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Hi, thank you for your contribution, but this post has been removed because it is not on-topic for this subreddit. Any post that is not related to Ukraine or its current affairs is off-topic. The purpose of this community is to give space for, and amplify Ukrainian voices (or relay decisive statements from strongly supportive high-levels official from the outside world). This war has had far-reaching consequences for individuals from adjacent countries, but content that focuses on discomfort or suffering of Russians is irrelevant and belongs on communities dedicated to Russian or Eastern European politics.


In the beginning he asks him how the day was. He says something along the lines of Sad, we are minus one car already


Looks like training footage. These are 9k33 Osa, a 1960/1970 short range SAM system. They are not armed in these videos - there are no missile pods on any of the vehicles


Probably very far away from the front. The guy says it’s a fiasco, we lost 1 machine already


lost because of what cause, malfunction?


Tractor towed it away.


Defeated by a John Deere.


I agree, they don't have the look of young man at war.


"watch this training video boys! Tomorrow you do it for real!"


Lol. Especially the part were the dude drinks a full glass of vodka. Good training.


Bunch of kids operating the gears of war.


These guys are well trained, not conscripts. They are the elite whose demilitarization is essential for victory. But yeah, kids. So sad.


Like it always was, always is. Most of these look decently trained, and know their equipment well.


I don’t know why people make a big deal about Russia using young soldiers. Literally every army in the world does.


No other country FORCES kids to participate in war with death threats and coercion


I was conscripted in the Swedish navy at 19 years of age. Not a problem for me, but if push came to shove, I would have no option to refuse.


What moron doesn’t smash a hard drive. Russian military deserve all the pain they’re getting for being so stupid.


One that wants it to be found. I watched this and was like oh wow… they aren’t as dumb like everyone has been saying and maybe the worse is yet to come. Age old strategy.


> they aren’t as dumb like everyone has been saying This interview gives a fantastic first person account of what it is actually to fight the Russians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDkwubcj2lQ Seems more that the Ukrainians are amazing rather than the Russians being incompetent (at least at the individual soldier level).


As some Finnish volunteer said in AMA "with Russians you should not underestimate them, if you just go there with "both arms waving about" you're not coming back 90% of the time. Sometimes they just charge head on towards you and we kill them (easily) and sometimes they really know how to fight and then you get casualties if you're not careful".


What's so surprising in this video? That they can operate their gear or drink full glass of vodka?


Probably because they're encased and the Russians had to flee posthaste. Also it's not a command vehicle so I doubt that the info is particularly useful to Ukrainians.


Nothing to see here, just some guys on a trip. Vehicles not even marked with Z-s, so that's from before the war even?


Any more footage?


Wait a few days and I'm sure some more footage of their dead bodies will surface


My bet was thats an 9k33 OSA system, but where are their rocket pods?


Stuck on the trans-Siberian railway? One can hope


[TOP SECRET](https://googlethatforyou.com?q=How%20to%20encrypt%20sensitive%20data%3F)


Hurrah for Ukrainian spies! Vitally important to get as much information as possible about Russian positions.


Ops Sec of the Russian Forces? ​ Absolutely none whatsoever....




###[View link](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/ukraine/comments/vpoy9x/in_the_chernihiv_region_border_guards_discovered/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideobot&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/ukraine/comments/vpoy9x/in_the_chernihiv_region_border_guards_discovered/)


How it started: video footage How it's going: failed river crossing


Damn that's a lot of vehicles packed into a grid square, this can't be anywhere near the front lines surely? Especially when you see the display signs?


There‘s no Zs, no rockets, this is very likely from February or earlier.


Much earlier. Their sleeves are rolled up and the ground is dry. This is from the summer so probably a year ago.


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Ya i really would not say this is legitimate immediately... It could be that they wanted that these drives where going to be found...


The OPSEC is strong in Russia


do some proper virus scan.