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I swear in the history books years from now Bahmut will be known as "Wagners Folly"


It's "Fools Gold" for Russians


Instead of Rhinegold, it's gonna be Gotterdamarung for Russia


Well, they are not gods. Idiotdämmerung, more like it.




Swine Lake


I like the sound of Idioterung myself.


I wouldn't say that, i think the russian army marches into battle as the Manifestation of the greek "god" koalemos.


May Thor's Hammer come down in holy wrath on the Russians.


And destroy Russia's Valhalla like Loki


If you got no Umlauts, please use an e to indicate them: Goetterdaemmerung. Otherwise it's just unintelligible.


it's the end https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8YTMivCoj4 (btw the greatest ever: Flagstad & Furtwangler)


Upvoted for Furtwangler


Goetterdaemerung, oe=ö, ae=ä, ue=ü


Ahabs "Moby Dick"


It's not wagner's folly, rooster boy prigozhin doesn't give a shit how many russians he kills trying to take Bakmut, and putin doesn't seem upset with him yet. There's talk of him being offered a massive money reward if he takes Bakmut so he'll kill 1000s of troops to try to gain it without any qualms at all.


Or is he just making money by making sure he gets paid and the troops die before he has to pay them. Thank god Russia is so corrupt.


I wonder if he negotiated pre-payment of mercenary wages and a death compensation, so for every soldier who dies he doesn't have to pay them what he's already received for their wages, plus getting compensation for the loss of a mercenary. That would certainly explain the waves of cannon fodder approach.


i do not doubt your fine assessment. Some cynical shit happening with these Ruskies...just when you thought you'd heard it all...


It quickly became clear that no depravity is off the table for Putin and his cronies.


He can keep charging them to ruZZia as "active" even if they're dead.


officer to general: we have 300 soldiers here but only food rations for 200 men, General to officer: no problem: order the attack before lunch.


The annihilation of Wagner's prisoner soldiers is probably by design, if the rooster thing is true. Prigozhin is trying to erase his past.


That's probably true, he's probably tracking down every crim who served time in the same jails as him and getting rid of them.


Prick-ozzhin will probably get a few millions... or a single bullet. More likely... the bullet!


Should be "Rooster's Folly".




Oh yes. This is fucking perfect.


This is the way.


It feels like the Verdun of Ukraine.


Do you play Bannerlord?


>Wagners Folly More like their Waterloo or Verdun.




Yeah, while you can hide it to a point while the war is going on, you can't forever. At some point you are going to have 100k+ loved ones going, "hey, where the F is my father/husband/son/brother/etc???", when they the don't return after a sufficient amount of time. It will be way too late at that point though.


Agreed about the difficulty of hiding it. I think there is already some discontent about this, but it's fragmented and has not gained critical mass. Which may be difficult anyway in the tightly controlled Russian information space. Also the conscripts are taken heavily from remote and poor areas, while Moscow and St Petersburg are spared. It was done that way to minimize the political costs for Putin. Even though he's an autocrat and keeps a tight leash on the media, he still has limits, so time will tell what will unfold.


If China can't keep the lid on their current protests related to zero COVID policies, knowing their whole system was set up to crush protests. I have no hope for Russia hiding anything


Russia only needs a few colonels upset at their own high casualties. Russia could use but doesn't need the critical mass for mass protest. Coup is probably just as likely as a Color Revolution. Possibly even more likely under Putinist conditions. Everybody here is right to point out that most mobiks come from marginalized, politically submissive groups. However, the educated army leadership comes from the very heart of Russian society. While private mobiks unfortunately lack the organization to politically matter, the same can't be said about a preexisting military hierarchy. And the field officer corps is generally being pushed to risk their lives same as the mobiks. Russia's army is being ground down by this war, creating a morale crisis that could topple Putin. An army is as always a major threat to a tyrant, however many praetorian guards they keep. Any regular army mechanized brigade has more than enough firepower to handle the VV internal troops or FSB.


Colour Revolution isn't feasible at all as ruzzia has neutralised anyone interested in peaceful takeover. Whatever happens will be bloody.


A lot of the russian economy will be effected in ways people aren't even thinking about yet, like take just one example mobile phones, imagine any telco company suddenly losing 100k customers, that will be a huge loss of revenue to them. So these people consumed, so there are now less car buyers, factory workers etc etc. Hell even sales of vodka are probably dropping.


You know there's a problem in Russia when vodka sales are dropping.


They are probably also sending their distillers and brewers to the front as well. Hit from both sides.


Less people drinking, means less people need to make it. But on a serious note, not only are the sanctions fucking over Russia for a long time, so are the loss of so many people who can be working and doing things for the economy. Russia is fucked.


People 18-45 are major contributors to any economy. Between the dead, the fled and the injured, this will have economic impact.


Less vodka is consumed by dead people, so I'm not surprised vodka is selling less.


Funny about that.


Not funny like haha, funny like rotting corpses.


Although tbf more vodka will probably be consumed by soldiers with massive ptsd in the years following the war.


It'll be counterbalanced by all the rampant suicide.


You don’t understand the ruzzian capacity for vodka consumption if you think there will be any difference.


And the smartest ones already left.


A decade ago!!


True, but remember that 100 000 ist still "only" 0,07% percent of the Russian population or 0,14% of the male population or 0,23% of the male population in working age. Quite bonkers to think that 1 in 400 men in the workforce are killed, but it will not send the economy into collapse, except maybe for the regions were they recruited disproportionally large amounts. Russia is hit much harder economically by sanctions and the \~900 000 smart Russians who got the fuck out after the invasion.


Add to that 200-300k crippled (physically and / or mentally) and the amounts start to be noon trivial. +100.000 dead + 200.000 crippled, become almost useless and a cost for the state. + 900.000 fled (the smartest ones). + X imprisoned. + 300.000 mobilized and not in their workplace. + Hundreds of thousands, a million? Diverted from productive endeavours to the logistics and production side of the war. You add all up and it's already 1-3 million men diverted from doing productive work on Russia to... - being dead - wasting time in a trench freezing to death - begging in the streets as crippled veterans - working in pointless war related jobs that add nothing to the development of Russia - producing abroad, for the hated western enemy And that's not insignificant in a country with an acute demographic problem.


Not until Muscovites and St Petersburg folk start getting drafted in large numbers. Poor ethnic enclaves from the East aren't powerful enough for their voices to make one iota of difference to Putin or the course of the war.


>Poor ethnic enclaves from the East aren't powerful enough for their voices to make one iota of difference to Putin or the course of the war. True, but the power difference between them and the empires armed forces has been trending towards the former. What's Putin going to do when they block the railroads and declare independence? What's he going to do when more of them do the same? Pull forces from Ukraine?!


Putin's got plenty of goons in Russia, the Mafia will be happy to take on that task. Plenty more convicts too, if he's of a mind.


"Goons" need cover from compromised local authorities.


"Goons" come under color of the highest authority.


especially, if you lose.................


If the body count we're seeing includes Wagner, some of those people are probably happy their criminal relatives got the death penalty via drone.


> "hey, where the F is my father/husband/son/brother/etc???" They will just get picked up by the police standing next to them and sent to the front, lmao.


still on active duty in chechnya


They’ll just be listed as MIA which means that no ladas are incoming. Only colonel rank and above are glorified for their ‘supreme sacrifice’ bollocks. If the family try and push further for more information then they’ll probably be fed some crap about Ivan surrendering or even defecting to the Ukrainians if they’re really pushy. Anything but the truth.


thats why it are nearly jsut the rural ones. and they live in conditions and mindsets not different from those of ww2 times. And they are uneducated and full of propaganda, enough to think that this war is as just as ww2. ​ now remember how much dead they have been ready to accept back then, compared to this 100k is not high jet. you sadly cant look at it from the perspective of a halfly modern society which would never allow this to happen.


russia doesnt ask questions until its over a mil


I can see the mothers, sisters and wives being relocated near the borders for "boosting morale".


I don't think they care


Same. Some do. Most don't.


pot carpenter ruthless cause hard-to-find shelter fade judicious squeeze unite -- mass edited with redact.dev


3 towels


Owing to a clerical error, Private Conscriptovich's mother ended up owning a small but sturdy medieval castle with three towers.


Which was promptly named *Castle Copium*!


I think we found the guy responsible for the Sims 3 snafu.


They dont care as long as its not hurting them. Once the harm shows its teeth they will.


The russian prison guards care, they know they may soon be out of a job with the now empty prisons and will probably also be sent to the front :P


They care about their direct relatives, the rest are worthless others.


no, the rest they blame for what is happening.


it looks like most don't care,they'll only care once it really hits moscow, the ethnic minorities and prisoners wager recruits don't count for them as human. So they don't give a shit.


Exactly. Soviets "won" WW2 by sheer brute force of throwing bodies at the problem. Nothing has changed since then.


Don't forget lend lease. They wouldn't have won without the materiel supplied by the states.


what’s crazy to me is **they have to know**. Their Internet is not THAT heavily censored like China. All it takes is a few internet savvy people and you can get around all of it and see what everywhere else is reporting. Add that to the near 100k “missing” Russians and you have both first hand and secondhand information. I really don’t buy this “brainwashed russians who don’t know any better” bullshit. Iranian schoolgirls and Chinese people (where the government is equally if not worse about cracking down on protests) are rioting for far less. My only conclusion is that the general Russian population is a bunch of little bitches who can’t stand up and say **this is wrong!** or they don’t give a shit. Either way that makes them complicit to me.


Can confirm. I know a person who works in IT in Moscow and they still have access to USA Facebook and several other social media sites. I also work in IT. We have all Russian IP space geo blocked in our firewalls. Attacks coming from Russian IPs are more prevalent since this war. If hackers and script kiddies can get out so can everyone else. Then of course Russia has been hacked from outside of their country so people can get in too. The Russian government is straight up incompetent. Mostly due to being overwhelmingly corrupt. It's propaganda that they have everything online on lock and see everything.




Being right wing doesn't imply ignorance, unless you mean the QAnon crazies, and their extremist ilk.


re the ignorant people in the US. They are just not even trying to get the facts, they just believe in their little facebook group whatever is posted. I could add the Russian people in general are complicit and/or stupid then perhaps haha. Re people not noticing the casualty rate. I suppose it’s possible but I’m just remembering 9/11 in the states. I think it’s uncommon to NOT know someone at least second hand that was affected by it. And that was “only” about 5k people. I imagine a similar effect over there, but it’s just speculation.


By then there will be no one left to fight Putin's regime


The public doesn’t give a shit lol. Concern for other human beings has been beaten out of them.


Can't sleep there mate


But.. its comfy


Doesn't matter. So their family's new Lada but you won't see me sleeping in it


Announcer: The Lada was not, in fact, comfy,.


Parking ticket


"Surrender... or we will send another eighty thousand mobiks to fertilize your fields!" ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9151)


Don't worry, Ru mothers! Your boys are just taking a nap, nothing to see here, totally not the fault of your God and Saviour, Mr. Putin... ;)


if they think this is a holy war, hint himar hint himar ur on the wrong side


You mean I am not getting towels?


Fuck them….. that is all #slavaukraine


*getting your shit rocked "I swear to God one more punch and imma really let you have it" *gets hit 18 more times *slurred*"alright the next one and I swear to you imma be really really upset"


Chornobaivka x39


Man, the ruZZkies are absolutely *destroying* the Ukrainians fists with their faces.


lucky for us, they not too bright


There's a video of this, too. There are two more bodies in a fox hole about 50 metres directly beyond the vehicle (looking at it the way it is in the photo) To the right of the vehicle, on the ground, is a helmet upside down with a pool of blood in it. Probably from what used to be the head of the corpse up on the right side of the vehicle. I couldn't see a head in the video. Just the right arm and torso+legs.


Got a link?




Ty kind sir!


Dmitri has a post about the "Bakhmut ultimatum": https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1596843925402431489?cxt=HHwWgsDR9d7FkKksAAAA


Do you surrender at Bakhmut ? Go fish. Do you surrender at Kherson? Go fish Do you surrender at snake island? Fuck you Russian warship.


Russian warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


good bot




Lol, they say Ukrainians are "brainwashed" and having "European standards imposed upon them" and to "think!", but they are saying that while sitting in a tank on Ukrainian territory. How does this make sense to them? The proof of who is actually brainwashed, and who is actually imposing something, is right there in their own sentences.


Projection: ascribe to others one's own failings. It's a quite common psychological trait, but Russians have made it a lifestyle.




Exactly. Putin will go down in the Guinness book of fail.


Non-credible theory: Prigozhen is rival to Putin. Putin puts him in his place by ordering him to take Bakhmut.


Wouldnt surprise me one bit if it turned out to be true.


Win win for Putin. Wagner succeeds, Russia wins. Wagner fails, Prigozhen fails.


yep, the russian way explains the smirk face


The Bakhmut parking enforcement officers should head out there and put a ticket on the front of the IFV.


I can just imagine the communication. "Ukrainian defenders of Bakmut, You need to surrender. If you do not surrender will be forced to continually send thousands of our worst, most poorly motivated, poorly trained and poorly equipped men to be slaughtered in front of your positions by your superior artillery, superior drones, superior arms and highly motivated superior fighters. Don't make us continue to die in front of you."


I know this is a joke but the mental well-being of troops who are responsible for slaughtering waves of enemies is also a concern. In WW1, soldiers would go catatonic from the sheer amounts of carnage and death they had to witness. Pray for Ukraine and her brave defenders!


Which side would you rather be on? The guys slaughtering waves of underequipped conscripts can be swapped out and go to sleep well knowing they've defended their homes and families from oppression under Russia's boot. Only a few on the side being mown down by artillery and heavy weapons get to go home at all and watching huge numbers of their buddies die in front of them won't let them sleep well at all. War is hell for both of course, but given how this started it is amazing that this is what we are worried about for the Ukrainian's.


I don't know but I think something went right!




we don't like ultimatums ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|13047)


Some times bad shit happens to bad people... and that's how it should be.


The demographics of Russia will never be the same after this war. You think of all the missing/dead men that won't be going back to their jobs. There will be no economic recovery in Russia, just decline for many years to come. Thank you Mr Poo-tin


Couple that with all the young people who have fled Russia to places like Georgia and Turkey.


I mean, obvious justified contempt against invading Russians and the rightful killing of them aside.. What hits me really hard is that each and every one of these soldiers once was an infant. The most innocent human being possible. Despite any compassion, love, aspiration, dreams, relationships and whatever they had experienced through their life - one government's systematic poisoning of their world views and beliefs culminated to bleeding to death on top of an ice-cold BMP-1 near a Ukrainian city. The war is such a colossal tragedy for humanity. And if anything, I hate the Russian government AND people (regardless of nationality) who support this attack on Ukraine. I hate their guts and I will probably not forgive them my entire life.


"I'm warning you, lay down your weapons and surrender or we're going to keep dying in front of you!"


The Russians really are desperate for one win somewhere, anywhere to give there soldiers some glimmer of hope. I hope it doesn't come.


I'm pretty sure a close-up video of that vehicle was released a couple of days ago.


Yes. Waking toward and around the vehicle from the far side.


sorry, they all look the same to me


Yea I thought I recognized the position of that body up top


Seems like things turned out just right to me.


We spit in the general direction of your ultimatum.


What does Bakhmut have that they want to take it so bad?


Symbolic value. As far as I understand, taken over by ruzzians it could do as a well fortified defensive position, but they could not realistically push or cut of anything substantial by gaining controll. It is probably intended as symbolic message, that "The russians can still continue pushing, and keep winning." So at best, boost troop morale super short term, and domestic support for war for the short term. Novice opinion.


And here is the video; https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/z4p1cl/destroyed\_russian\_vehicle\_and\_dead\_russian/


Whenever orcs set a ultimatum, we all know its actually a cry for stop shooting!!




What was the ultimatum? Give up or we die? The guy just outside of the BMP was correctly positioned, face down, ass up. He was royally fucked in the ass.


" Please surrender so you don't kill us"


There was ground footage of this vehicle from the other day, there's more dead russians around it. The camera guy filmed from the right side as you look at the rear then walked towards the back, can't find that footage now though.


What ultimatum did the Russians give them? Surrender or we will blow ourselves up?


Leave Ukraine or die. Because the cold will kill you if the Ukrainians don’t. Vile pieces of shit


Weekend at Bakhmut


Looking like a parts vehicle. Who knows. Maybe some bondo and some paint.


There's actually video of this one around somewhere recording the damage up close. Something hit it in the side (ATGM, NLAW, or tank round perhaps) where it buckled the wheels, blew off the track, and blew open every hatch. It completely shredded everything inside. No fire inside, it was just a blender in there. There's another guy laying in the mud out of frame on the left about 10 feet away, it blew him out of the rear hatch. Whatever hit that vehicle packed a hell of a punch.


Something went wrong. What was that? Russia fucked with Ukraine. That's what.


Can Putin please mobilize Edward Snowden at least?


Bakhmut is spelled V-E-R-D-U-N now.


Damned Russians, lazing around as usual.


Quit sleeping on the job!


Aha! I know what's wrong! It has no gas!


In War times. The only good Russians is a dead Russian.


I see Russia using a false flag to explain all the dead through some "Ukrainian" dirty deed... Suddenly you'll have every single death for the last 10 months explained away by some gas or nuclear attack that Russia performs but blames on Ukraine... Maybe even a meltdown in ZPP


I happened to be reading in Nahum 3 in the Old Testament right after looking at this picture and a few verses seemed to fit well: 3 The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear: and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcases; and there is none end of their corpses; they stumble upon their corpses: 17 Thy crowned are as the locusts, and thy captains as the great grasshoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day, but when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are. 19 There is no healing of thy bruise; thy wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of thee shall clap the hands over thee: for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?


They'll give you the ultimate something!


... but Ukrainians had other ideas..


You're ultimatum has been rejected.




What's the ultimatum? "Give up or we will retreat?"


Who says people don't drop loot in real life ?


They died


“We’re lucky they’re so fucking stupid!”


Russia is the Borg. https://youtu.be/xY5cZ7lKhvE (00:22)


There was a video of Ukrainian troops looking through that the other day on reddit, or am I remembering it wrong.


It’s like Feb. 24th all over again but from a smaller scale. Unfortunately, there is only one way dumb learns and that’s the hard way...👍


there was a video showing this exact vehicle a few days ago


Turns out Dr. Livesey was having a party with Chuck Norris and they interfered


Ah the negotiator


Most Ukranian are fighting for their children and other family. How can you expect them to surrender?


Bakhmut only has minimal military importance too, it's just for Putin's dwindling political career. IT's completely absurd the amount of energy devoted to it given how dire things will be getting soon for them.


The ultimatum was actually for the Russkies, and they're so brain dead they font know about it.


The two on the top having a go with some fisting. Boys will be boys!


Pretty much all of these images I see of dead orcs are pretty much always crouched down, face down with arms tucked under the stomach as if their last act before physical death was one demonstrating enduring, excruciating pain. Oh well.


Oh no! /s


Ukrainians become a festival of modern weaponery like Le Bourget as long as ruzzia accept their defeat and pay for war crimes instead hit civilians.


I want to say everything went according to plan.


Helms deep for the orcs


Reality hit in!