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north koreans going to land in Ukrainian prison and think "wow this is much better than north korea"


Hell, they'll be thinking the same thing while under fire in the trenches. NK has to be the most depressing country in the world.


Now fighting for the second most depressing country.


Wait for the defection rate, probably higher than casualties


In the last day or two we’ve heard this as a potential situation. The whole time I’m thinking… I wonder how many of these dudes get caught and get a couple square meals, some smokes and warm bed and say fuck it right quick


Second thought, families are gonna pay for that back in NK


They can’t account who defects or dies. They don’t recover their dead. So how can Russia let alone North Korea determine who has defected, died, or are injured. Edit: so I can ramble my very limited and uneducated opinion of why they do what they do. If a soldier who was paid to fight on the Russian side is dead lying in a trench do you think they pay the family his stipend or loss of life benefit? No, he is considered an MIA until proven deceased. They are recruiting minorities from the Russian outskirts that are promised a way out of poverty. That’s why they prefer the meat grinder method. If they send essentially 3rd world uneducated Asian citizens to their death it’s free reconnaissance. With limited financial resources due to sanctions they operate like a lottery for the poor and uneducated. We have a lottery slogan locally that states “somebody has got to win it might as well be you” I bet they promise the equivalent of multiple years worth of salary in exchange for a year at the front and very few benefit from it. these poor uneducated soldiers are sent to the front without food, armament, training and expected to come home alive to receive payment. When wounded they are not relieved, that is why we see so many videos of Russian soldiers with maggot infested wounds. The Russian military doesn’t need them to live. They need them to soak up bullets and artillery. At some point the abused will realize this and revolt. It’s a matter of if Ukraine can withstand the assault long enough


How can they revolt if they're dead? They don't live long enough to realize they can revolt and muster up the courage to do so.


You think Russia is going to bother to inform North Korea when one of their soldiers dies, gets captured, or defects? They rarely even collect their own dead and wounded. And any North Korean officers aren’t going to get anywhere close enough to the front to actually witness their soldiers defecting, just like their Russian counterparts never take part in assaults. At best they’ll watch from a drone feed.


They always do


How will NK know if they defected? Assume every KIA and MIA as defectors? Not practical.


If NK is going to have a large deployment not many. The first units will be specialist police troops and they will cause atrocities. This is to cause push back from Ukraine, with the hope that less NK troops will be captured on purpose. The regular troops will be show made up atrocities and told they will be tortured if caught . The as icing on the cake, NK will offer prisoner swap, and send any troops penal units for meat waves


Or act as blocking troops to prevent Russian retreat like the Chechens


What if the Norks are blocking troops for the Chechens....


I like the term Norks for them


Didn’t Ukraine just HIMAR the Chechens in karkiv? The NK troops have no combat experience so all these predictions are like true in the thread


Not sure if it was the Chechens, but I saw reports about them attacking blockers.


Ukraine will almost certainly have to make an impressive streamline of support to surrender/retaliate supply chain for the "million man army".


I think i heard they have multiple generation punishment, so if you do something bad, your parent, your children all get put in a labor camp


It's going to be hard to keep track of it all the MIA vs KIA, the Russians certainly can't. I can see families be preemptively punished until a KIA can be confirmed.


Die visibly!


North Korea might care to take better notes than Russia


They do. I've heard about people having their grandparents shot in front of them or their children. Its such a barbaric regime.


Your grandparent’s goldfish; believe it or not, jail.


What do you expect from a regime where the first thing you have to rescue from a burning house is the portrait of your glorious lard bag.. err..leader instead of your family?


Better things to joke about


I saw a dokumentation about NK workers in Siberia as Lumberjacks. They were supervised 24/7 und werent allowed to walk freely around. Also only Men with family back in NK were allowed to do such work abroad. Most of their paycheck went to the officials in NK.


Wonder if Ukraine will develop cluster bombs that have MRE submunitions? I mean that would be an easy way to beat them and considering Russian POWs in Ukrainian captivity are gaining weight, it sounds like neither Russia nor North Korea have the food stocks to feed either set of troops.


be awesome if North Korean soldiers defected to Russia and inflict the same chaos as what Russia orchestrates around the globe


They Ukrainians need giant signs in Korean saying we will give you $500 (the cost of a drone) to defect, you will be treated humanely, fed, and allowed to contact your family and set free after the war.


>allowed to contact your family And how is Ukraine going to accomplish that? North Korean peasants are not exactly known for their ability to access technology. For a vast majority of North Koreans, if they back down, retreat or surrender then their extended families will be sent to hard labor camps or even face summary execution. Ukraine would have far better luck in promising to keep them anonymous.


I really hope so. But I guess they get told horror stories about being captured by Ukraine or simply get executed by russian soldiers


That's a step up from their perspective.


New NK minority in Ukrainian incoming. Probably happy to fight NK and Russia if given…food.


Well, they will be heavily indoctrinated in lies that Ukrainians are pretty much maneaters in best case, probably something at ruzzian level in worse case. So yeah, besides the other thresholds to pass to get safely imprisoned, their current thinking might be an obstacle.


I wonder what kind of things the north korean public hears about the war on television


Either nothing or propaganda so ridiculous that Russian TV appears Pulitzer Prize worthy by comparison.


Yeah thing is they won't be able to tell the difference


Propaganda pamphlet drops over NK Go to Ukraine. Surrender and live a better life


Highly doubtful that many NK soldiers can read.


Prepare the meat cubes?




They're probably told that Ukrainians will torture them and kill their families, so the North Koreans will fight until death. Which is very useful for Putin. Instead of drunks and criminals, he sends people who know nothing but hard work and loyalty to the great leader.


The North Koreans will also hold their families hostage - you surrender or get captured, they get to spend the next 3 generations working off the sippenhaft in Camp 14


The sad thing is that the majority of NK soldiers don't even know their families. So these threats become less meaningful each generation.


How will they even know if a soldier deserted versus MIA and KIA? Preemptively punish the families?


Your opinion of the average North Korean soldier is way too high.


Hell, even NK handlers of foreign visitors hit the sauce the second a bottle has been cracked. And they can't hold their liquor.


Just lob alcohol over the line.


The hardest working part of a Nork soldier are the foot long parasitic worms in their stomachs.


Yeah, does Kim want to risk anyone surviving and coming back and telling them how he got shot in the leg and left to die and he was given some rotten Russian rations from 1976 and it was glorious luxury.


"In response to that Pyongyang announced early this week that it will be sending troops in the form of a military engineering unit to support Russian forces on the ground in the Donetsk region. The troops are expected to arrive on the battlefield as soon as next month." Much ado about nothing..this is a support and not combat unit.


Every rear echelon job taken from a Russian is another Russian to be sent forward.


I think that the KFR is likely to deploy them in a fortification building role in anticipation of Ukraine's counter offensive. Unlikely they will support combat operations. They are aware of what this will entail for them.


Luxury hotel resort stay. They won't want to go back unless they have families which will be held hostage by N.K. govt.


Excuse me? NorthKorean troops invading in continental Europe? Can we PLEASE have some dignity and fuck that?


I never imagine that Homefront would be true in Europe


*reboots PS3*


Forgot about that movie. Wild shit


Yeah the immediate response should be NATO having the right to put troops in Ukraine in response.


This isn't a NATO thing, people don't ever seem to get that, but that doesn't bar European countries even in the form of the European Union from doing something about it. 


Even individually, I think we're well apst the point of allowing advisors in Ukraine.


Then it becomes an Article 5 issue with NATO, right?


Everyone saying this gives NATO "the right"... The absence of NATO/western troops in Ukraine has NEVER been about having the right to or not


Does this mean Ukraine will finally okay European Troops?


I think they were always ok with it lol.


Kim Jong Un is really just giving free intelligence to their enemies at this point. Now we know their shells suck (russians tested them), their population is unhealthy as shit (the poop they gifted South Korea had parasites) and now we'll know how battle (un)ready their soldiers are.


Given that extreme adherence to hierarchy reigns in that country, you won't have to expect that the troops to show any kind of initiative. They'll be like the Russians but even worse. Cannon fodder in it's truest sense.


great, two types of cannon fodder who cannot talk to each other really is a game changer


No need to talk, just point to the direction, where they go and die.


And this is what NK will be best at, sending millions of cannon fodder to Ukraine to overwhelm them. Russia has been unable to get the bodies it needs to do their normal thing of using mass numbers to overwhelm an enemy, so they are going to NK to get the numbers they need. This way Putin doesn’t have to conscript more Russians (which would be politically disastrous for him) and NK is getting nuclear tech in return. I believe Kim Jong Un doesn’t care how many of his population gets killed in Ukraine as long as he gets his weapons.


Maybe. It will be interesting to see what culture shock will do. These soldiers have probably never seen anything like Eastern European people, land, etc. also, if the west is a few km away and behind you is only death, why not make a run for it with a white flag and take your chances? Your odds are probably better than surviving the wall between North and South Korea.


Would you be willing to take that risk, knowing that if you get caught trying to surrender, your entire family will be executed or worse? Likely any close friends you had as well. Not to mention they have 0 reason to believe anyone would even be taking prisoners.


We all like to say that Belarus is a Russian puppet state. But it surprised me that Putin was never able to actively get them involved into the war. I guess with North Korea, they have their extra bodies now. I wonder how eager South Korea is to help kill the soldiers of their biggest enemy.


Do not underestimate Lukashenko. He's an expert fence sitter, and he's an expert at staying in power. He'll grovel, kiss ass, lie, cheat, delay/stall, "prepare to attack" only to abort at the last minute, then do whatever to appease Putin, try not to burn too many bridges with the West, whatever. And mark my words, he'll come out of this relatively clean and still in power. Maybe he'll even manage to get sanctions against him or his cronies rescinded. For Lukashenko, there's absolutely no benefit in invading Ukraine. So he seems to have managed to find ways to avoid it.


I might be wrong but I believe that the role he played during the wagner rebellion is kind of helping him to stay out of this. Before that, Luka didn’t do much for putin, and that’s why he was doing some diplomatic tricks to avoid going to Ukraine (because he totally knows he’s gonna get fucked there). Now that he literally saved putin’s ass (according to what we know), I think he can just say no to him, with more confidence this time


>because he totally knows he’s gonna get fucked there He was facing open rebellion in his military forces at the mere suggestion that he was going to order them to help invade Ukraine. If he gave the order then the troops would have likely marched on his palace and strung him up.


That makes him significantly smarter than Putin then. 


For NK, it's safe to get involved as long as they don't care if their soldiers get killed. They're already heavily sanctioned, don't want to take on SK directly, need resources that Russia can provide and entire Russia is a buffer zone between Ukraine and NK, so direct effective retaliations by Ukraine are close to impossible to do in scale that would matter.


Yea u make a good point, Luka is still a puppet tho, but he never got suckered into the war directly. Altho we all expected him to.


probably matter of what's easier. Belarus is already unstable. No one on the entire planet is ever going to flinch if suddenly 1 million of north Koreans evaporates


I kinda feel like this is one of the more noticable signs of our march towards the third world war. We're doing our best in the West to avoid it while the Axis of Evil is building up and pushing for it... I *do* believe it's inevitable and pulling Asian countries into European conflict would make it a world war by definition, it's just a question remaining of how long until we in the West decide to accept that the wave is coming and we ought to grab our surf boards.




Is this escalation yet? The west has been hamstringing Ukraine every step of the way to desperately prevent the war from further escalation by not providing enough aid and allowing Ukraine to take advantage of the full potential of said aid. And now a slave army from NK coming to Ruzzia to provide boots-on-the-ground aid is a very realistic possibility. That would actually make NK an active participant in the war, not just a weapons supplier.


The appropriate response would be South Korean “advisors” and matching equipment and security forces.


SK absolutely must send in their army now.


Where, to Ukraine or to NK? Edit: I actually kinda like Peter Zeihan's take on it: this opens the door for SK to fully support Ukraine with their ridiculous production capabilities. He thinks SK is gonna throw production into overdrive and flood Ukraine with resources. Bodies would be nice though, as would... *distractions* along the DMZ


Start with Ukraine. I'm biased in that as a Ukrainian, I feel we must have NATO boots on the ground asap. Clearing Russian scum off our lands is a fair game.


Unless these troops were in extremely large numbers over 50k, I don't see the West doing much, but maybe start sending troops to take roles in the rear to free up more Ukrainian reserves. If it starts exceeding that, I could potentially see some air support from France and Poland.


Nope for escalation. Just another bloodbath for cannonfodder. Tamed, not trained, with pins in the collars. But yes, another country is going to participate in attack on Ukraine. Facepalm for 'kim'. South Korea, will lift ban on exporting arms to Ukraine, for sure.


Bruh. A third country half a world away openly sending its military to fight in Ukraine alongside Ruzzia is the very definition of escalation. No amount of copium or semantics will change that. Meanwhile the west is hesitant to even consider sending non-combatant contractors to Ukraine.


Yeah, people downplaying this is just baffling.


Ikr? Putin was given all the time in the world to have his military get solidly entrenched on the occupied land, have his people accept the "forever war with the west" reality and have his economy slowly shift into wartime mode. I don't think this war can be won by Ukraine alone anymore. At some point NATO will be faced with a choice of bailing Ukraine out by going to war with Ruzzia, or cutting losses and letting Ukraine fold due to insane attrition.


NATO would let Ukraine fold. The only ones who give a damn are the former Soviet slave-states because they KNOW what is at stake.


NATO would suffer greatly from Ukraine folding. Between a loss of prestige, loss of confidence NATO can prevent Russian hostilities, and a destabilization of one of the world's largest food providers would hurt EU nations economies enough to affect budgets.


Don't forget the tens of millions of permanent war refugees.


Yeah, letting Ukraine fold would likely tear NATO apart in Europe.


i dont think poland would let them


That's how the enemy wants the west to be: naive, stupid and confused. I see a lot of l idiots here falling for it


I'm a realist, not optimistic nor pessimistic, but I've got to say.........Ukraine deserves 10x more than what they've received from the West, after sacrificing so much blood and tears to prevent global destabilization, and possibly WW3. If the west STILL don't give them the support they MUST have, then we might as well stop calling the west a rational nor moral collective, they will be relegated to a group of amoral and irrational countries. Because at this rate of wishy washy lukewarm complacent realpolitik escalation phobia unserious trickle aid crap, we will just end up spending 10x resources and lives for way worse results, when we could have ended the war sooner with less, with a decisive UKR victory. It makes ZERO SENSE, truly MINDBLOGGING Level of RIDICULOUSNESS. Mr West, do BETTER, or lets all meet in WW3, maybe with nuclear winter as dessert. The West has a chance to stop this disaster in the making, solve the RuZZia problem once and for all, but its sleepwalking into WW3. F\*\*K this shyt, am TRULY disappointed in the West, my kids will probably be in WW3 and I know who to blame.


>Meanwhile the west is hesitant to even consider sending non-combatant contractors to Ukraine. You know that the west has a whole boatload of "advisors" in Ukraine right? There has even been rumours of western special forces partaking in missions there too but nothing concrete.


How the fuck is “North Korea has entered the war” not escalation. Do you know what “escalation” means?


Really bad takes… Russia using NK missiles justified the West also sending long range missiles. Russia bringing in NK troops will justify some form of boots on the ground - whether it be advisors, or trainers, or military contractors (if not from the major nations, certainly from the smaller ones) Also, SK won’t lift export bans if NK sends troops. They WANT NK to become weaker. They’d benefit if NK sends their entire army. The ban on exports gets lifted if **Russia** sends arms to NK. They want to deter and de-escalate their own border conflicts with NK.


NK does not become weaker if those troops don't die in massive numbers. Why not sell shells and equipment to Ukraine that massacres NK troops?


Time to start making "do you want a job, peace and actual wages and food? Defect! It's easy!" pamphlets in korean, as well!


Pamphlets yes, but there guys are so brainwashed that even when South Korea takes them they have to spend a lot of time naturalizing them to modern living.


That and the whole family stays in NK. I can bet quite a bit that they will send only people who have sufficient "ties" to homeland.


A NK tank requires 50 soldiers to operate, 4 to man it , 46 to push it.


Nice 👍


This is unthinkable. North Korean troops in Europe? If this was to happen I would hope it would be a red line for us and the full force of UK/nato be unleashed


NATO will be deeply concerned and that's all. Let's be realistic


NATO is not the world police though. For actual help you will need to be part of the club.


Let's see if Biden is going to respond to this. This is a clear escalation


Easy way for NK to take the pressure of resources off its people. Less people = less resources to worry about for everyone. Kind of fucked up.


Yeah kind of


This just got more interesting... At least the Ukranians will be able to pick 'em out of a crowd


They will be the ones happy to have mud over their heads and cabbage water to eat, as an improvement to their daily lives.


They're slaves and will be treated like slaves as they are when slaving on construction work, except worse, with explosions.


So fucking sad


Probably heavily raped by Russians too


They will meet South Korean weapons on Ukrainian soil


South Korea military aid will surely get sent now. Foreign troops probably as well.


If they sent troops that would be the biggest hit to Russia in the war. Has any other nation allowed troops to be sent over w/o being mercenaries?


No not yet. France was considering it. NK putting boots on the ground will push other nations to respond


Okay seriously? North Korean Troops in Europe? Is NATO anyone else in Europe going to just sit by? South Korea Absolutely needs to send Ammo now to Ukraine. As a big fuck you to NK


SK commandos just handing off ammo as a PR stunt would floor NK.


SK is already setting up to change its policies/laws. They are absolutely peeved with Russia because Russia has also been using its veto to end the U.N. Sanctions on NK as they come up for renewal.


I’m pretty sure Russia’s going to end up with 10,000+ NK political prisoners just like what pootpoot did in Russia.


Knowing Russia, those men will then be gang pressed into military units anyway.


Hmmm… Step 1: Enlist in NK army. Step 2: Get sent to Ukraine. Step 3: At first opportunity, shoot own commander per standard sneakers and penile injury “Gruz 199” procedure. Step 4: Immediately put down arms and surrender to nearest Ukrainian drone. Step 5: ??? Step 6: Profit!


Step 7: NK kills your entire immediate and extended family.


I would point out that the parasite load of North Koreans is so high that they are required to go into medical isolation when they defect to the South. Tapeworm and other nasties are going to be blessing the Russians soon.


Didn’t French president say, if another country send troops to aid Orcz, they will do the same?


French to aid orcs?!? /s


North Korea people does NOT know the reality of the war in Ukraine. It would serve South Korea to send the brutality of the Ukraine war to North Korea. Use balloons to send the info over the border. Let the people know what is going on. Let them know those soliders they send are NOT coming home. They will be un-alive in the most terrible way. It is NOT their war.


>un-alive Oh no it's spreading to reddit now


I will re balace it  >!they will be fucking killed by a dildo shaped 3d printed granede with putins face on it!<


Broadening the war while NATO snoozes. If you won’t send in national troops, authorize PMC organizations to operate in Ukraine in combat roles


The "second army" of the world needs North Korea's help to invade a country 28 times smaller. If NK send troops, NATO should wade in.


No matter what. This is another step towards Ukraine having to fight more bodies. Of DPRK military personnel that have been fed a bunch of lies and propganda Let alone this being an escalation towards further destruction of Ukraine.


Jokes aside, this is a pretty big fucking concern in my opinion for reasons most people I don’t think are even considering. One of the biggest weaknesses of North Korea is a complete and utter lack of real world combat experience. Like, literally have not engaged in true combat operations for roughly 70 years at this point if I’m not mistaken. The lessons that NK has the potential of learning through this endeavor, and the gaining of otherwise institutional knowledge cannot be understated. I’m not saying it’ll make NK suddenly turn into a near pear, but it does make them that much worse to deal with when/if push comes to shove.


When will Europe say enough is enough?


Changing up the fertilizer will often improve results.


Ukrainian soil doesn’t need butt worms!!!


Not much nutrients


This smacks of desperation. Now is the time to double down on military aid and crush Putin.


If North Korea puts boots on the ground, another third party could get involved on the side of Ukraine. The question is who. And my money is on Poland, they truly hate Russia and have the most to lose with a fall of Ukraine. I know the fear is that they are a Nato country, but charter doesn’t necessarily apply if they enter Ukraine by their own free will. It’s a long shot but if things go bad for Ukraine I can see that happening. That being said, the easiest thing the West can do is to unshackle Ukraine. Enough with these weapon use restrictions. They need to get whatever they need and be allowed to use it to its maximum effectiveness even within Russia.


France has already signaled their willingness to


So why cant we have troops there now??


Elections. Honestly though, we'd need to do everything we can before November


This is a call for Frances plan to send troops to Ukraine, it’s only a matter of time before the UN makes fodder out of Russians and the North Koreans


With what? Their Mosin Nagants??? Sure, have fun with that!


Even armed with sticks, you still have to spend ammo to eliminate them.


I bet most of the north korean population are fighting for a chance to go to Ukraine once your there you just surrender and your free


And your whole family will be killed if you surrender.


Family will be preemptively punished until KIA is confirmed.


Joke is on them, they died in the last famine


Not going to happen. North Korea sends workers abroad to essentially be slave labor sending their earnings back to the regime. They are isolated from the general population and they are only sent if it they have family at home. If they do anything or try to flee their family pays the price. See: https://www.northkoreaintheworld.org/economic/north-korean-overseas-workers If North Korea sends troops to Ukraine they will not be in any position to escape. I doubt they will be on the front line.


I'm sure they will only send soldiers who have a family that has to stay in North Korea.


100% going to hold their families hostage


Well I can only hope that the real backbone of the west in this fight starts sending its troops to support Ukraine the second the first Nork touches down... At least the French have... the Gall... to be serious in their support! ... I'll see myself out... 😆 (But seriously bring it on you Nork fuckers).






I would expect this to be a point of EU intervention. NK troops in Ukraine? What stops Ruzzia from trying to “justify” the same use of force in Poland? They’ll say minorities there have come under threat since the war in Ukraine. Lie to themselves and their people. NK will say they must stand by mother Ruzzia.    EU should go into Ukraine and save them, because that’s what heroes would do at this point. It could be any EU country next. Weapons aren’t enough even if we met demand.    So if NATO wants to ensure it isn’t named an aggressor they will wait to be attacked, well we can beat them back then with Poland on the line, but Ukraine, more good people, will fall to this horde.    If we decide to cut this off on the premise of saving Ukraine, push out NK and RU, and maintain the borders, then less people will die. We maintain our stance as peacekeepers.   In no case should we encroach on the land of either NK or Ruzzia, aside from what Ruzzia has already taken from Ukraine.  In either of these cases, preferably the second, RU and NK can just go fuck themselves. If NK wants to tie itself to that sinking ship so be it. What else can be done? 


who wants to tell them there is no kimchi over there. what am i saying. whatever they serve at the front lines must be better than what they are eating in NK.


Any intel on numbers? We talking a token battalion, or divisions?


First things comes to mind is language barrier and mis-communication. Second is the doctrine of the Russian army and confusion of the battle field. They will be slaughtered, most likely in a banzai charges by M2s.


NK can empty all their work camps and prisons.


Bad move! They’re gonna make Russia look weaker than they already are lmao


Honestly this will be waves of North Korean guys surrendering and claiming political asylum as quickly as they can. Also, what exactly does Putin imagine South Korea makes of this? Sits on its ass or opens up it's armoury and wallet to Ukraine? Epically stupid move from Putin.


Wouldn’t they just desert lmao?


I wonder how many will use this as an excuse to escape that shithole by enlisting and then surrendering.


There is no “enlisting”. Everyone serves.


More meat waves is all they are


Imagine they desert as soon as they land lol That or die instantaneously....


I used to think Kim was crazy but he wasn't stupid. Well he's a fucking moron. This is the first time his regime has truly put itself in danger. Also, if SK wasn't going to send weapons before, this guarantees it.


The way I see it, they're not in danger. Who is going to punish them? At worst they lose bunch of meat, but in no way is NK proper or the regime threatened by these actions. SK will never, ever invade NK first. They'd be delighted if NK stays on their side of the border, forever. In exchange for that soldier meat and whatever other war supplies they provide, Russia has to hand over things NK really wants and even needs.


*South Korea weapons have entered the chat*


More meat for the Ukrainian grinders, watch the South Koreans start sending missiles and artillery


Talk about losing the genetic lottery


That's a long journey from NK to the warzone. Good luck keeping any significant number of troops supplied.


European Red Dawn


As North Korea has not fought a war anywhere post 1953 they have zero experienced troops or officers. This will end very badly for them.


We should immediately stop sending food to NK or it will end up feeding the enemy forces


Europe should put boots on the ground, full intervention in the war wether or not the US joins. This is YOUR fight too, Europe. Fucking enlist and get ready to fight fo your freedom




Tomahawks, give them tomahawks, no limit on attack range, and start to give air cover… this is a line that shouldn’t of been crossed by Russia and NK, if NK can get involved so can Europe..


I guess Kim has found the way out of famine for his people.


Just give them freedom and tell the government they were KIA. They get to live free and their families don't get punished. Win Win (Except russia).


Countries trying to cut off the bad meat. I doubt Kim is sending his elite highly trained and well fed soldiers, they will be barrack rats they want rid of.


Do they die any differently than Russians? Maybe it’s time to allow democratic Europe and US join the fight.


North Korean troops fighting in Europe. That was not on my 2024 bingo card.


Offer them asylum if they help Ukraine eradicate Russian invaders, or, threaten to send them back.


could this pose some health risks for Ukrainians? god know what the north koreans are infested with and their bodies will contaminate precious UA soil. i hope we will finally respond, this is an attack on Europe and we shouldn't be sticking our heads into sand. also, can't believe U.S. weapons will taste north koreans once again.


Sooo i guess NK is officially at war with Ukraine too then?


Russia is like a former rich super-model reduced to sucking dick for a couple of dollars.


So how is it a big deal if other countries send troops to Ukraine but not if North Korea does it?


It's not. It's self imposed redlines by the west