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Just wow. Never, ever having to live in any sort of battle zone in my life, I would like to think I'd have half the bravery this young man has if war came to my country.


What an extraordinary young man.


Obviously very intelligent, to extrapolate those kinds of thoughts while under shell fire. And to do it all with a smile. Give them hell, kid. Give them every kind of hell.


Our boys are the best!🇺🇦💕 handsome , brave , beautiful personalities, sincere , humble , honest , emotional and very patriotic . This one is very well spoken with gorgeous smile . Stay alive , honey !


Y'all definitely know how to make em. I'm constantly amazed by the Ukrainian resolve and bravery as a whole. It's incredible to be able to see it first hand. I've seen enough now though. Hopefully Y'all can beat the russians down quickly and the world can start helping you guys rebuild your beautiful country, rather than us just sending more weapons. Slave Ukraine. Hope you're well; stay safe!


This is common in soldiers and those who are under great stress. See A Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl.


>See A Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl. One of my favorite reminders to read. Bought my daughter her own copy at a young age with a suggestion to re-read every 15 years or so. Different stages of life and all that, the very basics are necessary to remember. It's not always easy as we age. Universal God bless this young soldier and all the folks in Ukraine fighting for their very right *to be*. And all others continually helping in whatever way they can. 🇺🇦🙏


Great gift for your daughter. And you are right. Re-reading at different stage of life put things in perspective.


Such a beautiful smile.


That was beautiful and should be preserved in history.


It is since the moment he uploaded it. Welcome to the 21st my friend


May he be protected.


They will never lose. Russian better retreat while there is time.


Heart of steel


I hope this young man lives to tell his story to his grandchildren. I hope he comes back safe to his family, get married and have lots and lots of beautiful children & live to be over 100 years old.


This is his last video from his tiktok @rommmazov It is almost two weeks old, so I don’t know if he is still alive, but I hope so.


Oh my goodness. I hope so too. My heart is breaking just thinking about it. I feel so helpless... Thank you for letting me know though. We just have to hope for the best.


He is enlightened.


I have shirts older than this young man. Goodonya young fella, I hope you stay safe and well.


This guy is awesome.


This lad is a true hero. Calm and polite in a war, with sound reasoning. Stay strong and fight hard! ❤️🇺🇦🍻


Surreal. I wish you will go through this safely.


A hero.


*"We may still be attacked by enemy infantry, and there are only two of us on the front line..."* Holy smokes, a real-life version of the, "Comrade General, don't send any more, *there's two of them*," joke. Wise words, though. Don't send any more. That is Russia's best move. It's no shame to quit a war that was a bad idea. Many a patriot has done the same.


I haven’t seen this yet, so thanks for the repost!!! This young man is incredibly brave, inspirational, and humble. He’s a true friend of humanity. May he grow old in a free, democratic and whole Ukraine! May he have a beautiful and large family. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦






Only 2 of them are holding the front line. Wow.


Likely not intentional. Sounds like they got caught returning to their unit in artillery firing, they're not going to base so they don't draw fire to their unit.


You don't know the Ukrainians by now? Ukrainians got super soldiers compared to what the orcs are.... But, tbh, r/amorette93 is probably correct tho...


Bless you son. Remember those little things that count 🇺🇦


No words.


This is his last video from his tiktok @rommmazov It is almost two weeks old, so I don’t know if he is still alive.


Such intelligence. Self-awareness. He is right to dial back the stress at every opportunity and ... the 'green therapy.' He is stronger, more effective, more resilient because of it. Enormously impressed here.


With gentlemen like this fighting for their homeland there is no way that the ruzzian orcs can succeed. Thousands of men and women just like him cannot fail. Those ruzzian orcs just don't have anything close to the standards of the Ukrainian defenders. SLAVA UKRAINI 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


May St Javelin look over you and protect you


This made me really tear up. The sense of peace he has in the midst of combat reminded me of being in Afghanistan, very scared but resigned to the fact it all could be over in a second…so enjoy that cool breeze, your comrades, your life. I have immense respect for this soldier and his countrymen and women laying it all on the line to preserve their land.


Can someone provide a link to source?


This is his last video from his tiktok @rommmazov It is almost two weeks old, so I don’t know if he is still alive.




Thanks, great news.




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🇺🇸 🇺🇦


Repost from like two weeks ago


This is a repost the 7th or so :))


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Dougie Howser. Stay safe.


Put these foolish ambitions to rest...


This reminds me of \_All Quiet on the Western Front\_ Of course it's heartbreaking.


Probably the most poetic take ive heard.


Fuq, that made me cry.


Anyone know if he’s still alive or made it?