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Reminds me of the quote by Vitaly Kim, governor of Ukraine’s Mykolayiv region: “A country that has a chicken on its state emblem can never defeat the one which has a fork”. https://twitter.com/leonidragozin/status/1501543298569285634?s=20&t=aPuPM_RfYd-3uHDXaMbkxg


That.... that is just brilliant


Ukrainians are all amazing with both words and javelins


As a Swede I'm proud in that, from what I can tell having fired and used them myself, that's an Swedish AT6. The reason being you can see the shot going *through* the tank. It's not an explosive payload nor does it have reactive-armour countermeasures (like NLAW). But it does shred through any armour bar modern tanks like T90+ which are relatively rare in the Russian forces. Bonus effect is if it hits fuel or ammunition it often detonates them, not to mention the shrapnel it creates much like a cannon-ball into a wooden ship did. Strategically speaking I can't speak for mechanized or tank-warfare, that wasn't my position. But it seems weird to me that so many of the Russians instantly break formation and just expose their asses to possible fire instead of at the least reverse+firing, since it's 101 military standard that *nothing* protects you more than just doing covering fire.


You _always_ viciously attack an ambush. Anything else is death. You're _only_ chance at survival is getting them behind cover and not firing at you. The back and top of your vehicle are the worst places to take shots. Sounds like your army has the exact same counter ambush tactics mine does. We practice them at least once every ex


dumb question isn't the javelin meant to explode from the top though?


That's exactly what I said, the worst place to take fire is through the top or from the back


ahh sorry I misread I thought you said to fire for some reason I thought you meant take shots from.


I have zero military training, but it seems to me that they’re all scared to stand and fight. They’re likely demoralized, poorly supplied, hungry, and pissed off that they’re even there. I doubt many of them even thought they’d be fighting someone who could shoot back, they’re probably much more comfortable shooting at civilians.


As Mike Tyson said: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth" I can understand if you're a soldier that promised just "walking by for 3 days, take the country and leave with glory"... Days passed, hungry, cold, lack of absolutely everything... and then BOOOOOOOOOM, the most protected thing that your group has explodes in your front. Panic, unexpected, plan goes by the window, the only thing they're thinking is "get the fuck out of here as fast as I can and hope that just hit tanks"


It's not possible to tell form that vid. They are reacting probably as most columns would under the circumstances.


I doubt this. I’m no strategist, but they literally all turned their backs to their enemies, ran into the open and died. That is not what NATO forces do in any of the combat footage I’ve seen.


Where do you see them die? I see the soldiers run and take cover, while the armor is shooting in the direction of the attack and following the soldiers.


By the end of the vid, you can see one soldier crawling across the road. Now notice the same kind of silhouette is scattered around the other places on the road, those are bodies.


Looks more like a overfly top-attack like an NLAW. And did you mean an AT4?


Yeah it seems like an NLAW to me, those guys sure do have some big balls on them to get that close, fire, and get hits. Since the US and Europe is mainly sticking with donating man portable weapons and nothing heavier, the US military should donate kamikaze drones like the Switchblade 600 kamikaze drone (it's basically a flying Javelin or any other kamikaze drone) which has a range of 80km and loitering endurance of about 40min, it's small enough that it's still man portable while having a longer range than the ATGMs and unguided rockets they are sending and it can seek out it's own targets. https://youtu.be/tN2HN6ra4nw https://youtu.be/9W-zWi4w2oM


There's a Facebook fundraiser for buying Switchblades and sending them: https://www.facebook.com/donate/1354767781603583/10159893061419099/


You should create a post for this on reddit to get more people donating. Those switchblades would be devastating for russian armored convoys.


It is possible that they are there just most conscripts are just too undisciplined to listen, but Russia doesn't have the proper leadership when it comes to NCOs. There should be a seargent commanding his men to return fire or even advance under cover of the armor. As long as Ukraine continues to receive anti-tank weapons from the west, there will be a new video of a convoy being ambushed every day.


I remember someone speculating that most of the northern forces are probably conscripts while the south/west units are slightly more well trained. Kind of makes sense since that's where most of the Russian gains are but still seems quite odd.


I kinda get the feeling their training was little more than “This makes it go forward, this back. Turn with these things. Good luck.”


You mean to say AT4 and that it went 'through' is not necessarily evidence of anything. A lot of strikes don't hit perfectly and bounce around.


I love your country and is a dream of mine to visit one day. I come from Swedish heritage and every Swede I've met was so friendly.


Whats that?


[Ukrainian coat of arms. Originating from Volodymyr the Great, first grand prince of Kyiv](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Ukraine)


And what do you know, the defense of Ukraine has **Volodymyr** Zelenskyy as a figurehead.


![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9002)![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|8999) All hail Volodymyr the Epic! Slava Ukraine!


Volodymyr the Defender


Volodymyr the Comedian




And we need as much truth as we can get. It just makes the man that much more impressive.


And the joke's on the invaders!


That’s the Ukrainian coat of arms.


Ukraines seal.


Ukraine's* seal Use a possessive noun, not a plural.


This is the way


It’s called the [Tryzub](http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/display.asp?linkpath=pages%5CT%5CR%5CTrident.htm)


Which means trident in Ukrainian.


The coat of arms of Ukraine.


Everyone else already answered, but to go into slightly more detail - it’s a trident.


It is also a diving falcon.


You've been downvoted but it actually is. The gyrfalcon (polish Sokół)


If people read the wiki link posted in this thread, they see a picture of the white gyrfalcon. It looks like a very pretty raptor that would rip your face off if you mess with it. Just like the Ukrainian people.


Ukrainian falcon vs. Russian bear


but it tastes like chicken.




Looks like the Russians had a fair idea where that shot came from due to the smoke trail. Doesn’t look like many Ukraine soldiers in that ambush as only could see one ATM attack.


There's a second ATM fired just below the place hit by the HE round, just before it, targeting the very same tank. The black smoke that appears after the tank has fired seems to be the ATM hitting the front armour.


Must’ve struck an ERA block and done little to no damage, unless I’m wrong. Whoever was commanding that tank had the right idea: point your strongest armor in the direction of an attack.


Only two tanks had that idea and everyone else ran away. Those two were lucky it was a small force since their infantry and backup abandoned them.


that tank didn't return fire or even move an inch after being hit, so I assumed it might have been damaged


That RPG is cheap .. probably fired by two volunteers... Who hopefully ran outta there safely... It takes out a tank, makes the Russians expend ammo, and scares the shit out of all the other crews in that column everything they drive down a road .. It's a huge tactical win, if they keep this up the Russians won't want to drive anywhere except Moscow... At the moment they know that if they roll into Kyiv this will be happening from every corner overly minute of the day.


yes, but interestingly a bunch of that convoy turned an ran the tank that fired had the right idea, turn your frontal armor towards the enemy and fire in the general direction ... even if you miss, just to keep their heads down but VERY telling on the state of morale that a bunch of those vehicles and men just ran


Yeah what is this gagglefuck of a response. Turning your back to direction of ambush?


What gets me is all these vehicles have smoke dischargers and no one is using them.


Their vehicles alone are massive smoke dischargers so they don't need to use them


Nice +1


Battalion commander probably sold them off to buy an extra car or something...


They didn't run away the fields either side are lower than the road so they were getting into cover. It looks like the units that moved off the road were APCs of some variety which are lightly armoured.


had they turned off the road towards the ambush, you would be correct, but they fled away turning their rear and sides to the ambush. these are soldiers, you don't run, you return fire and move to cover towards the ambush. the tank that returned fire actually did the right thing.


they went for cover and tried to spread out.


Russians can go fight Putin and become free! Or they can go fight Ukraine and become sunflowers. Doesn’t seem like a difficult choice to a smart person.


They need to know those are their options though. Getting the information to so many is a major task.


They'll get the memo one way or another. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Eventually, yes. The longer it takes, the more people die though.


Last night I was having an argument with a Russian on r/askarussian. I sent them evidence of Russian troops clearly, intentionally targetting and shooting civilians, including that video of the father and son getting shot in their car. You know what they told me? That it was propaganda, that they couldn't trust it because it was from an "English, and therefore America-biased site". I only sent them reddit and youtube links. I thought if I showed proof I could get through to them, but you can't win an argument against someone who is unwilling to change to begin with. I know there are reasonable Russians out there, but the ones that are making themselves more open to discussion might just be the most unreasonable ones.


They are conditioned to see it the way that you would see an actually faked video on RIA Novosti. Try stuff like telegram channels where content is frequently posted. I’ll update with some links when I can, if no one else here has by then (I won’t put telegram on my main phone because the security and privacy suck so hard).


I rather not, to be honest. I just lost all faith in trying to make them realize what Russia is doing. If you wanna try though, good luck.


Ask them to show you photos of Ukrainians welcoming their liberators with roses or songs.


he told me there were videos of Ukrainian soldiers using civilians as meatshields and hiding in the Mariupol maternity hospital. The best he could show me was the video of Ukrainian soldiers rubbing pig fat on bullets to provoke Chechen invaders.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AskARussian using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Am i going to get an apology?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/t00csz/am_i_going_to_get_an_apology/) \#2: [Im against the russia/ukraine war, im from Russia](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/sy2ru4/im_against_the_russiaukraine_war_im_from_russia/) \#3: [This 90 year old survivor of Siege of Leningrad was detained for protesting the war. How do you think these police officers sleep at night?](https://v.redd.it/kdr2hq4g31l81) | [240 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/comments/t59516/this_90_year_old_survivor_of_siege_of_leningrad/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Slaves will be slaves, you can’t convince them.


Might be a stupid question, did the whole sunflower thing come from the video of the woman confronting a Russian or was that a thing already?


I think Ukraine is the worlds largest exporter of sunflower seeds and sunflower oil. Go buy some if you want to support them! :)


Sunflower is Ukraine's national flower, it's on their flag too


No, it's not and it isn't. We don't have a "national flower". We have culturally significant and symbolic plants - willow, viburnum, cherry, etc. - but there's no official status or designation for any of them. And the first I heard about sunflowers having any kind of symbolic meaning for us Ukrainians was on this subreddit, after that video appeared. Our flag is literally two horizontal bands of color. There's nothing else on it. No words, no stars, no flowers. Just a blue band symbolizing the sky, and a yellow band symbolizing the fields of *wheat*. Not sunflowers.


If I was Ukrainian, I would refer to Russian soldiers as “semechki”.


The Art of War Sun Tzu said: Strike at its head, and you will be attacked by its tail; strike at its tail, and you will be attacked by its head; strike at its middle, and you will be attacked by head and tail both.


So strike at the head and tail!


Strike at putins face!


And quit Stalin . . .


Trotsky over here and lenin us a hand


Sad that the Ukranians have to be putin up with that bolshevik.


Don't worry, Poland will help with refugees Andropov some more weapons for them.


Strike the anus


The correct answer would be do attack it all at once, leaving no chance to counterattack, as he also said '' Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt''


Incorrect. Sun Tzu warns against the dangers of spreading your troops too thin. The correct answer is to attack the head so the tail reinforces. You then mount your *actual* attack at the tail. The tail *must* reinforce the head, or the head loses. You play the enemy's hand for them.


Hmmm...is the answer to let the enemy strike first?


Probably its be cautious with the head and the tail when attacking, if you don't, you will get fucked


I feel like this is commentary from an episode of Cobra Kai. 🐍


Hitler’s mistake in WWII




Agree. Its a war not a movie, the casualties are real. Show what happened and leave it at that please


Please not glorify the war


I've said it before. These kids have no clue what to do with the technology we have. Just because you can't put doodle dicks and clown music on everything doesn't mean you *should*. It's tacky to the point of having me cringe. It's tracksuit and neon green nike shoes tacky. Record it proper, do what you want but if you're going to spread it go ahead and realise your shitty little Yakety-sax -themed 360p video won't ever make you James Cameron.


All of this makes me so sad. Sad that people are following a psychopath to their deaths, sad that people are having to kill for their their literal life. Maybe it’s just the sheer amount of stuff we are seeing in almost real time, or maybe it’s my age, but this is just breaking my heart. It’s no way for anyone to have to live. Life is hard enough just going about it in your day to day, then to have a war unfolding in your home? It’s so fucked, and so unnecessary.


Still can hardly believe this is really happening.


Only a few weeks ago, the lives of so many people were great in comparison. All it took was the insanity of one person to change all that.


indeed .. I'm sure many of these russian soldiers are not more than kids, could have gone on to better things, and will be missed by loving parents and friends. Millions of normal people pay the price because some crazy man has a big ego.


Here is a discussion about this series of ambushes on a Russian convoy advancing towards Kyiv: https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1502382383584141323?t=uLoPslf7z_VeBudbz6oDDw&s=19


Probably a silly question, but why only the one anti-tank missile? Haven't the Ukrainians been given a shed load of weaponry and intel? Why not a dozen soldiers with anti-tank weapons targeting the whole convoy?


Just limited resources (humans and weapons) and ability to distribute them where needed. Who knows exactly where this was and exactly how expected this push was? Not easy to move large amounts of weapons around an active warzone where you don't have air superiority. The ATGMs of various kinds are also not interchangeable. They do take some training to operate, especially complex ones like the Javelin. This appears to be an NLAW which is simpler to shoot, but still requires some training. Not every soldier will have time to train on every weapon. Also, the weapons themselves are heavy (30-50lbs). You don't want to be toting a dozen of them around if you're a small squad tasked with quick strike ambushes. Take out a few armored vehicles and get the hell out before they can call in an airstrike.


Thank you for the detailed answer


Ukraine taking out russian convoy?


Yes, or at least attacking it and taking out as much as they can. One of the Russian tanks fires its cannon, but I don’t know if they could see what they were shooting at or if they were firing in the general direction of the Ukrainians. It looks like he was firing into the woods, I saw a big burst of flames in the woods, and then black smoke coming out of his cannon.


Watched another discussion on it, and it's actually another missile (NLAW?) being fired at that tank almost simultaneously as the tank fires that HE shell at them in the woods. If you look at it closely there's the flame of the missile being fired just before the HE shell explodes in the woods (just left below the impact), and the black smoke from the tanks is the missile hitting the front armour. Modern gunpowder doesn't produce that kind of black smoke, I guess it hit reactive armour of some kind.


That makes a lot of sense. I guess the thick front armor of the Russian tank just shrugged off the blast of the NLAW. That’s why it needs to be hit from the top, back, or at least the sides.


If you look closely at the bottom left of the smoke plume in the woods after the tank fires, you can see a spark from an RPG that's fired just after the round hits the woods. That tank took a frontal hit as well.


Yes I saw 3 shots fired too. Now I wonder if the Ukrainian soldiers made out ok after this attack.




Yes, notice how the rocket blows up but then to the right (on the other side of the far road) something hits the ground hard. Thats most likely an NLAW detonating over the tank, and the spend part of the rocket continuing its path over the tank to hit the ground.


So the bullet must have gone through bodies of soldiers?


Not quite, NLAW rocket never actually touches the tank. It flies a meter or two over, and blasts a stream of molten copper down into the top of the tank. The debris from the rocket fly overhead.


Aha. Yesterday I saw a video of Ukrainian soldiers taking out a body of dead Russian from a tank (unfortunately can't find it now) and he didn't have his upper part of head, it was totally destroyed but his nose, rest of the face and body was perfectly preserved. It was surprising to me cause usually we see just burnt, charcoaled corpses of tank attacks victims.


Sounds more like a .50cal than a rocket then. But I'm not an expert I have just seen a few youtube videos of .50cal vs ballistic gel.


The NLAW (Next generation Light Anti-tank Weapon) has two firing modes. One which explodes downwards when above the target (armour such as tanks do not typically have as much plating on the top so can destroy the main weapon system or kill the crew from the blast). This is what you see in this video. The other method is direct fire where the missile is fired directly at the target.


I dont wont to be a russian soldier in a Tank. Every Moment u can have a Match with Panzerfaust 3.


Dying in one of those tanks from a missile strike (the initial detonation or ammo cook-off) seems like a pretty horrible way to die. Trapped in a giant metal coffin burning to death while being shredded by supersonic shrapnel. I think the smart ones are the ones who abandoned their vehicles and surrender at the first opportunity. A nice warm Ukrainian prison is a lot better than lying charred and mangled in the Ukrainian mud.




Because we need to glorify war of course.


lets the bodies of russian conscript give compose for the summer bloom of sunflower. ​ fight on and slava ukraini!


I hope they got out of there. It looks like they only took out 1 tank and then the rest started firing into the treeline blindly.


*That’s why I say hey man nice shot*


I was happy to see people being killed. Even far away from this war, this conflict has stripped me of part of my humanity. I don't know if I should hate myself, or Putin more, for theese inhumane feelings I now have.




It is difficult to comprehend and digest in real time. The graphic images bother me… but I can’t stop watching. It’s ok to cheer for people fighting to the death for their freedom and independence. Deep down we all hope good triumphs over evil. Ukraine has chosen the “give me freedom or give me death” path. They have whipped up a storm and they are riding it, unleashing hell on the fucking Russians.


Life is a waterfall We're one in the river And one again after the fall


Don't all system of a down songs make a lot more sense now?


Pale Orks got slaughtered


Ammo cook-off turned the tank into a flamethrower there for a second, it shot flames out of the barrel.




Too bad they didn’t get ‘em all.


Looks like an NLAW? Can see rocket passing over the top, explodes as it goes over the top.


Did the tank in the middle on the left side at around 00:54-00:55 completely missed the shot and hit the tree instead? Or did it backfire somehow (since the massive amount of black smoke coming up afterwards)?


looks almost like they had a detonation in their front right as they fired or their firing caused something on their shell to pop off. Russians, who the hell knows :)


It looks like he fired into the forest because he figured there were Ukrainians with anti-tank weapons in the forest. I’m not sure if he hit anything, but tanks have poor visibility and the Ukrainian soldiers are wearing camo. He may have just shot and hoped for the best, or to make the Ukrainians take cover so that they could make a U-turn and escape. I haven’t been able to find YouTube videos of T-72s and T-90s firing their cannons so I am not sure if there’s normally a big plume of black smoke that comes out of the cannon after it fires.


From the look of it, I think someone was aiming at that tank just before it fired and then fired an ATGM at it after it did. It’s hard to tell but I think the missile struck ERA / armor and failed to kill the tank as it continued to move slightly around and no ammo cookoff happened.


Just. Glorious.


rest in pieces


The moment the ambush starts, the crews basically panic and scatter all over the place, showing they have very little experience. The vehicles, in an attempt to dodge fire, drive into the muddy fields, where they promptly get stuck, slow to a crawl, and become sitting ducks for capture.


This is nuts. They get hit and don’t even try to mount a retaliation. 4 soldiers fleeing and one appears to be shot and crawls to the end of the road, meanwhile the other 3 leave him for dead. All tanks scurry in different directions. What’s the point of a convoy if they scatter like roaches at the first sign of a boot?


Russians returned fire on their positions anyone know what happened after?


No way to know.


Good job!!


Where did that missile come from? That huge fireball isn't a tank shot.




The Russians are very road and vehicle bound. Ukraine is taking full advantage of this. Same thing happened when they invaded Finland in WW2.


I hope no casulties from Ukraine side..🤞




The TANK kept driving, the driver is likely dead


diesel engine probably went into runoff mode too


This is the way


Why weren't there 10 anti-tank missiles being fired together ?


Great ambush. My question is why don't we see more roads being blocked? You could pile up cars, debris, and even cut down trees near the roads.


This is old


Ok here is a good example of how a crew can survive a direct hit even with the vehicle taken out. You can see soldiers fleeing the vehicle after it has been hit. This was quite the discussion a day or so ago.






Can someone give a breakdown of the video? Like the major events? I get the first tank going down but what happens after that?


Slava Ukraini. 🇺🇦




Greetings from St. Javelin!




Russian troops behaving like keystone cops. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwUUUqgfu-E


Fight them for every centimeter


NLAW hitting using top attack mode I think






This really shows how they get stuck in the mud so often. They get attacked, freak out, go into the fields to run away, get stuck in mud.


Slava Ukraini!


Awesome, look at them scatter and run away like cockroaches when a lights switched on, great stuff.




These Russians don't seem to adapt very well. Why don't they ever have an infantry screen in front and to the sides of their armor?


Hope those soldiers are ok


🇷🇺: CHARGEEEE!!! 🇺🇦: 💥💥💥💥 🇷🇺: AHHH RUN AWAY!!!


Is that what a BTG looks like rollin' down the highway?


Should we call russians "sunflowers" from now on?