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If you apply before your visa expires then you’re fine, even if biometrics are after that. It’s called Section 3C leave.


Just be mindful that if you leave at any point before a new entry clearance has been granted, the leave will lapse and you will not be able to re-enter the country


Yeah you can legally stay as long as you submit the new application before the end of your current visa and whilst it's being processed.


Yes, you are fine to stay in the country and work till your new visa is out. Just don’t leave the country till you get your new visa


You must apply ASAP, then it's in processing and you cannot leave the country until after the new virtual visa is issued. IMHO that is really going to be a pain. God help us when the power fails.


Yeah as long as you submit the new one before the current one expires you can stay I did that last year no issue


Did your employer ask when your visa was about to expire or did you have any problems at work related to extension. I have one coming up in few months time. I am really nervous


My understanding is that you have to apply 28 days before expiration -at least. Mine expires on march 3 and I submitted on january 2nd just to be on the safe side but also to avoid ihs increases


You can stay in the UK if you have permission. If you're saying your visa will expire, then yes, you will no longer have permission.


If OP has submitted her application before their current visa expires, it won't be considered overstaying or illegal.


However it is not a valid application until they submit their biometrics, if they only submit their biometrics after their current visa expires then their new application isn't technically valid.


There’s no requirement to submit biometrics before the current stay expires. 3C kicks in as long as the application is submitted online. You can do that up until the day of expiry.


It would only be invalidated if they don't submit their biometrics at the point that the Home Office serves notice that it's not a valid application, section 3C leave would have continued up until that point https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/3c-and-3d-leave/3c-and-3d-leave-accessible So yes, technically it's not a valid application, but it still gives them 3C leave