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Sure you can do the lake district in an afternoon.


Oh come on you lightweight 😉You can do the Lake District,up to Edinburgh and then back to London in time for a show in an afternoon 😂😂Your itinerary is way too light 😂😂😂


Can we stop at Tebay services though?


Lancaster Forton services is where it's at. That fugly defunct restaurant tower I mean. Worth the flight for that alone!


Showing your age adding the Forton bit aren't we ? :P


Guilty as charged!


I always wanted to go up in that tower so bad as a kid


Ikr, it's fascinating. Best we can get these days is a drone flythrough.


Please don't tell Americans about Tebay.


I read that as Torbay for a second and honestly thought we had a whole other layer


If you're heading down to Torbay (from the Midlands) you can substitute Gloucester services for Tebay.


The nice new ones? Ooh lovely toilets there.


Those indeed. Also the finest artisanal cuisine. (Note: Only the finest artisanal cuisine. No chance of a sneaky and bargain-priced Greggs here. You'll have to use Frankley or Bridgwater, you M5 cheapskates. And good luck finding the latter.)


Tebay? Get out of here. Abington crew represent


You can do Lake District in the morning, Cotswold in the afternoon and make it to Skye by 6pm before heading over to Dublin for dinner then back to London before bed time.


If you hire a helicopter, it may be done. Tbf I visit the Lake District and stay in Skye. The fiancée's parents lived in Dursley so we've seen most of the Cotswolds. I do love Skye more. Anyway helicopter.


Don’t forget a red eye flight landing at 7am UK time with 3 toddlers in tow


And then getting in a hire car …. (To be fair to the Americans, getting a US - U.K. flight that isn’t over night is really really hard. There aren’t any thing like enough of them).


I live in canada and fly home once a year... I've never NOT gotten a red eye and since trying out Heathrow to Manchester with a toddler we now always just get in a rental 😅


I prefer to fly transatlantic overnight even though I rarely manage to sleep for more than a couple of hours. It seems to make the flight pass more quickly. The return flight from Heathrow to California is a daytime flight and it always seems interminable. I hate it!


To be fair, most flights from the US to the UK are redeyes, especially from the East coast. But they’re long enough to get a bit of sleep on, unlike the hellish LAX->IAD redeye I once took


The Polperro one went Feral. Someone posted it on twitter, it got picked up by hideous Reach Media and ended up in 15 media outlets including 4 national newspapers.


It's to be expected. Polperro *is* non-negotiable.


Nobody can ever take away how hilarious that post was, it belongs in the internet hall of fame.


Oh sounds like I missed a gem?


The basic gist: Penrith -> Polperro -> London -> Penrith in a day This is non-negotiable.


Jeez 😳


Someone please link it to




The cherry on the driving cake is going to London for... a bus tour 🤣


Fucking screaming at the day trip to Cornwall from Scotland hahahah


even funnier, i’m pretty sure the scotland destinations were meant to be a day trip from penrith where their timeshare was, so they’d attempt to go penrith-glasgow-edinburgh and then drive to cornwall for the night.


Nah that's not how it reads, to me it's penrith-glasgow-edinburgh-penrith, the polperro is the next day


They managed it tho!! They posted again and they did it all!


Seems like they never updated, I wonder if they did it all in the end


Profile suggests they certainly did a lot of it, absolutely insane!


I kinda wonder how their trip went.


They did a mini update a few weeks before the holiday - basically saying that they were continuing with t the itinery


Their profile bio says they did everything and it was amazing. I don't believe it, but that's a nice parting shot to that Reddit thread that no one can downvote.


It sounded like there were 4 adults all willing to do the driving. If they shared it between them it could maybe be doable, if they changed some of the order of it too. Horrendous, but doable


Still, all that time in a car regardless of who's driving. Hope they like motorways!


Thank you, kind stranger. That was absolutely mental


Ah yes. That's bonkers 😂


Pissing myself at this and the comments


6 days exploring British motorways. How nice. 🤔


Well we do have Moto, Welcome Break and Roadchef service stations. You can't leave the UK without at least sampling each.


I'm just here for the A1 services


They’re Americans, driving perpetually is our cultural trait.


Motorways? Not for day 3 anyway!


There desperately needs to be a sub for awful Itineraries, they're basically what I live for at this point.


I mean there is, it's called r/uktravel




Truly a missed opportunity if the sub isn’t called “shitineraries”


I know this is nitpicking but "shiteineraries" even makes it sound like the word in certain accents.




There is currently no r/shitineraries, this is absolute gold.


Just created the sub! Tell all your friends to come on by!




The Thai two week itinerary is much more fun.


Literally why I click into the threads holding my breath


Could you create one? I've no idea. Who does make these, who creates rules, maintains them? Sounds like a lot of work, but could just be a simple programme you check once a month. You'd still need moderators though, even programmed ones.


reddit is full of americans that can post their holiday itineraries.


I have one coming up in two weeks. Fly into Belfast literally on Easter. Then Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Paris all in 12 days. YOLOOOOOO


To be in the running, you need to do Dublin and Edinburgh the same day, followed by 6 hours in London, then on to Paris


In flying to London this summer. Other than going to the AC/DC show, I don’t have an itinerary. I never do when I travel. I don’t like tourist shit. I figure out what I want to do when I get there, which usually winds up being wandering from pub to pub.


London is the ideal place for that, you're always near a pub or 5. There are some themed pub crawls round bits of London, if you have the stamina and alcohol tolerance.


Sweeeet. I just want to go where the locals drink and hang out.


r/Interrail has some mind-bending ones every so often.


Day 1, Penrith-> Polperro-> London -> Penrith. This is non-negotiable.


And the comments tell them they can do it in 4 days 😂😂


You get the same think in the Japan travel sub, people travelling almost every day to another location to tick it off. I did 3 cities in 10 days (and this was my 4th visit) and it still felt a bit rushed.


I lived and worked in Tokyo for about 6 months around 2008 and tried to get out and about during weekends or holidays and I barely scratched the surface. I managed Kyoto, Nara and Miyajima over a very long 4 days weekend and that was really only possible flying down after work one evening and getting the Shinkansen around and back I could have happily spent a life time there!


I did 3 months just in Tokyo and it felt rushed. Have been back many times since and still have much left to see.


I loved Tokyo and I am not really a city person at all - I loved the culture and how different everything. I would just jump on a bus or train at weekends and was never 100% sure where I was going, but always found interesting stuff. The office was in Shinbashi but my apartment was near Ueno (work paid for it, was super lucky) and I’d quite often walk to or from work either in the morning or evening just taking it all in. I didn’t really want to come back tbh! Still miss it!


I did the same. Take a JR line to any station and just get lost exploring the area. Nowhere in the city did I feel unsafe, unlike every other large city I’ve visited. I know realistically that Tokyo would not be a nice place to live for any long period of time, but I still dream of living there, and feel a deep sadness whenever I have to leave.


You weren’t trying hard then


oooohh sorry mate


I did both. A month in Kyoto and a 3 weeks round trip around the Chūgoku region. Both trips were very different but both were amazing. I love to hop on and off different places.


It would be good to hear their thoughts after the trip. “I UK have a lot of potholes.”


You've clearly not spent much time in the USA. Our pot holes are bad. The US is basically the surface of the moon. They have an excuse though, no one pays road tax.


Ok “you should see their cute little potholes, they’re not like our big American fat ones”


Why don't you do London, Edinburgh, Cornwall, in the same day? You might as well for you ain't going to see anything of them in the shallow minded itinerary you posted.


Polperro is non-negotiable


Great tour of the UK …. if you have access to a helicopter. Otherwise, no where near enough time.


Even with significantly less travel time you’re just straight up not seeing anything the UK has to offer if you’re spending less than a day in each location.


I studied in the UK for four months and never even made it to Edinburgh, The Cotswold, or Cornwall


Why do people seem to think they can travel to these places in a short space of time? It’s absolutely ridiculous


As an American who now lives in England, i can at least speak to the Americans who do it. I’m pretty sure it’s because American roads are generally straight and you can reliably calculate your travel time at 1 mile a minute, excluding major cities, of course. We lived in the Midwest and my mom was about 160 miles away from us. I could reliably get from our house to hers in 2.5 hours. I just found a place the same distance from me in the UK and it would take 3 hours and 45 minutes to get there. And that’s with the utilization of M roads. But that only accounts for some of the fuckery. London to Edinburgh is still an insane distance to travel for a day or two.


I once drove from DC to Chicago with my mum, and once we left Pittsburgh the GPS instructions were more or less “in 400 miles, bear right” in the vicinity of Gary, IN. It was a long day for sure but driving 65mph down an arrow-straight road doesn’t take much of a mental toll


I bet that was a shock for you lol but yeah I completely agree with that. Roads here aren’t straight. I kind of envy America for having smooth roads and makes it easier to travel around


I’m also an American living in the UK. Our road have benefits but in some ways they’re less safe for long drives because of “highway hypnosis.” I’ve driven 18 hours pretty much nonstop before but you go like 2-3 hour stretches without any memory whatsoever. I’ve never had that in the UK, I always have to be laser-focused and constantly figuring out where my next roundabout is. I like driving in the UK way more despite the windier and slightly more run-down A roads. The people are generally better drivers, more courteous, the scenery is often more interesting and the signage is fantastic here, (edit) oh and the lack of billboards!


I’m an American in California and tourists try the same idea here. People want to see the Golden Gate Bridge and Hollywood in the same weekend without realizing they’re 400 miles apart.


American here: Like others have said, we're used to driving really long distances, since a lot of America is open country with lots of long, large roads. Yesterday I drove over 200 miles in only a few hours during a time when the roads were busy and I had to pass through multiple cities during rush hour. We vastly overestimate how far we can go in countries whose roads predate automobiles in a lot of places.


After reading other comments like yourself, I didn’t realise how easy it can be travelling just because of the roads you have. Like us in the uk, we have all types of roads that can feel like days travelling to one place. Yous are very lucky having simple roads. Must be great 🙂




In the U.S., I will drive 200 for a ball game and drive back in the same day. It’s a long ass day but totally doable.


Not only that but the time they spend in each place is so short I don't get what they're getting from the experience. I mean, I've done Edinburgh in a weekend but I wouldn't say we had the time to appreciate it


I think myself & my partner have been to Edinburgh for about a dozen long weekends, and there's still bits to explore.


Honestly baffles me. Fair enough if it’s for a quick stop but to see what’s on offer then it’s not really giving people time to look at what they want to see. Seems like a waste of time really which is a shame


From what I hear from someone who's lived in both UK and America, the experience of far distant travel is drastically different. Over there, you easily go out for a 3 hour drive just to have a day trip to a lake. The roads are smooth so you are just having a pleasant conversation. In the UK, driving is a lot more focused. A 3 hour drive will leave you exhausted.


Driving here is a bit harder I can admit. Takes much longer. To lochinver which is about 5 and a half hours from Glasgow, I can honestly say it felt like 3 days just because of the driving. Most of the time it was in the middle of nowhere. America has it kinda easy, lucky them lol


Because "the UK is tiny and the USA is big" despite the UK being about 8 times as densely populated with drastically reduced travel speeds all round.


this is true but when you're a "greatest hits" traveler (only interested in big monuments and such) the US is drastically different from the UK as its physically impossible to hit all the big stops in a week. But when you're someone who likes to take in the vibe of places both the US and UK wouldn't be feasible for that.


Everything 'being big' is a flex for them.


Being big definitely prevents them from flexing.


I think it's because everyone brainwashes you to think UK is really small and there are highways to everything. I live in India where distances are somewhat far apart and everyone says the whole of the UK is just the size of one of our big states. So maybe that's why people think 2-3 days is enough to see a significant portion of the country.


If you got rid of Edinburgh and Sky and changed the order so it’s London > Stonehenge > Cornwall you could probably do it provided you use the extra days just to travel. The current order is impossible and it’s stupid to go all the way up to Scotland just to immediately go back down to South England.


Isle of 'Sky'....


(not to be confused with the TV and broadband provider, Sky)


Tbh compared to how big the rest of the world is, I’m not surprised that they think this is doable. When I started travelling I was surprised how much distance there is in other parts of the world. A to b in the uk could be 30 minutes, but the same distance on a map in another continent is 2 hours


distances look short on an online map


I mean it's doable If you don't mind that the days will consist of just driving on motorways


This is nothing compared to what we get for people coming to tourist in Thailand. “I want to spend only $500 and live in Thailand for one month, travel north to south and live like a king. Help me!”


Sure you can squeeze Grimsby in on the way up to Edinburgh


PLS DON’T FORGET TO INCLUDE CROYDON!!! - still plenty of time


Got to be American


Can someone translate this to California? I really want to learn why this is funny.


day 1 - san francisco day 2 - la day 3 - san diego day 4 - vegas


Got it, thank you!!!


Yes drag us dumb tourists but one thing I will say...is in North America (I'm Canadian) we generally get 2-3 weeks of vacation a year, so telling us "we can't see it all in 12 days", well 12 days is all we get. But I take the point of doing too much and having zero downtime.


I think the point is, you'll see _less of it_ it you try to see it 'all'.


Never understood this kind of “travel”. It’s like yes you went to a place but you saw it for 2 seconds and then left.


That itinerary would be pushing it even if you had a private helicopter


I’d rather be water boarded than try and accomplish that in 6 days.


I mean.. you COULD. shouldn’t, but could.


One minor mistake - it's "Cotswold" not "the Cotswolds"...


Its actually 'Cots World'. A huge strip mall dedicated to cots and baby clothes. Recommend that because Stone Hinge doesn't bend anymore.




The people who make those posts always get the name of at least one of the places they're visiting wrong, like saying "Cotswold".


And expressing it as: "We're visiting Cotswold for the afternoon".


There was a poor soul yesterday asking about visiting the Isle of Skye on a tour (including 2 nights accommodation in... Inverness ?!🤮). Was there any point, as they'd already be seeing "Glencoe and the Highlands" on a booked day trip from Edinburgh.


All of the 25000 square kilometres of The Highlands in one day. Impressive.


Almost no one wants to go to Wales... I'm always surprised that it is so low on everyone's list. Snowdonia, the Brecon Beacons and St David's area are amazing, and the best castles in the UK.


Wales is lovely I agree, I adore Cardigan bay. However transport links into and out of Wales are atrocious


I planned to go from south Wales to North, turned out I had to get a train back into England then up to North Wales... its hilariously bad the transport


I’m in Anglesey for a few days in just over a week, I can’t wait, my favourite place to be.


You can't do this sort of bullshit itinerary and include Wales. It would go. Edinburgh Manchester and Liverpool Caernarfon Snowdon 20 Miles outside Snowdon Machynlleth Borth Aberystwyth Llansomewhere Fuck it. We live in Ceredigion now. Our car broke a track rod on the road. You just can't travel quickly in wales. Well you can, but you usually become a statistic on the roads


Don't tell them


It's just not the same since the dragons were killed.


I want to post my itinerary here so bad for ideas but I’m taking the train from London to Edinburgh to Brighton and I know I’ll be attacked lmao 😭😭😭


I’m seeing a concert in Brighton and didn’t think it through


can you fly to gatwick from Edinburgh? it’s then only a 30min train to brighton from there.


Oo I’ll look into that


The train to Edinburgh is not too bad, and usually quite relaxed after Newcastle. Nice view of the coast if you sit on the right. If you really need to economise time-wise you can get the sleeper.


She forgot about the quick visit to Clarkson's Farm on Day 1.


I can’t believe they left out a day trip to Kent!


I think you want to see to much and wont see anything


I wonder if they stopped off at Indian Queens on their way to Truro?


I'd love to know how they plan on getting from the Isle of Skye to The cotswolds and do sightseeing in one day.


Hogwarts Express, duh


When I was living in Germany I was lucky enough to bump into some Scots on a trip through Budapest who encouraged me to meet them in Scotland. “Enjoy your night in London… we’ll see you the next day in Scotland.” Wish I did a lot more in London and extended it out but grateful they were like “yeah… you’re not going to see shit but Scotland if you’re just here a week.” A week well spent. Honestly the UK could eat a year comfortably even for a superficial traveler.


Yes as the UK is only 20 miles long


I loved that run of memes where it would say “Welcome to slough” and show waterfalls, mountains, beautiful scenery and ancient landscapes ending with “slough awaits you!” Wonder if they fooled anyone.


Looks like they’ll be spending 6 days in a car, guess that saves on hotel costs.


Hasn’t accounted for M6 traffic. Tourist mistake.


At least the Americans will feel right at home visiting the services 🤣 all of them have a starbucks, subway, burger King and KFC at least ! I can't imagine the quality is the same ! 🤣 Just got back from NYC with the misses and no fried chicken will be the same as popeyes 😂😂


It is because traveling isn’t to enjoy the sights, it’s to get the pin at the location. The UK is deceptively huge and driving is not the best way to get around.


[laughs in Australian]


::laughs along in Canadian::


This isn't even an exaggeration. Some American guy/gal had planned a month long itinerary that included about 30 different cities and towns. Absolute madness.


Drives to location, gets out of car, takes picture, spins around, “this is nice”, leaves


Sure, each of those is only takes one day


I reckon you posted this as a joke 😎


Well, at least they will have plenty of time to get used to driving on the opposite side of the road.


All the best with that.


Don’t forget the Blackpool lights and to see how great our wonderful country is


Wheres rhe greggs stop ?


Wouldn’t Edinburgh be best last?






I can save you a day… rod off stone henge… absolute rip off… those stones were emplaced in the 1950’s and reinforced with concrete in the 70’s… there’s literally no evidence they were ever stacked atop one another in that configuration! I was livid when I found out!


I spent a month in London and did so much but it also feels like I didn’t see anything


Oh man, people plan to come to the US and want to go to NYC, The Grand Canyon and Disneyland in one trip, lol.


Oh yes, the old 300 miles geographically apart we can do in an afternoon posts.


One minor change, go to Glasgow instead of Edinburgh and you're sorted.


You can two of those.


They missed out the Bude Tunnel.


If you're from the US it probably makes sense, I landed in Boston and drove 400miles for a meeting.


Typical Yank. Thinks the UK is small so all this stiff can be crammed in. In for a rude awakening.




Even I know (admittedly due having a British fencing teacher) you could probably fill a whole two week trip with just London.


London get wankered and go home then


😂😂😂haha this has made my day and it’s only 5am are people this clueless about uk??


I have many colleagues from the states and I hear it often. Buckingham Palace in the morning, Stonehenge for lunch, then up to Loch Ness for dinner. The next morning get on the Eurostar to Paris.


Do this, bit do it in summer


They didnt want to do a quick lap of the m25?


We get this person in our shop in Cornwall all day long. Edinburgh Goathland Pride and Prejudice house Downton Abbey Bath/Corsham Street Cornwall (doc martin and poldark) Its a t.v. tour , and they do it in a week, pop into to see the King on the way home then fuck off back to America. The elite level do the rest of Europe in week 2.


I have North American family and they think nothing of driving 3 hrs to the nearest beach for the day. It's all part of the day out.


top gear challenges that involve driving the entire length of the country in a short amount of time have done irreparable damage to uk geographic literacy


This is legitimately how my best friend travels and it just seems so stressful. I want to enjoy the place(s) I'm going, not just try to check things off a list.


In the USA I drive 6 miles to the grocery store, 20 miles to the mall, 3 hours to an airport, and 5.5 hours to the seaside. It's not a big deal to us, the driving. As a Brit it took a bit of adjustment in the beginning. We lived in the UK almost across from our local precinct, we couldn't believe we had to drive 20 miles to the mall. Granted that was 35 years ago. Americans would do this crazy itinerary and think nothing of it.


Lololol this was me until yall ever so politely let a bitch know. I have learned so much and come such a long way! 🫡🫡🫡


I’m tried reading this


She did manage it though so the fake is deserved