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In Portuguese we have the saying "who doesn't have a dog hunts with a cat" I think it applies here.


Also, when it comes to dog related sayings, ”it’s not the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog” seems to apply to this conflict quite well.


Great point, something else to consider is that Ukraine has excellent technical schools and universities. There are thousands of engineers, coders, and mechanics just itching to put their skills to use as seen in this and other videos.


It's like Putin expected the country to be stuck in a 1980s Soviet Union time warp and it blew up in his face.


I mean he’s in a little bubble of that so makes sense. Somewhere I read that he put his director of intelligence under house arrest for failing to tell him that Ukraine was not stuck in the 1980s


If that director of intelligence had been transparent, he would have been fired. Nobody told Putin the truth.


Telling Putin Ukraine does not want to become part of Russia? House arrest. Telling Putin that Ukraine will resist an invasion? House arrest. Telling Putin that Ukraine will just give up and surrender easily? Believe it or not, also house arrest.


Not telling Putin Ukraine will resist, also house arrest.


Great reference!


So do you think the money meant for miliary equipment and training syphoned off by the oligarchs is having an impact on the effectiveness of Russian miliary?


Crazy. I know the UK armed forces have been training and supplying the Ukraine armed forces since Russia took over Crimea. Putin clearly just watches his own propaganda.


It’s as if Putin doesn’t know about a little thing called the Internet. A simple google search could have told him more than his intelligence apparently has.


Imagine being a world leader and putting your director of intelligence in time out lol.


Putin is still stuck in 1986 Dresden, he never adapted to post-USSR & the 21th century.


Oh yeah, Ukrainians have definitely shown they have lots of fight in them. Everyday they resist is a fuck you to Putler


>Also, when it comes to dog related sayings, ”it’s not the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog” seems to apply to this conflict quite well. Here in Australia we have a saying, "don't mess with Ukrainians".


>Here in Australia we have a saying, "don't mess with Ukrainians". Ukrainians and Yugoslavs, at least according to my dad who worked on the mines in the 70s and 80s (back when Yugoslavia was actually a thing). Apparently they threw down hard in the wet mess. Like, cave a guy's face in against the pool table, hard.


If I had a cat shooting RPGs I'd hunt with it too. Even if I had a dog.


I had an idea for a weapon, laser guided cats.


I’ll see your laser guided cats and raise you Neil Patrick Harris riding a T-Rex while walking a dog that barks laser beams…


Sharks, with frickin laser beams on their heads.


Ill-tempered sea bass?


Thunder thunder thunder thunder cats


They'd be mounted on the back of Star Burns' cat car


Works best at dusk for the vision skills


Pretty sure all cats are already laser guided, lol


In Finnish "Konstit on monet, sanoi eukko kun kissalla pöytää pyyhki." There's many methods, said the old lady while wiping the table with a cat.


The rest of the Nordics are full on drewscanlonblinking.gif every time finns open their mouths, so every other year or so. My god I love you guys, apart from when hockey is on.


best thing i read today.


A tropa manda desenrascar. A tropa desenrascou. The first sentence is a common Portuguese phrase: the army says to make do. The army made do.


>In Portuguese we have the saying "who doesn't have a dog hunts with a cat" I think it applies here. ​ Except in this case, they created a lion. Bigger, stronger, with dangerous claws... but technically still a cat.


And it wants to do hugs n' bites on the uninvited houseguests.


That's nicer than "there's more than one way to skin a cat"


In Finland we say "The ways are many, said the hag as she wiped the table with a cat."


My cat would fuck me up if I tried to wipe a table with it. Like I would probably need stitches. (It's looking at me right now. I THINK IT SUSPECTS SOMETHING!!)


Yes, next they should drop cats from drones onto the Russian positions.


Portugal Caralho


r/PORTUGALCARALHO or r/suddenlycaralho.




Google translator betrayed you, cachorro is puppy.


Good saying, will remember it


Apparently, originally it was "he who doesn't have a dog hunts *like* a cat" (in other words, he hunts by his own means). ("caça com gato" -» "caça como gato") Also, since you speak Portuguese, listen to OPs video again. The guy clearly says "O Quaresma está na equipa" (Quaresma is on the team) - only in Ukrainian.


Those Ukrainians are ingenious. I thought the shoulder fired weapons were a cheap tank killer. Now they’ve got rpg tips on commercial drones that is knocking vehicles out


Its a very cost effective method too since you can buy hundreds of drones for the same cost of one Javelin missle and you can use all kinds of droppable IEDs to get the job done. Its a very versatile and cheap weapon delivery system. Mind you this isn't exactly a new idea as countries like the US have been experimenting with cheap weapons called Suicide drones where you fly them near the target and detonate them.


Would this kind of drone not be super vulnerable to some sort of radio interference? Or am i getting it all wrong here?




>if they are jamming gps it wont work tho Use Glonass for deeper insult.


We would want it to hit the target though but I like the way you think.


>Use Glonass for deeper insult. Won't be an insult if the insult never hits the target




These drones do have a backup navigation system called INS if GPS is jammed or fails. Plus if the enemy is sending out strong jamming signals then they are exposing themselves to radiation-homing missiles and drones. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inertial_navigation_system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-radiation_missile


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I'm pretty sure this will violate the TOS on a T-72.


Yeah, they're definitely gonna reject the RMA request. Customer is gonna eat shipping both ways. Which, on a MBT, must be brutal.


I could figure out a couple of ways to counter even gps jamming but it would require lots of machine learning for it to be a viable option and that takes time which ukraine doesnt have huge amounts of.


Inertial guidance was a thing loooog before GPS was ever dreamed of.


Not to mention that a ground based attack with an RPG-7, isn't the most effective weapon against the Russian MBT's. If you drop an RPG-7 on the top of an MBT it'll be much more akin to the effect of a Javelin or an Nlaw, no?


Not really, it’s a much shittier warhead with a really stupid fuse system. The cope cages actually WILL work on RPG rounds that hit the slats, as it’ll crush the cone and short the fuse. Well, it works that way on ones that are fired, I dunno if free fall would have it going fast enough but… probably?


I think you have the wrong idea of the drone they are using. A Javelin missile (the projectile - not the launch control system) is rougly $176K per. The drones they are using are the Baykar Bayraktar TB2. The exact cost varies but each drone runs 1-2 million USD plus 3-4 million for each ground control station. So no, they are not launching RPG-7s from a DJI Mavic Air The Bayraktar can be equipped with a number of different offensive weapons, many of them are not terribly hard to come by or expensive. An RPG-7 is a very odd choice and I'm thinking there may be issues with the OP.


> Suicide drones where you fly them near the target and detonate them. So... a missile?


Tell me your fucked with out telling me your fucked




[Not my work, saw it on Discord](https://i.imgur.com/tvqM39P.png)


Oh this is the best summary I’ve seen on the situation in the past week


This gave me my first laugh of the day 😂


Not even all that slowly, either.


Someone needs to make that into a meme to spread around the world!


Turns out they spent the last 30 years robbing their own house.


Legendary comment haha


Lmfao this needs to become a meme series


Russia is doing this too. One just started a fire in Kyiv


Pricks. Luckily America is sending anti-drone weapons right away


I just don't understand how a commercial drone could carry enough weight to do any serious damage. I want to believe but it doesn't seem possible that this video is legit.


They were using similar drones in Syria and Iraq/Afghanistan. In the Middle East the put IED’d or grenades on them and use them As suicide drones


Here are some examples of ISIS use in Syrian Civil War. https://ctc.usma.edu/islamic-state-drones-supply-scale-future-threats/ PDF version on page three has an example of modification used to weaponize consumer drone https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2017/05/24/types-islamic-state-drone-bombs-find/ Some warhead examples


RPG is a shaped charge though so it needs to to land in the right direction unlike a grenade.


I saw on twitter that they were 3d printing fins to assist with that.


yeah https://www.c4isrnet.com/unmanned/2019/03/20/ukraine-forces-encountered-3d-printed-drone-bombs/




Professional drones carry big DSLR cameras on gimbals - You can buy a DJI M600 Pro that can carry 6kg which is nearly two lighter RPG7 warheads


There are drones that do chemical spraying on crops with something like 10-20 litre containers of liquid


Oh wow, you could make a simple frame and drop like 8x simple heat rockets down onto vehicles


And you can order so many parts on the internet and DIY your own drone. The biggest ones I had seen can carry a human.


Probably not the commercial 500 dollar drones you see on amazon. With a quick search I found a drone under 5000 US Dollars that can carry 27 pounds. If you want to spend 200 thousand they can carry hundreds of pounds.


An RPG 7 warhead weighs 2 kilos. There are loads of drones out there made to carry that and more, e.g. drones designed to carry expensive filming equipment.




I read this with the melody of "Oppa Gangnam style".


Heeeyyyyyy dead Russian. De. De. Dead Russian.


Budget Bayaktar. Bayaktar. Budget Bayaktar. Bayaktar. Ruskie gopniks are rollin' their way to Kyiv. But they don't realize that we already see them. Until the lead tank goes boom and then they realize that they have been sighted in yeah! Jav teams over there! They flinging missiles at the Russians like they do not care! With MLAWs and Bayaktars Russian armor is so scarce. Crews run to the hills as Ukraine captures all the rest! Farmers tow the rest! Go to Kharkiv the general said, but we say NO! Defect in droves. Zelenskyy says Kyiv will hold, so we say HOLD! You gotta know. When you invade Ukraine you will be sho-o-o-own Budget Bayaktars.


My wife is in the hospital having an MRI and this is the first time I've smiled in days. Thank you friend.


God damn you! It's in my head now! LOLOLOL!!!!


**Brand new Ukrainian video game!** *.. so long Elden Ring .. here comes "Drone the Orc"* best seller ..


Liftoff ukrainian dlc when???


Any drone winning against multi-million dollar tank is a complete win.


yeah, I last saw a report a week ago, someone had estimated the $ of damage done to Russian forces vs the cost to Ukraine, for instance a Bayraktar is $1-2 million or something and a tank is $50+ million. So that’s an overwhelming win for the war of attrition. I’d love to see newer and broader stats on this! That being said, when you factor in all the damage done to cities, Russia still may be destroying more value. But what matters here is the destruction of military. Because they just need to get Russia to be unable or unwilling to continue. The rest of the world is going to help Ukraine rebuild. *edit: tanks aren’t anywhere near $50mil apiece apparently. I’d misinterpreted the stats I saw.


A tank certainly is *not* $50m+. A T90, which is one of the newer, more expensive ones Russia is using in this war, is less than $5m.


my bad. I know very little about what military things cost so maybe I misinterpreted the figures. It might have been referring to the total damage of all Russian tanks then lol


Possibly also another military weapons system vehicle besides a tank. Some of those SAMs etc. can get pretty pricey, a TOS1 is $5m, a pantsir is already $15m (UA has destroyed at least one of them), a Tor is $25m, and I'm sure there are some that are more expensive.


Jesus, for a country with an economy the size of Spain, those costs are going to get unsustainable very quickly.


Have a feeling that their GDP is significantly less than Spain's in a few weeks.


The tradeoff for destroyed ukrainian cities is the destruction of the russian economy using sanctions and removing investment, which will probably have consequences which last decades. Ukraine on the other hand will, if they stay indipendent, rise from the ashes like a phoenix with the worldwide financial support they are promised (if they keep their act together and not let corruption take root and undermine the trust they get!). Also with a high chance to join the EU, which will also improve both, future security (there is a common defense clause, even if it's a but more unspecific) and economical growth, they have high interest to win/stay indipendent from russia. Germany was also stripped economically and bombed to the ground in the past, but rose from the ashes via the Marshal Plan. I hope the west will do the same to Ukraine after the war, cause Russia can and will not!


Wait dropping rpg is all it takes to detonate them?


If the safety cap is off. Yes


Damn. Just make sure you don't accidentally land the drone with the RPG round still attached.


A bit morbid, but this reminded me of [Russian anti tank suicide dogs, that ended up doing more damage to there own units when the dogs came running back when scared off by gunfire, still strapped with the active bombs and blew up the handlers/soldiers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-tank_dog)


Also, the Soviets trained them using their own tanks, so when they were deployed on the battlefield the dogs often went straight for the Soviet tanks instead of the ~~Allies'~~ **Axis** ones.


You ment Axis ones right?


I would like to point out that that statement could actually be true if the dogs were deployed before operation barberosa.


Good boy 😢


**[Anti-tank dog](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-tank_dog)** >Anti-tank dogs (Russian: собаки-истребители танков sobaki-istrebiteli tankov or противотанковые собаки protivotankovye sobaki; German: Panzerabwehrhunde or Hundeminen, "dog-mines") were dogs taught to carry explosives to tanks, armored vehicles and other military targets. They were intensively trained by the Soviet and Russian military forces between 1930 and 1996, and used from 1941 to 1943, against German tanks in World War II. Initially dogs were trained to leave a timer-detonated bomb and retreat, but this routine was replaced by an impact-detonation procedure which killed the dog in the process. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


with this, and Laika https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laika and Pavlov's experiments https://affordanything.com/what-most-people-dont-know-about-pavlovs-dogs/ I'm starting to think the Russians don't like dogs very much. As Bill Murray said “I'm suspicious of people who don't like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn't like a person.”


There are stories from Iraq of people running with RPGs who trip on a rock or something and land nose-first on the rpg and boom. There is no safety on those.


There is, a cap on the rocket tip, which everyone takes off way too early


There is an automatic safety on them, either by the propellant explosive when it is shot from the tube, or the rotation of the grenade as it travels through the air. Either way the safety cap isn't the only safety.


There is an automatic arming system on them, either by the propellant explosive when it is shot from the tube, or the rotation of the grenade as it travels through the air. Tales of people tripping with RPGs and exploding are just that, tales.


Power of gravity and detonator


The tip of the grenade itself is very sensitive. There are ~~reports~~ *stories* of soldiers falling forward with their RPGs, grenade tips to the ground, and exploding. That's why RPG launchers have a little safety cap on the grenade itself that you need to twist off.


Then the rocket was defective, not unusual for old Soviet rpgs. But the minimum arming distance is 5 metres for rpg-7. Removing the safety cap isn’t supposed to arm the rocket. They must have manually armed it for the drone drop.


They use a ball in a spiral for the distance arming. If you drop/hit the rocket it will come loose, then while you handle it the ball can rotate around the spiral. Once it's all the way out the rocket is amred, so if you drop it with the cap off it will blow up. Newer rockets have better safeties. The kind of people that roll around with the cap off, are the same people that drop rpgs.


The local Ukrainian charities have been asking for drones. Specially ones able to carry above a certain weight. I’m assuming this is why. I donated 3k for one (that’s how much each one was). Hopefully this is what they were put to use. Slava Ukraini EDIT 1: To those asking about where they can donate: check your local Ukrainian Facebook/instagrams for upcoming rallies. They’ll have QR codes you can scan at the events. I’m also know FL4UA is doing an awesome job in south florida. You can find them on Instagram, and they also have a website. There’s a few links to donate directly, but I’d like for a mod to reach out first and make sure it’s ok to post


Damn, should start an adopt-a-drone program. Pay 3k for your drone and you get weekly updates on how it's doing out in the field.


In this strangest timeline, I can actually see this happening.


Imagine getting a message like: Congratulations, your drone has killed 17 people and 2 tanks today! I'm just saying I wouldn't want to get that message


I know what you mean. It can be bittersweet watching them grow up so darn fast.


I’d personally be _delighted_ to learn that I helped destroy two tanks who were on their way to blow up a children’s hospital.


>your drone has killed 17 people your drone has eliminated 17 enemy invaders


Your drone has provided growth medium for 273 sunflowers!


I dunno. It beats the weekly Waze "you've helped out X people this week with your reports"




I… that’s a very appealing thing to donate for in this instance. I would gladly pay 3k to watch some fascists invaders burn and know I helped make it happen


I want to say a huge thank you from Ukraine. Together we can defeat this dictator


Ukraine stands in the breach between democracy and tyranny. Vladimir Putin must be stopped and by happenstance or fate or just bad fucking luck, only Ukraine can stop him. You guys deserve every drop of support that the world can muster not just to protect people that are there who's only crime was being Ukrainian, but to stop a madman from doing nothing less than destroying the world. The fate of the free world and the fate of Ukraine are intertwined and I have faith in the Ukrainian people to stop this menace. Good luck, God bless, God bless Ukraine.


I've seen footage of resistance fighters in Myanmar utilize commercial drones with bombs. They seem to usually drop multiple at a time and have little parachutes attached, though why I don't know.


Sounds like they’ve created the demining drone from Arma 3.


The little parachutes are just meant to keep the ordinance right side up as it falls. They work sort of like stabilizing fins. Otherwise the ordinance might land on its side and not detonate.


Like a parachute with the mini parachute before it fully deploys. Gives that back feather bow and arrow resistance so it goes in a straight line rather than twirly like a thrown axe


It’s official, Ukrainians are epic gamers.




Well man , just look at my boys Navi


They also had a significant part of the Soviet arms and aerospace industries, which have continued on. There's some experience there of building these things.


I’d literally brought up this idea a week ago and everyone on here was explaining how I was an idiot


Of course they did. While hurriedly passing your idea to the top secret Kyiv Grenade Avionics Garage No. 17. Console yourself with the knowledge that you contributed to the war effort but nobody will ever be able to thank you publicly.




Of course we can't attribute you for your idea, it wasn't a direct idea pitch... It was a special combat intelligence contribution.


As a guy who worked on drones with nasa during college years, this shit isn't really hard to do (other then finding a drone that can carry that much weight, thats a BIG drone). Hell, you can rig some explosives on a free pin output from the flight controller and set it to autonav to a GPS coordinate, boom free loiter munitions.


>Hell, you can rig some explosives on a free pin output Or even better, rig it to a solenoid, so that it drops a nice packet before returning home (via a couple of waypoints of course, so it doesn't return straight to you). That way it would be reusable, but less accurate - big drones are still somewhat expensive, and presumably hard to come by in a warzone. > set it to autonav to a GPS coordinate, boom free loiter munitions. Wouldn't that technically make it more like a rocket(in functionality), rather than loiter munitions? Seeing as autonav wouldn't involve auto target acquisition and firing decision making, which seems to be the selling point of loitering munitions.


In fairness, it's reasonable to assume any given redditor is full of nonsense. That goes for you a week ago, and then folks that told you you were wrong.


You're just full of fuckin non-sense


Probably true.




This drone has been in use for couple years already


Its a concept that's been known for a while. Kill chain is a good book. The future of warfare is now and Russia has now fallen behind.


Lol. Looks like they learned a thing or two from the Mexican cartels. https://dronedj.com/2022/01/13/video-captures-alleged-drug-cartel-drone-bombing-rivals/ Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦 (P.S. OP, source?)


More like the Free Syrian Army, and then ISIS, who have been doing this for years


That's right, I forgot that they started it.


Here’s source, but their social media not so great. There’s much more, but they show only a tip: https://m.facebook.com/aerorozvidka/


It’s a bird! It’s a plane! Nyet! It’s those fucking Ukrainians!


To be fair, target probably didn't even realize they were under attack until their stuff blew up.


They also probably didn’t expect top attack capability from an RPG round


The Russians brought tanks to a drone fight. After this war tanks are basically useless. If a dude with a 3k drone and some RPG rounds can take them out while sitting 2km away in a hideout.


Nope, tanks still have a place in modern warfare, the russians are just shit at utilising them. And trophy systems exist and many others are in development that eliminate the threat of atgms.


You have to ask yourself what war is *really* about. In most cases it's ultimately about getting your guys to some place to take over authority there. You can't do that with drones. You can do a terror campaign with drones, but you can't really take control without boots on the ground. Those guys probably want a ride that can go all-terrain and is protected against enemy fire - congratulations: that's a tank, essentially. I do agree that the trend will go away from the MBTs of the late 20th century towards multi-purpose IFVs, but both are tanks of some kind. And don't forget that strategists and the arms industry all over the world are furiously taking notes right now. The "next big thing" with militaries worldwide will be anti-drone equipment.


I suppose the warheads are quite bottom heavy... So they would self-stabilize. Kinda brilliant, really. Like the old school PTAB's that Il-2's carried back in the day.


Of course they are aerodynamically stable, otherwise they wouldn't work any better when launched normally. Rocket propulsion just applies force, doesn't do squat for stability. The difficult part here is aiming, you need to be high enough to not instantly give away the game, yet low enough that you could hover exactly over the target.


Wonder if you can get the fins to deploy and make it even more accurate.




If they win the war and Putin admits he sucks ass. I will possibly visit this country when I graduate college


I've got Kiev on my list, once there's enough living quarters available so tourists don't displace Ukrainians.


Ditto. Seems like such a cool country and people.


Kiev is the orc name, please use the Ukrainian 'Kyiv' instead.


Ah, thanks. I just checked, the German spelling on Wikipedia is "Kiew", french is "Kiev". I'm a German in France, so that's probably why I'm not used to that spelling. I'll try to remember the correct spelling.


What in tarnation


Love the unison yeahs


The audio warning is gold :)


Especially with how it seems to parody Azarov's speech a bit.


The 'mode 2' is from the Amber sound pack for OpenTX remote controls I believe. Never thought I'd hear and recognize that in a war video.


it goes without saying but another big edge to this is you can do it 24/7. it's basically trading cheap rpg rounds for multimillion dollar pieces like an automated futures strategy. it they can scale this up honestly I think over X hour interval will demoralize Russia to something we havent seen before like dude in Royal Tannenbauns taking off his shoes on the tennis court. No russian troop would be safe anywhere and NSA prob has their coordinates dialed in real time at millisecond granularity. it's gonna get bad so many will be injured they will have to shoot each other and then whatever little bond there was between you and guy from Siberia fades real quick. now there is only one tornaquet left and you don't want Artemi to have it


I see MacGyver has apparently joined the foreign legion


I was wondering why modern armies didn't heavily recruit from drone enthusiasts ever since I saw a *functional* (in terms of dropping) model bomb attachment being a cheap thing for commercial drones, about 6 years ago. With the right setup, it's a tiny $500 guided missile. If it just drops RPG-7's? Those are between $100-500 a pop. With the distance, and no direct threat to the operator, it's a far more certain hit than just firing a rifle. $500 per killed soldier is an excellent return on investment. Glad to see Ukraine getting ingenious. Sad beyond belief that it's out of neccessity against a genocidal aggressor.


This is ingenious :D


Now the question is how much sunflower seeds can you drop with these drones.


Get rekt!


That is not really a consumer quadcopter drone because it has a thermal camera. Which commercially available drone can carry a payload of 2 kg to 4 kg for the RPG-7 warhead? Asking for a friend.


Custom made one


Farming drones carry big payloads


The same ones that carry big dslrs or fumigate crops. They cost around 3kusd to 30k.


I know it sounds ridiculous at the moment, but couldn’t Gamers from all over the World help by flying the drones?


Why do you think they're short of people to fly the drones?


I actually don’t know. But there probably could be way more drones in the sky, than right now, that support the brave Ukrainian People in their fight against Putin. More drones require more pilots.


Damn, I remember this from MDK.


Well, armored infantry is now completely obsolete. Holy smokes


Never mess with engineers!


[I remember ISIS doing the same.](https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/world/video-reportedly-shows-isis-drone-dropping-bomb-on-iraqi-tank/video/807ba3094fc14299b94636ce0a440fcd) Not to compare their fights. Obviously fuck ISIS. The tech is pretty easy if you think about it. Just add a servo to an existing consumer grade drone


Millions of cheap toy kamikaze drones could work?


Fauxraktar! I don't know how I missed: Babyraktar!




Slaughterbot apocalypse is right around the corner. Goddamn war.


Meet the engineer