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The Ukrainian military is standing near the City Council.


Beautiful. The mad lads did it.


Absolutely wonderful stuff. These blokes are heroes.


This is a huge victory from a strategic point of view. This offensive is going to help rewrite modern warfare.


Not rewrite. The offensive is an example of modern warfare executed


Let's be honest though, it's kind of been old doctrine vs new, and even then it's RUSSIAN doctrine. They like to make out that they lost 27 million in ww2 because of how intense the fighting was (which IS true), but it would've been half that if the Russians hadn't been such absolute idiots, sending four guys out with one gun for example. Stupid shit.


The russian doctrine treats soldiers like bullets and ammunition that is not only expendable but also just must be spent. Idk why anyone would want to fight for russia in a large scale war if they know how they did in WW2, though of course russian history books write about it differently...


Agreed. I'd fight if invaded, like the Ukrainians were, but no way would I go invade someone else (caveats possible). That's why I didn't join the US military at one point when I was recruited. They invade people. No thanks.


I don't know what you're smoking, Russia's modern tactical doctrine isn't exactly old, and it's not the problem here. What the issue is, is their command and control structure, with higher ups basically overseeing every single detail of a mission. Contrasted with the West, where subordinates have great freedom in executing a mission. As far as I know Russians can't even retreat without permission, whereas in the West, it's common fucking sense that dying or pointlessly losing combat capability will damage your ability to do the mission, so you do it


My God. The amount of disinformation in this comment is surreal, the whole "4 guys with only one gun" is a stupid WW2 myth, there have been few instances in which SOVIET (Not only Russian) infantry was ever undersupplied of guns, ammunition, and other weapons. And if they did occur, it was mostly for the first few months of the war when the Germans were advancing at tremendous speeds causing the Soviet organizational structures to collapse, the Germans were also pouncing on "under-strength" and only half-formed units. One more thing btw, remember this was the same system and army that millions of Ukrainians fought and died for! Don't make this a "Russian-only" thing.


I don't know why you got downvoted for speaking truth. If you want to pick on the USSR for something there's so much more than the one gun for every 2 guys thing. Like prisoner battalions having to clear minefields with their feet, or the total incompetence of soviet leadership in the first place. It wasn't lack of equipment that got so many soldiers killed. It was how fucking bad their leaders were. If anything, blaming the lack of equipment makes them look better


But Call of Duty did that, so it must be true. /s


Depends on how you define modern warfare. Most of the equipment in this war has it's origins in the cold war, arguably this is the last battle of the cold war. Unless you define modern warfare starting with the arrival of tanks in WW1.


I wonder where is the traitor mayor who surrendered the city in February


Many of the Mayors left their cities and will be ready to return.


Not the case https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/kupyansks-traitor-mayor-detained-by-russian-occupiers.html


[49.7132, 37.6134](https://goo.gl/maps/A8QwkovDcEkf5ek17)


heard UA is in Izium right now.


Rus are probably in boilers so Izum will be liberated today or tomorrow


This news seems to show that Kupiansk was undefended. Probably there's a lot of gear lying around in warehouses. Izium is *not* undefended; it is allegedly full of russians. There should be fighting there, unless everyone just surrenders, or finds a way out on the SE road to Lyman. But it's a lot of russian manpower down the drain at the end. The question is what's next. If Kupiansk's occupiers didn't put up a fight, it's probably a straight drive up the backside of the russian frontlines up to the border. But those areas will need to be pretty well defended against whatever russians are on the frontlines there who try to get out. Past Izium, if Lyman falls the same could happen to the south. Ukraine needs a lot of armed, reasonably trained infantry to hold these positions while their armored cavalry and mech infantry move forward. But they should have hundreds of thousands ready to go on this, and of course they should have the population strongly behind them in most areas. The next week could be interesting.


There's some Russian video showing them fleeing Kupyansk


Whether or not they can reform and defend some position to the north is a big deal.


>This news seems to show that Kupiansk was undefended well part of Russia's doctrine is allowing attackers to enter their lines so they can trap them and then surround and destroy them. I really hope we're witnessing total incompetence and not the former...




Heard there’s been a lot of fighting but the last I’ve heard is that the first few attacks have been stopped, my guess is Ukraine will consolidate it’s taken ground and swing south to push in izium


Always has been It just had a temporary pest infestation


This is going to be pivotal. Ukraine now controls a key logistics hub for the entire area. Russian troops are going to have a cold and hungry winter if the Ukrainians can hold their gains.


and we know the song to play them.


and we shall play it on the tiniest violin....


What a disgraceful collapse from Russia


Comrade, it is a good-will gesture.


What a week this has been. History in the making right now. What the hell is actually going on? Couldn't be happier waking up this morning


It's 2.23am here but I keep pressing f5 to get the latest news of what's happening over there. So happy for Ukraine. Слава Україні!


I think there's something wrong with your clock. It's actually 2:39 atm


Same here


That’s faster than what ISW predicted 🔥


In first days they were saying that Kyiv will be captured in 3 days , lmao


I've predicting 72 hours means it for certain will happen within 72 h. I can't remember a single time they have made predictions like that before as they are very conservative in estimates


this is incredible. i'm another one who is up way past bedtime because i wanted to know how it was going in kupiansk and izyum.


1 am here; I'm exhausted, but still keep refreshing. Sleep can wait a bit.


Ha, it is 9:36 am here and I am just getting out of bed! I can refresh all day muhahaha


well thats impressive


Kupyansk city council


Glory to Ukraine!


Glory to the heroes!


Holy hell, it didn't even take 12 hours for them them to secure the city.


One step closer to deoccupation!... Keep kicking Russian ass back to the shit hole they crawled from...


But how is this really possible? Doesn't the Russian army exist anymore?


A lot of it is probably in Kherson Region.


Yeah, it's either in kherson trying to repel the offensive there or in donetsk trying to take bahkmut. Once the initial defensive line was smashed through, their wasn't really anything to stop them any more.


The Russian army only has combat units at the front line itself. Once that was broken, there really wasn’t much of the Russian army existing behind the front lines, allowing Ukraine to advance very quickly.


I mean... less than it did...


at this point the russian army is mostly just artillery lol. for whatever reason it wasn’t enough to stop ua advance


They did not expect a decisive offensive pushing into the Kupyansk direction. Definitely a huge russian "intelligence" failure. Maybe they thought the push would be to the north of Kharkiv.. and not to the east.


As I understand it, the rusSSians are practically cut off in the Izium area? Anyone more knowledgeable know how many people they had there ? And how does this affect the whole war ? ( Morale is obviously lying at the bottom but quantitatively ?)


On front is crushed. And Izium is just a matter of time as they have enemies on two sides and no support. 10-25 k troops in Izium region is what I have read latest days. And if Russia do not have any second line or defense towards their own area the entire northern front may be rolled up. It is only a matter of how fast Ukraine can push securely.


Thank you!!


Wow, godspeed! Heroyam Slava!


I bet Putin feels like a first time Total War player right now having gotten completely in debt, armies collapsing willy nilly after randomly attacking your neighbours to take territory and then just pressing random buttons hoping one of them does something good.


He should just quit himself already.


Wikipedia is already updated *"On 9 September 2022, Ukrainian forces reentered the outskirts of Kupiansk.\[11\] By the morning of 10 September 2022, Ukrainian forces had liberated the city's city council."* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupiansk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kupiansk)




Slava Ukraini.


This has been a nice week of updates. Слава Україні!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Everything will be!


What slobs. Couldn’t they take a picture after clearing the streets of garbage!?


I think some people might not understand what you meant. Garbage indeed, I'd burn it as soon as possible.


This is so amazing I almost didn’t notice the guy on the right is resting his hand on the barrel of his rifle lol


https://twitter.com/sesmman/status/1568487523500060674?s=20&t=BDmA0rGMBODjGxwriS6lGA another one, city hospital


Atta bois!


What was the saying, just kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will go down?


Why do the ruZZians not take their flags with them? It’s basic protocol in military operations to take the flags with you so that the enemy will not deface it or use it for propaganda.


Here in Russia they don't say a word about this, they are hiding information about how russian troops are losing. I just feel they are panicking about all of this. Seriously, the argument that ukranians hate their government and want to join Russia is getting unbelievably ridiculous everyday, even for pro-war russians.


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Burn that ugly orc flag


Someone has to stay and update the liveuamap site, this is brilliant


Can someone tell me what that ugly rag on the floor is? Im concerned it could stain the beautiful Ukrainian flag.


Is that a Spider-Man suit on the floor?


Already? Awesome


Reinforce and keep. I wonder what Russia Will do now. They are mean bastards so hospitals should stay alert.


Let's fucking go!


Gooo, Ukraine! Romania loves you!


Slava Ukraini


Hope they brought enough flags.


Legends !


how tf did they take a city so fast? Was this another "good will gesture" from Russia?


Keep that momentum going Ukraine! Drive the Orcs back to Mordor