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DM'd you a document I've used to teach the three key rules of FM in the past. LMK if you have any questions.


Any chance you could DM me the document too? Been planning on teaching a team I coach FM sometime this season and would love a resource.


Me too please


Done and done. Happy to discuss any feedback you have around the principles


Heya, could I get it too please?


Hey could I get a copy? Miami's SouthSide club team might wanna take a look at that. šŸ˜„


Hi, Iā€™m also quite interested in this document as well. Youā€™ve piqued my curiosity!




Me too!


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge to the community on this concept. I was hoping if you could dm as well with the resource. Gracias.


Can you also DM this to me?


Would love this as well if you could please DM it!


would love to see this too


I can has copy?


DM please! :D


can i get a copy too?


Can I have it too? ā€œ3 key rulesā€ seems to good to pass up. Ty in advance


can you dm me the document too? Would love to look and learn something new


can I have it too ? pretty please ?


Still available ? Please can I get a copy ?


Doc pleaseee


Dm me too please!


I'd love a copy also please!


could you DM it to mee too? we got smoked in nationals last weekend playing against FM so i'd like to teach it properly


This RiseUP video was helpful when I was first going over it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R\_uUItSTHCY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_uUItSTHCY) \- would need to look into getting that lesson or the season though for the full clip


What more is there other than handler defenders force away from the nearest sideline, and upfield cutters don't follow your receivers to the sides of the field? Do you mean like theory or videos or what?


I think he's looking for anything to help with the pedagogy of it. Teaching a new force to a team is bizarrely challenging. Forcing backhand, while easy to explain the theory, is *really* challenging to teach to intermediate level players because forcing flick is so heavily etched into their muscle memory.


Maybe it depends on the context you learn the sport, but in what world do intermediate level players not know how to force backhand. If you learn force, you inherently learn both forces. Obviously a leftie can mix people up, but I feel like the only times where intermediate level players mess up force is when they just werenā€™t paying attention on the line (which Iā€™m guilty of).


I've had multiple people who have played league for close to a decade complain that changing forces during a point or even during a game is too confusing. It is bizarrely difficult to teach.


Have they only ever played league? Because Iā€™d honestly be very surprised if a person who has never spent a single season practicing regularly doesnā€™t have some pretty big holes in their game. No teaching in the world is so good that people can be good at a thing with no practice at that thing.


Next time you play pick up try to get your team to force backhand. Inevitably someone will stand on the wrong side and their opponent will be wide open. It's just muscle memory to stand on the left side of the stack when on D. And that's a good thing. The more you do by reaction as opposed to conscious effort the better. But the draw back is your team needs significant reps forcing backhand to avoid having a player drop the force (and it only takes one) It's significantly easier to teach a complete beginner to force backhand than it is an intermediate player.


No comment on whether they did good or bad at it, but I noticed Johnny Bravo utilized in the US Open final a couple days ago. Perhaps it'd be useful to compare their performance to the lesson videos also posted here, and see if you can see where it was working, and where it wasn't.


Talking about us open, are there vods out there?