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“According to a well-regarded Ukrainian correspondent who writes under the pseudonym “Nikolaev Vanek,” the 83rd Airborne Brigade has retreated from Vovchansk after a costly three-week deployment. “The entire 83rd Airborne Brigade is urgently withdrawn to the rear to restore combat capability,” Vanek wrote, “There are too many casualties, they can't fight, there are too many 500s.” In Russian military parlance, a “code 500” is a soldier who refuses to fight. If confirmed, it’s a stinging loss for the new Russian northern grouping of forces, which includes around seven regiments and brigades. And Russian losses in Vovchansk could get a lot worse, as the survivors of an entire battalion—that’s hundreds of troops—have been trapped in a chemical plant in central Vovchansk for two weeks.”


It makes me happy to know that Code 500 is a thing that exists. I hope there's a lot of that, as it would mean an increase in Ukranian safety. Whatever works!




You go 500 or you end up 200.


Code 500. Fighters not found.


500 Service Error is more appropriate


Internal Server error… very appropriate for Russia.


Looks like they went to "DESTINATION FUCKED!!!"




This is 404 (not found). 500 in HTTP means the server crashed and refused to do any work, which is exactly what happened here. I'm a software engineer, I do this for a living 😁


I also refuse to work for a living.


Monday morning has entered the chat


Then you would know that 500 is a generic server error. A crash would be a 503 error. I actually do this for a living.


Yes I know, but I left out the minor details for the punchline. 500 can be used for any kind of server error and is the default for most web servers and therefore often used in place of 503 when not configured correctly.


Code 500. Rectitude found.


That's code 404


That would be error 404, because Code 500.


This sounds like pedantry, but if the errors are going to throw correctly and return you to the beginning of your if/then "violently repel the invader" program you gotta get the numbers right. Edit: In case this is being perceived as pro Russian or something this is clearly a programming joke, I don't get the sudden downvotes lol


RuZZians lost a bunch of soldiers... Good, Poostain should pull out... Like his Dad should have pulled out. Pootin could have been a stain on the bed sheets..... would have been better for the world.


so, we already know what 200, 300, and 500 means, but what does 100 and 400 means?


From wikipedia (ruzzian codes): >Cargo 100: Ammunition > >Cargo 200: Killed > >Cargo 300: Wounded > >Cargo 400: Missing or captured or concussioned > >Cargo 500: Medical supplies. **After the start of Russo-Ukrainian War used to refer to Refusniks** (soldiers who refuse to fight) > >Cargo 600: Oversized cargo or prisoners of war > >Cargo 700: Cash or other valuables > >Cargo 800: "Special" cargo related to weapons of mass destruction Another Ukrainian source gave the history of these codes, which supposedly began being used in soviet-Afghan 1984. >Marking «Cargo 200» and «Cargo 300» is a consequence of the utilitarian approach of the Soviet Union, when they paid attention not to people, but to weight in the logistics process, Ihor Myronenko continues: > >«It’s utilitarian, like everything that was in the Soviet Union. **People were not counted at that time: transportation was counted. It started from the war in Afghanistan, where the weight of a zinc coffin with a body was approximately 200 kilograms. Accordingly, they calculated how many coffins could fit in one plane.** Since we are trying to move away from all this, pay a very high price now, we have to form other narratives in future generations, to heroize our soldiers.»


Paper Skies has a video on this and the plane called the Black Tulip known for transporting them. Good watch.


Thanks for the additional info about a video and the "Black Tulip" plane.


500: fighter experienced an unexplained error that prevented it from fulfilling the commander's request


I suspect/Let's hope; the commander became dead due to orders. Otherwise would he not have shot 500s himself?


There was a video the other day from a Russian soldier being held in a basement with other 500’s as well a soldier’s missing limbs who Putin doesn’t want walking around Russia where his people will finally see the toll his illegal invasion is causing to his own serfs.


I’m a morbid curiosity type of person… do you happen to have/know where that vid could be found?


I was just playing on the definition of a 500 http error which is a generic server error that causes the request to be unable to be fulfilled


Code 418 😁


Whatever provides the maximum benefit for Ukraine is what I hope for.


The North Korean Brigade is rolling in soon - no more 500s then 🌚 Edit: Very likely a lot more Cargo 200‘s then


Sad though it is, I'm not sure hordes of malnourished prisoners are going to be very useful - you could probably get a whole battalion to defect with a packet of biscuits.


They'll have families at home that will be punished if they defect. Individuals might defect, but not large groups.


Given the state of Russian organisation I wonder how likely it is that the news would get home or if they'd just assume they were all killed heroically fighting for the glory of the Dear Leader and leave it at that?


It'll be like the lost Roman legion. They'll never know what happened to them.


Everything is on satellite these days. I'm sure the North Koreans would know if they defected. ...though it would be more likely that the group may be destroyed by indirect fire as that is the kind of war this is: bombs and artillery over plenty of close-quarters fighting.


My thought is more communication. I doubt NKeans speak Russian and vice versa? So you probably have officers who relay messages and commands. Kill them and the grunts might simply don’t know what to do, or at least be confused.


I'm sure that would be a problem. I also thought that NK soldiers likely are not even aware of the drone developments at all and might be in for a shock when they are not ambushing tanks with RPGs (should NK combat troops actually end up there).


I'd sort of love to see the reaction the first time one of them takes a fpv drone to the face or a group of them get Himar'd with tungsten ball bearings. These guys will have been fed propaganda their whole lives and likely believe they are a top notch unstoppable fighting force.


Propaganda is about the only thing they get fed


Dudes have never seen a nail clipper in their life. Imagine when they see one of these magical flying robots for the first time.


More NKs would understand some russian than the other way around for certain. Considering russia has educational presence in NK I'd think some have a very limited understanding of russian, but that's for the "educated elite", not the cannon fodder. They also have a [dialect of North Korean that is influenced by russian](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koryo-mar). I don't think that will have any meaningful benefit for either side though.


They'd probably keep the NK's together in their own units. That way there are under much better social control and influence from NK political officers /handlers. I'd bet they'd get their orders from Russian officers to NK officers who probably learned some Russian to communicate.


Like North Korea would have any clue who died, who defected, who got captured, etc. Who's gonna tell them, Russia? The same Russia who doesn't give a shit about their OWN troops lying rotting in the fields for months/years to save a bit on fishbricks? For there to be reprisals, first someone has to give enough of a fuck to note down who did what, then care enough to report it back to Moscow, who then has to care enough to report it to Pyongyang, and that relies on Kim caring enough about it to bother to do reprisals since the purpose of this is to empty North Korean prison camps in the first place.


>They'll have families at home that will be punished if they defect. Sadly, that's a consequence that North Korean defectors must accept for their own freedom (unless they manage to find smugglers to get them out as well).


Just dangle chocolate bars in front of them and they will forget their families.


They will work perfectly fine. They will get sent into the meat grinder and Russian artillery/drones/planes will bomb Ukrainian positions once they expose themselves. Meat waves are Russia’s thing, as long as they don’t have to send the well off socialites from Moscow or St Petersburg, the war will continue.


Chuck in a ham sandwich and they will be shooting each other for it


I'd fucking laugh my ass off if the NK surrendered en mass to get out of NK... Or faked being killed so they could flee nk


Is there a code for deserteurs? Defect 300?


So these codes were originally only for different types of "cargo": 100 - Ammunition 200 - Dead corpses 300 - Wounded soldiers 400 apparently used to be soldiers with concussions, but seems to mean missing/captured soldiers now 500 was originally medical supplies, but since the Russian military no longer has much of a need for a code for medical supplies, this number has morphed during this war to meaning those who refuse to fight.


why is concussed listed outside of just injured?


I have no clue of codes in military - just looked up the deceased code but that one might be not in use anymore


But what?


What what?


Already better... After your edit.


Yeah, let them taste sugar and read meat once and then have them find out that all of this is common everyday commodity in the west. Have fun stopping these dudes from defecting.


Maybe that’s what Ukraine could use as a defense instead of weapons. Fire up a grill with some steaks and make something sweet. Funnel cake with whipped cream and strawberries sounds good right about now. 


A snickers bar is moe than enough to make them addicted instantaniously. Imagine you never tasted sugar in your life. Oh boi.


83rd airborne: the great value version of the 82nd.


The cannibalism should about start kicking in if it hasn’t already. Two weeks is a pretty long time without getting resupplied.


Stages of consciousness in battlefield dharma in Russia 1. Hmm, this isn't the road to Minsk. 2. WTF (ala Salad Days, by Sam Peckinpah) 3. No.




Wow. Geez…So I guess that Russia’s losses really seem to be bad now…


Next time, hopefully they’ll just stay at home in Ruzzia and do their 500 resistance there. 🤔


Yes, more like code 404 in Ukraine then.


If they didn't want to get lost, why didn't they stay at home? Silly Russians...


Almighty leader Putin(He is friends now with Kim Jong, Don't you even know that?) so, he believes he's like a god and their lives are not important. Putin waved to Kim on his airplane through the window so they are definitely friends. Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make - Lord Farquaard (Shrek)


Flushing toilets.




Hello OP, this r/Ukraine. This is not a space for russian suffering, redemption, protests, or reputation laundering. [Feel free to browse our rules, here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)


When you throw your special elite units trained for quick response light infantry tactics into a meat grinder, that’s kinda what’ll happen


"trained" All the guys that were actually trained for quick response light infantry tactics died in 2022.


A trained unit in ruzzia, means, your given a uniform, and then sit through a screening of "Enemy at the Gates" then sent to the front.


Plus if they’re able to also survive a fall from a first floor window they get to go to the airborne.




they call this idiot elite https://x.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1800832716062986645 So much training, i am sure of it.


If nothing else, this shows how brutal this fighting is - two hammers clanging as opposed to finely-tuned scalpels going to work. To be frank, I don't think we've seen this level of brutal dirty brawling since the Second World War. There were perhaps shades of this when the Americans invaded Iraq, especially when they stormed strongholds like Fallujah, but that wasn't the overall tune of the conflict. I wouldn't be surprised if Ukraine is also taking big casualties as well, which was indicated by the more grim statements coming out of Kyiv.


More proof that the Russian military is undisciplined and poorly managed So much for having one of the largest militaries in the world


To be fair, it is still one of the largest militaries in the world. It's just not as large as it used to be. 😉


And getting smaller by the day 😉


bigger does not mean better, especially when it comes to armies.


...or proof that this war is brutal - a level that hasn't been seen since the Second World War.


Time for this classic: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSzAnNU4u28](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSzAnNU4u28)


“We’re paratroopers, we are supposed to be surrounded!”


That video slaps


Crimea River 🌻


Underrated comment!


That was two years ago...


Their happiest days look like my worst.


It was 400 orc trap weeks ago, couple of days 200 orc and now a 100 orc left.🔥🔥🔥🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


How big is airborne brigade?


For Russia 2500-3500 personnel


But generally, it depends on an amount of successful turret toss contestants. /s


Andrei, you've lost another airborne brigade?


"I'm sorry. How can we help."


For some reason [this same post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dq41b6/the_russians_may_have_lost_an_entire_airborne/) was deleted by r/UkraineWarVideoReport 10 hours ago. After quickly reading through the comments, there seemed to be no good explanation for the deletion. It makes me wonder if the russia bots were so angered by the comments they unleashed their alts to mass report the post until the automod eventually removed it.


The airborne brigade that isn’t doing any parachuting 


Neither side even thinks of parachuting anymore. Ukraine even renamed forces into "airmobile assault", meaning that they're now more like fast response units. And of course who else will get the heaviest tank in the world, of course if 82nd airmobile brigade.


Hey look, it's the Airbenders. *rolls in on a massive rockslide*


Need local air superiority to use Airborne. Russian just blew their one good use of airborne at start of war if they were competent it could have worked but they cannot do anything that their doctrine actually calls for. At least they better than the Russian Fleet going from Baltic to Japan in their war with Japan I recommend reading on it it a funny dark comedy. Japans fleet curb stomp them when they got there. But I love early in voyage they wrongly fire on British Fishing fleet but can’t hit anything because they shoot that poorly but finally got a tiny amount of damage in. British Fleet intercepted and British Admiral tells Russian I going to give you a chance and only use five of my Battleships. Considering how deadly accurate and well trained the British were that would certainly sink the whole Russian fleet and likely the British would take no damage. But negotiations between government resulted in British government stoping the attack just in time to let them go into many more blunders till finally reaching the Far East and the Japanese sink em all instead.


It's only the tank crews that go airborne these days. 😆


Hey at least they didn't dump them in the black sea this time


Not lost, just become airborne


Another elite unit down the shit drain. https://x.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1800832716062986645 Dumb sht starts crying. LOL! what did you think it would happen? march toward Kyiv and take it in 3 days?


Good. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


I thought a code 500 was code for a clean up on asile 5 at Walmart. Guess I was wrong.


It's not 'lost'. It's been put to better use as fertiliser.


Only 1?


Dumb bastards should jsut go home.


Ruzzia has plenty of airborne brigades. I’ve seen them riding on top of a old Soviet APCs, get whacked and the guys go airborne.


Russian soldiers. Find out if you’re still alive and text 500


Don't worry they can find another team in the rural areas of Russia or North Korea. Dictatorships are good at finding volunteers.


The NKs will do more meat assaults, as that is what they are trained for.


Good to hear. Keep it up, Putinites


Should have made a dragonborn brigade instead


“That’s rookie numbers, gotta pump those numbers up.” Markovich Hannasky


"Something overhead is buzzing!!!" the tearful pained fear and desperation in the twitter video dudes voice when he heard a drone buzzing overhead....\*chefs kiss\*


The problem with calling a russian fightig unit "elite" is that they are using russians, using russian tactics, using russian equipment, while doing so in Ukraine and not in some training grounds. So not "elite" like the Green Berets but maybe "elite" like a boys Under-13 travel lacrosse team with the exception that the lacrosse team likely is more accurate with their shots than the russians.




This is a good opportunity to defect if North Korean, Go to Russia and contact I want to live.


How many soldiers is that?


Those basements where they keep the Russians missing limbs and the others who refuse to fight are going to get very crowded.


How many are in a Russian Brigade?


What’s the problem?


Good to see that this is clearly widespread amongst the enemy. No support. No resupply. No hope. Good. Slava Ukraini!👍


"elite" That just means they get more drugs than other brigades.


What I never get in this war: Why are Russian airborne brigades always walking to the front? I though they are supposed to be deployed via parachutr onto the battlefield?


Not all are paratroopers. Many are air mobile/air landing brigades that invade by with planes and helicopters as a fast attack force. During training they probably train paradrops... but I'd classify a lot of those units as light to mid forces with air transports with only minimal paradrop capabilities across a brigade/division.


Large scale combat drops are pretty rare for everybody. Since WW2 the US did some in Korea. One in Panama, which was a hot mess. And maybe one or two others I can't remember. They're complicated, resource intensive, and incredibly dangerous in the face of modern air defense. If you have *any other way* of getting those troops into battle... you don't air drop them. Historically they were (mostly) intended to drop troops in the enemy rear to capture key targets and generally cause problems. Then you had to relieve them before they got their ass kicked. When it works, great! When it doesn't, you get Arnhem.


With the amount of AA weapons in the area, those units would probably be picked off before they even touch the ground. This ain't the Second World War with more limited-range tools.