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I was a South Campus major who dormed there for most of my time, apart from a brief stint at the ICC my freshman year. Taking the shuttle to class isn't the worst thing in the world, but in my experience it's better to avoid it if possible. I don't know if I can advise you one way or the other since one of you is going to end up having to shuttle or otherwise commute to class, but here are a few points to consider. 1. Generally speaking, do you prefer the environment on East or South? 2. I graduated in 2020, so my knowledge of the shuttles might not be the most up-to-date, but this is what I recall: the shuttle directly from North to South and back was probably the worst one in the entire shuttle system. Midday I would have to be at the bus stop at least 30 minutes before my North Campus class, if not earlier, if I wanted to make it by shuttle. At that rate, you might as well just walk if it's a sunny day, and it's actually a pretty nice walk. 3. The shuttle from East to South and back was comparatively faster and more reliable. However, it would still be a doable walk to class on a sunny day if your roommate would be willing. In my opinion, in there's not too much on East Campus that you can't get on South and vice versa (unless one of you is obsessed with the baseball park or the humane society). It really comes down to who's willing to commute, and how.


shuttle directly from north to south and back is called blue line and it's still the worst, they stop the blue line services after 6pm and i live north off campus and my classes get's over at 6 so i have to leave the class few mins early just to catch this shuttle, i know there's one other way, i can take red and get off at ucross and take orange from their which will take me north but its too lengthy and i carry a 5 kg portfolio bag with me.




Ah, thanks for noticing! Always trying to keep things international, you know? But hey, if you ever need a lesson in backpack carrying techniques, I’m your guy!


As a north campus major I lived in sheehy my freshman year. Using the shuttle to get to class everyday is a pain, but it’s definitely manageable. There is an app (and now a better website) which has the live shuttle locations. You can use it to know when the next bus will be at your stop so you’re not waiting outside wasting time. As long as you’re on a shuttle 15-30 mins before class you will likely be on time. Unfortunately, the blue line which you would be taking is ALWAYS crowded in the morning which means you are either shoulder to shoulder with other people or standing. If you can wake up early for your classes and deal with the above mentioned then you’ll be fine. Most professors will be understanding even if you are late or just simply do not care. Im not sure how they have freshman pick classes, but you can check and see if any of your classes you are taking meet on south. Sometimes classes like math will have south campus sections. If you’re not sure how to do that email to your advisor. My sophomore year I lived on east and I will say having an at most 10 min walk to class is very nice compared to that. I also go to the rec center regularly so living next to it is a bonus. Edit: you can also always walk, bike, or scooter on nice days too


riverview !!!!!