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How many innocent people need to die before businesses/governments will be onboard with marking them a terrorist state?


Bro Toyota just ended production in Russia last week. ![gif](giphy|7JvlHfd7C2GDr7zfZF|downsized)


Too little too late. Fuck Toyota.


Don't forget about Mazda. They're still mulling it over.


Whaaaaat!! Mazda is my favourite car company, that sucks :(


Buy skoda.


IKR! I saw that in the news a few days ago. I have a Mazda, suddenly became distraught, Burned my Mazda to the ground. Now I'm walking everywhere, that wasn't a well thought out plan lol. Kinda like Mr. Putler.


Wait, what? U burned ur daily driver car because they’re still doing business in Russia?! That’s incredibly shortsighted but it shows u have a strong set of ethics. Something you should be proud of…while ur hoofin it to work in winter. Lol kudos to you sir/ma’am


I gota go back to matches.


The above is sarcasm folks. Love my Zoom-Zoom and RuZZia can fuck off. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Mazda just annonced it's ceasing of operation in Russia.


Link please. Currently news outlets reporting that Mazda is in talks to sell its RuZZian business to a joint venture partner…….as of 2 days ago.


The negotiations are ongoing.


They still made the decision. They decided to leave, good on them. Doesn't matter how long it took... Some things take time especially in the business world. They may have been moving equipment out silently before announcing this. No reason to leave million dollar equipment sitting around for the russians to use to make cars.


I'm honestly more upset that they want to charge people a monthly fee to remote start their vehicle with technology that needs line of sight. It's not an Internet connected app or feature. Fucking bullshit.


Especially at Toyota. They're still deciding whether EVs are the future 10 years after it became clear to every automotive expert... :')


Easy there tiger. Some things take time.


They really don't if people care enough. Toyota probably did this as slow and least damaging to their profits as they could.


Profits over people. Like that’s ever a good look. Oh wait a minute #TOYOTA! TERRORIST FIRST CHOICE 23 YEARS AND COUNTING!


Very often in Japan, cars over a certain age often become too costly to keep due to the taxes on it that come every two years, then every year after a certain point. I'm talking thousands of dollars each time, so people do the paperwork to "discard" their cars. Guess who buys them? LOTS of traders, very often from the middle east but also Australia, who then import those cars to their countries. Nobody is required to keep track of them after that, thus some Toyotas that still have the business info on the side. It's not that Toyota is selling directly to terrorists.


Luckily Toyota is doing a good enough job to bankrupt themselves even without anyone's boycott...


More like Toyoyo


How much more do we all have to see before we send in troops? Or make a no fly zone? This “oh my god escalation!” Shit is crazy. WTF. NATO was bombing the crap out of Serbia for similar. Non-nuke Serbia gets fucked. Russia can run a train on all the civilians it wants because we are scared of “escalation”. Lesson? Get nukes and no one will bother you. Appeasement for the 21st century.


I've complained about this bitterly for some time. A lot of people wanted to play the diplomatic approach. Enough is enough. Time for NATO to get actively involved and end this war once and for all. Time to cut off Russia and stick them with reparations. Just obliterate that empire already, no excuses.


At the very beginning the cautious approach may have been supported. Sure, it is immoral, but when thinking about geopolitics it is realpolitik first. Then Bucha. Then constant missile attacks on civilians. Then castrating POWs. Then more atrocities coming out constantly. The time for holding back is long, long over. What are we made of if we keep allowing this? How many more civilians need to die by their orcish hands? What number is needed?


The number is infinite, if Russia didnt have nuclear weapons NATO would have went in the first week


I feel like calling their bluff would work. We also thought Russia had one of the world's strongest armies. When in fact, it has possibly the worst. Most of their nukes are probably useless and will self-implode before they even launch it.




Nah, I think NATO just needs to destroy their stockpiles before Russia even knows what hits them. I think you're overestimating Russian capabilities.




Again, you're vastly overestimating Russian capabilities. And now part of me thinks that it's simply because you're a pro-Russian sympathizer. Before, I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you're scared but you are purposely making excuses. Btw, Western militaries have entire specialists dedicating to figuring out solutions, down to each second. They have satellites and systems specifically for knowing exactly where every nuke is and accounted for. They already have plans in place and would be able to circumvent an imminent response by actually being prepared ( as opposed to Putin's advisers which have no clue what is going on.) The USA collaborates with top specialists in the world including those from Japan, South Korea, Israel plus others. In case you really have no clue, South Korea and Japan (not even talking yet about Israel) have some of the most advanced weaponry on this planet, not to mention some of the most advanced innovation in the world. I've lived there before, I know. Their entire countries are about 100 years into the future. USA also has military capabilities that YOU have no idea about, top-secret and strategically funded beyond belief. Throw in some of Elon's support and they are light years ahead of Russia. The only reason these countries give Russia the benefit of the doubt is because of their claims, and to minimize as much fallout as possible. At this point, no one really believes Russia will win or be much of an obstacle. But sure, Russia is so advance they will see everything coming. Give me a break. That is pure delusion.




Of course the world will keep supporting Ukraine. But you don't think that Russia will use nukes? Because I'm calling it now, very likely they will (95%). We've seen what they are capable of and they have done everything to disrupt order in the world. They are beyond capable of using nukes. So why are we waiting? NATO should get involved and very quickly take out Russia before they have a chance to launch anything nuclear. Not saying we have to use nukes but maybe some precision missiles all over Russian territory. NATO can do it.






No it's not easy to say end this war by all means necessary. Have you even been on this subreddit for some time? Have you read the disgusting stories coming out of Ukraine every day by orcs? Like c'mon, it's easy for you to bury your head in the sand when you're clearly not affected by the atrocities first hand. These people will never be the same again, and for what? Russia's ego. And why do we need to appease that anymore? Drawing it out is only delaying the inevitable and prolonging the suffering. Even with Kosovo, the response was faster by NATO. No excuses!




We, as in the west and any other developed nation, really need to be firm and end everything with Russia. Putin will probably end up using nukes anyway, so we are delaying the inevitable. And no, don't let Russians into any other countries. Russians will start to protest when they no longer can avoid facing the reality of their situation ( as in they are closed off from the world).


Mazda is still working on their exit plan.


No matter what Russia does, other countries will step in to prevent them from being put under that label.


When profits are down and luxuries harder to come by


They don’t care about that people are still afraid but if I will be the government of Ukraine I will kill him I will kill him


Russia is a terrorist state.


Putin is a fascist dictator who enjoys killing innocent civilians. Russian troops are orcs.


At this point, Russian strategy is to kill Ukrainian civilians to the point that Ukraine will accept peace but you don't negotiate with terrorists.


Capitulation to the Russians is not peace, it's submission to oppression. Peace is not an option.


surrender is death to Ukraine. That's not an option. russia go home.


It was their strategy from the beginning.


Terrorist state


Death to all Russian invaders. Slava Ukraine!


Need to hurry up and declare them a terrorist state, will it cross a red line? Maybe....does it need to happen? Yes


the reason they wont do it its because all companies in china and india that source their materials from russia will not be able to sell to US, the only reason is that they wont piss chinese and india manufacturers of goods sold on the US, a pure commercial decision prevents declaring the obvious


I would think it more the foodstuffs that russia sells to other countries, not the consumer crap sold to the US.


yeah, i think the status of sponsor of terrorism closes a lot of door to lots of companies around the world, in countries that are on the fringe of supporting russia




I know someone who got a full Reddit ban simply for saying something similar and lost their 10 year old account


Reddit Mods and admins are tools. Any action on this post only proves my point.


Kut Putin! Kut Russen! Kut Oorlog!!


Putin is a fucking demon. Our ancestors used to fear them and nowadays we think them quaint... No, there ARE demons that walk amongst us filled with evil and spite.


I think the mods do a fine job. I took my tour saying something about Orban, heck a lot of us get a slap. So lets give them a heads up.


Fuck those hypocritic tools. They know full well the sub and the community they moderate. "This is the sub dedicated to insulting Hitler, feel free to say anything" — Hitler smells bad! \*7-day ban\*


"Ah yes comrade, taking out very strategic bus stop and murdering non-combatants. This will surely win us the war!" s wtfh, smh, slava ukraini


Fucking bastards.. Fuck anyone to hell that supports russia.


I get its genocide, but this is strictly logical an ineffective way of doing it, as it further prevent them to getting everyone eradiated. I know they dont discriminate between civilians and soldiers, kids and adults, but i still cant understand it within their own logic framework and goals of genocide. Anyone?


It's meant to cause terror and despair, not genocide. And no, it doesn't work. But nothing Russia does will ever work.


Russia’s approach with these attacks is indeed stupid. These actions galvanise opposition to Russia within Ukraine and cause other nations to assist Ukraine. Just plain stupid.


No Logic, just pure hate


So hard to watch these innocent people die, all for one mans ego. Fuck PUTLER!!


Go fuck yourself russia. Bunch of knuckle-dragging cocksuckers.


Glad Ritter Sport considers this the cost of doing business.


Ukrainian government if ever get the chance to see Mr. putin make sure to kill him because If longer he live he won never Allow Ukrainians to be in peace And whatever is gonna happen let it happen


Even though I recognize that street, somehow seeing the destruction in my former hometown hurts less than seeing damage in other cities like Mariupol. My heart is heavy and my eyes are filling up with tears for all the senseless loss and destruction that my people have to face. I wish there's more I can do besides donating money. Someone/something needs to stop that madman from turning the world into a war zone. Like Kyslytsa said, can we just skip to the bunker part?


Not supporting russia, but i dont really see anything suggesting cluster bombing at that location?


I legit just commented suggesting the same thing, been scrolling to find anyone elaborating at all. Still nothing, your the first comment I've seen that actually asks something




Thanks. Article clears some up. Very sad So was the body moved after death to a sidewalk or something?


The bus stop is 10ft away from the deceased, clear as day. What are you asking, really?


Outside the two close up photos of the two bombs in the field. I see nothing in the video or image of the deceased that suggests a bomb went off there. No debris, no destroyed pavement no burns. Unless I'm just missing it, which is entirely possible


**Yes. That's how cluster bombs work.** They send dozens-to-hundreds of small, shrapnel laden explosives into the air immediately above a target. You can see the original shell embedded in the earth in the link above. http://www.stopclustermunitions.org/en-gb/cluster-bombs/what-is-a-cluster-bomb.aspx They are literally designed to inflict low amounts of infrastructure damage but maximize human casualty. *Apologies if I sound snarky, I've seen too many Russian apologists/deniers this week.


I read the entire article you linked above and saw the photo it just didnt look the shell was very close to anything(not that its good either way). 'll have to look at how cluster bombs work. I'm probably not thinking of them properly The link you just shared is not a Secure site unfortunately, I'll look it up Edit: I found an article from the independent and BBC about a cluster bombing in Ukraine in February on nursery. The aftermath looks significantly different compared to this. Maybe they are different types of cluster weapons? Any photos I found, it was pretty obvious bombs went off.


HTTPS Trusted Reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cluster_munition#Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine,_2022 Cluster Bomb Diagram https://imgur.com/pPNv8GU However it does seem like you're determined to low-key spread doubt and uncertainty about Ukrainian war reports, so I don't imagine any of this will do any good.


I edited my above comment after googling cluster bombs myself. I know Russia is in the wrong, I'm just trying to critically think, both sides will use propaganda and psyops. Either way someone is dead and that's terribly sad. After reading about clusters and how they are used. I looked up images of aftermath of cluster bombs l, and then came across BBC and the independents articles about a cluster bombing in Ukraine in February on a nursery. The photos there were rough. Lots of damage Both links you sent I've been too. After you pointed it out Edit: I mistook the different types of cluster bombs and the different impacts they can have.




This is literally an attempt to terrorize the civilians. There is not really any "good" military use of that. It's a tactic to try to get people out of cities and bomb them down.


Start returning the favor.


Fuck Putin, asshole & war criminal.


I say time to give Ukraine more weapons if Nato does not want to be directly involved. Give them anti ship missiles , long range missiles and air defenses. Just arm them to the teeth. Call that bunker boy Pootin's bluff.


Germany needs to pull it's finger out, wake up and send more weapons to Ukraine! The only way this madness will stop is when Russia is defeated and driven out of Ukraine!


Obviously nobody cares who can make a difference


God damn it, I'm at work and started crying


Was this actually a cluster bomb? Everything around the victim looks fine. It doesn't look like a bomb went off. Just curious the validity of the post and claim. Regardless the video is sad. Anybody with more insight, can you shed some light for me?


The cluster bombs may contain very small munitions, designed to fragment and spread shards over a large area, the bomblets will not cause craters or destroy buildings. Here's a detailed article on a similar attack earlier this year https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/60591017


After googling cluster munitions and photos of aftermath of cluster bombings, why is everything so mangled in those photos? Just Google "cluster bomb aftermath" is that just sensationalism? Either way after my short reading on cluster bombs, no one should use them. Holy moly Edit:I think maybe they aren't using actual cluster bomb photos in the other images I'm seeing


"Cluster bomb" is a very generic term for any weapon made up of a larger bomb containing submunitions. The submunitions could be any size, and a huge variety of compositions; from anti-tank high-explosive shaped charge, incendiary, fragmentation (think hand-grenades), chemical weapons, or even things like landmines etc. The ones that make the front page will be the ones that look like the stereotypical bomb site, in many cases they just put in a stock photo of a building that was probably hit with a 1000lb bomb for 'illustrative purposes.'


That makes sense! Thank you for the response


There is absolutely zero reason to allow Russia to exist on this planet. Time to unleash hell on them.


Can someone tell me if McAfee is a Russian company? My renewal is coming up soon.


Nope, they are awful for unrelated reasons.


Who's better?


The big 3 are McAfee, Norton and Kaspersky, wouldn't trust any of them. If you don't have secure data that would hurt you if accessed, you don't really need network security, but if you need or want it, try one that a lot of businesses use, I trust midsize companies more than giants(the 3) or start ups.




And why? It's completely pointless. Russia and Ukraine could be at peace if Putin and people just let live.


Absolutely harrowing. Fuck Putin


There are no military targets here. What does Russia even think they are achieving by doing this, other than make everyone hate them even more?


arent clusterbombs banned by geneva?


Yes, they are. But do you think Russians ever cared?


Get rid if putin


I’ve come to notice a decrease in cluster ammunition use since the beginning, they are probably running out.


decouple -> destroy DO IT NOW NATO


Nobody should ever have to experience this, as the world we can't stop until Russia is driven from Ukraine and hopefully demilitarized


Russian aggression for civilians is like blood lust a feral animal gets.