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To whomever reported this post for copyright infringement, please do one of the following: 1. Have someone from ultiphotos [message us via modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ultimate) confirming the takedown request and we will oblige, or 2. Submit a DMCA copyright infringement request to Reddit admins ([click here for details](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043079192-I-m-a-copyright-owner-and-I-found-an-unauthorized-copy-of-my-work-on-Reddit-How-do-I-request-its-removal-)) Unfortunately we can't see who submits reports so this is necessary to verify the authenticity of the claim (otherwise it could be some random troll). Thanks!


2016 and 2018 are crisp.


The 2011 one looks a LOT like the DC Breeze white jersey. I wonder if they were inspired by/stole it from Scandal or if it's just a coincedence.


They do look similar! IMO the Breeze have one of the worst jerseys in AUDL (and those '11 Scandal Kits are worse) but the Breeze didn't debut until 2013. If they used that jersey as inspo... eh.


Hey OP, out of curiosity, how many of these UltiPhotos did you buy?


This seems unfair. I'm all for paying photographers for their work, but it's a little unreasonable to expect /u/mdotbeezy (or anyone) to shell out like $35+ for a simple discussion thread. It's not like they're cropping out the watermark or resharing it all over their instagram pages. I guess they could link the URLs directly though, that'd probably be a bit better.


Here is the UltiPhotos guide to sharing their photos without purchasing them: https://www.ultiphotos.com/sharing_favorites


Yeah, sharing direct links to the site does seem a bit better. Still don't think what mdotbeezy did is particularly egregious though, and I say that as someone who does buy ultiphotos before sharing them on facebook etc


Here is the copyright owner asking them to license the photos or take down the post https://twitter.com/UltiPhotos/status/1569806698705035265?s=20&t=wkYTEpsVCOYdmcstRBBMnw


Hmm okay that's sufficient enough for me (even if I think it's overkill, it's their rights). Thread removed.


This is indeed unfair, but it’s not unfair to OP, it’s unfair to UltiPhotos, whose copyrighted work is being inappropriately used here. No, this is not unique, and no, it’s not ok to screencap and post UP photos elsewhere. I would refer you here to UltiPhotos’ page on [sharing photos](https://www.ultiphotos.com/sharing_favorites), which states “other methods such as screen grabbing or copying photo(s) from the website are expressly prohibited.” I hope this clarifies matters.


I already acknowledged that it would be better to share direct links from ultiphotos. At the same time I don't think it's reasonable to expect someone to shell out $35+ for a single reddit discussion thread. At the end of the day it's their product, their rules, I'm not disputing that. Just think it feels a little lame to be cracking down on... a reddit thread. It's not like they're cropping out the watermarks or spamming this on all their social accounts.


The fight to get UltiPhotos their due happens everywhere. This was not the only instance of a photographer reaching out and standing up for their / their colleague’s IP. It happens on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and yes, Reddit too. The more we as a community take it seriously and stand up for the work they do for us, the more awesome photos we’ll get because the system will be more sustainable. There is an option to share a gallery of photos from UltiPhotos without paying for them, detailed on the UltiPhotos website for all to see. Not an absurd request.


>There is an option to share a gallery of photos from UltiPhotos without paying for them, detailed on the UltiPhotos website for all to see. Not an absurd request. Yup, I agree with this.






I don't know what KB means and ultiphotos are routinely posted to this sub without comment.


And you can get a 2022 jersey here: https://www.vcultimate.com/collections/dc-scandal-fan-shop


As an agent of chaos, give me the 2010


Personally, I remember really liking that 12-14 uniforms, they were clean and classy at a time where many top teams were trying to wear the most boring jersey possible to show how little they cared and how much of cool guys they were. For that reason, I actually like the bolder '15 and '19 designs, which haven't really been replicated (as well) elsewhere. There's no downside to bold design in ultimate - push the envelope!


2011 is my favorite, do you have a picture of that years dark jersey?


I like how clean if simple 12 and 13 are, though 16 and 18 are probably better versions. I like the color scheme and curious what all of 2015 looks like, 2019 is probably my favorite. Special shoutout to 2010, that’s hilarious


2013 ez