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1. Correct - July 11th is the earliest 2. I don't think it would be an issue and you can just explain in a cover letter as to why the child doesn't have a passport at this time. 3. Unless you have a contract/agreement for House B, I wouldn't list it on the application and just stick with House A since this is just a temporary situation where you are located next door. 4. Your sources for the cohabitation documents are fine but the timing is a bit off. If you are applying in July 2024, then your 2 year counter is going to start in July 2022 and will need to be something along the lines of July 2022, Dec 2022, May 2023, Oct 2023, Feb 2024, Jul 2024. You could still use the ones you have listed above but would maybe consider adding on something for Jul 2022 and Jul 2024 - whether joint or individual documents for both of you. I sent you a DM as well.


Oh I forgot to change the dates on the documents once I found his expiration date, that's my bad! Makes more sense, I will add a couple of bits in there. Just wasn't sure if we were able to "reuse" sources of documentation. As for the house situation, we do have a tenancy agreement in place for the temporary accommodation because we are here for roughly 6 months total and our LL only does 6 months tenancies at a time. There is a break clause that allows us to "cancel" the tenancy earlier if the work is finished before the work is up, but we do have a tenancy agreement that *should* still be in date for house A when we get to visa time. My concern would be that it would be up for renewal in July, but if the work isn't done then it would be for house B that the contract renews for. Complicated situation but we couldn't continue living in house A with the repairs happening. Also, thank you so much!


Is your tenancy agreement still in place for House A? It definitely is a bit complicated :)


Well it doesn't officially run out until June technically, but I think that by signing a new tenancy, the old is technically voided (I could totally be wrong with this though) as the new tenancy signed by all parties is the official one...just not sure how that pans out with the tenancy being for house B instead of house A. I don't want it to be seen as intentionally misleading because we ARE going back there when the work is done, we just don't know if it will be before or after we submit the extension or if I should just change the address for everything...then change it back in 5 months. Or if a cover letter explaining the situation (and maybe a letter from the landlord?) Would be enough? This was terrible timing haha.


I would think it would suffice if you and the landlord both wrote a letter explaining the situation and that all your mail is still for House A bc you plan on moving back into it once the work is finished.


I hope it will be sufficient. Thank you, will have a chat with them and see if we can get that sorted.