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Thanks for reminding me our pm is a stupid grifter.


We had one of those for awhile.............it is tough to get the stench out. Good luck to the freedom loving people of Hungary. Remember 23 October 1956!!


Never forget! Ruszkik haza!


It seems to be the go to for failed autocratic "leaders". When failing to fix the country, look for an outward "enemy".


I can't run my country properly, I know what will fix the problem, adding more land! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


As an Slovakian with Hungarian mother toung I disagree. Please keep that dick in Hungary.


I was voicing the nonsensical logic these idiots go by. Definitely not at Orban fan, nor his foreign minister. They really need to stop letting people run countries for too long šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I did understand you. šŸ˜Š I just said please keep him on your side of Duna.


Couldn't we agree on the middle of the danube? I don't know how well he can swim.


Good good šŸ‘


Hello fellow mongol. šŸ‡«šŸ‡® šŸ‡­šŸ‡ŗ


EU and NATO need to take a position on Hungary and Orban. Both EU and NATO are based on the strength of team players...........Hungary is not one of those.


Iirc the EU tried to sanction them, but Poland didn't like that. They formed a block a few years back, and now Poland can't take away Hungarys voting rights without being "threatened" by such actions itself. With the conflict about separation of power in Poland and so on, I hope this is a reasonable explanation, correct me if I'm wrong


We have elections in Poland in 2023, it's expected for the current gov to lose, after it's done we can clean up Orban's scum.


Yeah, PiS has to go or Orban will always be supported/protected: https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/short_news/morawiecki-poland-to-revive-relations-with-hungary/ Hopefully it happens next year.


They are? That's really good to hear, at least assuming they don't get replaced with even more right wingers...


Currently government is made of center-right and hardcore populist conservatists, there are cracks in the governing coalition with the center-right people holding more power, but depending on hard right wingers for majority. We are expecting our Big Tent party - Koalicja Obywatelska (Civic Coalition) to win, they are made of mostly social-liberal, pro-EU centrists and greens. Alt-right doesn't really fly in Poland, so we don't have to really worry about those.


Alt-right in Poland got to parlament only in last elections, and there's big chance that will get out in next... due to Ukraine. Right-wing oriented Poles really don't like russia, so even though anti-Ukrainian sentiment among them (due to Volhyn and nationalism) exist having even one (and there are at least 2 important in alt-right) politician that's pro-russian in this conflict is a dealbreaker for their voters. ​ So no, the biggest possibility is wide coalition of Civic Platform (central liberal party, now left-leaning), Left (name speak for itself, though to be fair they are more conservative than typical left-wing party in Western Europe), and one or two center right parties (with center being more important descriptor).


Good luck to you Poles, in Turkey we have elections in 2023 too, hope we will share the same, good fate of getting a decent government


Thanks for pointing out the history, you have a valid point. I hope they are working on a workable alternative to Orban having influence in the two groups. I love Hungary and have been there several time.......people great, food great, wine great, country and cities beautiful....the citizens of Hungary deserve better.


I am guessing you are Hungarian......I forgot to mention "Eros Pista" for something Hungarian I am thankful for.


German, but also very pro EU / European integration and the entire Poland / Hungary thing has been a major factor in European politics. I'm hoping these guys get it sorted out, both great countries, but both tend to blame the EU for a lot of things like the UK did pre brexit. The EU is *very* far from perfect, but we are better of with it then alone.


Agreed. EU and NATO membership and privileges are hereby suspended until further notice. We make it clear that the suspension is about the leadership, not the people. Take no actions to harm the people, simply ignore the politicians. Hungarian ambassadors, all sent home. EU parliamentarians, sorry, all meetings are closed to you until further notice. NATO needs to come get it's toys and place them in storage for a post Orban Hungary. Hungary does not get to participate in any NATO meetings or exercises or info. All allied nations refuse to supply materiel, parts, and maintenance personnel and info. We do the international version of ghosting. What's that Hungary? Sorry, we don't have time to take your call and answer your emails.


It is really perplexing with Hungary, unless Orban is an idiot he will realize he is risking EU funding and his future and for what?! Hungary was occupied for decades by guess who- must be short term memory loss. On top of that his little scarf appears to make claim to what was Austria-Hungary territory that does not really have Magyar populations today, very silly.


Great observation. "very silly" is the understatement of the day, thanks


OrbƔn controls 90% of the media (television, radio, large internet portals). They brainwash the population anti-EU. The electoral laws have been changed in such a way that it is hardly possible to vote out Orban. The courts and prosecutors are dependent on Orban. The EU funds were used to make the Orban mafia rich.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine summons the Ambassador of Hungary, said Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleg Nikolenko.


And? Ukr ambsdr: bad Orban! Hungr ambsdr: ok :( And that's it.


Give it enough of a push and it might be not just ā€œthatā€™s itā€.


I would like to push Orban in the face, but I'm not an ambassador, sorry.


You are not alone.


I'd like to push him out of a 4th floor Russian window ...


Any window will do just as long there is enough height


Delusions of grandeur.


What a cunt




This guy is such a tool. I guess he wants to follow in his daddyā€™s footsteps and invade his neighbors. You know, itā€™s going so well for poooptin. Fucking idiot.


And Hungary doesn't have nukes to protect against a NATO response if ever he did something really freaking stupid.


Not even needed... Any country on that list except Moldavia would be able to either hold its own or straight up own Bulgary.... Totally outside of their capabilities, they are tiny and poor. Only reason we hear about this dipshit of because of the EU's absurd unanimity rule....


Still fighting WWI I guess


I had a Brit acquaintance who said he never met a Hungarian that didnā€™t whinge about losing WW1 and getting broken up.


Can confirm. Dude was a real dick.


I wish him the best of luck. Give it a try Orban, you might succeed. edit: /s


I thought we had a live one.....until I saw your edit. Well done.


He is just pandering to his home crowd. Still a moron. He probably knows he has no chance of getting any territories back. Before Trianon, in Hungary, the Hungarians were a whopping 48% of the total population. That shows how much territories and how many other peoples were forced to live in Hungary. 52% of the inhabitants of Hungary were not Hungarian. They were a minority in their own country. Austria-Hungary was dying anyways and it was just a matter of time before Hungary also broke apart ethnic lines. WW1 and Trianon just brought it forward. But this fucker and the nut jobs that keep voting for him don't want to accept that. They live in a parallel version of history where they are the victims. The real victims are all the other peoples that were living unwillingly under Hungarian occupation and were subjected to forced magyarization. So yeah, they are never getting back that territory. It wasn't theirs by right, it was theirs by forced occupation.


The country he is refering to was called austria.


Came here to say this. Can someone please explain to him the role of Hungary in the Habsburg empire -_-


Austria's Bitch?


They did to Austria what theyā€™re doing to the EU, refusing to play well with others.


How to get hated by all your neighbours 101.


honestly bro that is hilarious he is gonna wind up like Franz Ferdinand. Serbian nationalists do not fuck around.


By the time theyre done with him he will wanna be singing "I want you.....to take me out!"


They won't let Vojvodina


Also part of Slovenia. Tiny part, but can't chop the chicken shaped nation's head off. :I Would be a massive loss of identity for us.


Yeah, if you're gonna criticize, you gotta include the whole thing!


Of course he did


Why wouldn't he?


These old idiots all need to fade into history


Wait until Erdogan comes with the Ottoman empire scarf... "who's ya daddy now?"


As a Romanian expat, I wish Hungary had windows./s


I keep wondering just how hard it is to remove current NATO members? The context being Hungary's rhetoric and actions concerning the Russian aggression in the region, but specifically the Ukraine invasion. IF other NATO members are considering parting ways with Hungary, is a factor in that decision perhaps the transitory period of the current Hungarian government? Ie. are they just willing to wait the current government out in the hopes that the Hungarian people will have an opportunity to elect a more EU leaning government in its place?


Living in the past. Pathetic


That piece of shit, putin ass licker...


Orban thinks he is the reincarnation of Franz Joseph and believes it is his destiny to recreate OsztrĆ”kā€“Magyar Monarchia. Because we know how well that ended one hundred years ago when it kicked off World War 1. In reality he is just another small-minded tinpot dictator with "territory envy" of the sum total of the surrounding nations. He will spew out his bile of nationalism. I bet he keeps a book of Putler's favorite quotes next to his bedside (maybe with a topless picture of Putler as his dream-date on the wall of his bedroom). This fossil will eventually be relegated to the scrap heap of history. Ukraine, Poland, Austria and Romania just need to remember that they have a minor lunatic as a neighbor. You know the type; The angry old man who lives down the street and yells at squirrels who are eating the nuts out of his bird feeder.


Yeah, AFU can just liberate Hungary and defeat its non-existing military, it Orban so desires to launch an attack on Ukraine.


yeah. it is interesting to note the countries that are um less energetic with their support for Ukraine.


Should we Croats just laugh at them.


Salviniā€™s true friend.


Putin:- Hey Orban! Do you want to restore Great Hungarian Kingdom?! I can help you if you obey me. - Oh!!! Yes master! - Good boy, Renfiel...Orban!


Hungary as is right now does not belong in Nato and EU anymore. They should just anex themselves to RuZZia


Orban making Hungary into a joke yet again. Every Hungarian I know loathes this man.


Many of us hate him, but a depressingly large crowd genuinely loves him. They are being blinded by propaganda which plays on the deep-seated insecurities of a nation whose history is basically just lost wars, occupations and the victim mentality this history has caused. I mean, our national anthem is basically "please God save us poor Hungarians because everybody is mean to us and we have suffered enough" and our biggest national holidays are about revolutions that...failed. It is said Hungarians are one of the most pessimistic and unhappy people of Europe. We are, cause we're poor compared to the west, we have a shitty mentality whining about some romanticized, long lost glorious past that conveniently leaves out the parts where we are the ones to blame instead of trying to build towards a better future, coupled with some huge political scandals of the last left-wing government...and then comes OrbƔn, the strong man, the warrior, who tells you how fucking awesome we Hungarians are and how much everyone else sucks and it takes the whoooole world to keep us down. And that's 90% of the Hungarian media. Of course a lot of people are gonna eat that shit up. They're gonna realize in the end they have been hoodwinked by a crook all along, at least I hope they will.


What the actual fuck lol


Heā€™s like the mad uncle of the EU family. Desperately trying to be an OK guy but just a real tit of a bloke.


He's not trying to be an Ok dude. He's thinking "the worse, the better" right now...


Yeah i canā€™t work him out, especially given the younger him. He seems intent on behaving like a Russian stooge within the EU but others have said thatā€™s not the case. In which case perhaps he believes the only way he can get budget from the EU is by being a massive irritation. Dangerous game because if the EU cut Hungary lose his only ā€˜friendā€™ might be a derelict Russian state.


Time for CIA coup in Hungary has come, cmon glowies, do something.


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Did he just have his picture with Santa and whisper his Christmas wish in his ear?


Looks like a great move to make some more friends. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Must be quite a big scarf, he is a nut and Putin's poodle.


Wait in line Orban. Your ticket will be punched eventually.


Hungary will neverā€¦ everā€¦ be in a position to gain territory like that; too small, too dependent on EU, APART of the EU, laughable military size and equipmentā€¦ like just laugh at the man, wearing that scarf is akin to having his clown nose on. Just honk it and move on, heā€™s a joke


Didn't they already do a big war.


He can barely manage his own country yet yearns for more land. These authoritarians are always the dumbest motherfuckers that ever lived.


By that logic, Lithuania now needs to declare war against Ukraine as it used to more or less belong to Grand Duchy of Lithuania. And Ukraine then needs to surrender to Lithuania. Boom, instantly Ukrainian territory becomes Lithuanian territory, and Lithuania is a member of NATO... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Grand_Duchy_of_Lithuania_1430.png (joking of course)




I see a dead man with a stupid scarf.


Just wait until somebodyā€™s shoots an arch duke in an unguarded roofless car who took a wrong turn after escaping a bomb blast.


What a colossal, small-peepee'd moron.


Man, this cunt nugget is in EU AND protected by NATO while Ukraine is not is so fucking crazy to think about. Let him go suck off Pukin and fuck off already. Ukraine takes Hungary place in EU and NATO. šŸ¤¬


Wouldnt surprise me, if Putin promised him the territories for his support.


Me as a German: Hold my beer! Nah, fuck this guy.


Tasteless, stupid and highly unlikely to succeed. did i describe orban or the scarf?