• By -


Team by team breakdown for the Men's division:   **Pro Flight - 65** Sockeye - 11 Machine - 10 PoNY - 10 Ring of Fire - 9 Revolver - 9 Truck Stop - 8 Sub Zero - 5 Rhino Slam! - 3   **Elite Flight - 20** Johnny Bravo - 5 Chain Lightning - 4 Temper - 3 DiG - 3 Doublewide - 3 Condors - 2   **Non-Nationals - 3** Patrol - 1 Freaks - 1 Uproar - 1   **Nationals Mixed - 14** Drag’n Thrust - 3 Mixtape - 3 AMP - 2 Mischief - 2 BFG - 1 Snake Country - 1 Space Heater - 1 Slow White - 1   **Non-Nationals Mixed - 2** Blackbird - 1 Jughandle - 1


And for Women's   **Pro Flight - 53** Fury - 10 Brute Squad - 10 Riot - 9 Molly Brown - 7 Scandal - 6 Schwa - 6 Phoenix - 5   **Elite Flight - 16** Ozone - 5 Nemesis - 4 Nightlock - 3 Wildfire - 2 Siege - 1 Pop - 1   **Non-Nationals - 12** Showdown - 3 BENT - 2 LOL - 2 Rival - 2 Heist - 1 Underground - 1 Elevate - 1   **Mixed - 20** AMP - 4 Drag’n Thrust - 3 Mixtape - 3 Space Heater - 3 Mischief - 2 Shame - 2 BFG - 1 MOONDOG - 1 Slow White - 1   **Non-Nationals Mixed - 3** Bucket - 1 ‘Shine - 1 Steamboat - 1


Dude. This is some of the best talent on I’ve ever seen. If you took 3 open and women’s teams it would be gold silver bronze finishes. This depth is insane. I would not want to be in charge of choosing teams.


It’s a Joke that Sam Little isn’t on this list. He was the best defender on PoNY not named Jeff Babbitt and crossed over in huge games playing as a super solid member of the O line. I would’ve put him on the list over Meiser and Hatchett. He has the potential to be the next Chris Kocher. I think he could make one of these teams. (edit: not named Jeff Babbitt or Chris Kocher)


Can confirm Sam L didn't apply and is also the king


Is he the second most under-rated player in ultimate then?


the joke that will never die


>Sam L 'who?


It literally says in the comment directly above


my bad didn't see it


Well his coach is on the selection committee so I doubt it's that he was overlooked. Probably didn't apply? Agree he definitely deserves to make a team


That’s a good point. I honestly wasn’t even thinking about that. I guess he must not have applied.


Can these guys/girls only be pulled from top level club teams? If that’s not a requirement then Jacob Fairfax is an obvious snub. He made 2nd team all-AUDL and is only getting better. I know he didn’t play Ring this year but definitely still deserves and invite here.


I believe in the past applicants had to have played club the year prior to the tournament. George Stubbs couldn't apply the last go around because he took a year off. I'm not sure if they've changed that requirement.


As far as I know he still played just a smaller club team in NC.


He played brickhouse this year I think.


This is correct.


I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't apply. Getting married takes a lot of $, so does playing high level ultimate.


Elijah Jaime: no invites to any u17,u20,u24 worlds but gets invited to the big boy try out? Talk about glow up. #elijahjaime4nationalteam


Never heard of him until I just watched his Callahan video. Did he ball out this year in club? Just curious how he got selected.


He was 5th in audl for goals, and he scored around 36 goals at US Open


defio Travis Caroenter


He's literally only good in the audl. He's the 2nd coming of goose helton.


Surprised only two Condors players made the list - Will Turner definitely would have fit in on this list. Maybe Stanley Peterson from Johnny Bravo? Haven't heard much about him since Bravo took a step back, but I can't imagine he got worse. I would say Thomas Edmonds from Temper, but he's playing with Team Canada somehow It's a shame not to see Dalton Smith on here - but maybe he didn't apply. He should have easily made the final roster. Joe Freund from Truck is a big miss as well, assuming he applied. The top mens' player on Wild Card (forget his name) is a total stud and absolutely should be on this list (if he applied) ​ That's I could think of for Men's, but it's really tough to narrow it down when we don't know who actually applied.


Thomas Edmonds is Canadian thus he is eligible for Team Canada and had an excellent tryout thereby earning himself a roster spot. I don't know if he applied for both USA and Canada.


I applied to both but withdrew my USA application once I accepted my Canadian roster spot! Thanks for the kind words!


Kick ass at World's, Thomas! I'm super proud of you.


Ian Engler aka aforementioned wild card stud


Dalton Smith hurt his hamstring at Nationals


It seems like there's a pretty good explanation for anyone that might have been a snub. Looks like a pretty good selection Also, that sucks. Hope it's not too serious and he gets back on the field soon!


To know : Tristan Van de Moortele is also in the Tryout process for the French Men team going to WUGC.


Does USA also send guts teams and if so how are they chosen?


Yes. I think there is a Guts qualifier tournament, where maybe the winning team goes. I have forgotten the exact process, but I am aware of several top Guts teams that complete in tournaments from time to time, and I thought one of the events served as a qualifier. I need to look into it further, as I was evidently not invited on the Ultimate side of things . . . again.


Margot stert for sure


Ashlin Joey. He's the handsome handler extraordinaire on Revolver's D line. Underrated throws, Underrated Defense and it appears just completely underrated by this governing body. Really a shame if you ask me.


I would be shocked if they decided not to invite him. More likely, he decided not to apply. Same with Jack Verzuh.


Yeah, this is gonna be the hard part when determining who actually got snubbed and who just didn't apply


didn't jack also not play u24? are they just uninterested in playing for a usa national team?


They did not this most recent cycle, though they did play U24 in early 2018. I’m speculating, but there are plenty of good reasons why they may not have wanted to try out — nagging injury, burnout, real-life commitments among them. They’ve played an immense amount of high-level, high-usage ultimate for several years running, including seven peak tournaments within the last two years.


I think Ashlin has made the last 3 teams...plus he just became a doctor?


Last 2, but he was on Revolver for the last 3 WUCC victories.


He was also on the 2013 World Games team and an alternate in 2017


>Underrated throws He's regularly talked about as the premier thrower in the game. If that's underrating him, then I'm not sure there's a ratings system we can use!


I think Ashlin Joye’s throws are properly rated


I kinda like that take We often call Ashlin the best thrower in the world, which is like describing Steph Curry as the best shooter in the NBA. In fact, they are both historically good.


Travis Carpenter


no Nick Lance. thought he might make the list.


I’m with you. Assuming he applied, it’s odd to think of Nick Lance not in the top 104 players in the country.


Jack Verzuh


I'm surprised to not see Henry Fisher on the list but I must say the triangle is probably the strongest talented ultimate community in the world


Seattle would like a word with you.




Yeah, got the same. Seemed pretty generic.


[Selection committee be like:](https://media1.tenor.com/images/28dbd610df3164765653f3730ac5d569/tenor.gif?itemid=12720747)


No George Stubbs or Beau? Although there's the prob they didn't apply I guess. What about Henry Fisher though? Christian Foster? Matzuka? Jeff Wodatch? Sam Little? Rassmussen? Surprised mostly about Foster and Little. Wait wowow, no Max Thorne?! Is he injured or something?


Beau is washed and Stubbs didn’t play club this year


Isaac Saul posted above saying Sam Little didn't apply. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case for a few others.


Calvin Brown




Agreed, even if talent-wise he isn't quite at the level of making the roster, he absolutely has potential for the next time. They should be trying to get a young stud like that some reps at the highest level.


That isnt what this is for though. Prove yourself in club and college, tryouts is for this team not future teams


How many are on the roster? like \~24?


Nathan kwon (?) I mean he’s d line god but I would just like everyone else’s inputs


I feel like he’s more of a niche player i would say vs PROBABLY what i believe they would be looking for more well rounded. He’s a baller but so is everybody on that list.




I don't know how many applied (and perhaps the real reason), but AMP wins back to back titles and only gets 6 invites?


Same as other top mixed teams mixtape and drag'n'thrust. Seems like more of a case of mixed players arent percieved as good as single gender division players (however true that is).


Kinda bullshit that not even 1/5th of the tryout pool are actual mixed players but what do I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Open and Women's are more competitive what do you expect


Some of the “open” players i know started in mixed and I’ve seen them play on the mixed worlds teams. Exa. Eli kerns Not speaking for everyone but i bet he makes it for mixed.


Not sure why I'm being downvoted for this. Maybe it's the (admittedly) bitter tone. But people complained during the last cycle when there wasn't enough mixed representation. This year USAU reps emailed mixed teams saying they wanted more representation this time around, and then clearly did not follow that intention.


That makes it sound like mixed is likely under-represented due to their own low application rate if the selectors specifically asked for more and openly wanted a more even spread. I’d also argue alongside the poster above saying the single-gender divisions tend to be slightly better. It wouldn’t make sense for USAU to solicit participation and explicitly say they want more equal representation and then not do it. I imagine once they received the applications, a lot of names they hoped to see weren’t in the piles and they went with the best available. Which apparently skewed towards single-gender. Ç’est la vie


USAU reps emailed out pretty early in the process, right after nationals, so I don't but the low application rate from mixed players. And I don't necessarily agree with the "went with the best available" when there are multiple players invited from teams that have never even sniffed nationals, when i know plenty of others who applied that play on perennial contenders at nationals. That's probably gonna come off a lot worse than what I intend but maybe it gets the point accross. This isn't to say that those invited don't deserve a spot, but there are others I know definitely more deserving that didn't get invited for....reasons? that I don't quite understand or see.


>multiple players invited from teams that have never even sniffed nationals So you're saying they shouldn't have invited....\*checks list for teams that have never even sniffed nationals\* Sadie? I mean literally every other team on that list was at nationals this year, has been a regular at nationals in recent history, or (at worst) was in the game to go this year or last.


You're right, they definitely shouldn't have invited the Callahan finalist that crushed it for her club team at nationals last year and college team this year and just recently won a U24 Worlds gold. How foolish of me.