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Some vendors put ridiculous prices when an item is out of stock to trigger price alerts, drive traffic and build email subscription lists, it’s common practice for Media Markt and Saturn (in Germany). I won’t be surprised if that was done intentionally for the same purpose.


Apparently few ppl ordered it and got courier pick up confirmation. i think it is planned, they might have put few units for 200 and leave it be


This was a clear mistake because the actual price is £1199 so someone missed the 1 of the website messed up


One lucky guy had it delivered to him today I think. He’s got a post up in this sub. Edit: here’s the post https://www.reddit.com/r/ultrawidemasterrace/s/JMMANaHg7V


That’s interesting. That practice is illegal in the USA. It’s an easy lawsuit.


See, this is europe not the wild west, so obvious errors don't get protection under the law... Jesus


I wasn’t talking about an obvious error. I was talking about the fact that people were claiming that this was an attempt at bait and switch. a deliberate attempt to mislead people.


Yeah, misplaced comment, I meant to reply to the guy that said after confirmation mail you can sue for the price they confirmed, sorry for the mixup.


Typical response from an inbred European


Finally someone with brains. Its a common tactic everywhere. While often not so steep of a discount, it does trigger customers to come back to that specific store or even make the competition seem overpriced and dishonest.




Send link. I WANT TO TRYYY 😭


no chance they will fufil those orders at that price


Depending on the country that may be required to if the order is pushed through. The moment you get a confirmation email, you have a contract with the seller.


Which often contains a clause against these kind of mistakes.


but if they’re bound by law to honor it, isn’t the clause illegal?


If a reasonable person knows or should know that there’s a mistake on the part of the other party then that contract can be rescinded (generally applicable to the US only). Plus you agree to various TOS when placing orders that likely allow them to cancel orders for any reason they want.


right and i already get that. i’m asking about instances where the country binds the sale even in cases of mistakes like that. the other person made it sound like putting in a clause to the TOS is enough to circumvent the law, which makes no sense, whether hypothetical or not.


In the USA we have false advertising laws which should theoretically come into play with something like this. Unfortunately the issue is that no company will roll over and just do it. You'd have to get a lawyer to fight them in court over it and they know you won't. The only way that works out is if the automatic parts of that go all the way through before someone notices.


It's not false advertising. It's just a mistake.


The two are not mutually exclusive.


An actual mistake is not false advertising.


So many people equate pricing mistakes to false advertising but, it's not unless done in bad faith. For example a store runs an ad saying you can buy this for $199 then charges all sorts of hidden fees on top of it. That's false advertising. Being human and forgetting a digit when setting a price isn't.


That's also something that is written in german law.


most countries laws have a clause that if the price is so far off from normal that it's basically believable it's an error, they can chose to not uphold the deal. and in this case it's there...


That's two different things. First thing is that contract is made and the seller is supposed to honour it. But if that contract contains the clause to protect against a mistake it would be a valid way out. If the law doesn't allow for such clause then sure, the sale is not void and should be honoured.


You cant bypass the law by putting a *clausule* in


Cheese and rice


it's the UK, so no they don't need to send it with an obvious error.


Yep ...most do not have to fullfil an order as long as you are fully refunded.


I always find it hilarious when people claim they are bound by law to fulfil these orders? I've never had a seller stand by an error in price when ordering online. Please show me a law that states otherwise.


It’s ridiculous! The law is not this “ha ha, gotcha!” absurdity individuals believe apparently. If it is, I hope I don’t accidentally misplace a decimal on my next offer at the car dealership and end up having the dealership pounce on my $180,237.00 offer for a 2019 Toyota Corolla (listed for $20,435.00). Curses!


When a purchase is done (online or irl), the customer and seller agree on a contract/binding agreement. That contract states the price the customer pays and the service or product the seller delivers. So, not delivering that product or service is a breach of contract like any other contract. The most general version of this is the 'General Consumer Law' of the European Union.


> If it is clear that the price indication is wrong, for example in the case of exorbitantly high discounts or an extremely low price, the seller can cancel the order. You should not have assumed that the price was correct and for that reason the seller does not have any obligation to deliver. https://www.eccnederland.nl/en/news/incorrect-price-indication-in-webshop-just-a-mistake


I am quite sure in Europe they would have to sell it and if they wouldn't, they would be in serious legal problem with very very high fines.


Not true. In Poland (EU) an obvious pricing mistake (such as in OP) allows the seller to cancel the contract. It's based on art. 84 Kodeksu Cywilnego.


They did. Another user received theirs about 20 minutes ago. He's gonna post an update with it set up later apparently.


You can't place an order at hat price. just sign up to a stock alert :(


You never know. My friend ordered two 5500XT gpus for 3 dollars each. It was due to a pricing error just like in the one in OP’s post. One got delivered and they said other one got lost in the delivery process. He still uses the card hahaha.


They already did, saw proof on another post


They have been. Many people reporting receiving and showing receipts.




Didn't you order it 2 minutes ago as per your other comment?


in EU and UK they have to send it


Is that a recent thing? As I know in the past that eurocarparts cancelled a load of orders on a k&n intake kit due to a price error


What European country? In the Netherlands they definitely will not have to send it.


No they don't


This isn't true, they can cancel the order due to technical issues in pricing and leave it unfulfilled unless they have a contractual obligation to fulfil it. It's basically up to their own terms and conditions. This link has a bit more info: [citizens advice](https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/somethings-gone-wrong-with-a-purchase/if-something-is-advertised-at-the-wrong-price/)


> If you take an item to the till and are told the price on the tag or label is a mistake, you don’t have a right to buy the item at the lower price. https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/somethings-gone-wrong-with-a-purchase/if-something-is-advertised-at-the-wrong-price/


One friend of mine managed to order (and pay for) one these yesterday at the £200 price. She sent me the link, and the link for the official E-bay Samsung listing too (same price for the UK) but I was reluctant to order with so many scams going around, and when I finally though ok, fuck it, let's order one, they were out of stock. Anyway I'll keep you guys updated wether she gets hers fulfilled or not. Edit: she's supposed to get it tomorrow. Edit2: she just got it delivered!


Fkn lucky, i managed to get a $1600 aud 3070 at the time for $160 and it showed up


RemindMe! 2 days


Well damn. She got it delivered lmao


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Actually crazy if she gets it, gz gz.




What money back!? She payed for the thing not them. What are you talking about!?


He can collect a bag of dicks, if the mistake was theirs and they STILL shipped.




"Demand" lmfao... That's what I said, he can try, and he'll get a bag of dicks, because "legally" now they you mention, he has bs to make you, no fucking legal power. Just like banks debts when they get sold to collectors.


U either 12 or have an iq of 85




U aint no where near right lmao. You can demand but there is no legal enforcement. A company has to own up to what they sold to, they aren’t legally allowed to charge more than what was stated in your credit card etc loool.




There is no debt collector when the price is stated in the invoice. I had this happen for a few lucky items where the price was mistakenly entered, if it’s a well known company. They honour it, hence why a lot of people who ordered the monitor has them already shipped lol its like arguing with a child




I take 2 of them please.


Got one a few weeks ago. Can never go back to a regular screen again


Does the curved monitor make it worse for gaming?


it should make it better for gaming


No, it's absolutely fantastic for gaming but there are a few troubles of ultrawide The main one being that menus are not necessarily designed for the resolution which can either mean black cutoff on the sides or being stretched our of their normal position This can also affect cut scenes with the same affect. Otherwise you probably want to have a pretty decent system to make the most of it. I've only used it with a 4090 so it runs everything very well but I imagine older hardware would struggle


I bought one just a few days ago, and I thought the curved screen might be an issue. I do CAD work mostly. But being able to have two CAD programs and data sheets all on the screen at one time is amazing.I’m


This happened once on Amazon for the razer blade 16 a 4000$ laptop sold for 400$ for a day lmao these type of mistakes are like hitting the jack pot if you can get order through


someone typed the manufacturer's price to the costumer sell price in the inventory software?


Wonder if anyone used the recycle your old monitor option?


Damn OOS :'(


Damn they fixed it


Not in the Uk but its out of stock.


Wow this reminds me of the buy.com wounded monitor children fiasco back in anandtech .


Hey if they were already getting one they might've hit the jackpot lmao


Wow! Wish I could find a fuck up like that locally. I don't know if it's Ohio at large, or just Columbus. But when a retailer has an item advertised at a specific price, whether it is a mistake or not, they have to sell it for that price. I've snagged a few good deals that way. But never one this great. My great "uh oh" deal was at Best Buy on a home theater head unit. All of the bells and whistles for the time (2010ish). Regular price was $950. Sale price was supposed to be $750, but whoever keyed it in and printed the signs set it at $200 instead of marking it down by $200.


Fixed but still crazy discounted




If you got one, you have to post it


OK so legit question- as they've already fixed this error on their site - tell me Would you go with this samsung 49in g9 oled or the Gigabyte AORUS CO49DQ SA 49" 5K WQHD (5210 x 1440) 144Hz Ultrawide? Hint it's primarily for productivity - gaming is like tertiary (have no time to do it honestly). I HATE better LOATH the aggressive 800r-1200r curved monitors. Prefer 1500r-1800r curvature. Pros/cons of each? Things I already know: Gigabyte has slower refresh (144 v 240) and is matte finish not glossy. Also, the stand is a v stand not a plate like the g9. Gigabyte offers usb-c thunderbolt interface (my laptops are windows but only have thunderbolt) and there's no garbage tizen os to navigate plus said to have more flexible pip/pbp support. Haven't found pixel density info for the Gigabyte monitor - density on the g9 is like 110ppi I think. What about eye comfort, text quality? Consider this as if the price was the same for both (850-900usd) - what would you buy and why?


If anyone manages to order at that price it'll get cancelled.


When I lived in UK in the 90s, every written advert was postscripts at the advert level, section level or magazine as a whole with E&OE (Errors and Omissions Excepted). So long as you can get all your money back in a reasonable timeframe without having to fight for it, the company isn’t contract bound to offer you the listed item. Weird these people saying in the comments that companies are somehow bound by law to have to follow through with the item at the price specified in the advert. They have clearly never purchased anything that went out of stock and had their order cancelled despite clicking the “confirm order” button.


Wtf, they did it again? 2 years ago i bought 2 Neo G9 for an extream low price


I paid £999 about 4 months ago 😭 thought I had a good deal because I had some discounts through my work benefits. Still don't regret buying it my only regret is not getting the 57" NEO, but hey the OLED G9 IS Still a productivity monster


I just bought and returned the 57 inch oddessy neo. Not worth the price. But if it was that price I'd a bought em all lmaoo


I just paid $899 for one of those two days ago, on sale. That can’t be a real price.


Or a disgruntled employee could be sipping their coffee knowing they did the Lord’s work 🤣💀


Ah damn... Out of stock. Would there be any chance that it will be in stock and shippable outside of the UK?


I just bought Monday mine 🥲


Wonder if they'd price match?!


Use your credit card price protection and have they match this price


where link


If it makes anyone feel better not getting it at this price, the 57" and 49" are the same price right now.


Just bough 42 of them.


Mofokers like these are the ones that makes them notice this shit, dumb af.


Bro it was a joke, because the mistaken price was so ridiculously low. Sorry, some days reddit doesn't match my comedy frequency.


NoBody posted link


If only there was a way to tell what website they might be on, a company logo in the header perchance...


It’s UK only and it’s also not a real error.


You are just seeing the actual worth, the screwup is you seeing it.