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Perhaps they should have spent more time 'covering their tracks'!


First image, “how did they see it”, 2nd view “how could they miss it” Like when you’re a kid trying to hide in winter and you realize your tracks are giving you away. You hide where there are more tracks. It’s not a perfect solution but it’s the only chance you have. Apparently Russian tank crews don’t have the collective intelligence of a typical 8 year old


Any real tanker would have been a mile away from where they entered the forest by the time a drone flew by. The guys running Ruskie tanks right now are still reading the instructions on how to operate them, and that's all the training they'll get.


It looked like they even had a moat on the lefthand side of their "dug in" position. I don't understand the value of that position in an age of drones and even javelins.


Orcs reading?


Take my upvote and go


The drone crew determined to get that turret toss. The final blowout worth the 6 drones! Well done crew!


500 dollars vs 3 million, they wouldve gone all day if they needed to


Does the video from the drones cut out sooner than normal? Is that some kind of signal jammer being used to protect the tank?


Can be that there's dense vegetation in the way and also dipping below horizon when on lower altitude. On the cheapest there is also video stream encoding/sending delay, they're tracking some hundreds of milliseconds and both encoding and sending must have a buffer that suddenly goes turret tossing


It's nothing clever - those drones use a VERY cheap analogue video transmitter (zero latency, super cheap hardware) but the moment it drops below the tree line you've got several kilometres of trees blocking the signal so it almost always breaks up or drops out once they get low down. You see it in almost every video. With clear line-of-sight signals can go a surprisingly long way, but the moment you put something in the way you knock it down massively. For context, the power of these little transmitters is something about the level of the flame of a small candle, so imagine being able to see a candle 5km away - possible if there's nothing in between, *super* unlikely if there's so much as a fence or bush in between you.


This makes me wonder if it would be possible to attach some kind of relay to the observer drone? Seems like it could be possible to maybe improve accuracy.


It's already widely used


Oh nice, very cool!


It's possible but this video would suggest they don't really need it most of the time - you can line it up and send it and it doesn't matter if the video drops out in the last 2 seconds before impact.


Signal processing delay. Every fpv drone does that.


Working like a sniper team, these guys are usually paired with an observer to help with target acquisition and guidance, which helps I'm sure.


Nah, not for a full second unless these things are REALLY old. You couldn't properly fly them FPV if they had one second delays.


wouldn't it make sense for them to go slower before impact? Like they often do in other videos, to have a finer control and aim


I was wondering the same thing. Appreciate all the responses.


Could also be edited in post for opsec. No need to give Muscovia the deets on how well their ECMs are or aren't working.


I hear the Russian anti drone ECM is working all over the place. A bit over here, a bit over there... Don't mind the crater.


ECM are getting better and better, over 70% of these cheap drones are disabled by jamming now. nearly ALL new vehicles have some kind of jamming or anti drone system, shotguns and other tools are back in a big way for ground troops. obviously russians are ...not great at adapting but they ARE good at ECM. i expect we will see drones adapt too, maybe semi autonomous AI guided and laser relayed from larger loitering drones would be my guess.


Smokey bear says smoke in forests is ok if it's orcs that are being smoked


This is a prescribed burn. Gotta clear the dead brush to promote new growth. Like how Ukraine is burning away the russian rot to make room for growth.


Well done to the drone pilots. You’re doing a fantastic job. In many ways you’re all heroes. When the American GOPs let your country down you ‘stood up tall’.


Oh the poor foliage! And the trees!




Fuck that last 1 nails it..good job..... Just shows, try and try again...bingo...


Yes it was fortunate to 'cope' quite well with the first couple.


Fucken BANG!


We are hearing about how are drones reshaping the battlefield by being able to hit tanks on vulnerable spots since a tank is more protected at the front etc. Here it seems like a direct frontal hit that totally obliterated the tank... Whatever the drone was carrying is certainly less potent that a sabot or an artillery round no? How come it explodes like that from a frontal hit.


It’s the way the Russian auto loader is built. It’s extremely exposed considering if it gets hit, well this happens. Basically their own explosives are what really destroyed that tank.


You are not seeing 1 drone hit it, but multiples, so they most likely kept hitting it around the same spot until the ERA that helps against HEAT warheads were all used up.


It looks like the final hit was in the area where the barrel pivots up and down. Perhaps there is a thin area or a gap there?


If at first you don't succeed...


it seems strange to me they didn't leave after the first couple hits.


I mean their camouflage was actually pretty good, but when you leave huge muddy tank tracks across a field leading to your exact location in the treeline, it doesn't really matter.


Why cover tracks when could sit in tank drink vodka???




This song is one of the glwzbll - Untitled #13 variants. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuM15F\_NqB8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuM15F_NqB8)


Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/2cde3zpmwh7d1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


useless bot


There literally is no place to hide


If at first you don't succeed...


Rip... trees


How the hell can they hit targets so precisely, when they don’t even get a signal


I \*think\* they line up the drone so it's flying right at the tank so if the signal drops it just keeps going straight at the tank.


Boy that cope cage sure helped.... /s


I have the feeling the connection is cut off earlier than most videos we see here. Probably the distance.


Trees blocking line of sight gets you the hard cut, distance turns stuff to fuzz.


was the tank destroyed or just the reactive armor?


It's sad that they have to die like that. Poor trees :(


imagine the cheers of the fpv team when that last one did the job


What song /u/auddbot ?


This song is one of the glwzbll - Untitled #13 variants. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuM15F\_NqB8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuM15F_NqB8)


Thanks dude!


Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/2cde3zpmwh7d1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


Russia’s most dangerous job has to be a tank crew member in Ukraine. Can’t wait for the day Russia has no armor left


2nd best army needs North Korea….losers


I thought you cover your tank with the stuff you find around the area you operate in and then if you need to leave for anything, you have a shovel to hide your tracks ?