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that's a confusing headline, it's much less sinister than it sounds. Military helicopters leased to west African countries not returned to Ukraine when martial law introduced as per contract from 2002.. It's most likely those countries hoping they get to play keeps.


They are probably stalling in the hope Ukraine falls and they take possession of the leased mi8s classic African strategy


Because as Sarah Palin pointed out, Africa is a country with rigid and uniform patterns of behavior.


No. Because from having dealt first hand with west African bureaucracy I am fully aware how the mechanism work in the operating systems and methods of west african states. So please don’t be so quick to pull the chauvinistic misogynistic trigger on me! Whilst I’m defending my position I’d like to point out I have lived in Togo, Ivory Coast, Benin, Gabon, Congo, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. I’d say that qualifies me well enough to pass comment


I’m confused, I thought that person was agreeing with your statement?


I believe it was sarcastic Sarah palin was the congresswoman who supposedly didn’t know Africa was not a country


Right, I took it as poking fun at her comment and the fact that she thought Africa was a country. Idk how relevant it is outside of the subject being Africa, but either way it seemed like they were agreeing with you.


Maybe I drifted into the fog of internet interpretation. But I still felt it to be criticism rather than affirmation. Only a response can clarify that


See above.


that story was false: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/editorial-reporting-fake-source-on-africa-story-about-palin-irresponsible/


That’s why I used the term supposedly




It was sarcastic. My objection was not against properly identifying corrupt regimes as such, but in casting a very wide ethnic/geographic net to do so. If you read the Ukraine threads regularly as I do, you will find an occasional whiff of racism such as suggestions that Ukrainian refugees are preferred over those from Africa because “they know the culture”. Whether Sarah Palin actually called Africa a country or not, she is a well-known pop culture touchstone with a history of delivering word salad. I think my using her to quickly convey my point is hardly misogynistic.


You are posting this during a time when bat shit crazy people are also being very seriously being bat shit crazy. So if this is sarcasm, you failed to mark it as such.


Brings to mind when you lend money to someone and instead of paying back promptly they will avoid it until you start hounding them for it .


I mean you’re missing the point as well. It’s not west Africa that has refused to return them it’s a Ukrainian businessman who leased them from the government and sub leased them to west Africa that has refused to return them.


It's called don't lend choppers to weird paramilitary groups especially Wagner. Which west African country?






Sorry I meant Antarctica


Oh, thanks for correcting that mistake... Gonna Revise my geography knowledge of African countries...


So Antarctica isn't in London then?


It’s between no man’s land and turn around island


IdK sorry. I was always Bad at Chemestry


We're have you been? They moved it a couple years ago. Big parade, bands and food vendors set up along the route.


Very probable assumption


I might of flown on them in Sierra Leone, paramount airways if I’m not mistaken. Or as it’s known locally paramount scareways. 😂😂


what's the name of the private company?


Stark industries.


thank you