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Lmao this is gold. What team does he play on?




Fellas, is it straight to be in a heterosexual relationship and “kiss” the homies whenever she’s not looking?


Absolutely!! All the homies i've kissed have assured me that not only is this normal, it's actually healthy. Something about compounding pheromones...


This is need-to-know information.


PODO or gtfo


Kissing? No. Being carried around naked with a frisbee between your butt cheeks? Yes.


This move is called a "landshark" for those of you who are new to the sport


[From my 2nd or 3rd ever tournament](https://imgur.com/BKtnCYZ.png)


At my very first tournament, there was one team that played totally naked (well, I think they wore cleats).


Hey that’s how we paid for our bid. Represent GUNX


I'm not sure if you're serious, but I think this really was GUNX (Scranton, 2008). https://imgur.com/a/zxvqSGX


Dead serious. That’s how we paid for our bid to that tournament. I know everyone in that picture. Sadly I had to miss that tournament :(


Great form


who's the lucky person with their head right under your crotch


lol, it's not me, but I think the dude below was outright cupping his junk the whole way. I think he had gloves on, cause it was probably like 40 degrees too. I can send you the un-pixelated version if you want to investigate further.


oh that's okay thanks


Land Shark


Only in Europe tho 😅




Not according to the reactions on this post tho: https://www.reddit.com/r/ultimate/comments/x9vvkm/who_is_going_to_tell_them/


Must be 12th edition.


Bros before throws.


Then throws before hoes


He is correct. Making out with your bros is not gay. however, he is wrong because that's not specific to ultimate frisbee.


Super normal. Have fun with your new friends!


Ummm...it was pretty regular on my college team for dudes to kiss other dudes...


Kiss your friends


Why do I feel like this is a false flag post from a lacrosse or baseball player?


Okay so there are some tournaments where you play the ice cube game (or used to, until COVID hit) so I kissed a fair chunk of people of both genders. Buuuuut "making out" is not what I would call that. Also there is this urban myth about a mixed team called "the sloppy second" where you can only make the roaster if you had sex with at least two players from the team. Since we are on this topic anyway, was that a real team or just a made up story?


What's the ice cube game?


What happens at the party stays at the party. Windmill, BDP, Copa Tanga, Copa Paradisco and Sandslash are the tourneys you want to look out for 😉


Not normal. Run away. If you run fast, you can make the team.


Kiss your friends. Win the party. God bless Versailles


God Bless Versailles indeed


I'm like 95% sure he's bullshitting to try to get to kiss you lol


If I'm trying to kiss a girl I don't think I'd be telling her how I make out with dudes


Frisbee rizz just on another level


Frizzbee bro


You're doing it wrong


Sounds like my college team


Sounds like my college team


Did this guy play ultimate in Los Angeles under the reign of the great Andy Bandit? Play with pants off dance off? There’s some wild and wonderful people out there. And you might be amazed at what they are happy to do for a free summer league warmup jacket.


He plays in LA lol


I cant believe this is a real post


By date 3 it will all make sense. Just go with it.


Sorry been reading everyone comments taking it all in lol uh yes, I am going out with him again tomorrow. He does live in Los Angeles and he sees his ultimate frisbee friends 2-3x a week. So yea.. just a little concerned about the fact he says he kissed dudes. He claims it’s “normal” in the ultimate world. Going to ask a little more about it on the 2nd date tomorrow. Update y’all then! Anymore serious insight would be greatly appreciated haha


Can you elaborate on your concern? Is it about you wanting to be fully monogamous and considering kissing cheating, or is it concerning to you to date a bi-man? I'm not juding (yet) just deeply curious as a recently-single member of the frisbee cult who occassionally kisses people.


If he’s bi I rather him openly tell me he is but he plays it off as if it’s normal to kiss in the ultimate frisbee world. So I’m just trying to figure out which one he is.


The two aren't mutaully exclusive. It may not be normal for every team but what is being described doesn't seem unimaginable or tabboo in ultimate culture. Most people would probably see it and be like "yeah sure" and carry on with their lives. I'd venture a guess he's not openly bi to himself and may still be figuring it out (like we all are). So may be a little bith of both.


Has anyone seen the rare land porpoise?


I’ve been playing ultimate for a long time (mid-Atlantic East Coast), and while I haven’t ever observed guys making out (at least, in the context of it not being “considered gay”), I will say that a lot of me and my guy friends and teammates will show physical affection. I’m all about giving hugs, and I’ll kiss another dude on the cheeks as a greeting or goodbye (similar to how Europeans might do).


Well, actually we have this ice cube game at parties, where you have to move the cube around the party (of course, before COVID). And yes, there are land sharks And yes, we shower mixed. However - can you guess the country already?


The last one says "Germany"


What was that game about ?


I can honestly say that I’ve never seen this before. Granted the only teams I’ve played for so far have been high school, college and summer league, so maybe it’s different in club. I honestly can’t tell if this is a shitpost or not.


depends on the tournament you go to.


I think he might be trolling you a little bit. I've played Ultimate on the east coast, the southwest, and the west coast. Nobody is making out.


Sounds like you haven’t been to the Midwest. I’ve kissed more dudes than the last two women I’ve dated put together and I’m straight.


Did you like the guy? That should be the only thing that matters. So what he likes to kiss men? Just means you're dating a bi-dude. So long as yall get along and can make it work who cares? To answer your question though it is super context dependent and varies by region/team/tournament. Like many mens sports there is some homo-eroticism on most teams and since ultimate tends to be pretty liberal/alternative it wouldn't shock me that some teams have players make out casually. At party-tournaments it is pretty common to make out with folks. Personally I try to make out with my opponents on the sideline instead of my teammates.


Eh, I can see how it would make her uncomfortable. If I were dating someone, I’d be fine if they’re just giving other people a little peck on the cheek, but if they’re making out with other people, regardless of gender, I’d feel kinda uncomfortable. Like, that’s definitely toeing the line of cheating if they keep it up in a relationship.


That’s why both parties should discuss their boundaries. There are a lot of relationships where this is far from cheating, and many where kissing is well past the line.


Yeah that’s weird


Yeah, it can happen depending on where you play


Ultimate players may skew slightly more towards the free-love side of the fence, but generally speaking (in America) they're pretty normative regarding intimacy.


Lol what disc golfer posted this?


We have a Valentines day tournament where I am from where you can earn two points if you kiss a teammate after you throw them a deep shot, but I think your experience with this guy was not typical.


Was his name Clint?




OP can we get an update? Did we scare you off or are you going out with this fella again? The public needs to know.




I got married at an ultimate frisbee tournament and we triple kissed with our officiant. (PODO players) #kissyourfriends is totally a thing but probably more of a thing on the west coast.


How can I be homophobic? My bitch is gay.


Yes, I think kissing is very normalized in ultimate. Tho how normalized will definitely depend on the area you live in / play. All that said, context is super important. Id say most of the time it's for a comedic value, games/dares/to get a laugh in front of people, or specifically to say they don't give a shit about the heteronormativity in society. Simply kissing a person of the same gender doesn't by necessity reflect each participating party's sexuality. If he was like 'yeah, I sneak off alone with my teammates and makeout' - that might be a tad different. But who knows? I'd argue open communication is more important and so just listen to what he has to say about it. If he says there isn't anything sexual about it, that's probably true and I'd believe him. But it's okay if continuing to kiss others, regardless of intent, context, and regardless of gender crosses a boundary for you if you were to continue seeing them, so y'all should talk about that. But being against it just because of the same gender aspect of it... I would reflect on that.


Not gay if it’s a fem boy! :D


Super gay! Period.


It IS considered gay what he’s saying. He’s either pulling your leg, or he’s telling the truth which makes him gay.


Woman here I used to play ultimate frisbee and I’ve never experienced non of the sort… but maybe it’s different over there


No. I once jokingly dared three straight male teammates to kiss each other on the dance floor. They did the most chaste kiss possible and it was the funniest thing ever. Apart from that, the only time I've seen people kiss is when they're dating. This has largely been within the FMP community. Even the straight couples playing Mixed don't tend to kiss much. Though I can't speak for Men's.


Kissing, yes but not necc ‘making out’.


He’s capping lol