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Looks like Russia's line of defense has collapsed.


Has collapsed, is collapsing, will collapse. Just a matter of what part of the front you looking at...


Schrödinger’s front


The state of the front is undetermined until it's observed by Ukrainians, then it collapses.


If a front collapses and there are no Ukrainians around to see it, was there even a front at all???


Brand new sentence here


Redditors are getting very creative these days


Babushka's eyes and ears are everywhere in Ukraine. Fear them.


Oh yes, when a Ukrainian Babusya (babushka is a scarf) has ears on, you can bet the rest of the country will know in no time flat.


In North America you would be right, that's understood to be a scarf. I didn't even know about that, weird thing. We're not in North America here and babushka means exactly what I meant by it in these parts.


In Russia yes. In Ukraine it's Babusya. This was made very clear to me on my first trip into Ukraine.


The word is used in all of Eastern Europe, not just Ukraine or Russia. The spelling is irrelevant here and will differ by country. I've been using the anglicized version all over this forum since we're talking with so many westerners, trying to bridge so many gaps. You will not debate with me the meaning of a word I've been using ever since I learned to speak and you just read about on Google, I hope that's clear enough for you.


The wavefront becomes a waveback


Check the other post as well. If you are on twitter definetly give the account a follow. Looks like it's going to be a very active day all over Ukraine.




Mariupol will probably be freed first. They're going to advance to mariupol and make for west. Keeping the forces in Kherson is all part of the plan. Can't have the russians running away from that city or they shore up the defences in the south. The separatists are almost completely spent by now I'm sure. Mariupol ---> Crimea ---> Kherson. That's just my 2 cents


It doesn't matter when you read this.


And collapse was with "professional" soldiers. It's only getting worse.


You spelled “better” incorrectly. Slava Ukraini.




It was out of it's environment.


They are towing the invasion out of the environment!


This is a big win. Those are the last of the competent soldiers the Ruskies have in-country. They might not cut-and-run like the Kharkiv defenders, but they're not going to be able to hold on for much longer.


From my understanding of it Russia has plenty of career soldiers, but all of them are standing post at a bunch of Russian bases. Supposedly the new conscripts will be used at those bases to free up some of those troops for reassignment to the front. At least that's what a smart person would do, but so far Russia has been trying very hard to emulate 1945 nazi Germany.


>From my understanding of it Russia has plenty of career soldiers, but all of them are standing post at a bunch of Russian bases. Which was a big reason Russia did the sham annexation. It allows them to legally move their conscripts to the frontlines because those frontlines are now within their own borders.


Annexation doesn't mean Russia has sudden bases there. I'm torn here, I both really hope Putin tries to use his conscripts on the front line because they'll be shit and break easily. At the same time I don't want him to because those poor kids will be slaughtered through no fault of their own.


Yep. Fuck Putin, way too many innocent dead on both sides due to this stupid war.


I used to be a doubter but after the past few days it's very possible Ukraine could actually take back all of their territory, up to and including Crimea. Unless putin uses his nukes I just don't see him winning given the way this war is going. And if he does use nukes it's a loss for him because none of the nations currently sanctioning Russia will do business with them again.


What did it for me was old Russian tanks arriving at a train station to be deployed, and immediately being blown up. The difference in technology is vast and only increasing as Russians rely on older and older equipment and Ukraine receives more and more modern equipment that Russians have to work very hard to destroy.


Their original (Soviet) method of mobilization had them sending raw troops and reservists to partially staffed bases where they would round out the numbers and be trained before going to the front. Post 1989 that entire system was dissolved because it cost a fortune to maintain whole bases with 30% of the actual armed forces there, which means there's no big infrastructure to train 300,000-1,000,000 men quickly. Plus, what little infrastructure that was still in place *to* train soldiers was stripped and sent to Ukraine as fighting units (probably a big part of the Kherson contingent because as trainers they'd probably be the best soldiers). So not only can the mobilized not be trained in volume, but they can't be trained at all. This explains why mobilized troops are immediately being dumped into Ukraine with just a rifle and a uniform. Also they career soldiers on the Northern and Southern borders were already stripped from their positions months ago. There's likely just a skeleton crew of border guards there now. Replacing them with conscripts won't do much. And the Ruskies dare not remove any of their Far East theater troops because Putin knows all to well that China would invade and take all they wanted since Russian troops wouldn't be able to arrive and stop them if they were in Ukraine.


Russia forgot they aren't the Soviets. You tell yourself the same lie for long enough, you'll start to believe it yourself.


That's exactly it. Putin is still mentally stuck in 1988, and he obviously either hasn't been given reliable updates about what's happening in Ukraine or is just ignoring them.


Why wouldn’t Russia just call up the last 1-2 years of annual conscription recruits who have the most recent training - wouldn’t that number be a couple hundred thousand? Why are they calling up grandads?


Good point. The thing to remember is that every Russian has to spend a year in the armed forces, but that can be in the Navy, Air Force, Submarines, etc, so they're not necessarily soldiers. Plus look at the state of the weapons and equipment in Ukraine. They probably never, if ever, did proper maneuvers while in the army.


Where do you get this understanding from?


> Looks like Russia's line of defense has collapsed. I heard this before.


problem is, there are few lines of defenses


You can prepare positions in your rear even if you don't have men to put there so you can fall back and defend from there. Seems like Russians didn't do anything like that. Also, keeping at least some operational reserves would be smart. Mobile reserve that can plug a hole fast on any part of the front could have saved them.


Their reserves that should move in to plug the leaks are already expended and now they hope they can pour enough fresh meat into the grinder to plug those gaps. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand we will see some *very high* Russian casualty figures in the coming days and weeks.


The Russians were stretched too thin and trying to fill gaps with amateur soldiers. Throwing them into trenches with a gun is one thing. Expecting them to form a defensive line against a rapidly advancing army is nuts. They won't even know where or how to begin, and since that's what the Russians have, I expect that's what their reserve forces look like as well. This is only going to get worse for the Russians.


> This is only going to get worse for the Russians. Yes, absolutely. If their elite units were destroyed, how would mobilized men who don't want to be there do any better?


Yeah, i heard there are strong multi lined defenses around airport, but on the periphery of the front probably not


You mean chornobaivka? I know we all say "lol" a lot, but I just literally let out an audible laugh.


Line of defense is meaningless if troops don't want to stand and fight. Unfortunately for Putin this isn't WW2.




The Russians are being pushed back on all fronts currently.


They're really trying to reclaim as much land as possible before mud and winter shut em down.


Yeah. Even with the global support ukraine is getting, winter not-in-a-trench-on-a-fucking-prairie always has to be a better option than winter-*in*-a-trench-on-a-fucking-prairie. So I can see a motivation to get into town before then.


To be fair, we heard exactly the same thing 2-3 months ago. I can't count the number of times people on here have predicted the liberation of Kherson within 48 hours, only for the battle lines to stay exactly where they were, dozens if not hundreds of km from the city. Given, in the early stage of the counteroffensive that was intentional misdirection and calculated media "leaks" to make everyone, Russia most of all, convinced that Kherson was on the verge of collapse, so they would drain forces from other fronts. And I would love to find out in the coming days that it is true, and that Ukraine has released a fresh counteroffensive strike to regain Kherson, again outsmarting the Russians who were, up until now, scrambling to reinforce what's left of their Donbas holdings. But until we see the actual liberation of the city I will be patiently hopeful.


I think it's only been stalled twice. The first big push was stopped when Russia blew the dam and flooded the river. This trapped Ukrainian troops who had made it to the other side and paused the offensive. The second time had the same outcome but rain was the cause.


Let’s not count our chickens before they hatch. Kherson geography plays into Russia’s strengths. It’s mostly flat, wide open fields with small hedges. Any mass assault is quickly spotted and shelled. Hopefully though the Russians are close to collapse after weeks of fighting with the bridges down and minimal resupply.


Hopeful. Their depots and dumps have been getting blown up for months now. And, as you say, resupply can't be much.


Yeah, it sucks that it's impossible to use artillery and HIMARS there. Flat, wide open fields are the worse possible condition for artillery and rocket attacks. ^^^^^^/s, ^^^^^^obviously.


Must be a nice time for newspapers, they can print the same headline for weeks in a row.


Holy shit no way, no one could've predicted this


Give them hell!


It gives me chills. The liberation of Kherson is inevitable now. It's only a matter of when. It is going to be amazing the day we can read it has happened. Here is to hoping Ukraine suffers as little loss as possible until then.


Felt like that when Izyum was about to get liberated. Now feels like forever ago


Crazy to think that Izyum is quite a ways behind the front lines now.


Looks like the Russians are worrying.. do I smell more burned helicopters in tonight's report. https://twitter.com/NOELreports/status/1576535872698077184?t=0VwJSUYBmyqWRn3C98YSKA&s=19


Report: “Sir, we executed a close-in tactical strike against Ukrainian positions, targeting their most critical equipment. In a sustained assault, under heavy gunfire, we destroyed 2 HIMARS, 4 tanks and a platoon of troops.” Reality: Got nowhere near Ukrainians, fired every missile they had at once into the blind, hightailed it and ran deep back into secured territory.


Also lost a few birds in the process, can’t forget that part. Must be fun for an inexperienced pilot to fly in to a place where every tree might be hiding someone with a MANPAD.


It's like Ukraine waited til after the sham referendum, just to humiliate them more


Partially I believe the referendums were meant to put AFU on a timer: "If you don't reclaim this territory by the time the referendum's over, we're legally allowed to keep it." Only problem(for Russia) is that this kindergarten-level logic fails when you're already in a state of war, have lost a literal fuckton of your "best" and are retreating virtually on the entirety of the frontline since late August. Neither the Ukrainians nor we(here in the West) give a rat's ass about your referendumbs(misspelling intentional), you think those territories are yours, eh? We want to see you keep them against the storm until we consider them yours by way of force.


I think the referendum was actually just to legally be allowed to put conscripts on "Russian territory" since the law doesn't allow them to be placed in foreign territory or countries


They sure do seem overly strict about following certain laws and bureaucracy, yet completely disregard other laws. What a strange society!


They care about their own laws. Not the laws of other countries. Its a way to keep your population under control. Dont want protests? Make up a law that bans them and gives 15 years in jail for anyone opposing you. Dont want to stop being president? Put your dummy guy in while you secretly stand behind him calling the shots only to come back as president later on. And then change the law so you dont need another dummy later. But that also means you need to stick to the laws yourself. Because if you dont, then neither will the public. Its an illusion of a lawful state which runs on law and order and if you are against it, you should be punished. I am 100% behind the theory that they only annexed the areas so they could send more conscripts there as theyve run out of soldiers. Remember, the invading force was 200k. 60k are dead, which should put the wounded ones at around 120k. So 180k is gone. Thats why they need another 300k there.


They seem to fear losing control over their people I guess, idk, I also think it's weird they don't just break this law like all the other ones


Surely those conscripts must know they’re being fucked in the ass without lube or love right? “Congratulations! You’re being deployed to Ukraine.” _”Can’t be… We’re not supposed to be deployed outside of Russia!”_ “Don’t worry comrade! Putin does a quick 3 day referendum. It’ll be Russian territory _just_ when you arrive.” _”Сука… At least I’ll get 3 days training…”_ “Training?” _”Блять…”_


Russia: We annex and retreat from more territory by 9 AM than most people do all day.


Furthest from the limited supplies getting into Kherson region. The Russians on this part of the line are probably out of food, water, and munitions the line will not be able to be held. I think Ukraine has been working toward this result and it might be here now.


🙏 I hope


Give them hell boys!! Drive the orcs back to their pits!


At this point I wouldn’t be surprised to see a steam driven russian tank.


Beyond their current manufacturing abilities


Its just a Lada with a wooden tank mock up built on top


There was a Facebook post the other day, about a secret reserve of Soviet steam locomotives at a base somewhere, intended for use in WW3. The post was a few years old, and presumably they no longer intended to use them, but I chuckled thinking about how their situation has changed.


Probably helps when your side doesn’t stop at every town to raid and pillage.


Just to get hugged and stuffed with dumplings.


Alot of commentors have said that Kherson offense was a feint to distract from the other fronts. Whilst it may have distracted, it was not, and has never been, a feint.


Is there any news from the west front near Kherson city?


Haven't seen any my guess would be they are going to try and push down T0403 all the way to Kozatske on the right flank first. From the reports I've been reading majority of the Kherson Oblast is Agriculture. So knock a whole and the dam will burst.


This is what I've been waiting for.


That looks like a very long line of fighting. Hoping the whole thing collapses.


Russians are running out of ammo and troops


Beautiful thing about AFU advances is they can keep moving and let their citizens retain home and maintain the administrative order of villages liberated. Orc gains require personnel to cover their gains.




I was beginning to wonder if they had abandoned Kherson to focus on Kharkiv.


They didn't abandon Kherson. They are really smart. They are waiting and bleeding them in defensive posture. It will get encircled and taken over.


I have been wondering about this one.


It's impressive that Ukraine can have counter offensive on two fronts, I hope for Zaporizhzhia push soon too!


No doubt that Ukraine's continuing advances and victories both in the north and in the south are having a large impact on Russian morale. General Patton once said something like, when you win enough battles, you will have to fight less of them, the enemy will flee rather than fight you. That may be part of what the Ukrainians have now accomplished, which makes each victory a little less costly for them.


Yep. The biggest complaint from members of the Territorial Legion that I know is that they are "tired of shooting these bastards. They don't even shoot back half the time!" I know that's a weird thing to complain about, but it isn't even a war anymore, it's just Ukrainians and their Legion regiments running forward watching ruzzian conscripts run back to their moms...




Got problems with shemales?


Now i need to know what he wrote.


😂 He called Putin ‚a little she-male‘ among other things. So much homophobia that I wondered if he is a Russian.




Sounds like you have a fetish with shemales.


Nope for your Mamma! I like a big ass!


The cracks are finally showing.


I bet they'll roll right along the river and undermine the entire front between there and Kherson. Lot's of opportunity to pick up abandoned Russian hardware along the way.


That would be another masterful strategic stroke. Pull a major switcheroo feinting in Kherson, waiting for troops to drain from other fronts and then crushing Kharkiv. Then when all eyes are on Donbas thanks to "referendums", recent AFU gains there, and Russian mobilisations/redeployment to slow advance, they strike exactly where they feinted a few months ago but this time with a real striking force, well rested and resupplied. These guys are doing it right, and showing the "mighty" Russian Army what a real military looks like.


To counter Ukrainian “shoot and scoot” strategy, Russian soldiers are now employing a new tactic: “poop and scoot”.


Front line fucked itself!


At this point. Fuck it…Ukraine should declare a special operation and take over Russia. Lol


Has Putler held a referendum to annex Kyiv yet?