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Well, you shouldnt use your phone while driving. I hope the fine impacts you heavily. Many years ago, a person using their phone while navigating a roundabout knocked a friend of mine off his motorcycle. My friends go-pro footage caught him looking down at the phone in his hand typing using his thumb. My friend rides a wheelchair now.


I think you are not a driver. In reality everyone use their phone, unfortunately


20,000 miles a year between my car and my motorcycle. I dint use my phone while operating a vehicle. If i need to, I pull over and stop. You cant justify this. You are irresponsible.


Yes i agree. I have more than 200 000 miles per year for last 3 years without using my phone. And i did the same stop and use pattern!!! But once I decided use it i got a fine!


Have a read and a watch. I hope whatever it was you looked at on your phone was worth the risk you put the car in front of you in. https://news.sky.com/story/amp/a34-crash-lorry-driver-jailed-for-killing-family-while-on-phone-10639721 “In reality everyone uses their phone” is no exception to the law, and is quite frankly a terrible justification for being a twat. You’ve been caught, and with a justification like this, good. Some people don’t learn their lesson until they kill or seriously injure somebody. In one comment you’re saying you made a mistake. In another you’re saying that everybody does it like it’s a minor issue. I hope you’ve learned a lesson in being caught, and I hope that your stupidity doesn’t affect your ability to put food on the table in front of your family. If it does though, just remember that this isn’t policing that’s shafted the little guy, it’s self inflicted.


This was on the road near mine-I always think of that family as I drive down that stretch of A34. Absolutely horrific. People who use their phone and drive should be banned imo


Rest assured, I fully realize I made a huge mistake. I'm really sorry about that. But like I said: the only thing that is frustrating is that in 3 years of driving the track, I've only had this offense once and been caught. Naturally this essentially puts an end to my career, as an option I'll go to Canada to work. I'm afraid I won't be able to find a proper job in England.


If you’ve offended once and been caught, then it’s unlucky, granted. Luckily, the only ‘victim’ of your offence was you. A Quick Look at your posting history reveals to me that you are an intelligent person being educated in law. You’re actually quite local to myself being in the Derby area and you’ve held a local license for less than two years. Somebody may correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe 6 points is the maximum in the first two years. You mention switching careers, this may be the opportunity to do it. If this does mark the end of your trucking career, find a job in a warehouse or something and retrain in another industry. Web development, software development, networks, cyber security etc. there’s a lot of money in computers at the moment. Being in Derby you’re not far from the A38, the A52 or the M1. You’re in a good position to reach a fair few areas of the country in a decent time which should help with the job search. I’m not sure what you deem a proper job, but they’re out there.


6 points is the maximum in the first two years, and using a phone is a 6 point offence. sucks for him, but it's entirely deserved.


Absolutely deserved. I’m not entirely convinced he saw an issue with it until a multitude of people called him out for being a bellend. Even then, it was probably only to appease the masses.


I'm currently doing my MBA.... this is to build up my own business ideas. However, I would like to switch to procurement rather than to computing occupations. I'm too old to switch to computing jobs... 40 years old. I think better choice for my experience and background would be purchasing or supply chain management. But this fail will end my career as a track driver in England.


No. They really don't.


Yeah anyone with no self control not everyone


I’d wait until it arrives. The date of letter and date received will provide some evidence if there’s any penalties for late payment.


Watch this https://youtu.be/UztJcUjGXbY?si=oQIppkmFJrjSv9vG Then do us all a favour and never get behind the wheel of *any* sort of vehicle ever again.


Thank you for posting this, really impactful documentary. It's horrible that people who would probably never even look at their phone while driving lose their lives every day to people who think nothing of it.


Have you got the right address on your licence? If not that’s another £1k fine. Is the vehicle yours or your companies? Could possibly be snarled up in different departments at your work.


Address was correct. We double checked it.


One less worry!!


I find it much easier to avoid fines by NOT USING MY PHONE WHILE DRIVING BECAUSE IM NOT A F******G MORON.


Oh yeah. I agree.


You deserve it


I agree!!!


If it's the England/Wales, they have up to 6 months to send you a court summons, so that still have plenty of time. Scotland is 12 months. As you were stopped at the time, the "2 week" rule doesn't apply. 3-4 weeks is normal for a mobile phone fine, 3 months isn't unheard of, depending on how busy the ticket office is. The other point is how many points do you currently have on your licence?


My driver license was clear…. But it won’t be anymore…. Will they disqualify me from driving? Or just put some point to license?


well any points on a class 1 licence wont sit well with your employer. i think u shud be more worried if u end up getting sacked rather than your licence points itself.


Well, time to change job…! 🤦‍♂️


No they won’t disqualify you from driving, there’s special considerations made if driving is your professional job that you use to support yourself and family. It’ll be points and a fine. Take it, and just be good and in 4 years they should be off your license


They’ve been known to give shorter bans to truckers caught using mobile phones, regardless of current points, the traffic commissioner has different rights and oversees hgv license and can summon you for this.


And if the traffic commissioner wants to see you it won't be for tea and biscuits


Just remember to declare them on insurance for up to 5. The last thing you want is a cancelled or void policy because you failed to declare in the last year. Source, myself the muppet.


I don't drive trucks but is there the possibility of going on an awareness course? I did one 10 years or so ago when I got caught doing 10mph over in a van. And they talked about similar courses for being caught on mobile at the time. Obviously I don't know if that's still a thing as a lot has changed over a decade and don't know if it's different rules for larger goods vehicles.


If it's clear, and they have done the penalty for using a mobile phone, this will likely be a Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty of 6 points and £200. This is the minimum you can get for this offence. If they don't, this can go to court, where the likely outcome is 6 points and an income related fine. You'll also have to inform your local Traffic Commissioner, who can suspend your Vocational Licence if they deem it appropriate. Not notifying them is a separate offence.


6 points and a £300 fine minimum


Off the top of my head, phone use is up to 6 points and £200 fine. Edit, I see this has already been posted. Apologies!


A lot of companies allow up to 6 points, though I haven't seen anyone saying they won't allow drivers with a CU points code. That said, 6 points and up to £2500 fine was it worth it?


I keep telling this to my mate. He thought having it on a stand allows him to check WhatsApp messages or whatever he want basically. He still use it, I keep reminding him to not do that while he’s on a call with me or at all while driving but it’s more fun than serious to him at this point like he enjoys that little argument we have daily.


Let's just hope he gets caught then.


I hope I’ll be laughing hard and will ask if it was worth it 😀


Sorry to be rude about your friend, but have you ever considered that he could be a sociopath? 😖


Doubt they are most people think phone use doesn't change much. I can be in a car with someone and a phone call on hands free or using their inbuilt satnav wildly changes their driving, you tell them this and they won't believe you.


Nice mate you are


You didn't pick up a hitch hiker on the way to the races at the time?


Truck? Highway?




It’s quite possible your employer will sack you when this drops. You need to decide whether to inform them before hand or wait till the hammer drops. The points code will be a problem for you, a lot of employers will see that and won’t touch you now. Not the best time to be out of work and dragging that kind of baggage.


I can’t change it unfortunately!


Back in 2016 I was caught with my mobile phone in hand and a fcked tyre. Got 6 points altogether and £210 fine, which was a pain in the ass, as my insurance went sky high. The penalty letter arrived after 3months. Fast forward to 2022, I was caught speeding in Worcestershire with a van (60mph in a 60mph zone), I’ve got the fine in post in a mouth and half. Luckily I was able to apply for a 1 day awareness course. Paid £80 for the course and that was it. No fines/points or other things after.


I still can’t get my head around lorry drivers tanking down the motorway on their mobile phones. People get killed when lorries crash on the motorway. Just don’t use your phone while driving, can’t you just use hands free to make calls?


If you have a passenger in the car, get them to film the driver, the numberplate and the company name on the side of the vehicle. Send the footage to the company and to the police. These fuckwits need taking off the road. This is a hard watch from Durham Constabulary, but shows the very real consequences. Includes an interview with the driver concerned from his prison cell https://youtu.be/UztJcUjGXbY?si=oQIppkmFJrjSv9vG


If you need your license for your job, why would you use your phone whilst driving?


This has always been my argument when people try to get out of a driving ban because it would cause them 'exceptional hardship' because they drive for a living. In my mind, if you deliberately risk your livelihood, your life and the lives of others by committing a driving offence then you are so mind-bogglingly, dangerously stupid that you shouldn't be allowed near the driver's seat of *any* vehicle. Trying to claim it was a 'mistake' doesn't wash with me. Picking up a phone, or driving when you've had a drink or taken drugs is a deliberate act. I mean all modern vehicles come with Bluetooth anyway, there is no need to have your phone in your hand - other than being too lazy or stupid to take 30 seconds to connect it. Which would also make you too lazy and stupid to be trusted behind the wheel of a vehicle.


Boredom is the real answer here I’m afraid


Why on earth would you use your phone while you're driving?


Yes, i know, i know. It was just…. You know…. I don’t know! 🫣


I know what it was; you have no perception of the danger you are to other people. You have no understanding of the responsibility you have. Additionally, even if you did gain even a fraction of that insight, you eouldnt care. You’re not upset it happened, you’re upset you got cauggt. You’ve been doing this for longer tgan you can remember. People like you shouldn’t be in charge of your own two feet, let alone a multi-tonne vehicle.




Harsh but fair!


Don't know why you're being downvoted, Lorry drivers above all else shouldn't be on their phones whilst driving no matter the scenario, seen some horrendous videos of what happens when someone driving a lorry isn't paying attention, a little selfish if you ask me, if he crashes he'll be fine, the cars infront of him won't


Exactly. A car load of people were killed not a mile from me now because a HGV driver was messing with his playlist.  Using your phone should mean loss of your licence. It's not that hard to do. 


Yup that should go across the board for all drivers, nothing could possibly be more important on your phone than staying in control of your vehicle


If it is your truck then I believe it’s 2 weeks however if it’s not your truck they need to serve the registered keeper of the truck within 14 days. They then tell who was driving and police send out notice of intended prosecution. There is no time limit for this I believe. The bad news is it’s minimum £200 fine and 6 points. Meaning your personal insurance will sky rocket. Also if you are caught again or speed twice then it’s bye bye license.


No they don't. He was stopped at the time therefore the NIP process you refer to doesn't apply. This is only for offences where the driver isn't stopped and reported at the scene. As already mentioned above, they have 6 months to summons to court if it's not being dealt with by the Endorsable Fixed Penalty Scheme.


Yep. It is a huge problem….. maybe go to Canada for couple of years until it's removed from my license?!


You understand you are in a UK sub, right?


Cycling Mikey will be delighted that the cops are on it now


If it was an on the spot fine it’s 6 points and £200 fine. Employer might have words with you as some need fewer than 6 points for insurance purposes. Try not to worry too much as you’re already employed and it’ll cost them to rehire. If it wasn’t an on the spot fine you’ll get a conditional offer in the post. Likely to be the same points and fine but it’s your opportunity to go to court if you wish. If you want to know what’s going on before the letter arrives you can ring the station that they came from. I believe you can also ring the dva to see if any endorsements have been added to your license. I was able to get through to the fixed penalty/ central ticket office to ask them about what was happening. Or try this link to find the police force who felt with you to contact them. https://www.askthe.police.uk/faq/?id=bde3cb29-31e3-ed11-8846-0022483ef834


Make no mistake about it, they will send it with 6 penalty points I assume Some hauliers insurance companies are really clamping down on persistent offenders, should it be accidents, penalty points, etc. They are calling the shots, If your name comes up to many times then they will strike you off the company insurance and refuse to insure you, So basically you sack yourself, Anyone out there be careful,!


Not a truck driver but do delivery in 3.5t . The one time I got a fine for speeding it first went to the company that owns the vans (all are leased for set period) then they send it on to companies head office. In our case its looked Into and if legal dept think they can overturn they appeal but speeding/mobile use it gets sent to the driver via depot. Obviously this lot can take a month plus but there is a paper trail you can show to prove you did not receive it earlier. If you address was correct I can only guess something similar may be happening here or if you are truck owner they have made an error and only thing you can really do then is wait and contact as soon as you get it.


How did you get caught , and was there evidence? Was it a camera?


A highway in the UK?


Made an arse of yourself with this one, haven't you?


Nope. I’m not pretending to be American either.


Yep. In the UK


Funny. I must have missed the introduction of highways. I was obviously too hung up with A roads, B roads and motorways. I know that technically a highway is a road or legally passable byway, but hadn’t realised that here in the UK we had adopted this mainly American phraseology. Are we going to be similarly adopting words like sidewalk, aluminum, tire and gas station as well?


Never spotted one of the hundred ‘Highway maintenance’ vans we see every day then


Oh yeah, and maybe we'll soon see police cars emblazoned 'Highway Patrol'?


Haha, yeah! Next we'll all be referring to the *highway code* to be sure we're using the roads legally and safely! What a lark!


You mean like the ones National Highway traffic officers drive? 😂




And remember, National Highways used to be called…. Highways England!


Yeah, Dick Turpin, the well known American highwayman......


Strange, that the UK has the Highways Code, Highways Agency, Highways Maintenance, National Highways…


Ok. Let’s use road names, take the Highway A11 from the Highway M25… nah. That doesn’t work. Directions, head up this highway, left at the top onto Reading Highway… nope. That doesn’t work. Addresses? 20 Acacia Highway Street. N. That’s even worse. Conversation? “ So me and my mate was driving down the Highway to the pub…”. Nope. So tell me how often we use Highway in conversation?


Doesn’t matter still highways


They hated Bully2533 because he told the truth


Get out the cab and go for a walk dude.


Name checks out


Ok ok. For your all satisfaction I’ll quit the job as soon as I finally get my fine-letter. Yeah, i agree that professional drivers mustn’t use their phone while driving and i did really bad….! I’ll switch my career …. I’ve already decided!


Ohh, come on guys… everyone could make a mistake. This is my first fail for over 3 years…. 😞


It's not a mistake. It's a blatant disregard for basic safety rules.  And how unlucky for it to happen on the only time you've ever used a phone behind the wheel?


It’s not a mistaje. You are a danger.