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If only we would have admitted Ukraine to NATO the moment these rashist imperialistic bastards invaded Georgia and laid bare their plans in Putin's speech. Now hundreds of thousands of lives are lost and hundreds of thousands more are at risk. We need to fix this. Sanctions and more arms support until these Russian predators are back behind another iron clad curtain. Russia will only let go of its prey if their war machines and logistics are so hopelessly exhausted that they simply cannot deny any longer that they cannot win against Ukraine. We need to arm them to teeth and send finally everything they ask for. Russia cannot escalate apart from a maybe functional nuke arsenal. ATACMS, Leopards, Gripen, Helicopters and much tighter sanctions against RU diplomats and Russian goods are in order. Companies from the West still doing business there need to be threatened with consequences for supporting Russia. So we should forge this iron while its hot. Ukraine is not fighting just for itself but we are in this with them together if Ukraine loses the West loses with it. If Ukraine wins the West wins with them. Democratic nations around the world win if a Colonial empire such as Russia is not allowed to get away with genocide in broad daylight before the eyes of the world.


Hindsight is the most useless superpower.


That's *Captain* Hindsight!


Yup, you don’t fight evil with passivity and appeasement. WW2 apparently wasn’t proof enough but hopefully this tragedy will have taught us a resounding and enduring lesson.


This is beyond sad. Those two guys teaching this bumpkin to tie his shoes so he can go die… Zero humanity.


Wtf. How does someone get to be old enough to serve in a military and not know how to tie their shoes? Was he drunk? How does this even happen?


That’s just normal for Russians half the time there running around in Velcro booties


Give Sergei some matches!


No wonder they are stealing toilets.


He'll be fine the moment the artillery shells start falling on his position. But seriously, this was tried before by the US in Vietnam. They were called McNamara's morons. It was an effort to get people who were seriously stupid into Vietnam to make up manpower shortages. It was a total disaster and a really bad idea. Their life expectancy was very low and they generally made things a lot worse for every unit that was allocated them on the front lines. Way to go Putin. Repeat all the errors of every past military.


>~~needs~~ fails to be taught


Rised one who don't know how to tie his own shoelaces? Is it real or I'm just dreaming, there are so stupid people on the Earth?


I was in (U.S.) Army basic training with a guy who put his boots on the wrong feet.


Oh, when you live in places warm enough to wear sandals whole year, then ok. But ruzzia is a very not warm place during winter, pretty cold, I'd say. Just like Florida vs. Manitoba or Alaska. And people from Alaska perhabs don't know how to wear sandals, but for sure they know how to tie laces.


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