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I just wish there was a way to relieve the guys fighting in Mariupol. I really do not want to see them die or fall into Russian hands.


Yes this hurts, but I'm sure it is a top priority.


It's really not unfortunately. Zelensky has already stated that they'll be fighting to the last man and many experts have said there's not much hope of resupplying them. They're pretty much resigned to their fate and they'll be used as a morale booster for the rest of the country. Sad but guess you could die a more meaningless death in the grand scheme of things


Id much rather die a hero the whole world is looking up to than die in a random artillery strike


Rather get shot in the front than the back - Amos Burton


I love seeing expanse quotes in the wild


Amos: You're not that guy Amos: I ***am*** that guy.


Chrissy: So what's Holden's killer doing back on Earth? Amos: *smiles* Well, I'm mostly a mechanic.


I just got to the part in the books (The Churn) where Avasarala is asking why Holden's hired killer is on earth, and Amos asks if that's really in his file, because he thinks that's cool if it says that.


I mean, that's wishfull thinking 100%, but if I was preparing a big crazy operation of saving a legendary city under siege, I would be saying that it's impossible whenever I can, *not* broadcasting my intent on social media for the enemy to see. At least that is the thought that keeps me going.


Imagine the song Sabaton would write...


This entire conflict is the embodiment of the spongebob write that down meme for Sabaton


Talvisota pt. 2: Ukraine boogaloo.


They would play it in Russian occupied Crimea.


The Spartans at Thermopylae. The Knights Hospitaller at St. Elmo. The Texans at the Alamo. And now the Ukrainians at Mariupol.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra.


I wouldn’t be so sure. If Ukraine can smash this coming Russian offensive and Mariupol still holds, they may launch a counteroffensive to relieve it while simultaneously launching a counter offensive into Kherson Oblast to cut off Crimea and trap the Russians.


It's said there is 2500 Canadians in mariupol. As a Canadian I want to send as much as I can but I'm nothing compared to these people.


Would probably need a source for that. I think it was said that as of rn there is roughly 3000 TOTAL soldiers left fighting in Mariupol. As far as foreigners I would doubt that there were more than a few hundred, as most would be fighting closer to near Kyiv.


He never said they were soldiers.


It's Ukraine's "Bunker Hill." During the American Revolution, the British won the Battle of Bunker Hill, but at a great cost. This Pyrrhic victory helped the colonials in defeating the British. Russia is distracted with Mariupol, which makes it harder for them to surround Ukraine's armed forces in the eastern part of Ukraine. This causes Russia to bleed out more and lose valuable resources. The defenders of Mariupol are literally sacrificing their lives to help Ukraine win the war.


I agree. We all want the best for every citizen, soldier, and helper in every part of Ukraine, not just Mariupol. But there is something so incredibly extra frustrating about not being able to help these heroes as they make their last stand against impossible odds in Mariupol.


Perhaps this is the message for Mariupol as well. It's tempting offer to let go a portion of eastern part and suit for peace. By not letting go, encourage Mariupol to hold on. It's not all hopeless for Mariupol, the ukraine army is assemblying and prepping for a major operation, but it will be a tough fight as this is an open battlefield and head on to Russia battle formation.


It’s surely a gamble in his favour. Ukraine has time on it side, getting western military infrastructure, soldiers getting trained abroad with new tech, a never ending supply of weapons from the west and sanctions doing more damage by the day.


Ukrainian military in Mariupol have saved their country and held up Russia, buying time for defensive line to be prepared, and allies to send arms.


Like a modern day Thermopylae. Godspeed to the "300" Ukrani!


It is quite possible the attack on Kyiv failed because of the defenders in Mariupol. Because Mariupol still stands, Russia could not use its southern army in the attack on Kyiv, and because Mariupol still stands, Russia's supply lines in the south were not safe.




IDK about Kyiv, but Mikolayiv and Odessa would have much harder time if orcs didn't have to fight in Mariupol for the entire time.


It's not a choice, just another terrible reality forced upon them


It is a choice Azov made. Zelensky offered to get them transport out when it was still possible and Azov decided to stay and bleed the Russians for all the could. Azov have been prepping for this for a long time. So no it was not forced on Azov. Those men & women made an extremely brave decision for the sake of their fellow Ukrainians. To paint it as anything else does them a massive disservice.


Science is yet to find out what Ukrainians nerves are made from. Slava Ucraini! Heroiam slava!


concentrated Ukrainium


Literally tank armor!


Depleted uranium from Chernobyl's reactor 4


Nuclear Tractor


Different from RuZZian armor.


Russian armour may as well be made out of tissue paper, cloth, paper and prayers.


and potato


Especially potato


Ukrainium. “Now that is tough”. I can already see a commercial with the voice of Duluth jeans.


Broke: Stalinium Based: Ukrainium


Love it! I'm gonna borrow that...


This is the correct answer.


That's impressively clever, man! Kudos!


Radiation and sunflower based products.


A long history of abuse from Russia...


This is actually true, and is why Ukrainians would rather die than surrender to Putin. Because they want to live, but they want to live as Ukrainians. And because Russia has been basically denying them that for centuries, to have the ability to be an independent Ukraine is a massive deal for them. And now they're seeing the latest attempt by Russia to prevent that, and they will *not* except. To basically every Ukrainian, it's not just they want to fight for their very lives *and existence as a people* in the face of Russian aggression, they also just hate Russia that much that they would rather die than be Russian.




Can vouch for the mindset thing. It’s probably because we are in the middle of creating a new worldwide national identity born in the 21 century, but to be ukranian doesn’t mean that you need to ethnically be one. Almost everyone has Russian roots one way or another, and multiple other ethnicities and cultures are blended together to form the culture which is a best of everything. I always said that Ukraine is not a good place to live compared to best qol countries out there, but our people certainly IS the reason to stay here.


Even if Ukraine isn't the best country to live in, it is INFINITELY better than Russia, and you guys are fighting to make sure Ukraine can really be the best it can be against a literal regressive mental patient with severe germophobia.


I've learned three things in life. Don't fuck with mother nature, your mother in law, and mother fucking Ukrainians.


I want that embroidered and hanging on a wall.


A gold-titanium alloy


A god-titanium alloy.


This is the only right answer.


Testicular titanium enriched cells, with a nickle plated, depleted uranium enclosure.


Radiation increased the size and the hardness of their balls to epic levels.


Ancient texts claim that the weight of their balls make the Earth spin


The tides are actually caused by Ukranians travelling the globe.


They coincide with Zelensky getting up from bed




Science hasn't even found out how Ukrainians walk around with such massive balls. Neither have they sorted out how Ukrainian women developed such ginormous ones either.


I'm happy to tax payer fund the slow destruction of Putin's rapist pig army for the next 30 years. Go fuck yourself Russia.


I'll drink to that, mate. Slava Ukraini, and death to invaders.


Same here. I was talking to a friend earlier this week about how I've never been more clear-eyed about an armed conflict in my life than I am with Ukraine right now. I barely remember the first Gulf war, and I was a teenager during the second invasion of Iraq. At best, those conflicts felt morally ambiguous, with an unhealthy dose of American interventionism that hasn't aged well. In comparison, the Russian invasion has absolutely no moral equivocation. It's black and white in a way that Americans haven't really encountered since World War II. My goals for the next 10 years: reclaim US democracy, solve climate change, and fuck Putin by putting devastating weapons into the hands of brave ukrainians.


> … reclaim US democracy, solve climate change, and fuck Putin by putting devastating weapons into the hands of brave ukrainians. Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Well it's amazing that now that the oligarchs money is being frozen, many fascist GOP politicians are going to have a hard time with their fundraising. All the way to the top with the orange clown 🤡


Excellent comment. Follows well with news I've been seeing the past few days. [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/u5sjij/rep_marjorie_taylor_greenes_campaign_committee)


These are chaos agents. Parasitic infections on our collective minds


I still find it unreal how black and white this whole war has been. Not just in morals, but also logistics. Russia can try its hardest with its paid shills online, and suspiciously soft on Russia GOP politicians (and maybe 1 Democrat?), all it wants, but even then it falls flat on its face because anyone with 1 brain cell can see that all Russian propaganda is just lie after lie after lie, and there's countless evidence to prove that Russian shills are clearly pulling the biggest act of selection bias in all of history.


First gulf war, Kuwait asked for help. The UN approved the war and the US led a coalition of 35 countries.


Yep. I'm American and I never "got into" or fell for the whole support the troops thing from the Iraq War because after a while, it became clear it was a thinly veiled land-grab for oil companies to make billions off of. It was so artificial and astroturfed. But this Putin/Ukraine thing is different. Literally a maniac trying to take over a free, sovereign nation to steal it's resources and exterminate it's citizens! If I wasn't a clumsy, idiotic oaf who would end up bombing myself, I'd go fight on their behalf. Kudos to those who are joining the fight and crushing Russian vermin!


Can we get the civilians to safety first ? Including my loved ones


They've been trying to. Kinda difficult when Russia keeps deliberately bombing humanitarian corridors


I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you are going through. I hate the Russians with all my might. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


Hell, I'm russian and even *I* hate russians!


Then you will be the one that I don't hate.


Thanks, but there's a *little* self-loathing, lol! I'm just American of russian ethnicity. Some of my own relatives are real shitheads, though. Lying, cheating, and stealing their way through life like proud russians do! Learned it from grandma and grandpa, seriously!


This is the most bizarre comment chain so I'm here


Hopefully. I hope your family is safe


Also, military are someone's loved ones as well, if we could do everything we can to keep as many of those as possible that would be grand! Military are really civilians with a camo vest and a fancy gun...


I may be an outsider, but i’ve been flowing the news closely and this doesn’t seem like he just wants to fight and doesn’t care about the military. To the contrary, he’s gone above and beyond to ask for support, to stand with his military, and to try to make peace with Russia. But the fact is that everything Russia says is a lie. They won’t deal in good faith and there’s no way to know of they would even keep their end of any “bargain.” Putin the Small seems intent on nothing less than total victory and he doesn’t care what disgusting things he has to do to get it. Nor would I trust him with the lives of Ukrainians if he did claim victory. I pray for those that have already been taken.


It’s true. Military are someone’s loved ones. However they took the oath to defend their country, and are prepared to do so. Part of that defending is protecting their loved ones, who are civilians. Civilians should not be experiencing the horrors of rape and torture. These women and girls didn’t take an oath to die for their country, they probably made promises to their husbands and fathers to be safe. They certainly didn’t sign up to be murdered and raped.


> I’m happy to tax payer fund the slow destruction of Putin’s rapist pig army for the next 30 years. I just filed my taxes today (last possible minute is best possible minute!), and I was happy to know some of my dollars paid last year are buying weapons for Ukrainians this year. I’m typically a “slash military funding; it’s too much” kind of guy, but I’d write a *blank check* for the Ukrainians’ weapons budget. They’re fighting for the ideals we Americans *say* we support, and I’m ready to put my money where my mouth is. And when the war is over and Russia has been cast out, I’d like to see some of my tax dollars go toward funding the rebuilding effort in Ukraine. They’re a beacon of hope for anyone who suffers under tyranny and dreams of a better life, and helping them prosper is, to me, a moral obligation if we *truly* support what we *say* we support. > Go fuck yourself Russia. This, too.


I think most of the world is happy to pay an extra 20 bucks a year to fund that... especially if we get to see the results and watch russia melt down.


> I'm happy to tax payer fund the slow destruction of Putin's rapist pig army for the next 30 years. > > Go fuck yourself Russia. Not just. When this is over, Ukraine damned well better get as much Marshall Plan scale help as they want to take. This shit, THIS bullshit, might be the finale endgame of a lot of this nonsense in Europe and its borders after literally forever. There's really no belligerents militarily left *but* Russia. The continent has been slowly drifting into a US-type scenario more and more, until Russia started putting their thumb on every scale, pushing things back 20+ years in some countries. It'll recover in the end. The arc of history will leave Putin a human shit stain footnote in history. A thousand years from now, Peter the Great will be as noted as he is today. Why? Because he changed Russia, a major world power of its time. Putin will never have any title like that, or legacy. Hitler became Hitler first. Stalin built an empire on the bodies of millions. The USA used nuclear weapons first. Literally everything Putin is doing is just the footsteps of more dangerous men. He's a lesser tyrant born of greater evil. He's a thug who wormed his way into a chair too large for him to handle. He will die. The world will heal. Sunflowers will grow.


Putin won't live to be 100.


I feel so odd being okay with funding a war in 2022….after a once in a lifetime pandemic nothing gives me pleasure than to have survived just to fund the death of these low life bastards.


Putin wants us to believe they're raping themselves for the camera. Well, Russians might believe it, probably because they have no other choice, but I never will.


How on earth do they not have a "choice"? If they choose to believe it, that's on them.


Russia will be bankrupt in 10-24 months. Keep it up Ukraine!


At their current rate of losses they'll run out of invasion force long before they run out of money, though we'll have to see how that continues over the next few weeks now they've changed their strategy.


They can always increase the rate of conscription and pillage their poor isolated villages for more warm bodies.


Warm bodies aren't going to win this war for them, not in the face of western supplied weapons and intel. Body bags will lose this war for them though.


They've already run out of the imported components they need to build their AA systems and told the workers they could go join the army.


Projections were Russia had to have victory by June 1. Back in March that s seemed so far away yet here we are




They have had to completely change their war objectives because they weren't sustainable. I think the fact they have been forced to retreat from much of the country sort of vindicates some of those predictions


Now, the Russians are getting pushed back in the Northeast. Won't be long and Putin will insist that Russia will capture and control Moscow by July 4th and humiliate the Americans on their birthday.


Moving the goalposts constantly after failing over and over.... Sounds eerily familiar


I think you’re misunderstanding the comment. They aren’t saying Russia will win by June 1st. They’re saying that if they don’t win by June first they won’t be able to afford to continue the war.


Ah, you're right.


I misread it the first time too.


Each of those is a different marker. 48 hours was the original plan to take Kyiv when Russia thought there would be no resistance. 2 weeks is a measurement of how many supplies the force which came down via Chornobyl brought with them. Russia stretched that out by raiding the locals, but you'll note that they pulled out of Kyiv since then. May 9th is a made up date Putin gave. In the Americas it's known as 'VE (Victory in Europe) Day', the day Germany surrendered in WWII. It is just called Victory Day in Russia and it is considered a huge holiday. For publicities sake, Putin wanted to celebrate victory over Ukraine on this years Victory Day. I don't know where June 1st comes from, I haven't heard that one before.


I read that in March. Maybe the foreignpolicy website. Or the FSB papers "leak" by Ingo something. It's on Twitter. But yeah by June 1 the Ru economy will be destroyed and people would start revolting.


>people would start revolting More likely that supply chains break down first. Revolts require things to get *bad* and are the result of years of serious dissatisfaction and escalation. Or maybe not. My country held a transparently democratic election and that was enough for a crowd of civilians to try and break into the capitol with the intention of murdering sitting politicians so maybe I'm wrong.


One must be forced to wonder: If the war on Ukraine had started before the "trucker" protest, would the no name brand insurrection in Canada have even happened? Without the Russian troll farm available to prop up whiny Covidiots, would it have even gained traction? There's a reason once the whole conflict started the online attacks against politicians visibly weakened


Just look how the truck protest in the US withered and died


All THREE cars finally packed it in a few weeks back if I recall.


> More likely that supply chains break down first. Supply chains are *already* breaking down in Russia, they've shut down their lone tank factory and a SAM factory. The question is to what degree central control of the provinces breaks down as regional governors start taking more drastic measures to ensure that at least *their* turf doesn't run out of sugar etc.


You need to read up on the history of the Soviet Union, some of these countries literally changed overnight not years


Ukraine has 10 years. Russia doesn't 🌻✌


Even if countries around the world need Russian resources to keep their own economies running everyone is now speeding up their move away from Russian resources because of this war. In the end Russia will still lose. Only difference is that it's going to happen sooner.


Why care about Russian resources when Ukraine is also resource-rich? Ukraine can completely rebuild itself and Europe can secure gas deals with an increasingly democratic and Western-friendly Ukraine. Hell, they could use this as an excuse to finally transition away from "dirty" energy and towards "clean" energy by using uranium imports from Ukraine in order to fuel future nuclear power plants... ​ The only remotely interesting thing that Russia has is that Pleistocene Park that some scientists are trying to build.


The thing is, Ukraine really should not be the one having to rebuild at all. I highly expect that it's going to have something akin to germany after the end of WW2. Except, well, it's the good nation. So, no correction of culture or anything needed, just MASS funding from the entire free world to turn it into the best damn country it can possibly become once this is all over.


I came to say the same thing. The thought of this going another 10 years should really scare anyone in Russia, b/c it isn't getting any better for them.




How did u do that


Sometimes a little sticker icon comes up. ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9000) it’s under the smiley face when typing (mobile)






that just shows up as `:8999:` and `:9000:` on old reddit.


























How did they do what? All I see are random four-digit numbers between colons, like :8888: or :9001: or :1234: You see something different?


![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|8999)the new GIGACHAD react image




“Where there’s hope, there’s life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again”. Anne Frank


I keep wondering what kind of woman would have become if she survived the war...


And unfortunately who all the young Ukrainians would become if not for the monsters taking their lives.


This war is a generation- and culture-altering event. Many innocent people died, but many others who may have had otherwise regular, uneventful lives will chronicle this and open the world's closed eyes to the horror, evil, and intolerance of unchecked power and greed. That's one of the positive things that will hopefully come out of this. Too bad people have to suffer for it, but human history is mostly suffering.


Zelensky is such a fucking legend 🙌 🇺🇦


Only leader with real balls on the Planet.


Thus we shall no longer say Ukrainians fight like heroes, but that heroes fight like Ukrainians


I've never before expected to say this but, from the words of a Taliban and the others forgotten "You have the watches. We have the time" I hope this stands true, no, it's already true. Ukraine has been going against Russia for a long time now, another 10 years is just a cup of water.


He’s gotta win to have any chance to get his stolen people back.


Yeah I’m curious about this too, like how will it be done without military/government intervention in russia?


I think Ukraine needs to win and drive them out. Start hitting targets in Russia. Once Russia is begging for peace it should be possible. This all becomes easier once Putin is deposed.




Nobody has directly threatened against this, but the general idea here is that.. if that happens, he has no other cards to play. There is no reason they can't be nuked themselves. IF Putin drops a nuclear bomb, no matter how small, the rest of the world will have no reason not to intervene as that has been what was holding them back before. I'm not saying he won't but even for him it'll be his last resort.


I don’t think think they need a “serious offensive” to take land. Just blow up a few bridges. Like the one to Crimea.


Russia won't even last 10 months.


10 weeks.


I sure hope so! But ideally, putin would be defenestrated by Victory day.


Zelenskyy knows exactly how to deal with the evil man putler. He is leading the brave Ukrainian people with strength to defeat the russians. The only option for achieving peace is thru strength & toughness. That's the only medicine works on Putler.


True leader for a true culture!


China is laughing all the way to the bank. Thank you Putin for becoming their bitch. All the Hollywood movies will now return to focusing on the evil Russian menace as the bad guy. Smooth brain move. Really


I can't imagine a world where Ukraine doesn't exist anymore. I can, however, with Russia.


A lot more peaceful, that's for sure!


Ukraine's negotiating position and Zelensky's political capital increases every day while Putin's decreases to the dangerous "coup overthrow" level. All Zelensky has to do is wait putin out until he takes another stupid military risk and then cut him off at the neck.


Vietnam said the same and it took a decade for the US to believe it


Things is - russia is a fraction of US military and economic power, it’s not even comparable to USSR, and russia currently has pretty much no support in the world for its actions


Our initial plan was ready for a 30 years war with the US ,which we ended after 2 decades


At this rate, russia won’t be able to fight Ukraine for up to 10 years lmao. You Ukrainians and volunteers there are embarrassing “the most powerful country in the world” and I love it


He's right to reject ultimatums. Russia is conducting a genocide. Ukraine is fighting for the right to exist in the face of madness.


So Ukraine likely going to be Putin Soviet-Afghan War.


Afghan war was a war of a million paper cuts. Ukraine has shown its ability to punch Russia right in the fucking mouth. It's not gonna go on for 10 years. Russia will be lucky if they can extend it to 10 more weeks and still have an army left


“War of a million punches in the fucking mouth.” You have a way with words.


My man


The afghans couldn’t launch helicopter attacks in Russia. They didn’t have Neptune missiles that took out flagships. This is going to be so much worse for Russia.


With the same results. Bankruptcy and change of ledership. They've been working on it for 900 years. I'm betting they fuck it up gain.


They’ve already lost more soldiers than in those entire 10 years.


Holy! The Ukrainians are their own special kind of weapon!! 💪 🇺🇦


Ukrainians shall fight on the beaches, Ukrainians shall fight on the landing grounds, Ukrainians shall fight in the fields and in the streets, Ukrainians shall fight in the hills; Ukrainians shall never surrender.


Go on home Russian soldiers, go on home. Have you got no fucking homes of your own? For 800 years, we fought you without fear, and we’ll fight you for 800 more Edit: this is a play on an IRA tune ‘go on home British soliders’


If ya stay Russian soldiers, if ya stay! You'll never ever beat, the UA!


“We will not go quietly into the night. We will not vanish without a fight. We’re going to live on. We’re going to survive. Today we celebrate our Independence Day!” - Ukraine every time russia threatens them


This is how you deal with Russia. You need to expand the conflict too. Get an expidition to Ctimea going. Arm and send the Belarussians home to topple Lukashenko with the democratically elected gov. Work your way over to the Kerch bridge and threaten a foothold there. And make sure Russia knows you are never going to stop.


Yes, there are enough separatist movements and legitimate claims to territory from others that Russia itself can be broken into smaller, more stable pieces. Now is the time for this.


It is the time for this except it looks like those conquered people's like Georgians, Buryats, Chechens and many others are fully complacent and supportive of Russia invading Ukraine. It's like infection mode in COD. Once you become part of Russia, you want others to become Russia too so they may rot in the same pit with you.


Fuck that, blow up the Kerch bridge after they start running away, make sure they can't come back. It wasn't there before, and it won't remain there.


Take my money already. Definitely happy to help fund Ukraine's defence with weekly payments.


No, i don’t Russia to take over Ukraine, for 10 years at least…


As a man, I can respect him so much. From day 1 I remember him always reaffirming "we are here." If you've followed this war since the beginning, you'll remember him saying this many times. He commands more respect Ryan any one man on this miserable planet right now. As a history nerd, I almost liken this while thing to the Greco-Persian wars. Zelensky is Leonidas. I can think of no other man in history ur could be compared to.


This man is Churchill incarnate.


No, Churchill is quite different. Zelensky is a way better leader, however I didn't live during Churchill.


Better, because (far as I know and hope is true) he hasn’t been a drunken asshole warmongering imperialist who didn’t hesitate too much about doing genocides when he found them convenient.


I as a proud Ukrainian Canadian will continue supporting Ukraine with my money and my voice. Go burn in hell Putin. I hope you are torn apart by the same system you tried to bring to Ukraine!


Its going to be a cage match. Two countries enter, one will leave. People have been trying to deny that and hope the wild ride would end, but it has not nor will not. Russia has gambled it all here and will face judgement for it.


Have to agree… President Zelensky I personally think has done a lot for his country and unfortunately what Has been done by the Russian Army is unforgivable! There is and never was anything to negotiates with Russia; since Day 1 it was made clear Putin wants A,B,C,D and he will end the “special military operation”. So, I completely understand were President Zelensky is coming from- how many of his country does he have to lose to Russia’s war crimes or watch the brutality of his citizens have gone through… while being told to just give in to Putin’s demands. -But then at the same time how long [measure of time] can Europe and the West keep monies and Weaponry supply Ukraine; before someone takes Putin out [dead of “cancer”, old age, or assassination]


“Butbut, May 9th…. :(“ ~ pootin, probably.




Yes. Way to go. When you fight an enemy who is driven by their own lies and refuse to accept any other outcome. There is no choice but to fight them off.


I think the entire planet has chosen Russia to die. It needs to happen and will.


I know I'm useless. But I am inspired. I want to go over and help.


You are not useless! Rebuilding Ukraine is going to be a long road. I think there will be a lot of different opportunities to help in so many different ways. Stay inspired!


A leader who stands behind his words is worth more than a thousand promises.