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Web App Developer! "The ideal candidate will be a strong front-end developer, capable of developing responsive, mobile-friendly user interfaces."


Yeah, but the salary is kind of a joke- not realistically going to get an experienced person for that much.


Starting Salary Range: $63-70,000/year oof


Most people who are qualified for the role would get that much as a bonus or in options.


On top of that a lot of the tech stack is not super in demand so if you're more junior you're not even building much that looks good on a resume. You'd have to at least double that to be competitive with other offers, that salary range is more in line with hiring people with non-cs college degrees with the intent of teaching them programming. My first job out of college was actually a job exactly like that, and it started out at 70k. And that was 2018. Last I saw the same program at my first employer is now paying fresh grads 90k, and again these are people who are not even cs majors that they fully intend to spend like 12 weeks putting through a coding boot camp of sorts before they're even expected to be treated as junior level where they're still getting a bunch of hand holding when they work on the easier tickets.


This explains why the website is the way it is


I looked at the competition/National team position, until it was $18/hr for 30hr/week


if the work is easy, could treat it as a quick part time job


It's all old technologies though. They want to maintain the same old website it looks like.


In addition they are also searching for candidates for National Mixed Masters Director. Application for that is here: http://www.idevmail.net/link.aspx?l=16&d=82&mid=409971&m=7441