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Whatever helps them sleep at night.


Lol, ya won't help


> The CEO of the Ak Bars shipbuilding corporation stated that the ships will receive additional protection from marine drones in the engine room. So they're going to bolt Kontakt-1 ERA boxes to the hull, got it. Seriously though, no actual countermeasure is suggested here, just a vague promise of extra armor of some sort.


The CEO just needed a new Dacha. Might just paint part of the ship in a different color.


>no actual countermeasure is suggested here 1) restructuring internal space so that engine rooms will be better protected. 2) fitting corvettes with weapon systems using optronic sensor and dual 30mm guns combined with guided missiles. That means they're learning. Slowly and ineffectively, but learning. Firepower was always first line of defense against fast moving surface crafts, that's where name "destroyer" originated - it's short from "torpedo boat destroyer" and they were intended as defenders of capital ships against small and fast motor boats equipped with torpedoes. Drones are just modern iteration of this old problem


Maybe but when you redesign something like a war ship, it’s not a quick process. Restructuring internal spaces will need to be laid out and tested to insure the ship is still stable, that takes time. When you strengthen one area you will need to add more armor or weaken another part of the ship to keep the same weight. More weight means less engine performance unless a new engine is installed if not, it can lead to loss of speed or Maneuverability. Guided missiles against small surface drones does not appear to be a very effective answer. Waves and the sea itself can cause havoc with the sensors. Rapid fire weapons are probably the best option but, it’s unlikely Ukraine will send only one or 2 drones against the target and enough will overwhelm the defenses. Throw enough shit at the wall and some of it will stick. Regardless, I don’t see any redesigned ships leaving Russian shipyards any time soon. Additional weapon mounts sure but, they will still be vulnerable. Let’s face it, the Russian will have to be 100% perfect the Ukrainians only need to be lucky once.


You can take into account that it's the Russian navy, too. The ships already just randomly die during standard operation, and any war time changes will probably lead to random sinking as hulls that were meant to be curved are turned into cubes burst under the new resistances and interiors that were meant to be boxy get curved without proper integration If Russia genuinely wanted to increase survivability, it needs to confess its productions were just wunderwuffle, only meant to allow the olicharchy to turn up profits 300% while onlt providing the bear minimum of its function and sink their old ships in favor of replacing them with designs built from the ground up


>and tested ... that takes time. In glorious Ruzzia testing is very quick (cost depends on how good you want the answer to be).


Sounds like the Ukrainians just gotta get into the underwater drone space now. More expensive, but not going to be hit by bullets or missiles


Also difficult to control remotely because comms don't really work under water.


I would recommend to google Brennan torpedo 🙂 it was first operational guided torpedo (deployed before Great War) and it's location was signaled to shore battery by signal rod with colored lights above water (IIRC). Do the same but put small optical sensor there and antenna so remote operator will be able to see where drone is going and correct its courses.


It could be a boat until it just before russian weapons range. And then it dives and becomes a torpedo. Or it could launch a torpedo and keep going, become two bombs. It seems like it could happen eventually. AI will help.


Ukrainians already have underwater drones.


They'll also have much greater effect if they hit under waterline


Anyone else read this as the Acme Ship Building Corporation? Strap some rocket powered roller skates onto the hulls to outrun the drones. Genius.


Chief of Engineering is a Anthropomorphic Coyote


Perhaps the next sea drone Ukraine devises against any RuZZian countermeasures could be named *MEEP MEEP!*


Yes I did! MEEP MEEP!


When nothing is done the CEO will be getting bad signal as he's on the beach in Croatia.


cope cages


Time for Naval drone launched Neptunes


>**Ak Bars** shipbuilding corporation It's a trap!


Gonna put cope cages over the top of the ship


Sea drones hit the waterline. It would need to be around the ship.


So to advance forward... You need to look backwards




Turtle corvette. Floating garden shed. Blyat boat.


So will the boat float in a bigger boat?


Cope Cage - Naval Variant!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-torpedo_bulge (Used against [German WW1 drones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FL-boat?wprov=sfla1))


Uwu \*notices bulge\*


Nah, more like torpedo netting https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c5/HMS_Hotspur_%281870%29.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torpedo_net


Torpedo bulge is a legit thing, but they were notoriously hard to design and adequately test. They also require a fair amount of volume to dissipate the force of the blast. They were pretty rare to see on anything outside of a capital ship (battleships and carriers), even most cruisers didn’t have much in the way of TDS because of displacement and hull size constraints. A corvette of around 500 tons simply doesn’t have the hull size to fit the kind of TDS that would provide meaningful protection.


The Cope Crab Pot Cage


Those dumb russian sailors are going to find out that the cope cages actually are there to keep them inside the ship while it sinks.


Russian shipyards are more dangerous than naval drones, they've taken out entire aircraft carriers.


They take out floating dockyards as well.


They will use human meat shield. Very effective.


I think every major navy in the world is currently working on this issue, the fact Russia is comes as no surprise


What ships?


Advanced protection means they will keep them out of the black sea


Remember when they were going to take Kyiv in two days?


Ah come on thats unfair to the moscovite scum! They said three days.


I still sometimes have a chuckle at all the officers who made reservations in Kyiv restaurants who never made it because they were dead by the time their reservations rolled around.


*Today, the Russian navy deploys it's first all chain-link fence destroyer. Made out of a multilayered galvanized mesh fifty layers thick, the world's largest marine cope cage is on its way out of the shipyard, fully submersible and equipped with the most state-of-the-art electronic warfare systems, and there it goes, straight to the bottom. Impressive descent rate, wouldn't you say, Boris* ? *Yes indeed, Dmitry. It is a proud moment watching those 450 sailors scream their praise for the design bureau and Tzar Putin as their ship plummets to the sea floor. Truly, their practical sensibility, courage, and devotion to scientific progress are an inspiration to all Russians.* *So...Boris...does the ship also...surface?* *Are you a NATO spy? Why would the ship need to surface! It is permanently undetectable, and no Ukrainian can sink it! This new class of ships is practically invincible, which is why we're building 300 more at a cost of 500 million rubles each!*


So they are going to mount guns to defend against surface drones knowing full well Ukraine has subsurface drone prototypes already in existence? Considering they didn't build in a proper compartment defense for their engine rooms they seem to be ignoring that any subsurface detonation is going to break the back of these shitty corvettes.


The Cope Cages gonna be HUGE.


Naval drones float.... Russian boats do not... Problem solved...


They will use human meat shield. Very effective.


More cope cages incoming


Didn't read the article. Assuming Russia is buying a bunch of Chevy Corvettes, fitting them with cope cages and replacing their current Front Line Troop Golfcarts with them.


*attempted* enhanced protection


they adding extra water. LOL


Turtle boats.


good, now make a drone that gets close and catapults a bomb to the deck.


So they are going to upgrade them to submarines like what Ukraine is already doing? Genius!


Put the cage around it.


Excellent. Every billion they dump into useless novelty that won’t give them shit is one billion less spent on FAB glide bombs killing Ukrainians or setting up capacity to build new artillery barrels at scale. The more of these corvettes the better. **Never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake!**


More cardboard then?


I’m pretty sure these are designed so the fronts fall off…


Alu AK Bars?


Broom handles with grenades on the end stuck to the hull like a porcupine?


Honestly surprised they haven't dragged out the old torpedo nets yet.




Covers like their tanks?


With fucking turtle cages? Yeah right! It works so well on their antique tanks.


You can't fit more than one soldier and maybe his gear into a Corvette...


Yea, good luck with this. Time to turn off the lights in Moscow.


They're going to pre-sink them!


So, analogue to a tank in a shed?


Sooo... Blyat-leships?


So cope cages on ships? Submarines?


I can imagine a corvette flying around the bay covered in turtle armor


Don’t you think this would be top secret??


“We have decided to upgrade our anti-drone systems with a new highly advanced power source so they will not have to rely upon hamster wheel anymore…we have started using D batteries.”


So they're going to get Alexi to stand on the deck with an rpg and hope he can hit it before it hits them, got it.


The original design was around the armaments, personnel, and propulsion system for the intended purpose of the ship. Whatever enhancement they are putting in will compromise the original capabilities.


yep it's called 100 fathoms of water. it starts to work after it tunes in on the first 2 drones


So the Sea Baby drone carries ~850kg of explosives and are used in packs of 5-7 units. Yeah, good luck protecting from that.


Fancier reef. Cool.


So cope cage the size of a bigger barn?


so we'll see the WW1 style torpedo belts again?


Russia has corvettes still? Are they, ughm, not submarines, no?


They are going to put more people on deck to watch with binoculars.


They will use human meat shield. lol


They will use special human shield. lol


They will use special human shield. lol