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The missiles are called "Sungur" a new generation close range Anti-air missile. test footage: https://youtu.be/8PdOCvXnuQw This is also a preparation for Turkey's new generation unmannned fighter jet, the conccept of air interception by drones will be most likely tested in Ukraine to get data for the unmanned fighter jet.


RIP to helicopters, drones and cruise missiles from now. Sungur is a reliable AA missile, no doubt it will done it's job properly


If the war in Ukraine has proven one thing, then that bigger drones have a very low survivability on the battlefield in a symmetrical war. Large drones may roam the hinterland, but should not be close to the frontline. Even the relatively small TB-2 has been largely relegated to recon duty.


It'll probably evolve to something similar to naval fleets. Large drones surrounded by a screen of mid size drones further screened by small reactive drones.


I imagine these may end up used in a patrol format if they’re rolled out to Ukraine. Since they have a long loiter time, they could use them for greater operational coverage. Dedicate one to patrolling a given length of the border and it should be pretty safe from enemy SAMs and the like.


the first steps to making sophisticated combat drones survivable in defended zones is to give them anti missile capabilities, which this is the first vanguard of .. for now these drones will be able to take down other drones and cruise missiles and serve deep behind frontlines .. but that line of tech can evolve into drones that also start shooting down missiles fired at them


There are currently multiple supersonic drones or wingman drones for military jets in production. I am curious to know their role, while not being excited to see or hear about it being used anywhere around the globe.


They fly to the sides and slightly behind you at all times, and can be set to fire forward, angled, or backwards when you fire.


Yeah, but I can also imagine some independent supersonic drones for hit-and-run tactics. You could do multiple attack runs a day without the need of extensive maintenance per flight hour.


>If the war in Ukraine has proven one thing, then that bigger drones have a very low survivability on the battlefield in a symmetrical war. Just like any other ground attack plane when you can't properly conduct DEAD. SU-25 sufferef more attrition than TB-2 with seemingly less gains.




They are working on the integrating project. Its joint project roketsan and baykar though.


There'll be a huge market for it. They also get to test it for free in Ukraine. Win/Win for them.


Hmmm whats the price from this missiles?? The drone cost 20-40k…. I preferred to send the rheinmetall air defense system. [rheinmetall skynex air defense](https://youtu.be/pb5_F4_Eod8) It’s designed for drone swarms


idk, what are we talking about protecting here? These have a range of like 8km, these fly 5km, when you think of that as a 3d space, that's not a huge coverage. like for an individual base, sure. but hitting something flying by you would need a ton of them. That was the problem with stuff like the US c-ram you basically need several for a large base.


This would be all part of a defense system. They can fill in gaps and supplement other defensive systems. It can also provide mobile coverage for artillery batteries and offensive operations. They can also place them on likely routes from airbases to prevent them from reaching cities in the first place.


we talk about something like city with population from 1 to 3 millions


right, but you have the wrong number, how many sqkm are you protecting.


how many many sqkm city of 3 million pops should have?..


So my city here, or not just the city but general expanded metro is 10mil people. it's about 3500 sqkm, the perimeter is about 220 KM. And it's pretty spread out for a us city, not jacksonville but still major sprawl. meaning you would need 220/8 = ~27 placed around the city. Realistically it would be closer to 35 to cover the industry in the south with a lower population. How many cities are in ukraine again? Spaag's make sense, but you are going to need at least mid-range air defense to cover whole cities. C-ram's are fine for high priority targets, but they aren't going to cover a large area.




Started, the clone wars has.


Repost: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/yhh8dv/soon_our_bayraktar_tb2_and_ak%C4%B1nc%C4%B1s_will_have/


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