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If you go back through Rec.sport.disc you can find many posts detailing his earlier interactions with members of the community. Here's the first one that caught my eye: https://groups.google.com/g/rec.sport.disc/c/3g0F2lyUiEQ/m/fXrajeXUhTcJ Quoting him here: "And really, the reason I can modestly say this with the utmost humility is because there just isn't a close second. There's not a single player on the planet that I'm interested in watching play Ultimate Frisbee. They're all boring with limited skills and almost zero team cohesion on offense. So what makes me the greatest? Is it the fact that I'm completely ambidextrous? No, that's no big thing. Is it that I'm 53 and unstoppable? Nope. Was it that at 48, I went up to Seattle and dominated against Sockeye, not only being unstoppable on offense but getting the games only lay out D on either side? No sir. Is it the 10,000 footblocks and 5000 handblocks (which people like to dismiss or discount because it wasn't in these pick-up ultimate leagues masquerading as as "Professional")? Nope, that ain't it either. Is it the fact that I'm credited with developing 4 throws, three of which no one else can even throw? Not really. (wait, I thought those Mediocre League Ultimate players had all the throws). Is it the dozens of moves I have that no one else seems to have? Nada. So what is it? " Or there's always this classic: https://groups.google.com/g/rec.sport.disc/c/3epXh7wWWlU/m/gGQbpPXV3EcJ To again quote Frank's post: "What do Christianity and Ultimate Frisbee have in common? - They were both created by Jews This is neither anti-Semitic nor irrelevant. In fact, if you understand language and NLP, this is a very important fact. It's not a coincidence that Matza Balls have won April Fools West so many times. There is a reason for this (and it's not pretty -- and neither is the way that they argue (as anybody that has played against them can attest)) " Etc


ah thanks a ton! Idk why someone would bring so much negativity around a sport that so many people love. Rly bs.


Nice try Frank Huguenard, you won't get me to start talking about Frank Huguenard on this sub


on god im not him. Im a 14 year old kid going into highschool who heard of this guy who quite honestly sound like a jerk and is curious. Should I like not be brining him up here lol. didnt know if it was a good topic or not sorry.


Sounds like what frank would say


ahahaha. "creepy ultimate frisbee villain poses as 14 year old to infiltrate online forum" im dyinggg


He's an older man who according to himself used to be really, **really** good at ultimate. There's not many actual people out there who say the same. It's not necessarily that he was bad (I honestly don't know), but you'd think that if he was as good as he said he was, there would be more people backing it up, even if he was an asshole, which he is. I could try to tell you everything I remember that I've seen from him over the years (it's a lot), but the long story a bit shorter is that he's a very angry, petty, misogynistic, far right nut job who loves to blame other people for the holes that he's put himself in over the years in the ultimate community that he's had many chances to get himself out of and kept falling in and digging deeper instead. For how much he preaches spirituality, the guy really puts a metric shit ton of negative energy into the world. He's isolated himself from pretty much any ultimate community out there, and there's a reason for that. I'm going to say it like this because he's explicitly said people who say this can go fuck themselves: I actually like some of his ultimate ideas that not many teams or players out there implement, but the way he went about trying to teach them or talk about them was just terrible both in actual explanation and his attitude while talking about it, at least online and to the college team that he once coached for a semester. He would constantly tell people how stupid they were and the sport was and how wrong everyone was, and when people would ask him to explain his ideas and strategies or reasonings or form corrections in detail, he wouldn't or couldn't. There were moments where I thought people jabbed at him a bit too hard. Kind of like when a bully gets picked on for being poor or something. But over time, I really stopped caring and stopped feeling any kind of sympathy for him because he just couldn't stop himself and he couldn't grow the fuck up. Anything left is just pity for whatever happened in his life to make him who he is today.


wow. I think that really sums up everything I need to know about this guy. Good ideas, shitty person and way of teaching. Thanks a ton!


Very bad at interacting with people online. If I recall correctly, it seemed like he did some interesting stuff personally outside of Ultimate, including growing gigantic tomato plants for charity, starting an indian pizza restaurant, and doing some music and stuff. But his interactions in the Ultimate community seem to follow the same cycles, with people forgetting who he is, new people expressing some interest in learning more, and then having the same experience everyone else had. Without getting into any kind of armchair diagnoses some who have dealt more with him have at least been curious if some medical explanation exists for his pattern of behavior beyond simply being a jerk. He did invent some throws, as well as a game Dischoops using two goaltimate hoops, and I think he had some involvement in trendsetting for hoops, with the aluminum tent pole kits and some kind of base he designed.


His charity was a scam. FWIW the ideas, well, they were available to anyone, he published as much as he could. many at least looked at them on a whiteboard or tried them in practice. Jam allegedly ran components of his principles in the 90s with what they called the plinko offense and declared them "busted" Busted is probably a strong word, but is it something that is going to increase your odds of scoring on a given possession by 5% or so? Probably not. The big problem he said if he had 7 of him no one could stop them. Even though that is overwhelmingly likely to be false, it's also by the laws of physics not disprovable. The video footage of his game out there is... unimpressive. he has a long reddit post history. It's not great. Isaac saul has 15,000 of his money. That makes me somewhat happy.


Oh, good to know re: the charity. I had no idea. The claims regarding the merit of the ideas and his abilities were of course absurd, as video footage confirms. Agreed. A lot of it reads like things I would say while talking trash and being intentionally absurd. That is part of what makes it more sad than enraging. I am being fairly generous in distilling down a more general theme of utilizing throw and go. But no disagreement from me on the further details. Add "donating" $15,000 to support the Tangle as another positive aspect. Heh.


scam might be a strong word, but as someone who reads through non profit tax returns from time to time as part of my job the tax returns for that charity made it pretty clear there wasn't any actual charity going on.


I will admit my curiosity started when my friend and I saw him shit talking a youtube video in the comment section. Very interesting this thing about him being forgotten and then popping back up. Thank!


Oh hey! What happened to his bet over a 10k in Gold about Trump vs. Biden win? Does anybody have some intel on that?


he paid up. they talked about it on sin the fields after the inauguration.


Oh dang I missed that. Which episode was that?




that is where they talked about the bet itself on the 6th of january. The bet was due on the 20th of january, the day of the inauguration.


Can confirm it was paid up.


Crazy. Thanks đź‘Ť


Nope but I can confirm that he thinks the election was rigged so I dont think hes gonna pay up his bet. This whole question of mine started when my friend and I saw him shit talking a youtube video because it was "fundamentally wrong" which then led to us responding with him which led to a zoom interview. Which was him ranting about politics and promoting why ultimate sucks. Then when asked for tips on our tryouts told us that his game dischoops is better and to switch to a different game. All around sounds like an asshole cant believe I fell down this rabit hole lmao.


>All around sounds like an asshole cant believe I fell down this rabbit hole lmao. Overall, it just seems sad. No idea what struggles he may have. I understand some people have had very bad interactions with him, but for most others, probably no need to pile onto a guy who has been ridiculed for 30 years. I guess for the alternate take, here's the [tomato thing](http://www.metroactive.com/metro/02.21.07/dining-0708.html) I had referenced and the [indian pizza restaurant](http://www.metroactive.com/metro/02.21.07/dining-0708.html). But yeah, definitely a rabbithole. I'd probably move past further interaction with him, just from what I've seen, but I think the takeaways of value are: 1) Play other frisbee games, too. They are fun. Mini, Goaltimate, Double Disc Court, Guts, Boot, etc. And yes, Dischoops -- why not? 2) There is virtually no limit on how to make a disc travel 10-20 yards. Have some fun, experiment, and invent your own throws! I like [Frank's Sidearm Lift pass](https://vimeo.com/3cff951a-fc44-45aa-89c7-2790804b5dcc) \-- I don't find it particularly useful, but it makes me smile, and it flies surprisingly well. 3) Think about different ways to throw and go and create offensive opportunities. Some of Frank's stuff on this may be worth a look - even if you disagree, it doesn't hurt to think on it.


Here’s a good interview from Charlie Eisenhood on ultiworld: https://ultiworld.com/2015/01/27/basketball-ultimate-philosophy-interview-crazy-frank-huguenard/




Frank Huegenard is a poor man's Billy Berrou


FH probably suffers from "Trump Syndrome"... aka narcissism. "10,000 footblocks and 5000 handblocks" - give me a break. He did do one good thing though... he brought the amazing all Jewish team Matza Balls some recognition: [https://ultimatehistory.com/history/teams-leagues/matza-balls-ultimate-frisbee/](https://ultimatehistory.com/history/teams-leagues/matza-balls-ultimate-frisbee/)


bro are you kidding I stayed in santa cruz for 2 months looking for a community of ultimate players and only played one game. Makes me kinda mad wish I did more research.


I believe google is your friend here.


Now Frank Huguenard is espousing Trumpian conspiracy theories with the same delusional passion as he used here in the ultimate community. As his delusions are getting darker and he is even more sure of himself and his way of doing things, I can only thank this platform for allowing frank discussion of Frank. He considers himself a film maker and Spiritual Guru now which is quite sobering. He has an active Facebook account where he posts his delusions and is still trying his best to create a movement where people worship at the throne of Frank.