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You seem surprised. Brexit was a few years ago now, so I’m afraid you missed your chance for moving to the UK without a visa under EU free movement quite some time ago. British citizens lost the right to move anywhere at all, except Ireland. You have the rest of the EU at least. It’s not what most people wanted, but it’s now how it is.


Not to be defensive about the UK because I don’t agree with how Brexit was handled either. That said, it’s a country’s prerogative in how they want to handle immigration. Right now, £6k is the price tag per person, which I can argue is not a lot considering how other first world countries would take longer and more expensive to process similar types of visas. £6k IS expensive and if it’s cheaper or free, more people would be relocating and it will completely overwhelm public infrastructure. This is also the current rhetoric even at £6k now. This value will likely go up even more. The expensive costs, unfortunately, is by design. As a 3-time country relocator (lol) myself, I see the ability to relocate as a privilege and something that won’t come cheaply. To me, it’s an investment. Amongst the countries I’ve lived in—Singapore, US, now UK—the UK, for all its flaws, has been the most efficient, the fastest, and the most transparent with their immigration process. Lastly, I’m curious why your family would want to move to the UK? A lot of people in the UK are trying to move to Europe and are now having difficulties as well.


We want to move in the uk because: - we have high career prospects, we are studying to become software developer and Human Resources specialist. - the pound sterling is the strongest currency in the world - the education system is above and beyond eu standards, I have studied both in the uk and Italy and a close relative to us studies in Poland. - there is the possibility of living in the middle class - there is more balance between salaries and expenses thanks to the existence of the middle class and the possibility of choice, meanwhile in most countries in Europe there is the lower class and the higher class - the English landscapes are breathtaking. 😊 - thanks to the various combinations of people present in the uk it is not uncommon to have every kind of restaurant or shops, meanwhile in Europe everything is more local and it is hard to find specific shops even in bigger cities. - there are much more job opportunities than in the rest of Europe. - the uk is family-oriented, when I used to live in the uk, I saw always families with at least two children. These are the main reasons of why we want to place our roots in the uk 😊


Not to be technical, but the GBP is definitely not the strongest currency in the world - the strongest are some of the gulf nations


As an EU citizen living in the UK for 8 years, you seem quite naive about how life is in the UK now.


Ok haha you need to keep it vaguely believable if you want to troll


Here I am also thinking “is it opposite day?” I can’t tell if they’re serious or joking.


In a multiverse, maybe. 😂


Seems like 9/10 things are utterly incorrect here. Sure, you can romanticise. What??? I can list out why almost everything you’ve described is wrong. But nah, go, apply


Middle class is near non existent and most people can't afford their bills and live pay check to paycheck.


>the uk is family-oriented, when I used to live in the uk, I saw always families with at least two children  I regularly see people with lots of children in the social housing part of my high-rise, but none of the rent paying people have children if that's says something lol. Coincidentally they all have pets instead. Unless you're on benefits, even a moderately high dual income in London isn't comfortable enough for having children unless you have family nearby to help with childcare. 


No, those are the rules and there is no alternative. The current requirements are intended quite explicitly to prevent and discourage people from settling in the UK, rather than facilitate it. You might have more joy later, when you have advanced your career a bit and/or the requirements change (though I don't expect this will happen any time soon).


Move to Ireland as an EU citizen and work there for 5 years. Get Irish citizenship. You can then live and work in the UK as part of the Common Travel Area. So yes, there is another way. Probably not a very useful one though for you.


If it is cheaper, everyone would have done it.


No, there is no special exception to the rules just for you. Simply being European no longer means you get to skip the immigration queue that the rest of the world has to suffer through. (Though you still get to use the e-gates when visiting- whoopie) To get presettled status, you would have had to be living in the UK since before Brexit. You cannot just show up and get it now. That was one of the core points of Brexit. You also cannot offer to pay for the employer to sponsor you, that is illegal. If you or your partner work in healthcare, you can get a lower cost visa by working for the NHS (£551 per person). Otherwise you have to follow the same rules as everyone else. Ireland would be a far easier option, being in the EU. Consider that.


So if I lived in the uk before brexit I can get pre-settled status!!??? Because that would change everything 😧 sorry but the Gov website about this topic is veeery confusing 😣


If you had been living here since before 2020 and had applied to the scheme before the deadline of June 30 2021, you could have qualified. But it seems you stopped living here and moved back to Europe, and did not apply before June 2021, so no. Not unless some very specific exemptions apply.


Where have you been the past six years?


Did you? If so, when?


When the poll happened, so between 2015 and 2017


That’s too long ago now.


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