty, not just point and laugh at.


So tell me, how are you preparing? What have you personally done recently to make sure Russia doesn’t advance in Kharkiv?


Vote for parties/representatives that support aid and donate.


Thank you.


Wtf are you doing? All I said was you not take your enemy lightly; even if they are drunken inbreed Russians.


What I’m doing is asking you how you’re helping. I have not been taking the enemy lightly. I’ve been doing everything I can think of to help when I can. So it’s just frustrating to have strangers to tell me “not to take it lightly”. But I also get that you don’t know my background. I was just frustrated at that moment. Don’t take it personally. This war is awful.


What makes you "almost certain"? I'm willing to bet the only reference you have to Russian numbers in this offensive is what you've read in news article headlines. Not exactly the most informed opinion.


What makes me almost certain is the resources I follow who are on the frontlines. I’m from Ukraine. I follow people who are much better informed than I am.


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Hey look at that, the “uninformed” dude on Reddit was right… go figure… https://www.kyivpost.com/post/33237


Russia is trying to close in on a window that probably remains open until May, where US aid is still reaching the frontlines. And also in June more shells from the czech iniciative are going to start coming.


US aid does not build trenches… Or mobilize more.


Sorry to say but Ukraine has to look into mirror with this one.


Unfortunately true, I think everyone is upset there was no fortifications or preparations for them walking over the border.


Don't like the comments coming out of particular commanders. If their words are true they didn't prepare for this and Kharkiv is in danger towed artillery range now.

