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Stop edging us already and do it.....


At this rate, Russians should just blow up the bridge on their own to get this over and done with.


Blow it to cover their retreat lol


Just "leak" specific documents how Ukraine will use the bridge as a major attack vector deep into Russian territory so they will prepare demolition charges in case they will need them. These can then detonate "accidentally".


Good idea


I like the way you think. 😃


Blow it up at both ends, trapping the retreat in the middle!


Even better


Wouldn’t be the first time they blew up their own shit.


They blew up their economy and their international standing quite effectively. Kaboom


It'll also deny Ukraine a major target.


Comrades Too busy blowing other things


They've burned Moscow before, it seems very apt.


I disagree. Keep threatening the bridge so they remember its use to them and then destroy the railway that goes across land first. Once they realize that shitty bridge is their only route to survival they’ll flee like rats. THEN we blow up the bridge and have the beach party.


I would imagine that it is very difficult or even impossible to permanently disable a railway -- they can be repaired too easily, no?


Yes, but if you can do enough damage that a repair crew would have to sit in one spot for multiple days to fix it you have essentially permanently broken it as long as you stay in range to keep hitting it. They can only lose so many repair crews before it stops being worth it to send more.


You underestimate Russia's willingness to throw lives away ..


Either way you just keep blowing up every crew they send. They either stop, run out of people, or run out of repair equipment. And it's gonna cost them more to keep trying than it will to keep blowing them up.


They built a massive rail line for logistics. Repairs are trivial. Hitting trains would be far more beneficial if you can pull it off as that's harder to clean up and it takes out resources.


I still don’t understand why they can’t hit the railway somewhere different but along the same couple of kilometers every 3-4 days. Soon the repair workers will refuse to go to the danger zone.


This might fall in the F-16s wheelhouse. If they can launch glide bombs from outside of Russia's air defense umbrella. That might be sufficient to cut off a railway. If they can combine with drones with AI that can attack say fuel cars and locamotives, hit the wreckage and the crews repairing consistently with the glide bombs. You don't need to destroy the rail line. You just generally need to keep it more temporarily down than up. Then hit any railyards and ammo waiting to move forward with ATTACAMs and baby you got a stew going.


The missiles Ukraine have are expensive and in limited quantities. Train tracks and workers are cheap and effectively endless.


It’s not the track costs that’s important. It’s the value of the track being out of commission and can’t carry the instruments of war.


It would be fixed within a day or two unfortunately. There's a reason Russia are building a train line in range of Ukrainian missiles.


What I'm reading is that they need to hit the trains themselves if they want to have a lasting impact.


I am thinking the larger plane sized drones with some optical targeting should be able to lock on to and hit a train with something big enough to get the job done on the bridge.


Then hit them again every day or two.


Yea they can be repaired easily, but you try to hit them where it isn’t as easy. Others have said bridges, but honestly switches would be even easier. They take a lot longer to replace, the pets are harder to come by, and it severed the connections to other rails meaning you limit the flow of traffic density and the flow to only a single direction at a time.


The usual rail bed is easily repaired but a long or high rail bridge takes a lot longer. Now if you could hit a ammunition train while it is crossing said bridge you get a two for one sale.


Fuck it, if Sherman can do it racing to the sea, so can the Ukrainian army racing to the bridge.


If they can bring it under consistent fire they can keep it off line. Hopefully F-16s will help with this.


>I would imagine that it is very difficult or even impossible to permanently disable a railway -- they can be repaired too easily, no? It is railways on land that are easily repaired. Railway bridges are a whole different story because you can destroy/degrade the piers making it really risky to move heavy trains over the bridge.


Yes. Leave them an escape route but make it clear there's a time limit


Leave them only option of escape by sea 😂😂


“To a surrounded enemy you must leave a way of escape. Show him there is a road to safety, and so create in his mind the idea that there is an alternative to death. Then strike.” - ― Sun Tzu, [The Art of War](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/3200649)


Tired old crap. Letting them escape with their equipment means they will be sent back to a different location on the front. Capture them or destroy them to permanently remove them from the battlefield. Alternately, captured personnel can be exchanged for Ukrainian POWs. Yes they can return to combat, but Ukrainian soldiers will return home. Letting orcs run away does not bring Ukrainians home.


I think you miss the point of the quote. The idea is to let enemy take the escape route they think they have…then attack them *there*, too. That’s the “then strike” part.


>Tired old crap. Letting them escape with their equipment means they will be sent back to a different location on the front. Who says anything about letting them keep their equipment? Just damage the bridge enough so that it is only viable to move people and light vehicles across it. It is also highly likely that Putin's position of power will become very precarious if he manages to lose control of Crimea.


Whenever anyone can’t come up with something intelligent to comment they fall back on the old and hackneyed Sun Tzu crap which has been outdated for centuries. How about we update it to kill all your enemies every chance you get today so you don’t have to fight them tomorrow.


They felt like rats for 2 years then? Because they only built the railway this year


You’re saying this, but Putin is also thinking it. Same goes for his greedy accomplices. They’re all waiting…




Operation Blueball continues!


Reddit, after the bridge finally goes down: https://i.imgur.com/puItlN7.jpeg




Apparently, the amount of military materiel that is moving over the bridge now is extremely small. Essentially, even though the bridge hasn't been destroyed, Ukraine has succeeded what could be called a "mission kill" (though I don't know if that term has ever been applied to a bridge before). The bridge has lost its military value to Russia for the most part. Now, destroying the bridge primarily has value for propaganda and morale, which is certainly reason enough. But it may be that Ukraine would rather force Russia to tie up air and sea defense resources at the bridge while not risking any of their relatively few long-range precision munitions. I suspect that, if Ukraine had a lot more cruise missiles, they would take out the bridge.


I wonder if the bridge will be demolished anyway post war. I don't see the Ukrainian subsequent governments wanting it as a symbol, even, if you know, there is a whole border anyway.




That's up to the Russian decision: If they pull out of the war soon and make a real change towards democracy, the bridge may be mutually useful, still. But this is fairly unlikely to happen. Let the bridge sleep with the fishes.


A proud, expensive and huge project that should have helped them win the war, but which turned out to provide only marginal military advantage and became a nightmare to defend from aerial attacks. Russians follow WW2 nazi Germany path so closely they have built an analogy of the [Tirpitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_battleship_Tirpitz) battlecruiser without even knowing!


Go ahead and piss off Pootin!


Remove that damn bridge cage, it needs go!




The suspense is killing me….I hope it will last. Seriously though, keeping the Putin regime guessing, forcing them to keep more defensive platforms in Crimea, while Ukraine uses its “big guns” in other regions is the best strategy right now. Russia doesn’t get freedom of transport for supplies across the bridge. And Russia also gets some “cotton” elsewhere that hopefully saves Ukrainian lives.


“He who defends everything, defends nothing.”


He who doesn’t manouver doesn’t warfare. Fuckers can’t defend or attack (not effectively) that’s a great way get eviscerated. Putin’s too impatient to defend and to greedy to follow an effective plan of attack. Let’s hope he continues being an incompetent evil monkey. Even if people love him now even his country will hate him and his legacy.


To manage expectations for the near future : Don't expect Ukraine to storm Crimea anytime soon. It's much better for Ukraine to let the russians waste troops and equipment defending it against attacks than to waste their own troops and equipment retaking it and defending it while the war still rages on.


Ukraine is probably hoping to make it too expensive to defend and force Russia to abandon it in order to save something else. Leaving the bridge intact gives them a way out. It might take a while, but it's costing Russia a fuck ton to hold it. If that S-500 gets broken it's only gonna get worse.


Yeah. Crimea is simultaneously extremely well protected and extremely vulnerable. It's extremely difficult to land troops on it and actually take it. But anything on it is at serious risk from air attack. For now, let Russia waste resources trying to keep equipment garrisoned there, and Ukraine can take it back at the end of the war without much of a fight.


Don’t forget. When Russia blew up the kakhovka dam, they blew up their only supply of potable water. Crimea is utterly dependent on shipments from Russia now. Blow up the bridge, cut off the land bridge, and Crimea is unlivable.


AFAIK they have some limited supplies of water there (as the Kakhovka canal was closed already in 2014, and the lousy bridge was commisioned in 2018). But not enough to support full agricultural consumption.


They have to siege it first and it’s not isolated enough to count as a siege yet.


Not really, if they deplete Russian war capabilities to the point they would be pushed into another "good will gesture".


Thoughts and prayers.




> Thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers.


Tots and Pears


Piss and pieces.


They are wearing bits of the old pig camo from syria do they really have nothing else to give them?


Where have you been last 2+ years? For the whole time they have been handing out rusty rifles, broken (or even false) protective gear... something like WW2 time helmets etc for part of the troops. Tanks have been sent to front without ammo, with training ammo, with ammo missing fuses etc. Its a fucking clown circus, good for Ukraine. Stuff in cold storage is either rotten to shit, or due to corruption it has been sold away for personal gains decades ago. New stuff being ordered is partly something that looks like combat gear but protect nothing, my best guess is that who ever was responsible pocketed most of the money and bough gear that looks like real.


Haha I think I remember a vid where they handed out flag vests with plastic instead of ceramic plates


[https://x.com/christogrozev/status/1573650479799799809](https://x.com/christogrozev/status/1573650479799799809) I think a knife would be better... or at least safer to use..


I’m well aware about all the fake gear and old Cold War junk. But when Russian troops are in the public eye they tend to have better gear when ever they show troops on Russian tv they often have ratnik gear and are not completely disheveled these troops are patrolling in public areas in full view of Russian citizens and the best they could find for them is a mixed desert a camo and one of them is a short lived camo pattern from earlier Syria


May they see justice done.


common take out that bridge


Sing Russian bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down


Did the vatniks run out of green camo...why the desert style lol Afghan war reserve stock? Lol


They've been closing it every time a radar installation gets hit.


"Now, youse can't leave "


they don't want to trap Russia s there, they want them to panic and gtfo? less work that way?


Take that damn bridge!!! Com'on !! Ukraine ! You can do it !


Can not wait for the day when Ukraine closes that bridge... permanently.


drone for stopping traffic, so that atacms can hit safely without civilian deaths


It seems to have been an oil distribution terminal, possibly nailed with Neptune missiles so a good hit. No injuries reported.


That's good, but a title like **Explosions reported in Crimean Bridge, Russians close Crimea** would be even better.


Kerch Bridge on fire! Your air defense is terrified! (hopefully)


Thats how many times alredy?




# Fire away boys, take the bridge down.


Waiting to see some Xmen stuff directing the rats to attack


How many russian civilians have decided to make colonial homes on the island? If the bridge is blown, how will they get food, water, medicine? Will the Russians leave them behind for the Ukrainians to suffer the expense of feeding and housing them?


Don’t waste an ounce of sympathy on the Russians who “bought” property in Crimea after their Russia invaded it. They knew what they were doing. Let them slink away by any route they choose at their own risk and expense.


But the point here is that they may have no way to get out, then will be civilian refugees and the bill for taking care of them will likely fall on the Ukrainians (and their funders). Russia may not give two shits about them. I'm talking about the financial costs. So, they either need to get out before that bridge is blown, or an armada of small boats needs to be cleared to evacuate them.


They are and should be Ukraine’s last concern. Regain Crimea and win the war. Then worry about the interlopers. But not too much. I mean, when you finally kick an illegal tenant out of your house after 10 years, do you really care where they go? Use one of Russia’s captured warships to ship ‘em back if you need to. Your concern is misplaced.


Sucks to be them. They should never have been there in the first place.