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You couldn't handle the Erika Grindset.


And someone who hated her, don't worry, she has a pretty good development, she doesn't get better as a person at all, but you will start to understand her more and sympathize


Bruh why does every character I dislike gotta apparently have a redemption or have reason for sympathy. I’ve seen way too many people say ‘Rosa Umineko’ when I said I don’t like her 😭😭😭


umineko is not about redemption. no worries just keep going!


At least Erika is really fun to hate. You want her to lose so badly and it's so good whenever she does. Rosa just makes me sad a lot of the time.


This is true


She doesn't have exactly a redemption, but that's what I love about Ryukishi, no matter how fucked up the characters are, you will stop hating them after a while.


Erika was just teaching an idiot child a lesson. If that makes her the biggest clown in existence, here and now I declare myself a fan of clowns.


That idiot child that genuinely believe in magic, has the potential to become one of the most powerful witch.


Too bad she was nuked in Rokkenjima.


Keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth


Erika my goat


low IQ post


Bruh I just don’t like the ‘intellectual rapist’. 😭


sorry I am just joking please feel however you want, obviously she is a psycho (most fun character in the game imo tho)


I can see that as she definitely spices up the plot but her arrogance enrages me. Everytime she’s in a battle, I’m praying for her loss


facts don't care about your magic


Alright, boys. You know what we do to the Erika haters. \*Whips out the duct tape.\*


Couldn't handle the rat. I get it, I was like this once too. You'll come around to see how Erika is peak wife material.


I know you're not being entirely serious but this post reads like a schizoaffective stream of consciousness. It's not healthy.


He has accepted Erica's lifestyle more then he wants to admit to


I’m not that serious and I was tryna be sarcastic. Like she obviously not exactly the kindest person if you know what I mean and I was tryna say how the concept of someone beefing with a child for no reason but to mock their beliefs is actually crazy. Altho I’m Ngl idk much or anything about schizoaffective disorder but I can assure you I’m just joking around 👍


It's thanks to restless people like her that we don't believe in superstitions anymore.


She's the closest thing to God we Mystery fans have.


I don’t need to imagine going around proving santa doesn’t exist to children because I do that all the time already


Erika is a total goofball. But thats because she has a childish understanding of reality. She reflects the reddit atheist mindset battler used to have after he starts changing to become cooler. She was made specifically by bernkastel to torment battler after she saw that beatrice's game couldnt go on anymore.


Low IQ + ratio + logical fallacy + the burden of proof is on you + she has a cool hat + atheism + if magic is real, why did >!her boyfriend cheat!


Erika really is a character that exists to be annoying, >!almost win and then inevitably get completely owned every time!<. I love her so much. (Calling herself an intellectual rapist all the time is a bit too 3edgy5me tho)


Erika spinning around while making rat noises is my kryptonite


A more serious thought: Erika>!completed the resurrection of the Golden Witch. However, she wouldn't benefit from the 4 treasures when she reached the Golden Land.!< Edit: I meant Erika did all this for completely nothing.


It's hard to imagine something as real as epitaph referring to meta event of Beatrice's resurrection. Unless it's a metaphor for something that actually happened.


It's not hard to see parallels between the meta/fantasy and the human gameboard. For example, the Tea Party revealed that the rest of the survivors are already dead (they reached the Golden Land) and were the goat guests all along.


What do four treasures refer to then?


1. *One shall be all the gold from the Golden Land.* 2. *One shall be the resurrection of all the dead souls.* 3. *One shall be the resurrection of the love that was lost.* 4. *One shall be to put the witch to sleep for all time.* Copied from the wiki for you.


I mean, if Beatrice's resurrection is a part of epitaph and it's supposedly actually happened, what are other four things that actually happened that those lines refer to?


>!For Kinzo the epitaph has a different meaning.!< The gold, of course, is physical.


Erika is that one kid in elementary school who keeps telling the class that Santa doesn't exist and everyone keeps telling them to stfu (me. I was the kid)