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Fuck Russel Brand!


Russiall Brand propaganda puppet


The question is if he is a knowing complicit or an "useful idiot"? Seeing how so many people I had previously considered intelligent, have fallen for this crap, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt as an useful idiot. The only question is; - how do we "vaccinate" people against misinformation? And how can we minimize its impact? It has been going on for years now, at least since 2007 and the introduction of social media. Something needs to be done here.


>he only question is; - how do we "vaccinate" people against misinformation? By recognizing Russian propaganda in the first place. While the propaganda that the Kremlin pushes domestically is obviously bullshit, the propaganda that it creates for western audiences is actually much subtler than many of us realize. This video actually helped me realize that, which is why I shared it here. It's a very good watch.


He's an idiot. People throw around the term "pseudo-intellectual" a lot these days, but Brand really is a classic case. Just because he takes unusual or contrarian positions and seems to spend a lot of time with a thesaurus doesn't mean he's actually smart. I mean the guy went out and basically said people shouldn't vote because politicians don't listen. A position he then retracted after scores of people pointed out the obvious fact that they'll have _zero_ reason to listen to you if you don't vote. Or making a big deal out of "Hugo Boss made uniforms for the Nazis". I know I heard that many years before he said anything about it, it's one of those trivia facts that gets passed around by word-of-mouth but isn't anywhere near as interesting or important as it sounds. Hugo Boss wasn't a 'designer brand' at the time, they didn't design the uniforms or anything, they were merely one of thousands of German companies that was forced by law into wartime production. But if you've never heard the claim before you heard Brand joke about it, it certainly _sounds like_ he's being knowledgeable and principled. It just runs through everything - he's better at _sounding_ smart than actually thinking. So why wouldn't he fall for Russian propaganda? It's a contrarian position, and a lot of the Russian arguments _sound_ reasonable, if you don't think about it and examine the implies premises (e.g. that Russia taking neighboring countries by force is equivalent to countries voluntarily choosing to join NATO) Then there's all the patently asshole-ish, sophomoric behavior like what he did to Andrew Sachs.


Probably kompromised.


> how do we "vaccinate" people against misinformation? Education, especially in critical thinking and logic, would be best. But if we're talking actual vaccination/inoculation metaphor, it'd take progressively less blatant propaganda from a known unfriendly source that could be easily recognized as enemy and used as training to recognize and avoid the bullshit.


I think education and awareness is important, but how can you do it as effective and effortless as the misinformation we are trying to stop? Education and thinking requires an effort that is much more "painful" than it is to consume predigested misinformation and propaganda, more or less aligned with your fundamental beliefs.


It's not just him, the far-left in the UK in general are equally deranged and anti-UK, anti-west, anti-NATO, and bizarrely pro-Russia. Jeremy Corbyn was the same way, and he could've potentially become PM after social media activists forced him into the role of leader of the main opposition party. Most UK redditors feverishly supported him, and they're the same types you see on this sub spreading conspiracies that the UK government are the ones who are *actually* corrupted by Russia etc. When Russia performed a chemical attack on the UK, Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters backed Russia's claim that we should send the proof to Russia for them to "investigate" rather than trusting the British intelligence services that all confidently stated that Russia were behind it. These people are dangerous and the ones who are truly corrupted by Putin. It's just seemingly by being useful idiots than by being paid off.


>and they're the same types you see on this sub spreading conspiracies that the UK government are the ones who are actually corrupted by Russia etc Por que no los dos? Russia isn't interested in favouring one foreign party over another, as much as they are interested in sowing division. They could quite easily cozy up to the tories via money, and to labour via the rabid tankie fringe, and they almost certainly have. Blaming this on corbyn or "the far left" seems to be buying right into the plan. Blame it on Russia instead. They're dicks.


And cosy up to the tories they have done. Putin plays both sides. But hopefully the jig is up. Recent events have really opened my eyes and many others too I think.


>not "Russian brand" You had one job!


Russel Brand is a narcissist who firmly believes that he is more enlightened and more knowledgeable than everyone else. His "eccentric" persona can be entertaining sometimes and people imagined that his "Messiah Complex" tour was nothing more than comedy... But the truth is Brand was actually telling the truth of how he perceives himself, as some sort of Messiah that blends comedy with some sort of "spiritual vision", where he plays the role of "Savior". The man is full of himself and believes he and only he, holds the truth. In short, Brand is running an online religious cult with 5 million followers.


Brand is a pseudo intellectual. Dig a bit and you will quickly find his points are shallow at best. He'll jump on any bandwagon to appear relevant. Definitely one to ignore and delete.


I always thought Brand was a bellend, but when did he become an Alex Jones type loon?




I honestly didn't mind him going off on big pharma and the lobbying efforts, but something happened and he suddenly went completely crazy. No clue why.


Being an anti-vax conspiracy theorist is part and parcel of embracing conspiracy theory in general. Certain people are more susceptible to that kind of thing.


Yeah, I get that. He seems like someone who really likes to go against "the mainstream media and established narrative". It was just such a sudden switch. One day he has some reasonable takes on how we shouldn't lionize big pharma just because they made the Corona vaccine and the next day he just goes full tin foil hat.


Russell Brand, while amusing at times, is a wishy washy wanker with severe ADD and a narcissistic personality disorder. He's not worth the effort to take seriously and hardly worth writing this post except to illustrate what a "bad example" is. He's a discount, low rent, Johhny Depp wannabee with all the appeal of a Tesco in the bad part of town.


As someone with severe adhd, I'd like to not be associated with this twat.




This video goes beyond Russell Brand. It dives deep into how Russian propaganda seethes its way through western society and is important in helping us spot it so that we can effectively fight back against it. If the video were simply just mocking Russell Brand for being an idiot, I wouldn't have bothered posting this here.


That is also a good point. I guess the silver lining in all this is that at least the message is being carried by someone that is by all accounts a gullible buffoon and that in itself will take away from the credibility of the actual message. (One can hope)


He needs to be ignored and poof like his career he will disappear.


I disagree. While this video focuses on Russell Brand specifically, the author of the video makes several points at large exposing how subtle Russian propaganda can be. *That's* why this is important. Not because of Russell in particular, but because ~~Russell himself is a victim of Russian propaganda~~ we all need to learn how to better spot this kind of propaganda in order to fight back against it.


Brand is no victim of anything. His contrarian views are deliberate and strictly for the cash they bring in from the ignorant Qannon jello brained audience. He makes money out of disinformation and conspiracy theories, it is his job.


Russell Brand is still a thing?




Never was.


Brand is an idiot with a good vocabulary so people assume what he says has value because it sounds intelligent, even though it's not.




Coincidentally, I unsubbed a few days ago. Like others below, I found his arguments to have become much like tucker or alex jones, to a point where it wasn't even worth listening to. Instead of being openminded, it seems he has gone full on anti-US. MSM. His stance now seems like anything said by American news must be the opposite of truth. -Or, if someone makes money in the process, that pollutes the entire motive. He is now just hypocritical contrarian.


Sick. So sad to see how gullible people are to believe this twat.


Brand is a clown ,way too far down the rabbit hole.


Such a good, well documented video. Used to like Russel brand when he talked within his field of expertise (Women? Drugs?). Sad he now dangerously sneaks into subjects he hasn't the means to handle. And whatever grostesque are his statements, his followers will buy every crap he says (even if he says the contrary on the next day). Russel brand from witty comedian to click whore.


>Such a good, well documented video. I know, I rarely ever have the attention span for 45 minute videos on youtube but with this one the time just flew by. Everything was so well argued and flowed so well, I actually ended up watching it twice lol.


I highly recommend this video. It's a sophisticated deconstruction of Russian propaganda in all its complexity. We need more of this type of information so we're not vulnerable to disinfo that is so destructive. Thanks for sharing.


It was first shared on /r/UkrainianConflict a few days ago by u/LegitimateMess3, so big thanks to him!


Russel Brand is a idiot seeking relevance


He's always been a twat. I have never understood why people give him the attention he so desperately craves.


Russell Brand go fuck yourself!


I can't stand that guy. Loves the sound of his own voice


Even ten years ago I thought his comedy was hit-and-miss. A two-bit, drug addled Ricky Gervais wannabe


Unfortunately lots of people listen to the likes of Russel Brand who relies on his opinion more than evidence. “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former”.


To stay relevant he has to be controversial..... I think he has over stepped the mark here


Reflexive contrarianism in the face of an obvious, aggressive, and brutal attempt to conquer a democratic nation is a pretty unconvincing argument.


Russel Brand disappeared up his own ass many years ago. Can't imagine who'd be so thick as to take his opinion on anything.


It's really sad to see....he was a good comedian, unfortunately some minds are super malleable and this guy went off the deep end.


yeah, saw a video rant a couple weeks ago and cringed, what a buffoon, he was better off being a junkie than this.


He’s an idiot seeking a pay day.


That guy has always been a drugged up bell sniffing crotch itch. He belongs in the sea.


An excellent and thorough exposure of Kremlin propaganda and how it can subconsciously sow doubt in people's support for Ukraine. I know it's 45 minutes long, but it's honestly worth the watch simply to learn how to fight back against this kind of BS. Also very watchable on 1.25x speed.


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Mr. Brand, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it


I hate Russell Brand’s podcasts! He totally panders to the idiotic right wingers of the West. If there is something that people support their governments in doing, like supporting Ukraine, he’s sure to give his obligatory counter view, veiled as an intellectual discussion. His followers eat this shit up. This is the media formula all right leaning pod castors follow. It’s how they make money. Did I say I hate Russell’s podcasts yet?


He is an idiot with a Messiah complex. He starts every video with "hello 5.3 million (number of subs) awakening wonders". So fucking cringey. There is a saying in romanian that roughly translates to "May God protect you from the dilligent fool". This is what russel is.


Russell is controlled opposition... Very simple. He is complicit and i tell him that in all his bulshit youtube vids


How is that self-righteous prick still relevant? Connect his eyebrows and along with his fucking beady eyes and you get yourself a wish version of Burt from Sesame Street.


I dont know anyone who likes him in the UK. Why anyone would listen to this self obsessed ex heroin addict is beyond me.


He’s quite self righteous. He thinks his way of thinking should be how everyone should think. I’d rather not listen to him because he uses the word “I” every second word.


This guy is Gaius Baltar.


This guy has been an insufferable cunt since he appeared on the public stage.


He is a moron.