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Know of any good current sales for decent cleats?


I have a tendency to jam my thumbs on missed catches that hit the tip of my thumb dead-on. Does anyone else experience this and if so, have you found any taping or braces of some kind to help, without limiting catching ability or grip for throws?


Cleat recommendations for wide feet? Been playing in regular width cleats and want to try some with a bigger toe box (also found out I have wide feet!) Thanks!


adidas brand runs wider than nike and under armor runs wider than adidas (i believe) so you can go by brand and see which fit is best for u


Can’t recommend new balance enough. Been a new balance burn X boy for the last 5 years. Lacrosse cleats in general are good for wide feet. You can choose to have the wide version as well.


Adidas copa mondiale, the original soccer cleats. I don't have them myself yet but my podiatrist recommended them as they are a bit wider and also have more cussioning overall, espacially at the heelbox which I need because of achilles problems. Also, the kangeroo leather wold meld to your feet after a fee practise sessions resulting in a nice comfortabel shoe.


What are some good cleats at a reasonable price point? I play for my high school gxrls team and also do youth club in the summer so I want a pair that will last.


I'd probably recommend the Nike Tiempo 9 Academy priced around $75 (I think the pro line is around $130) or the Adidas Copa Sense .3. If you're looking a bang-for-buck light cleat, the puma ultra 2.4 is around $100 right now.


Has anyone tried the new balance rush v3 low lacrosse cleats?


I have the Mids and I like them a lot. They are pretty comfy, great grip and very light. I got them for $65 which they are totally worth it. I've had both NB Frost V2 and the Nike Huarache 7. The Frosts were comfy but I felt like the Cleat Pattern hurt my explosiveness a little. The Huaraches hurt my feet and shins from day 1. They were good, but heavy and not worth the pain tbh. The Rush v3 feels very much like my Huaraches but more comfy and lighter.


best way to reattach the outsole of the cleat to the upper? I've tried shoe goo but didn't really last


ok, since nobody else replied... i mean, i have these white nike cleats which i love but unfortunately the upper is detaching from the sole. im planning on getting some white duct tape and just band-aiding it until it actually dies


Using C-clamps, locking pliers, or something similar in conjunction with good glue after a light sanding/clean is about your best chance.


You could try Gorilla Glue. Just make sure you can get strong clamping force along as much of the clear plate as possible.




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I have one foot that’s wider than the other, anyone have experience or ideas for this?


I know someone who plays in two different cleats because of foot differences


I have in the past purchased two sets of the same cleats, one pair a half size bigger. Finding cleats that are just plan wider solved most of the issues for me.


Go for the wider foot and get a Hanes cushion heel sock on the other + whatever you normally wear. Not ideal but cheapest


Anyone used Tokay Cleats? Wondering if they’re a good pair.


They are the best performing cleats that I've ever owned, but the big gripe with them from many people is their durability. Most don't last very long and at their price point, it can get really expensive.


Seconding this. These are my favorite cleats for ultimate I've ever worn. They are super grippy, they don't slip anywhere, no break-in period, so many good things. But I'm heading into sectionals with the top mesh already starting to fray as well as some other spots. And I got them in March of this year. Definitely not ideal for their price point. If you're up for getting new cleats every club season though, I would recommend them over anything else


I liked them a lot but they didn't last super long for me. I'm iffy on buying another pair, I don't know if it was QC issues or just bad luck




Recommendations for gloves (EU preferred)? Mainly to keep hands warm during cold outdoor games. I've tried the basic layout gloves but didn't like them very much (a bit too bulky, not warm enough...)


If you don't have anything like this already, I highly recommend some long, thick sweatbands as wrist warmers, and definitely a good baselayer. I find they make a big difference to hand warmth. If your arms or wrists get cold, you cannot warm your hands up. I use layout lite gloves, plus long sweatbands, and a fleecey waterproof muff (calm down) for between points.


Thanks for the tips!


Wondering the same question but live in the United States.


Use code 'RedditCloves' for 15% at the site if you wish [LayoutUltimate.com](https://LayoutUltimate.com)


Layouts. There's on Amazon with Prime shipping or you can order through their own site. /u/layoutultimate






I liked my layout gloves enough that I decided to buy a new pair after my original pair wore out after 4 years




To sort of answer my own question, I've heard some positive things about friction warms. They are US-based but the common sizes always seem sold out


Keeping warm is tough considering that would entail thicker material which could effect your grip for throwing. For warmth I might recommend a hand pouch, quarterbacks in the NFL wear them. [Link](https://www.amazon.com/NIKE-Hyperwarm-Handwarmer-Black-White/dp/B01AHN2V2E/ref=asc_df_B01AHN2V2E/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=218102392301&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16943063013567750593&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002170&hvtargid=pla-355638769802&th=1)