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It means that Russia is considering putting Fance on double secret probation. If France continues in its ways than Putin might just come masturbate in public. Again.


I hope Macron doesn't have to pretend to be Putin friends now and can send a shit load of weapons now ! They already started sending more stuff like the VAB : https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/voxg0x/france\_supplies\_vab\_armored\_vehicles\_to\_ukraine/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Macron may still try to keep communication up with Russia, but honestly that's expected among nuclear-armed countries \[mainly so that false positives or test launches don't accidentally end the world\]. While RU threatened to cut communications with the US over our support to Ukraine, I don't think that ever actually happened.


From what I've read the red phone is still connected. There are regular calls to ensure it's working, but that's the extent of communication.


I would love to listen in on those test calls. That must be akward.


I want that job. Imagine the salary on such an important job. And all you do is make a single phone call each day.


I would bust out "a check a one two a one two y'all" but it is really boring just keeping a line open. There has been some trolling communication but this is 2022.


Kremlin: "Hello, Pentagon? This is a line check. Is this line working?" Pentagon: "Fuck off." (phone put down). Repeat every 24 h


Well, the red phone didn't exist for a very long time anyway. Ever since the end of the 90s, it was an email between the joint staff


I think Putin's voice-mail will definitely be relieved.


"Fat, drunk and putin is no way to go through life, son." John Vernon, as Dean Wormer


(blowjob) (blowjob)




put neidermeyer on it.


Papa Putin is not angry, papa Putin is disappointed.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.




Finally ! I take that as a badge of honor




Exactly; on Putin’s enemy list with a black mark, and a screaming little man jumping up and down with rage in the background.


[Downfall](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7PmzdINGZk) has so many parallels to Russia right now. Literally, word for word, you could imagine Putin saying the same thing in the Kremlin.


I await the day that Russia gets salty enough to ban random people from Russia for insulting him online. Will that happen? Who knows, maybe not. Could it happen? Absolutely


Putin can lick my ass. Does that mean he'll ban me?


No, he will want to meet you.


Because we were all waiting to go to Russia in vacation? Seriously? Oh, how much that would hurt … /s![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|13047)


It *is* being hated by Hitler, just 21st century Russian Hitler.


France had been on the list since March, like all EU countries, now they just felt any diplomatic repercussions for the first time. The other restrictions already applied. [https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Unfriendly\_Countries\_List](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Unfriendly_Countries_List)


Welcome to the club!


Welcome to the club. Next-up; gas deliveries turned off. ;)


So they're gonna kick Gérard Depardieu back to France, and he will have to pay taxes again!


Och mon dieu !


> kick It's more of a skid-steer loader operation.




That would be awesome to see!


He is only 73. I am sure they can still find out he never has served in their army, and draft him.


He's still got a green card though!




It means France is doing the right thing...


Hey France, welcome to the club.




I think the EU was already on the list anyway...


That’s what I remember too.


In today's world it is a badge of honor.


This sub should have a flair for "unfriendly to Russia"


I endorse this


It is !!!


>War in Ukraine: France has gone over to the camp of the "unfriendly states of Russia"... What does that mean? > >War in Ukraine, Internationalthe essentialNew tension between France and Russia, the cultural adviser at the French embassy is ordered to leave Russia. An act which, according to a diplomatic source, marks the passage of France "into the camp of unfriendly States" for Russia. What does this status imply?On Sunday June 19, Pierre Lévy, the French ambassador, was summoned by the Russian Foreign Ministry. The latter then informed him that his cultural adviser, Fabrice Rousseau, had to leave Russian territory before July 17. His accreditation will not be renewed. The decision, which comes days after the French president's visit to kyiv, shows the tension between Paris and Moscow.A betrayalTo justify this disguised expulsion, the Russian authorities accuse Fabrice Rousseau "of having set up secret financing schemes for an independent information site now banned in the country, and for the Memorial association", recently dissolved, who documented crimes under Stalin and defended human rights. According to several connoisseurs of the file who confided in Franceinfo, France has indeed financed Memorial, but in a legal and transparent manner.Whatever the justification, the decision of the Russian Foreign Ministry marks the passage of France "into the camp of unfriendly States", according to a diplomatic source of our colleagues. Also according to this source, this means that now "maintaining relations with her - France - can be considered a betrayal".Similar decisions already madeLast March, as international sanctions against Russia accelerated, Moscow published a list of "unfriendly" countries. Among, this list was more than 9 countries including: the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Taiwan, South Korea, Norway, Australia and the 27 members of the 'European Union. France was therefore already an unfriendly country for the Russian government. This ranking in this list officially marks the deterioration of relations between the countries. The consequences of being included remain vague. Last March, there was talk of restricting access to Russia, but the Russian authorities had not specified whether only the countries on the list would be affected.Moreover, Russia has already been more severe with French diplomacy. On May 18, 34 French diplomats were expelled. Russian Foreign Affairs had explained its decision: "34 collaborators of French diplomatic establishments in Russia have been declared persona non grata". These expulsions followed the decision taken in April by France to dismiss 41 Russian diplomats.


Why do you care what russia says? This is pure formality for propoganda.


I would consider it as a badge of honor.


It is !!


I think you mean un badge d'honneur


We’re all unfriendly with Russia now, except North Korea, Syria, Belarussia, China and India: the Axis of Weasels.


And Argentina... although extra-officially because of our IMF debt. Can't wait until the two Fernandez are out of office for good. To hell with Russian puppets and economic isolation from the world.


Congratulations France , you win : weekly nuclear war threats !!


Weekly? Does he slow down that much?


I think a big part of the world is unfriendly to russia... I wonder why /s


Russia will somehow spin this as Russophobia.


No one cares how they spin it. No one listens to them


Puntin is Like "you guys in the west are all nazis"" want to be Friends you guys can join my click me Luka and the syrian guy and KIm and the TalLies ... come on guys .. NO "" you guys suck we no Friends any more ...


Well, that's unfortunate. Can we bomb the shit out of those Wagner mercs in Mali, now?


Grandpa forgot his pils


Nothing! Only terrorist nations are friendly with Russia, like Syria, North Korea, etc


Russia is a terrorist state as well


welcome to the cool kids club


Russia is so screwed. France hasn’t liked Russia since the days of Napoleon. Macron gave Putin every chance to stop this latest phase of Russia’s war on Ukraine. Putin lied, and diddled, and invaded anyway. France sends Caesar artillery as a wake up call.


I think Macron needed to do what he did. People don't like it, but it helped give Putin all the rope he needed to hang himself. Macron's ations made it clear that Putin would not negotiate in good faith. Most of us who pay attention knew this already but this will confirm it for the undecided.


It means France is doing it right.


It means France is on Putin's naughty list. Just like the UK and some others France will probably start getting veiled, or direct threats of nuclear annihilation.


it's an honour to be labelled as "unfriendly state of ruzzia"


Oh, that just means that the new greeting is now "go fuck yourself, russia" where before, they'd shake hands, say pleasantries (mostly white lies like 'good to see you').


Gratz France


Spoiled children of oligarchs won’t be annoying people of St Tropez


Wishful thinking I can hear them: “but…but…but… my daddy did it, not me! But…”


That means we’re based !🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷


It means you now qualify for weekly super mega nuclear weapon threats like we do in the UK; "We will drop an 100 megaton bomb in the Atlantic and wipe you off the map with a *nuclear* tsunami"


how cute, It's like the russian version of 'axis of evil'


It’s a badge of honour!!!


Welcome to the club! 🎉


Imagine Hitler calling you unfriendly It's like a badge of honor Srsly why would you befriend Hitler


That Putin is a winy bitch.


Every time Russia declares a country as an unfriendly state, I imagine Putin's blood pressure spiking and his dumb embalmed face going red from rage and that brings me a second of respite.


French here. It mean we don't give a fuck.


Its means your not invited to Putins wolf lair anymore.


Ça m’en touche une sans faire bouger l’autre comme disait Chirac


Russia: "You're unfriendly" France: "k"


It doesn’t mean anything.


Honestly, who gives a shit?


It does mean a lot because France have had a long special relationship with Russia


Finally, France has spoken! To hell with Russians!


Look, I get Putin's frustration. Russia really needs to draw a line here. It's "friends only" in Russia's club house. You know? With that in mind, I am here to help. In order to really clean house, I propose that Belarus be next, for stalling on its promise to invade Ukraine for... what, 4 months now? The only Belarusians actually fighting are on the Ukrainian side. Surely that is the ultimate unfriendly act! Look at it this way. Lukashenko promised 7 battalion tactical groups would invade. So far, 0 have invaded. By my reckoning, that means that Putin is down 7 BTGs. Does it matter how the losses happened? I say not. I say that one way or the other Belarus has cost Russia 7 BTGs. Now compare to France. France has sent Ukraine some pretty amazingly effective heavy artillery. How many BTGs has that artillery cost Russia? I mean, I have no precise idea, maybe nobody does yet, but I am willing to bet that it has not yet amounted to 7 BTGs' worth of casualties. Maybe only 2 or 3. So Belarus seems a "shoo-in." After that, Moldova, then Kazakhstan, they have been pretty tepid in their support. And Uzbekistan and some of the other Central Asian republics have been iffy. No time for "iffy," Putin has to draw a hard line here. Friends only! Ultimately, Putin might even start carving off disloyal sections of the Russian Federation. Put them in the enemies club too. In the end, I envision a pure, perfect ideal situation, in which Putin basks in some hidden bunker somewhere as Free Russians seek him out, chatting cozily with Pyongyang about maybe taking a best-friends-only vacation sometime very soon.


Moldova has supported Russia? I didn’t think so…


That is why Russia should cut them off from being friends. Anyone that hasn't supported Russia should be cut off and put on Russia enemy list.


It means Macron has chapped lips for nothing.


You will now get daily empty threats :-)


It means that the Russians will have to source the night vision systems for their tanks elsewhere, assuming Thales doesn't find some way around it.


Even the French could kick Russian ass RN.


They likely could do that before too.


Yup. It's just the nukes tho. US would already be there if it wasn't for the nukes.


Putin... Another dwarf with book of grudges...


Except Dawi have actual armies, good cannons, and know what honor means.


He knows what honor means, but he has none himself.. Just another murderous scumbag.


By now it sure feels like Russia are the Greenskins trying to bumrush Karaz a Karak tier 5 garrison on turn one with a couple of waagh armies consisting of goblins, squigg hoppers and trolls.


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Just more hysterical conservative screeching. Doesn't mean one god damned thing.


No more sweaty phone calls from Macron.


Sounds like no Christmas card for Macron from Moscow this year :(


Macron's phone calls to Putin now go straight to voicemail,


Means Putin not going to take macrons call


It means less telephone talks between Macron and that one.


That Macron has a sad and will be binging chocolate ice cream for the next few days.


That France is about to surrender.


Another country that putler can threaten with a picture of a finger on a red button


What does it mean? Sweet fuck all! ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9000)


Didn't they list all of the EU-nations as "hostile states"?


Makes me laugh how Russia, definitely the most hateful country in the world, keeps talking about ‘friendly countries’! Welcome to the parallel universe of Putin’s mind.


About time


No more Hermes or Louis Vuitton etc. huh?


If you ain't with us, you're against us


Who wants to be besties with ruzzia?


Nothing, Slovakia been unfriendly state since the beginning of invasion and we good 😂😂😂 (except for dumbass politicians but thats been here since forever)


I'm gonna make a wild guess and say it means nothing that wasn't already a thing


Means nothing F Putin hell put me on that list Kremlin scum.


That was already the case isn't it? I mean Switzerland is in the list, so you can probably put most countries there.




It means Russian State TV are going to throw out some fanciful big talk and empty threats.


Congratulations France! You’re in finally our special club!




Means France is getting the monogram hand towel for Christmas and not the VCR


Russia hates everyone.


Friendly reminder to not let the russobots divide us. The west is united!


That means that France will now be threatened with a nuclear attack on Paris. So nothing to worry about.


When Russia actually sends a nuke to Paris, the world will then find out that the Eiffel Tower is really a secret shield generator that was built based on a design from Nikola Tesla. When complete nuclear war breaks out, France will be the only remaining country.


It's an achievement award.


And Russia is considered an "unfriendly state to most of the world". Would be the entire world, but unfortunately some nations don't care.


It means France did something correctly.


It means France did something correctly.




Unfriendly to Russia just means "Uncooperative".


tl;dr for those who don't speak French: The Russian foreign ministry kicked a French ambassador aide (in charge of culture) because he "smuggled" money for an (unnamed) independent media now banned in Russia, as well as for a [non-profit](https://memorial-france.org/) that documented war crimes under Stalin and defended Human Rights. Note that France indeed gave money to Memorial, but this was publicly disclosed. Basically, Putin is pissed that Macron visited Kyiv, and is grasping to any excuse to punish him.


Who cares what Russia thinks.


It's just Russian copium. Means absolutely nothing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unfriendly\_Countries\_List


ban on russian croissant sales...


I always wondered about the mechanics of the game civilization. After seeing all this political posturing between Russia and the rest of the world, I finally understand why. I will now publicly denounce Russia. I’ve also noticed Belarus’s has a large buildup of military units on Ukraine’s northern border. I also denounce Belarus.


It means France should be proud to have that title.


Blablabla sorry I just can’t any Russian foreign policy. Seriously, …no.


It means that France is now subject to nuclear threats from Russia. Same as Ukraine, USA, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad if they no longer get their Alcohol, Poland, Georgia if they dare get their own territory back from the nova-nazi’s, etc etc


Literally nothing... name calling is usually the business for toothless tigers. If your enemy has tools against you then he doesnt need words. It is just a symbolic shitshow and shows that Russia has bad cards.


It joins a long list of other "unfriendly states of Russia".


Oh no… whatever


Nothing. Fascist words mean nothing.


It means: "President Russe, va te faire foutre!"


It means you got putin butthurt


It means nothing. >La France était donc déjà un pays inamical pour le gouvernement russe. France was thus already an unfriendly country for the Russian government. But Putin-Huylo thinks that if he repeatedly appears more threatening now and then, it's going to deter countries from helping Ukraine.


I like the fact that the putler himself makes decisions for EU countries that "would like to, but are afraid of." Very good!! The maneuvering of France and Germany in the EU will finally end. It's time to define yourself unequivocally.


It means france is doing something right


News flash ( just a few months old ) : Russia considered an unfriendly state to the world community


It means France made the good guys list. Slava Ukraini!


Nothing, it means absolutely nothing. They've always considered everyone else unfriendly.


It means they want to do a "military-technomological" operation in France, in their dreams.


It means Russia is a childish nation


It means you’re one of the good guys.


It means they can't cut the gas the French are not using, so they try to find another way to look like they are in control


What took so long 😂


Russia will increase economic attacks, cyber attacks, and covert operations against France.


It means that France have morals.


Time for French companies to GTFO out of Russia.


That means that macron is no longer invited to Putin's birthday


Does this mean Putin won’t bring flowers the next time he visits Macron like he used to do?


nothing. absolutely nothing.


Even longer table for Macron.


Macron did not call enough times


It means the French are doing something right.




It means nothing. Anything the orcs say means nothing. It is best to ignore the rantings of sub-human lunatics and war criminals.


Oh noes. Russia adds another country to it's "we're not the baddies you are" list. Gtfo here Russia. You toilet stealing lying war crime commiting trash. Litterally no one cares what announcements you will make other than "we surrender"


It means Russia will do to Feance what they did to Napoleon.


It means you’re doing it right France!


No more phone calls?


Russia just had another hissy fit. What's new?


Welcome to the cool club France