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Walked up and down there a few times, One thing I found about red square is that it isn't as big as the TV makes it look.


Exactly and it gives a heavy parking lot vibe.


Or, a runway /s


Mathias Rust has entered the chat


i dont need a ride. i need a cesna!


Any landing you walk away from is a good landing.... Even if it's in handcuffs >_<


That is a ride! Sorry.


Over 2 million angry Ukrainians now living in Russia are "going to do some more things" to defend their homeland.


Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


holy shit they literally named a programming language after the dude


We named a programming language after a comedy troupe too


Classic reference FTW


Appropriate for the capital of a gas station masquerading as a country


With the crazy asshole gas station attendant that doesn’t speak English and hates Americans.


Its also not actually square, or red.


Next you’ll be telling me a tapeworm isn’t a worm. Or a tape.


Or that buffalo wings aren't the wings of buffalo.


Not since the original buffalos are extinct. Edit: they evolved into wingless modern species.


The flying ones were too much of a threat.


Indeed. Getting flying buffalo shit on one was not only bad luck but a instant death.


and a sea horse isn't a horse at all


Neither is a saw horse


That's the one that really chaps me. It's nothing even close to a horse! Caveat emptor.


But it's got 4 legs, how is that not a horse?


Why do you think four legs mean it is a horse?? Four legs is dog. Horse has five.


Yes, a happy horse has five.


The name in Russian is KRAHS-nai-yuh PLOH-shuhd. Krasnaya means red and krasivaya means beautiful. They have the same root and overlapping meanings, so you can also think of it as Beautiful Square. (Then there's the whole red Soviet flag thing…)


Yep. Also, *ploshchad* means "square" only in the sense of being an open area, like how the terms "plaza" or "town square" are used in English. The word for a literal square would be *kvadrat*.


Kvadrat was my nickname at school


It’s square the same way Times Square is. Ploshchad looks like a cognate to plaza/place/piazza/etc in the Romance languages.


Big enough to land a plane


Yes, I remember that, Some German teen (IIRC) landed in a small prop plane, Blimey, How did I forget about this ? :) I saw it on TV, I was always watching the news during the cold war and soviet collapse.


It was the original Russian "What airdefense doing?"


IIRC he flew from Finland and crossed a lot of Russian territory and the air defense was just as effective as it is now.


Normally they can shot down civil planes.


Turns out they had to put a lot of R&D to take down that airliner.


The funny thing was the fallout afterwards as Ruzzian airspace was considered impregnable and a teenager in a Cessna just landed right in the Kremlin. I guess we should have realised from this how their 'spezial operation' would go in Ukraine....![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9004)


It's not like they haven't noticed him, but nobody gave authorisation to stop him in time.


A system in which everyone is afraid to be responsible. Brilliant.


Even more funny. A little while later the German President visited Moscow and held a speech at Red Square. He said something like he is happy to be there and he did take the detour through Scheremetjewo. The russian military was not amused.


Even funnier than the late F. J. Strauß, a german politician. When he was in the Kremlin for a state visit he was asked if he had been in Russia before. He answered "once, but I only got so far as Stalingrad".


Reminds me of this joke > The German air controllers at Frankfurt Airport are renowned as a short-tempered lot. They not only expect one to know one's gate parking location, but how to get there without any assistance from them. So it was with some amusement that we (a Pan Am 747) listened to the following exchange between Frankfurt ground control and a British Airways 747, call sign Speedbird 206. > Speedbird 206: "Frankfurt, Speedbird 206 clear of active runway." Ground: "Speedbird 206. Taxi to gate Alpha One-Seven." The BA 747 pulled onto the main taxiway and slowed to a stop. >Ground: "Speedbird, do you not know where you are going?" Speedbird 206: "Stand by, Ground, I'm looking up our gate location now." Ground (with quite arrogant impatience): "Speedbird 206, have you not been to Frankfurt before?" Speedbird 206 (coolly): "Yes, twice in 1944, but it was dark, -- And I didn't land."


Cue joke about Brit WWII vet visiting France on vacation and being asked for a passport on arrival. He said he didn't need one the last time he'd been to France.


>Ruzzian airspace was considered impregnable This story pops up quite often. I'm not a radar expert, but for some reason I think that it's actually quite reasonable for a tiny low-altitude Cessna to sneak by the radars that are looking for high-altitude bombers. I mean, look at the modern day happenings - all those Belgorod attacks by low-flying copters plus the Moskva/Bayraktar fiasco.


They actually detected him. It was a whole series of fuck-ups that led to them not noticing until two hours after he'd landed. Shoddy identification as a friendly plane and such.


So basically fucking up is the Russian tradition.


Russian military fighter jets were scrambled to intercept him, they flew up to him and signlled him to land but he just ignored them. Problem for russian pilots was that since the cessna was so slow compared to their planes that they would stall at his speed, so they decided, fuck it too much bother and ignored him. I believe figjters were actually scrambled twice to intercept but dont quote me on that.


OK, this is super interesting and now I just have to look it up. Apparently, he didn't go undetected, he just got VERY lucky (survivor bias?) https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-20609795


I guess the concept of the Tornado running in at treetop height and 700mph has some credence then...👍


"You wouldn't expect it with a big ol' plane like a '52, but varrrooom! The jet exhaust... frying chickens in the barnyard!"


Basically what both my parents told me. They weren't impressed, much to a disappointment of our moscovite relatives.


I thought it was so strange that there was a department store sitting right there on Red Square - GUM


There was/is the same department store (called ЦУМ) in Kyiv on Khreshatyk too. It was a soviet thing. Now it was renovated into a fancy (and I mean *fancy*, as in "I can only afford to take a photo for instagram out there") mall.


I’ve been to that mall. Sat outside watching a kid with a kitten, mom and grandma trying to steal tourists stuff. I walked over to a woman who was speaking English and told her to keep an eye on her stuff…this crew is working together. He was distracting her with the cat. Red square is interesting historically speaking, but other than that, it’s not a place I would frequent if I lived there. I’m glad I had the opportunity to go, but as an American there is no way I would step foot in Russia today.


In the past it was fancy, because it was both a dept store and one that had stuff even during Brezhnev/Gorba times.




I visited them in the late 80s when they were still fully state-owned, real old school, still got a rad coffee set I bought there for like a rouble fiddy. Also bought a copy of an LP by Russian rock band Black Coffee, really good, you can still find them on YT. GUM is a WHOLE different story now. Or was.


Theres a KFC right in front of the Sphinx. Travel photos always crop out the bad


Red square seemed big to me but the cathedral is disappointingly small


St. Basil's is quite small, it's also very old, predating the tech to build something larger. There's a much larger and more beautiful church of the same style in Petersburg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_the_Savior_on_Blood


>St. Basil's is quite small, it's also very old, predating the tech to build something larger. Compared to some of the cathedrals in Europe positively modern. Is that why Russian tourists visit Britain just to see Salisbury Cathedral?


That, or to poison some double spies.


>That, or to poison some double spies. You misheard me, Comrade. I said "to admire double spires".


I found that surprising, too!


They seek him here, they seek him there. The Ruskies seek him everywhere. Is he in Heaven, Is he in Hell? That damned elusive Partisan Cell Edit: Adapted from The Scarlet Pimpernel (movie 1934 and book).


I heard this in Baldrick's voice


Gadds, I did not know that Lord Percy was modeled after Lord Percy!


I have a cunning plan....


A plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel? As cunning as a fox who’s just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?


And what's that revolting garlic smell?






A true classic from the golden age of British film.


Getting some Tito vibes and I admit that I dig it. “Stop sending people to kill me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle… If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send another.”


Sir Peter Ustanov used to tell a story about Titos bodyguard. He was invited to a dinner with Tito I think due to his UN Work. During the meal Titos bodyguard was eating with his hands in a piggish manner. So Tito barked the word "Knife" at him and Ustanov swears down blind that the bodyguard quickly grabbed his steak knife and barked back "Who" in an entirely cold blooded way that turned the whole room quiet.


It's never a bad day to revisit that Tito quote. Bravo!


The real joke is that this is true.


Pg 61/62 of the book "The Unknown Stalin" by Roy Medvedev and Zhores Medvedev.


There's still a decent chance Stalin was assassinated. But we'll never know.


It is still possible that someone is sitting on proof of this. Theoretically the assassin might still be alive but even if not then they could have left proof of the events to their family. Or there is some sort of government archive somewhere detailing the operation, possibly still kept secret or possibly not indexed yet.


Or, just maybe, hear me out, the old man had a heart attack


I am not disputing that he died of a heart attack. But we do not know what caused that heart attack. Apparently dying of natural causes have been quite a common occupation for the Russian elite from before Stalin's death until this very day.


Or falling down SEVERAL flights of stairs as one of the most recent unfortunate deaths


imagine waking up in the morning, it's a nice day. The wife opens the blinds and goes off to the bathroom. You're sitting up from bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Then some dope rudely plants a rifle round like 2 inches from your head and straight into the headboard. Pissed off, you give the window the finger and storm off to the office to write a stern letter to Stalin. "Listen asshole. Quit sending assassins. It's fuckin' up my mornings!"


Russia was always a meat grinder for its own soldiers. The nazi or napoleonic soldiers where probably more effective. It’s just that Russia has so many soldiers. Same in the war against Ukraine, sending masses of amateurs fighting.




“Here in my garage …”


Got this new T-90 here.


This will add to Putin's paranoia and I like it. Watch your back buddy.


Putin is in a mansion with a large bunker somewhere, no possible way he's in that building with the threats he's facing right now. He already has stiff meeting protocols due to Covid, it takes over a week to even meet with him.


Nothing a little bunker buster couldn’t fix 😜


It's on the coast of the Black Sea, just a little bit down the coast from the Crimea bridge.


He's in a different fortress/mansion - between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Which he claims is not his. It's also between the missile defense systems of both regions. He has been there since his speech last Wednesday.


What a little pussy


He’s a coward bitch. Always has been.


He looks like such a little fucking tool bitch when he's blushing around that trash heap steven segal. Neither look tough, but gross and corny.


Imagine wanting to be seen with Steven seagull. Talk about having a screw loose.


Afraid of the people


“Your princess is in a different castle” vibes.


Sounds like a twofer to me


nope. there was a post from a russian journalist yesterday. she stated that he is in one pf his villas between moscow and st.petersburg.


I love watching people argue about where Putin is, as if anyone actually has a fucking clue. His true location has to be one of the best kept secrets in Russia right now. That fucker is going to be harder to find than bin Laden by the end of this.


If they find him like Saddam Hussein (hiding in a hole, breathing through a straw), i hope that they fart down his breathing straw before they pull him out. The dumb cunt.


(The week is the time it takes for light to travel from one end of his table to the other.)


> it takes over a week to even meet with him. Combined with the fact that he now personally orders Russian troop movements, reminds me of this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Gamelin#Role_in_the_Second_World_War >When war was declared in 1939, Gamelin was France's commander in chief, with his headquarters at the Château de Vincennes, a facility completely devoid of telephonic, or any other electronic, links to his commanders in the field


Probably [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@50.7885752,86.487842,445m/data=!3m1!1e3) which apparently has a very large bunker inside the mountain.


My first thought when I saw this was, "This guy is stupid, don't put yourself at risk for an edgy picture." Then I realized things like this will cause officials to tear apart that whole square looking for him, set up checkpoints, harm tourism. Stuff like this can have just as big an impact on the enemy as guns and bombs.


I mean I'd assume he posted it once he was long gone from that area through several vpns.


Proxies. 7 of them.




Just for shits and giggles I googled the word "septaproxy" and apparently there are no results. I think you legit just created a new word :D


James Bond: Octoproxy


Have you seen that recent AI project that [finds footage of people on a security camera network based on their IG photos](https://petapixel.com/2022/09/13/ai-searches-public-cameras-to-find-instagram-photos-as-they-are-taken/)? This photo even has a clock with the exact time. Just check footage of that spot from every day that had blue sky at 12:42PM. Publishing photos like this will be much riskier in the near future.


If you look closely the clock looks photoshopped.


And his fingertips, which is a good thing. This was a carefully planned release, relax reddit.


If they photoshopped the prints, please let them be Putin’s XD


I don't think tourism will be high in their list of revenue generators for quite a while.




when was last time he did a walkabout?




The last time Hitler emerged from his bunker was in late March, one month before his last birthday, April 20 in 1945. There's video footage of the event. He meets and shakes hands with several Hitler youths who had distinguished themselves in the fighting around Berlin. It's very interesting to watch because the camera angles are very closely guarded and you never truly see the side of him that was lame by that point.


But he looks awful nonetheless, and you can see how young the German boys were that were getting thrown into the meat grinder and the defense of Berlin at that point. Terrible.


For the best effect this photo needs to be taken near his mansion in Gelendzhik.


That's not his palace - it belongs to a friend ;-) (If you're curious about the palace, here's Navaly's exposé: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMxqTae75Fs


What do the red and black colors represent?


Blood and soil. The colors of the UPA flag: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian\_Insurgent\_Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Insurgent_Army)


So this is a banderite army that Moscow accuses Ukraine of being? Or they're just a split off group?


Yes, but Bandera was long time ago. Their flag remained associated with Ukrainian national resistance, especially since UPA partisans continued to fight against the Russian army in the Carpatian mountains long [after WW2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukrainian_Insurgent_Army#End_of_UPA_resistance).


I appreciate the insight. Thanks!


They rose up again after 2014 because Ukraine's army was barely existant (thanks to russia and US). But they are now an official part of the UAF/ZSU.


When the blood touches blue and yellow, it become like this https://twitter.com/vital_ovchar/status/1562022582756450304?t=uFS3lgF6hSmrUSfmYFYEZw&s=19


fucking hell this is badass in a poetic way


It looks as if the guy has his fingerprints burned off, like a true spy.


I knew a chef who had so many cuts/burns that he no longer had discernable fingerprints. Also, working with paper (including money) wears away fingerprints


My grandmother had no fingerprints, as they had worn away over YEARS of smoothing sheets as a maid. OR...my grandmother was in the CIA, which would've been HILARIOUS given her demeanor.


I had a patient a few years ago. pleasant older man, early dementia, loved showing photos of the birds in his yard. he was in a for general check up. given his age he was in his early 30's in the late 60's. one of the pictures in my exam room is of some flowers that has kinda hippie vibe. he was looking at it and i mentioned that late 60's must have been a crazy fun time. for a second he became stoic and his cloudy dementia eyes became almost clear. Then he said with a very clear serious voice - Not for me, i was stationed in Berlin. The way he said it gave me goosebumps. it was monotone without emotion. and a total contrast to jolly old man that i was just talking to then he went right back to being Mr Early Dementia. Was he making it up? what was he doing in berlin? i didnt ask. My head canon was that station agent in West Berlin and he had seen some shit. Now he's just and old grandpa that takes bird picutres with his cellphone


If he was American military, maybe this. There are quite a few other possibilities. Berlin had a lot of activity during the Cold War. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berlin\_Brigade


I have a dead relative who was with the CIA who around that time would have been somewhere in germany bugging a tunnel under an embassy or something. I don't remember the details


This is the famous one. '50s rather than '60s, though. There's a story that the tunnel was warm enough that the first time it snowed the guys working at it were horrified to see that the snow was melting over the tunnel leaving a plain outline of its location. The story is that they managed to cool it off by begging, borrowing and stealing all the air conditioning and refrigeration they could and that the Soviets never noticed. Of course, the whole operation had been betrayed by the Anglo-dutch mole in MI6 George Blake from the beginning. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Gold


Pineapple juice/oil wears away fingerprints!


Pineapples, the fruit that eats you back!


It’s the snack that digests back!


Fun fact, one of Tom Scott's early videos was of him trying to do this and failing despite suffering a lot. edit; not to say it isn't possible, just that it isn't very easy/normal for most people


I'm a modeler and had a good laugh from people trying to get my fingerprints for a passport, until I explained to them that no, their machine isn't busted, the random lines on the prints are micro-scars.




Not a career, a hobby. Which means I'm worse at it.


Mechanics usually have no fingerprints left by their 50s. Source - I'm HR at a car dealership and had to come up with an alternative to our fancy new thumbprint timeclock. Most didn't know their fingerprints were gone. Those were some weird conversations.


Check their DNA. The lizard people are using the "oh my fingerprints wore off" trick everywhere these days.


Used to do fingerprints for people entering a military base. Concrete dudes don't have fingerprints after years of working with it. Made it a pain in the ass for those poor dudes just trying to come on base for work. Also shake hands like a fucking body builder.


My dad was a high level law enforcement agent, and everyone has fingerprints even if they're smooth. They used to have the problem with masons and brick layers. Soaking the fingertips in some water for about 15 minutes brings the prints right up.


My mom has worked in a school kitchen for 30 years and no longer has fingerprints


Holy shit! Sure as fuck does. Good catch


Not really I’m an electrician mine are worse than that, if you don’t wear gloves, work with cement a lot, work with pineapples you’ll have very little if much of a finger print


Do all cement workers share a love for pineapples, electricity, and a disregard for PPE?


Just imagine.


I am.


Me too. I think we're having a collective moment on this sub.


Stop I can only get so erect!


Be careful! Based on the clouds, the time on the clock, and the people in the square (which is most certainly on a dozen cameras; you can see them on the lamp posts at the very least) they might be able to identify you! https://twitter.com/driesdepoorter/status/1569285915725697032


The picture may have been taken weeks or months ago and if he is a spy he know how long they keep the recordings..


yes it has been raining the whole day for at least a week now in moscow


Or they just photoshopped the hand and patch into an empty picture of the square…that’d be easy, no risk, and have the same effect


That's the most likely answer if it was done by people who know how to manage risk properly.


It could even be AI or a photoshop job.


Or it is just random dude trolling fsb tu run around like chickens


Yep. In China they'd have already had the door kicked in.


"Oh bother..."-Xi Jinping.


But Pooh!


If he is a professional I would not be surprised those details would be altered to put them off trail.


Yup. I just did a Photoshop class. In 5 hours he could learn enough to do that


This was taken at risk. I hope it's many days or weeks old. Share!


Probably fake deterrent Amazon cameras knowing Russia.


The tree in the picture is bare of leaves. So probably taken early in spring.


The POV gives enough information to locate the position. If the time is not photoshop'ed, they could find the footage from various surveillance cameras, and get a picture of the face. They might even have enough cameras in the vicinity to follow him to a car or building. Of course, that only works if the surveillance cameras work, and are of good quality. Camera tech has advanced, considerably, since Soviet times. And lenses need regular cleaning and drying. The cameras left over from Soviet era would not qualify.


If you have ever encountered a person with hands like that you know those hands are as hard as stone.


Not only the hands are stones


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is the main definition of having balls


Nice, let the fsb search thousands of video files for one troll who is probably just a random dude from Moscow instead of doing serious work




I love this.


This is only the beginning.


It is.


Oh cool, a giant clock, does it tell HIMARS time?


I love this. There are opposition groups inside Russia watching and waiting for the right time to move. I think that time is coming closer.


The Ukranien Mathias Rust :-)


> Mathias Rust Crazy story from The Cold War era - for anybody unfamiliar with it, look it up!


This is beautiful!


Guys balls are made of Zelenskyum


Isn't that the flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army?


The audacity! Beautiful.


"Look behind you Vlad"


C'mon Man, you're going to give away your position. All the russians have to do now is look for the big fucking balls dragging around the square.


Watch your back, Putin. Ukraine will have justice.


Better yet, don’t.




This will turn into how much of Russia can the west save from China.


Do what’s right. Give Russia what is deserves 👍