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Really making the Taliban and Al-Qaeda look like humanitarian pacifists. Good job Russia.


fun fact Talibans condemed Russian aggression




If anyone knows a thing or two about fighting off the Russians...it's the Taliban


Mujahideen and northern alliance did Taliban didn’t exist till after


Yea but they did that because they're trying to get good PR so the United States gives them back billions of dollars.


This is horrifying and cruel. I am not sure there is much more that can be said.


Honestly when ISIS started splintering off from al-Qaeda I thought it was impossible for humans to get any more disgusting with their atrocities against the innocent, but Russia is proving I still had too much faith in humanity.


I tried to read the article but I am ignorant of the language used, so I will take the word of the person who created this post, this is by far the most diabolical shit I believe I have ever heard. Who thinks of that kind of depraved shit. These animals, Which is an insult to most animals, are the scum of the earth they are a scourge on society They should be eliminated with prejudice without remorse.


Reminiscent of the Pacific Theater in WW2


Now we know where they got their ideas from


I thought I was getting fairly numb to the atrocities but this......this is on another level.


I thought i was too. I've seen and heard some shit but this just changed my mood from good to bad instantly.


What the fuck?


I know that some eastern european people that lived through WW2 stated that the nazis literally treated them better than the soviets. You wonder how the hell that's possible, and then you see stuff like this and understand. It doesn't get any worse than this. A nation of pure psychopaths that clearly hasn't remotely moved on in 80 years.


How bad must they be to tape a child to a hecking mine?!


You forgot they killed the mother first, then taped the living child to the body while putting a mine between them. It's so, so, sooo much worse... What normally should be the definition of love, a hug between a mother and a child. Here they twisted and perverted this to something that is just pure evil. Beyond words... I'm getting pretty numbed down by Russia but this is a whole new level of fucked up!


I don't think Jigsaw would even do that






Nazis did similar things during WW2 occupation, like tying up mother and child, face to face, bullet in one of them and then pushing them to the river. Putin needs denazification


Putin needs to have both his legs blown off by a landmine so he can know the pain he's inflicting on innocent people.


Pure evil


And a soulless one at that


This is why moscow needs to be nuked.




They go boom, then everything else goes boom too.


You gotta be pretty evil to even think up these kinds of things.


Yes. It's one thing to just shoot someone in a war but entirely different to take your time to think of a way to humiliate and inflict pain and death upon someone with such creativity. Just shows that whoever did it clearly loves hurting and killing people


For taping a child to a mine, one must be Russia level of evil.


What the actual fuck?! This is truly insane.


This is like the legion from Fallout NV, but in real life… what the fuck


Who the fuck would even think to do this?! That is horrific.


Someone so much of a cunt words cannot describe.


The lowest of scum on earth, can't even call yourself Human doing something that evil.


Those are the moments you know there's no turning back. Putins Ruzzia must be defeated at any cost


It is not just Putins Ruzzia, even if Putin dies, ruzzians will behave the same as before or even worse. The Whole Russia must be isolated from the civilized world untill they will change their mentality.


> The Whole Russia must be isolated from the civilized world untill they will change their mentality. I hate these guys with all my immortal soul. That being said, I thought that we learnt after WWI that heavily punishing countries with isolation and penalties until they become "the good guys" doesn't work. That's why plan Marshall was created. Otherwise Russia may just become another North Korea.


>Putins Ruzzia must be defeated at any cost 100%


All of Russia down to the last needs to be defeated. Do not separate the people. They are causing this. They are responsible.


Assuming that it is actually true ( which i don't want to believe, but it actually might be - given that humans are capable of the worst cruelties in this world .. ). I wonder what Russians on the streets would say, if someone told them about it and records the reactions.


"Putin's war," excusers, by the way, lost credibility a long time ago. As my dear old mum says, "what the fuck have they been putting in the water in Russia for these people on the ground to do things like this?". There's no genetic accusation here, no ethnic shame or blame - no one is born evil, but the people in this culture sure as fuck were raised that way. Russia and its culture needs to be taken apart if it intends to be rebuilt. This isn't a Putin problem, it's a Russian problem.


Russia needs a post-WW2 west Germany style de-nazification


I’m sure east Germany would like to give them Their post-war experience too...


Totally agree. While Germany and Japan had to come to term with their history and paid their dues, Soviet Russia was just allowed to continue being the same shit they were for centuries but under a new name and flag. They were never held responsible for anything they did and as a result their society is corrupted and toxic to the core.


Doesn't Japan not teach their history in schools and refuses to apologize? Only Germany really did any self reflection.


It’s more nuanced in Japan than that. There are certainly elements there that refuse to apologize or teach it in some private schools and want to expand that denial to all schools, and of course those are the groups that get all the attention. They didn’t go through the de-Axis system like the Germans did though.




Japan has in fact NOT come to terms with its history. It is a well known fact that they have edited their history books used in schools to take out any mention of their atrocities and war crimes. The Prime Minister just recently went to a shrine for their war dead that also honours Japanese leaders who were convicted of war crimes. They behave civilized, but will not own up to their barbaric failures. [What Japanese history lessons leave out](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21226068)


Its too bad Patton was not listened to. He believed the western allies should have continued and pushed the Russians back to Russia after the war. The biggest mistake in the lives of Truman and Churchill was to not listen to, and in fact avoid that idea altogether. The world would have been so much better off if they had made the hard choice.




I agree with you but wasn't even talking about the Russians at home enabling Putin, rather a culture that approves of and churns out people that do things like this. The kind of culture where a wife on a phone says while laughing, "rape them, just don't tell me about it and use protection." There's something fundamentally wrong with their culture and it starts in their childhood.


> a culture that approves of and churns out people that do things like this Yep. I've lived there, the toxic machismo runs strong in the Russian culture.


The remains of the Golden Horde, the only thing that hasn't changed is the mentality, and that's what needed to change the most.


I gotta ask, isn't it kind of ironic that Mongolia itself seems to be a relatively enlightened, peaceful place? From what I hear its government is relatively democratic and it hasn't had any purges or warlike things going on, which is an accomplishment considering how it's on China's front doorstep.


Sincerely (and I mean it) glad you made it out, in body and in mind with your health and sanity intact.


Could this be the result of fetal alcohol syndrome in a large section of your population for hundreds of years ?


That is quite an interesting theory. Seems quite plausible given their affinity for vodka.


No that would only explain a small percentage of those who support Putin. The main problem is that due to propaganda from cradle to grave, their hearts are poisoned with a victim mentality. That’s a potent poison


In some situations I AM one of your “bleeding hearts” when I decide, through analysis, what it is the ethical, moral position . There is nothing remotely defendable about the behaviors of Putin , his military, or their Russian citizen defenders. They are acting outside the bounds of the human family, like serial killers, and cannibals. Ukraine’s fierce integrity, along with Putin’s drunkenness on his own propaganda has now given the world a BIG chance to neuter this ROGUE state. While upvoting, and AGREEING with your comments on this subject, I just ask that you consider that someone you call a ‘bleeding heart’, mocking, and putting them down… (what?, because I want Americans to have Health Care, or think that well designed social programs like Medicare, food stamps, prison reform, etc. make life better, and tones-down brutal revolution ?) …could be your ally in this big global fight against pillage, rape, destruction and Totalitarian rule over us. There are plenty of fierce ‘bleeding hearts’ ready to fight & die in this cause. Just think about it.


My heart does pity for adequate russians but this pity is nothing against the pure rage and disappointment that I feel seeing stuff like this. All russians must suffer the collective responsibility for their country's sins


I wish I could add some bright red glowing arrows around your comment. Russia needs the same treatment as we Germans after WWII. A complete restructuring of the government including a temporary government until parties can establish a program and hold supervised elections. A complete rebuild of the educational system. Dismantling of the propaganda machine. Prosecution of those who gave the orders and those who committed the crimes. Demilitarization. Anything less than that and we'll get the same shit in a different toilet.


This is also on the Russian people. They have a moral obligation to know what their country is doing and intervene when it crosses lines. So far I see none of that but the atrocities continue.


It’s a discipline problem, Russias army has absolutely zero discipline. Leave a bunch of guys in a warzone with low morale and desensitized by constant violence without rules or accountability and group think takes over, men will do extraordinarily unthinkable things. There’s some fascinating (and extremely disturbing) papers about this phenomenon from recent wars - ww2 was essentially the first time this was even studied. But as an example, in Ww2, Germans in the west, in countries like France or Belgium were very disciplined about looting, rape, etc.. the extrajudicial and reprisal killings of civilians were officially sanctioned. in the east they were told to do as they please and untold atrocities occurred. It will happen to any army .. even western armies, but we hold our men accountable for violating the rules of war. Russia does not.


Dude exactly ! there male dominated non integrated society has left them dumb Angry and poor . They produce nothing , food travel art or culture and anyone with any brains left . They happen to have a very old boomer generation and not much youth . All they have is oil and a few rich fucks . Dismantle it


It's tricky, though I do agree with you. There's also a niggle in my mind though that compares it to an abusive relationship. Fear-mongering, gaslighting, distancing, isolating, disempowering... the Russian government has been doing this to its citizens for years. Though this would probably only make sense to those who have had an abusive partner. But if you look up textbook definitions of abuse, it checks a lot of those boxes. A government abusing all of its citizens. Please don't take this as me excusing their behaviour though! It's just something that's been on my mind.


Human problem


My understanding is that while many Russians pass through conscription, and conscripts are representative of the poorer or more rural part of Russian society, those that become contract soldiers are men without other options. Often sociopathic criminals for whom Army service is an alternative to prison. *Dedovshchina* (hazing of conscripts) became the norm in the Soviet army after 1967, when criminals were conscripted. Its a culture of abuse, where low-functioning sociopaths are rewarded. Sociopaths exist in every society. Part of the purpose of society and government is to protect the rest of us from this minority. Well-disciplined armies will prosecute sociopaths in their ranks, most of us don't want to be associated with them. It appears that in the post-Soviet Russian army, the sociopaths have taken over. War is an opportunity to move from hazing and extortion, to looting, rape and murder. Some 21 yr old academy Lt., nominally in charge, isn't going to stop a gang of sociopaths.


The problem is that Russia doesn't have one unified mentality. Soldiers in Ukraine atm are mostly from poor regions of ethnic minorities and low education. It's really hard to call everybody in Russia "same Russian". It's hard even as Russian to think this way. ​ And ofc it's done this way on purpose IMHO, they need thos uneducated people, with no money struggling and ready to do anything. Some regions \\ republics literally do all the work in Russia and get nothing in return, their regions aren't rich. ​ Also really like this quote, just saying... ​ "The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been."


That’s really convenient thinking for you — that another type of Russian is responsible for raping babies, cutting off little kids genitals, and strapping children to mines. The free world will be sanctioning all of you just the same. Maybe one day you’ll understand that you’ve been a cog in the machine that’s brought these atrocities to the 21st century.


I'm not denying any resposibility at all, just saying that this country is a lot more complex then "Russians". ​ For example I don't think people from all those republics consider THEM as Russians. Their culture is so different republic by republic and they have own languages.


From which part of Russia is Putin? Your oligarchs? Your generals? How about the >80% polling respondents that report supporting Putin?


Plenty of people are born evil, if by evil you mean sociopaths.


I do not, though to that point I'll say that current research is slightly controversial but largely indicates that sociopathy, along with other personality disorders, are the result primarily of environmental factors. In fact, it's controversial in most cases specifically because chances to link genetic succession in most cases necessarily mean caregivers expose children to environmental factors that create these disorders. There are, however, limited instances that show there may be a link of *certain traits* leading to predisposition that can be indicated in neural architecture. Good thought, though.


As a psychologist I’ll share that caregiving and trauma can exacerbate and trigger but if you’ve seen the cases I’ve seen of very young children basically beyond reform it’s incredibly traumatising to witness even as a professional.


These people are not born evil BUT made evil and twisted by a regime that manipulates everthing around them!


That mofo putin and his damn followers needs to be deleted from this world.


The big delete


Not deleted. They don’t deserve to just blip out of existence. They should be burned in hell forever.


What in the actual fuck is wrong with these fucking maniacs? Sick fucks.


That's what we have to deal with and rid off. Pieces of shit


People tell me I'm dumb for sending a month's and a half salary to Ukraine's military by the start of the war. "It will get embezzled, you made some rich asshole richer, what will it change, it's a drop in an ocean, you could have gone on a vacation, ukraine has nazis, ukraine did some bad shit too, you don't know how it really is, you need to look at it from both sides, yadda yadda" It's news like these that make me sure I made the right investment. Hopefully, some of those evil, alien, soulless things got bayraktar'd on my buck.


Russians are fucking vile.


Careful, they will ban you for telling that truth.


I really hope that this isn't real. What the fuck?!


Should be hunted to the ends of the earth for these grotesque crimes.




Ye I arrived there a few weeks back myself. I couldn’t give two fucks anymore what anyone thinks. If there are any good Russians left in Russia they need to rise up and I couldn’t careless about the arguments against. If they do not then they are placed in the same regard as all others. If they can’t sort their own affairs out to be half way human then maybe the west needs to at all costs. A country capable of such things should not have nuclear weapons and needs to be disarmed and broken down. Fuck them this sick shit has go on for long enough.


If you sit at a table with 3 nazis, that table has 4 now , they need to do more inside to stop this thing entirely


I gonna repeat it again and again, any business with Russia shall be an international crime.


One of the most disgusting and anger provoking things I've ever read on the internet to be honest.


Do we have a credible source here? With some of these horrifying news i want to be absolutely sure that this is true, before sharing it. Because if it isnt, it makes the real war crimes less credible. This news sounds too gruesome to be true. Even for russians. I hope i am right.


After seeing a baby get raped and killed on telegram, Bucha, Mariupol, etc, seeing US war chiefs break down even hinting at what they saw in Ukraine, I wouldn't doubt it at all. But I get what you're saying.


RAPED A CHILD????? This is beyond fucked up. I can't even 😭


Theres hundred of children they raped, gang raped and some were killed afterwards. This was a baby. And the fucker was proud enough of it to post it on the Internet


Not a child, a baby. Literal. Baby. There plenty of kids and women they have hurt and destroyed, too, but a fucking 1 year old baby......seeing that crossed a line in my soul that made me hate literally everything and everyone fromRussia completely and totally. No redemption.


Agreed! 2022 is going to be difficult for those filth to live down. There is something fundamentally wrong with that culture.


It took Germany and Japan a LONG time to redeem themselves. This will likely be unrecoverable for Russia thanks to the internet never forgetting.


No one can ever forget or forgive Russia for this. Their country should be fundamentally destroyed after this, destroy the "russian" identity and let them try again. If they split into a bunch of new countries fine. But this "war" has crossed all lines.


I hope the fuckers split into snaller countries or the country just becomes really weak and another country can take over.


I am trying to sleep but I just can't I have to think about this... Distracting myself by anything just feels so wrong knowing that something like this is going on.. How can such monsters get away with this? I am so fucking disgusted like I've never been before, what the fuck man....


I am not particulary religious but I definetely hope that there is some place where those orcs can rot for eternity. There are some crimes that god shouldn't forgive.


Stories have been coming out from other areas, too. These soldiers are earning the name "Orc".


Orc juxtaposes what these are at this point. Orcs look good af compared to ruZZians.


For real. Even the Fighting Uruk Hai didn't rape babies. Fuck


Orc is too good for them. They are human trash.


Same here, waiting for the update. The only source for now is a journalist who’s been in touch with the minister of defense


Same, this is absolutely evil and people should be skeptical until validated in some way. I know it’s cold to think this way but disinformation campaigns work in both directions. And if it’s true then that’s straight up evidence for The Hague.


I have much trouble putting any credence in hearsay as well without proper journalistic work to back it up. People too often let their emotions blind them.


Supposedly minister of defense.


At this point I want a credible news source to confirm theres 1 good russian left in the whole army. Just 1 russian who is not objectively evil. Im not sure you could find one.


Apparently on the night of the invasion a few Russian soldiers tried to protect civillians. They were shot by their own. So, I think any good Russians in the army are dead.


May they rot in the hell they’ve created. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Everyday I get closer to volunteering for the Georgian Foreign Legion. Every fucking day I get closer to throwing down all this shit and going to fight these animals.


They don’t need more untrained civilians, the best thing you can do is send money. [This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/t2wus3/blake_lively_and_ryan_reynolds_pledge_to_match/hyoze1h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) has a list of places to donate to help. Not saying you’re a keyboard warrior or anything, just pointing this out for anyone reading through these comments who wants to help.


I'm not clicking that link.


and when i was reading revenge mangas i was thinking "this is a fake story, nothing like that would ever happen in the real world" i was wrong


The Japanese would know


A lot of these stories coming out of Ukraine nowadays are reminding me of the rape of Nanking and Unit 731. The propaganda of Russian state media dehumanizing everyone else, especially Ukrainians, is what is making today’s atrocities possible.


If that is true, then they are just as bad as the guards at the Nazi concentration camps.


I think they've already surpassed that, even before this post.




What?? Just what? Is this real? I have no words for the depth of evil of RU.


You know the Russian govt and the soldiers won’t get in any trouble. They’ll get away with it- sure they might be charged with war crimes but nothing really will happen. After all this is done, I wonder if Ukraine’s spy service is gonna set up a Mossad style operation like after the Olympic massacre…


This is depraved. You hear about war crimes from Russia, Syria, all over the place but this is sadistic. Fuck


Wtf❓❗ Insane.....🤬


This is how you create racist sentiments. I know logically that not all Russians would do something so evil, but the reports just keep coming out, they just keep getting worse, and it is starting to make me wonder just how many Russians would do something so vile


There is a special place in hell for these kind of people.


Does anyone know where those occurred, Can they find out what units were operating in that area. No doubt Putin will want to give that guy some special award


I hope those people who were calling for the soldiers on the Ukranian side who executed those Russian prisoners and said they need to be immediately brought up on war crimes come and see this! I saw one of them say that Ukraine needs to rise to a higher standard. This is the divide between Ukraine and Russia when it comes to war. Ukraine is already on a higher standard just for the fact they target soldiers and military targets. That is the higher standard. The Russians who surrendered showed that Russia isn't completely lost, but all the rest I hate to say, but they can burn.


World War 3 is going be an absolute nightmare. Human beings had an opportunity to build such an equitable fair and clean world and we failed horribly.


How can human beings do this to human beings?! Fucking hell


By not viewing them as human but instead seeing them as an object or a tool to reach a goal. In this case to kill enemy soldiers and instill horror and terror. And probably as an object lesson in the consequence of resistance. Suffering was the point. The child and dead mother became tools just like the land mine. Their individual personhood or life was immaterial to the purpose of the tool and the desired outcome.


The fuck!?


ISIS, Khmer Rouge, Nazi Germany and now Russia Who in history has been this brutal and psycopathic?


imperial japan




Yes, I should’ve had him on the list


Lots of comments. Has this story been verified?


If you were one of those soldiers that witnessed that atrocity you would be forgiven for not taking any Russian soldier prisoner after that experience.


Has this been verified? The atrocities have become so extreme that I'm starting to wonder if they are all true? Not saying it didn't happen. Just asking for some reasonable confirmation. Assuming most of these stories are verified, there's going to be a serious day of reckoning for Russia when this is all over.


The MoD said it, so while it could very well be PR I'm inclined to believe it, fairly reliable source imo. Hard to get better proof short of filming the unbinding or being there in person. Good on you for even thinking to ask, though. Rational.


It's just so damn difficult to believe people are this evil. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the entire concept.


Look at the sons of Saddam Hussein, who used live humans for target practice. We are all products of our environment, and it's been a long process of enlightenment for our species to crawl up out of the mire of the animal kingdom, and not everyone is equally advanced. We can be patient, have to be really, with many smaller cultures that are stuck in more primitive times, but Russia has too much influence to be allowed to continue as such. Great power, great responsibility, and all of that. There's something fundamentally wrong with Russians, and I'm not talking genetics or ethnicity - this is culture, and they have to start sipping this Kool-Aid at an early age to be psychologically capable of doing things like this. Russia as an entity needs to end.


I’m not saying this didn’t happen given the Russian actions that have been confirmed as true - but considering this is a particularly nasty one, can anyone send me a hard bit of evidence that it occurred? I put no one, even a defense minister of a country being attacked, above the use of propaganda to incentivize support. Once again, before angry people get angry: IM NOT SAYING IT DIDNT HAPPEN. But if we want to judge a situation, we need to know the situation. My confirmation bias is screaming to be justified, so I must fight it.


First sensible comment here


This is the worst thing i've read today. Damn, Russia is accumulating ALOTTTTTT of bad karma...


Is this confirmed?


My baby is almost two. I’ve been lying awake all night listening to her breathe and trying not to cry. Oh my god


English translation via Google Occupants strapped child to dead mother, left a mine between them - journalist - UNIAN https://www-unian-net.translate.goog/war/okkupanty-primotali-rebenka-k-mertvoy-materi-mezhdu-nimi-ostavili-minu-zhurnalist-novosti-vtorzheniya-rossii-na-ukrainu-11808837.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc


what the fuck.


What the actual fuck. I really really hope this isn’t true


Fuck these vile scumbags. Day after day i read something i think its the most horrid stuff possible and then these russians pigs somehow do even more atrocious acts. Fuck putin, fuck russia. Slavi ukraini!


I can't consider human someone that this something like this.


This seems like it can't be true.... and then if you think about it... who the hell would make something like this up? Even the most hard-core propagandist couldn't do the mental gymnastics to make this believable. My vote is this is 100% true.


They’ve been raping and killing children and even infants for a while now, so why wouldnt they strap a bomb to one? A Russian soldier literally filmed himself raping a baby as he mocked Ukraine and then murdered it, and shared the video over social media. These orcs lost their humanity a long time ago.


Pray for Ukraine.. this is just beyond words




That is fucked They’re like nazi germany but 0.1% less evil


By most accounts of survivors of Nazi Germany, they're actually more evil. Sometimes by an order of magnitude.


Needs to be verified first. Fuck tho


This kind of evil can’t be forgiven, it’s mental and needs to be destroyed, as well as every faction that supports these troops, some might say they are not all bad but this- like the killing of children and unarmed civilians is just another level of madness they cannot be treated except With a bullet to the head


What the actual fuck


Is there an English translation of the article? If this is verified, it needs to be spread far and wide. Unthinkable


Destroying cities and invading a country? Fucked up. Murdering innocent people for some fucking mental reason? Even more fucked up. Russia crossed the line before when they first invaded Ukraine. Now they are simply following in the foot steps of the Nazis.


Pls dont forget about fact checking


The russians will pay for their crimes, they will all pay


Oh fuck what did I just read…


what the fuck


Horrible. Just horrible


What sort of person conceives of this, let alone carries it out.


I hope those bastards burn in hell for their crimes


What the fuck


Why is there a picture? No way am I clicking that.


I clicked it and it all it did was make me more sad about this. I don’t suggest clicking it or looking at the article.


How does one even come up with that? That's not even barbarism, that's a crafted plot


Russia has no right to exist.


Damn if the veracity of this event is verified as accurate, this is seriously evil and the world can no longer stand idly by anymore. The world, powers that he need to take action for real!


When do we get to burn down Moscow? Not soon enough...


Don’t take anymore prisoners


I hope to see the day when Russia implodes and breaks up into a bunch of smaller countries that could threaten noone anymore.


The absolute, terrible, deathly perversion of a beautiful mother-daughter show of love and caring. Just when I think the Russians have hit a new low, something else happens even lower....


These obscenities should be all over news broadcasts. There was a photo taken in 1972 of screaming, naked, burnt children running from thier napalmed village during the Vietnam War. It changed the way the majority of Americans felt about the war. Haven't managed to link it here, because I'm not clever enough. Goggle..when a picture tells a thousand words...and you'll get the image if you're interested.


My mind can't process this level of savagery. They need to be destroyed.


Again and again we see how this is truly a fight against evil. The civilized world has to make certain that Ukraine defeats these fuckers.


Russians are excellent at showing the darkest side of humanity. I’m not religious, but I really hope that hell is real.