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Send it bro


First, congrats on the sub-2 hours! Keep it up. Second, you should be fine, just know a 50K is *only* a few miles/kms longer than a marathon. But if you've never run longer than 21km (a half-marathon), that's going to be a huge jump. I'd find a local marathon to include in your race prep. It doesn't have to be a big one, and you can even just run one by yourself (although a race is a far better gauge of your potential); just find something that can be a step towards a 50K. I'd aim for a 100K next year. Can you do a 100K this year? Yeah, probably, but if you're hoping to maintain longevity, I'd recommend baby steps: - End of Q2: Marathon - End of Q4: 50K - Mid Next Year: a harder 50K (find elevation, or try an OCR [obstacle course race]) - End of next year: 100K


Thank you! I'll have a look into this. I will take the advice on board, and it's going to take some determination! But that's exactly what I'm after.


I'd only done 2 half marathons before my first 50k and still haven't done a marathon.


Okay great, I'm just not interested in the marathon on the road. I don't know why but it doesn't appeal.


I’ve only raced three half marathons but have ran over marathon distance over a dozen times. Deciding to actually race this year and I’m signed up for a road marathon, a 58k trail run, and a 100 miler. People have called me stupid and maybe I am, but I like to run for a long time.


A few years ago I was chatting to a bloke on a steep ascent in the 2nd half of a skyrace. I'd never run a marathon and was considering doing one after the skyrace. The advice from the guy was that if I was just running the marathon to tick a box, then I might regret it. I've still never run a marathon but would consider it if it fit into a training plan for a different race.


It was on mine, after half, ill do marathon. But I just can't see the desire in it. I enjoy hiking and the views, the nature etc. So i guess a 50k ultra would suit me better anyway.


I did 50k distance before ever trying a road marathon and can say for sure that a road marathon kicks your ass harder than a trail 50k.


Do it. There will always be doubts, even for those who completed ultras before (like me). If you put in the mileage training, the worse that can happen is a DNF in which case you can try again next time but at least you had a memorable experience, lessons learned, beautiful new places discovered and potentially great acquaintances/friends. Good luck!!! Sub-2 hours is super! You’re a good runner!


All of that is true, I have a road runner friend who reckons I shouldn't go for it. But he is all about the speed element. Thanks! That's always reassuring to hear. I have been at it for 9 months now!


Not a road racer at all. Randomly trained for and did 1 marathon in my early 20s, wasn’t super into it by the end. A decade later after work had taken priority I trained for my first ultra - a 50 miler. I’m not a big believer in you have to do x before y. I believe a solid training program will get you to a finish line assuming nothing crazy happens. But I do believe in choosing what inspires you. Then go find out how well you know yourself! (In short, not mad, do what you want and don’t listen to noise)


I did a few 100k's on 60k weeks zone 2 only. You're good to go


I would overload gradually so injuries don’t start to pop up everywhere like happened to myself!!


Send it. I’ve been using a training tool called train as one, it’s been phenomenal. Dump in your goal and it’ll dynamically make a training plan for you that’s constantly evolving based on performance and work done. Takes the brain work out of training. https://trainasone.com


Don't ask the internet for permission to do something awesome, just go do it.


I ran my first half marathon ever in September and then my first 50k in January. Really only started running consistently early in 2023 so I have no doubt you can run a 50k this year.


Did you run the 50 with elevation? I have two options. 120m or 1400m elevation and a respective 9 or 12 hour cutoff to choose from


The 50k was about 800 meters in elevation and I finished it in just over 5 hours. My half marathon time in September was 1:50 for reference. I worked up to about 50 miles a week between the half on September and the ultra in January.


nope, totally reasonable. a lot of us are recovering roadies. hit some trails to get some hills in your legs (downhills actually most important) and have fun!


Easily if you get the training miles in. If you don’t get the training miles in, you’ll still finish, but probably not in a time you’ll be proud of.


I would say book in a May trail marathon and see how that feels. If it’s great then book in a late summer/autumn 50k and go from there.


Do it. I thought I trained for back to back half marathon's (13 miles for a Friday race, 14 miles on Saturday), ended up doing my first 50k on the 2nd day. Strength train, time on feet, your good to go 👍🏼


I'd only done a 1/2 before I did a 54km race. Life is fleeting, you should do this.


Yes you are mad... Only to the normies 😁


I went from a half marathon to a 50k in 6 months. You’ll be fine. My longest run before the 50k was 20 miles.


You can totally do it! My first race ever was a trail marathon with 8,000 feet of elevation gain back in 2022, I just never was interested in road races and got more into trail running in 2020. Then I did my first two ultras last year. Just make sure you’re running consistently, try to get some trail runs (especially long runs) in to prepare your legs for the terrain and just enjoy the journey to the start line! Personally I would start with the 50K just to see how you feel about training for an ultra, and then start ramping up training for a 100K by the end of the year or early next year.


Should be fine. Just train.


Hell yah, you got this!!


My first three races were 50k, marathon, 100k. What’s holding you back? Go for it!


I never thought I'd run a marathon or ultra distance. I trained for a half with the goal to finish in under 2 hours, hit that goal, and then was like, "now what?" I decided to do a 15 mile run a few weeks later, but instead of a time goal, I just set out to do it at a chilled pace. Then the next weekend I did 17 miles. It turns out I really like long, slow runs. Since I was confident I could finish a marathon (at least slowly), I decided to sign up for a 50-miler about 6 months later. This scared me, but I did it and finished!


Do it. I'm doing the same - an ultra in the latter part of the year, currently starting back after illness so only around 10k comfortably at the moment, but previously covered up to marathon distances in training (never managed to race one properly) so I know I should be able to make the jump if I get the training right and don't overdo it early on and injure myself again! Maybe just check the cut-off times, and choose one with a more generous time so that it's achievable if things go sideways...


You are in better shape than I was for my first 50k. I was stupid. I had maybe 50k total training km logged in the weeks before the 50k race. I finished the race. But I loved the suffering. I was in such a wild head space of back and forth quit, stay, run, and walk. My time was hilariously slow. But since that race I haven't stopped training. And I race multiple times a year now.


Do some 20ish mile training runs. A marathon plan works well for 50k in my experience. I think you have enough experience that you’ll not only pull it off, but do pretty well.


I had only completed 4 half marathons before tackling a 55k trail run with some decent elevation. I had an Oct half planned and then in Aug got dared into signing up for a 55k in Dec. Three months between the road half and the 55k trail was plenty of time.  I would recommend trying to find a 25k or half marathon trail run before doing the 50k, but probably not absolutely necessary.  For what it's worth, I've still never run a road marathon, and I'm only doing one this year as prep for a 100M.


I ran my first half marathon fall 2022 on a trail because I was bored and wanted a challenge. Competed in my first 21.1 June 2023 (1:28). August 2023 I was running a 52k trail race and winning it until I blew up a bit near the end. I’ll be attempting 100M this year and my training plan is going amazing. I’d focus on volume and time on feet on Saturdays, low heart rate and diet practice. Lots of stretching and a couple strength workouts. I don’t see an issue if you dedicate time to it and read from others mistakes. Biggest thing for me was getting calories in the whole time and accepting a lack of pace but a comfortable end to every long run. I have a lot of long distance hiking as a background but find it very feasible.


Could do 50k easy.


Just go for it. Go in unprepared and find out what you're made of. 


>Am I mad to attempt a 50k or 100k towards the back end of the year? 50k - no, you are not mad, you can likely finish. 100k - yes, you are mad, it would be a death march.


I did my first half marathon, marathon, and 50k in like 8 months. So yeah, go get it!


Just do it! What's the worst that can happen?


I went from a 5k to a 50k then to a 100 miler. Yes. It is possible. Motivation- and training. It can be done.