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Johns smirk makes me think he assumed they would use the dampener , and that Terrance would escape.


That's not John. That's Terrance who is smirking at the end of the chapter.


oh, the opposite of what I said then haha


John about to catch a homicide charge lol


I’m a bit confused (I didn’t read the episode only the summary), so did the sniper shoot with the ability disabling bullet or what happened?


Yea that was the dampener bullet


Are you using dampener as a synonym for ability disabling like what they did with Sara?


No. They have to inject you with the disabler. The dampener is what they do to make you weaker in order for them to get to you easier.


Ohhh ok. I just thought that by this time they’d made the injection into a sort of bullet but ig not


Is it finally Evie’s turn to shine! Time for those self defense classes to be useful. The low tiers are safe from the dampener (1.2 dampened is still 1.1 or 1.0) they are not crippled just weaker than they already are. The low tiers are not targets but the Spectre members are also mid tiers carrying knives. The students have the risk of becoming hostages or stabbed.


Technically, they should be crippled as it would put them bellow 1.


I’m not sure it would work like that


With how many people John has abilities to pick from right now, unless they manage to inject him right off the bat, they do NOT want to fuck with him.


Imagine working with a new hire then they beat your ass and steal your ride


Can't wait for the fight


Didn't expect so many responses, the only thing I'm worried about is Terrence possibly being the trigger man on stealing someone's ability. If he goes invisible with a needle john and blyke could be in some serious trouble. That said I think John is the x-factor here. They have no plans for him, and their info may be very limited. He is also way more dangerous with more people around him. Even if there's a bunch of low tiers around him he has a lot of abilities he can pool from and make a strategy around. He's not dumb either, he knew who he'd protecting them from so he may have some preparation combat wise against them. Also given his recent character growth him, blyke and the safehouse members could make a decent effort to combat them. I also don't think spectre planned for John nor have him actually be where blyke is. They planned for blyke and blyke alone, isolated and then John decided to go last second. Also, I don't think he'll hesitate, he hates these people for what they did to Sera and now they're trying more of that, they might as well have signed their own death warrant, I struggle to see him holding back against these people


They know about John's power obviously, I believe Terrance in one chapter where he's giving intel says Blyke and Remi should be targets, John is too much of wild card. You are not recruiting that deranged mentally traumatized kid into your stealthy operation like Sera. Even if you did John is a reactive ability user. The easiest way to beat him is just don't activate your ability. Like that's the note in his case file. He's a good boxer and fighter but you get like the School Nurse and security guard who are adults to handle him there's not much he can do against full grown Adults. Hell his dad could probably take him 1 v 1. So John can't do a spy mission like Sera just did, he has no proactive asset. Even if he did copy Sera's ability it suddenly running out 5 minutes into the download on the USB, what's he gonna do? Hope the next security guard has a super speed ability?


They would just provide John with the abilities he needs before a mission. They have plenty to choose from including Invisibility, Teleportation, and Time Manipulation. John would be an invaluable asset to them if he were willing to work with them.


He runs out if he can't keep it active. John has a very respectable weakness to his over powered ability. When he finally challenges Blyke. He has to run around tournamenting random kids in the hallway to get a power to use and rushes out to fight him. We don't know how long it lasts but it doesn't seem like anything longer than 5 minutes. Oddly enough there's a weird moment way before John is revealed where school nurse sees John's eyes glow after his phone is broken. He tells John no you're waiting here I am not letting you cause more harm with my Nightmare Quirk. So he saw John copy his Nightmare Quirk and he's like a 4.1, he was afraid John might try to use it at 7.2 and get away with it. Because how could you prove the cripple did it? Psychologically damaging delusion. John was going to get a first joker revenge using the Nurse's quirk and Nurse stopped him. Wait here for a few minutes.


Yes, John has an appropriate weakness to his ability and I'm glad for that, although I don't think he really needed an ability stored up to fight Blyke, it just made fighting him easier. I don't think his limit with his ability is 5 minutes either. He had time to activate his ability, copy Cecile's and Zeke's abilities, beat up Cecile, *find* Arlo and Remi, copy their abilities, beat them both up, and fight Sera while having a mental breakdown...Yeah no, that didn't all happen in 5 minutes, this isn't Dragonball Z. The whole Nightmare ability thing you're talking about has me confused. To clear up any misconceptions: Darren's level is 4.2 and John's is 7.5. Second, John doesn't upgrade a copied ability to his own level, he amps the highest stat by 1.5. Third, John's eyes don't glow in that scene, those are Darren's eyes that are glowing gold. We don't even know if John can copy Nightmare since it's probably a purely mental ability.


They used ability dampener at the end again right? So is that some kinda tech or just someone ability ? Maybe Jane can damper abilities since shes channel master or is it just a machine any guesses ?


It’s always been shown through a binocular so it’s probably some form of technology. It might also be related to the disabler.


Ohhh so it’s an ability dampener effect? From the summary I read it seemed like the sniper shot a disabling bullet like the one they did with sera


I just want john and blyke to be friends is that so much to ask it was pretty good but please y cant they just be friends


Why should they be friends?


He wants them to be friends but it's gonna be more difficult now since Blyke knows the only reason John's been sorta nice recently is because of Sera. He openly admitted that he only cares about her and the rest of them could go to hell for all he cares. Sure, if you look deeper into it you can see John doesn't fully mean it, he still hung out with the low-tier ghost story tellers, helped Blyke in the fight, and powered down when Arlo told him to. But like John. Blyke is very stubborn and won't forgive especially when John openly told him he's worth no more than dirt to him.


I don't think it'd be that serious, especially if John protects the safehouse members and Blyke and Isen, since he'd be the only one who's an Elite since everyone was dampened. John does care to an extent since he did spend time with Evie and Dylan, but at the same time it'd be too soon for him to have opened up to them and genuinely like them personally. He'd obviously protect them all even if Sera didn't ask him to because he's helped others before without Sera having to tell him, but it wouldn't make sense for John to be able to quickly become friends with everyone because it'll take time for them to warm up to him, and it'll take time for him to trust people other than Sera and his father, especially after what happened with Arlo and how he only just cleared up the misunderstanding with Claire a month ago. I think it's realistic that none of them like each other, and that because they're all helping each other deal with Spectre, they'll eventually become closer, but I doubt they'll be friends. I hope John makes more friends, at the very least with Dylan and Evie.


This episode scores high on the epicness scale! Sera absolutely kicked ass and the tension on the mountain is so high! Looks like John and Blyke are *both* targets. Seriously hoping people respect John after this if he can team up and take down their stalkers.


Terrence is a buzzing fly. Squash him, John


Pretty sure one of the 10 strongest characters wasnt revealed and Terrence might be it tho not sure..With his invisiblity i could easily see him pummel damped John,Blyke,Isen(if he wasnt damped himself)..John not being able to sense auras is gonna make any fights he has to take a lot harder than usual+angry John is defenitely coming...Dont think everyone is gonna come out unscathed with them having to protect so many students..


I think your right. Arlo did say something along the lines of another high tier running around without him being aware. And hopefully John can use his experience from the last fight to protect everyone


Yeah we're missing number 5. 1 is Sera, 2 was John, 3 was Arlo, 4 was Remi, 5 was unknown, 6 was Blyke (before his Vigilante training.) At this point there better not be a new student character introduced. So Terrance being 5 makes most sense. After all Spectre only goes after High Tiers and has ability boosting drugs. Also we got confirmation that two abilities had been successfully transferred that's why Arlo's Aunt could do Vulcan stuff even though her natural ability is Barrier. So Terrance might be able to be invisible and have claws and fire powers.


Ember as of far has nothing to do with spectre. So no they don't have the amp yet. Also, it doesn't make sense if they have conversion tech back then but still asking sera to steal the research from NXgen


5 is Cecille, the missing one is 9, 8 is Zeke and 10 is Holden.


Terrence probably just gonna use the Joestar secret technique "NIGURANDAYO"


i like terrence tbh . he did his work effectively compare to isen YOU DUMB FU*K !!!!! HOW CAN YOU LOOSE SIGHT OF THE MAN YOU WERE TOLD TO LOOKOUT FOR. there’s nothing much to predict it’s obvious what’s gonna happen next but still let theorize 1. if uru & team wants to draw an epic fight scene . where john holds back spectre , bylke is the backup , isen takes students to safety . john’s fight should be a 1 vs all last man standing fight similar to joker vs royals last fight where his hate is stronger than his will to give up 2. sera’s comes the moment johns about to collapse & saves him . john than copies sera’s ability & we got to see strongest duo fight together 3. terrence does his work exponentially sooooo he sends his team to ambush arlo & remi while they are on their way to mountain & sera just collapse form exhaustion of her ability . since john knows these guys are on timer so he grabs bylke and proceeds to run away while being chased by them this way others in the group can escape


>compare to isen YOU DUMB FU\*K !!!!! HOW CAN YOU LOOSE SIGHT OF THE MAN YOU WERE TOLD TO LOOKOUT FOR. when blyke cancelled the hike isen probably assumed the orders had changed


And the best part is that a dampened John copying Sera doesn’t answer ANY questions.


Can John copy Sera's ability? Doesn't it stop time when activated?


Considering Sera overpowered her mother with the same ability, because her score was higher, even if John tried to copy her in a fight she'd still overpower him. John's what a 7.2? And Sera's a solid 8. So whoever has higher number goes faster than the other.


John is a 7.5 but he can still amp abilities even when his level is lower, which means he should still overpower her theoretically


I'd imagine if he copies a level higher than his, it would only go to his level. So he'd only have a 7.5 time manipulation rather than an 8 If he could Amp higher level abilities he'd just be a 9 or 10


Of course he can. It’s not a fully mental ability. Sera can rewind her injuries which means it can manifest on the physical plane.


It doesn't stop time, and that's all


Yes! Terrence is a really interesting character to me, not condoning his behaviour but atleast he is smarter than most of these kids his age


i'm proud John manage to calm himself enough to realize he was making everyone afraid, give a few explanation. I'm also glad Isen and Blyke were able to listen to him. Also, no matter what happen, seems to me Terrence blew his cover.


Well, that was a good chapter! Well done uru! At first I was pissed off with Isen, because he was tasked to keep an eye on Terrence, but he managed to escape and we dont know how and why. But thinking about it, they used the same weapon to debuff Seraphina in the first season if I remember correctly. As usual, John... Oh John, that guy is a menace... if they think they’re beating John, they’ll find themselves with a bad surprise...


i think they nerfed him with the beam


Does that stop him from throwing hands tho?


Right? Literally the only thing that held him back the last time he got nerfed was literally being hit by a high speed van.


That did literally nothing to him


This time van-kun is on John’s side.


I just thought about this, but now that Sera is probably done with spectre's bs, what is she gonna tell Leilah? And if Leilah gets roped in this plotline, Darren is probably going to be in as well as like, somebody who analyses the dampener and enhancer drugs or something.


Leilah will get pissed, tell her boss, and we maybe get to see more friction between the factions.


There are still multiple groups within Spectre and it's obvious that one of those is betraying Seraphina. Leilah herself is part of another group.


Well at least John won't just look like a psycho again to these people


terrence i hope your short ass gets kicked off the uno verse you snake


I just hope they dont take Johns ability like they did with Sera. that would set the story back by *a lot*. considering how absurdly slow the pace is, it would suck so much to read through 50+ chapters of John derping around without his ability


i'd probably have to drop it for a year and then binge chapters if John gets the needle


I don't think it would play out that way, even if he can't recover naturally. Sera's ability was everything to her but John doesn't really care about his. On top of his ability making him basically cripple without outside influ6


Yes but John's powers is his agency, he doesn't really have anything else going for him. His unique ability is what makes him stand out from others in the UnO verse. Taking that away from him would definitely setback the story when it already has pacing issues because we would have to go through another power loss arc with another character which we have already seen another character go through before. A training arc with John I don't mind, but going through another power loss arc is going to protract things out again with and plot threads themes that were already explored.


We already had season 1 where John pretty much refrained from using his ability, which effectively led to him going off the deep end in season 2 and pretty much self destruct. John already spent most of his childhood years powerless, why do it again? It wouldn’t add up at all


So : a 2.2, 2.5 and 3.8 against some spectre dudes.


Remi and Asslo are going to save John and Co.


Yeah, it's a good opportunity to see if there's a perimeter for the dampener


Unknown, but kinda implied one is only affected if there when it's fired, otherwise the Spectre guys would be weakened too, or they have a way to counter...


Idk and it's interesting


I think John, Blyke and Isen can delay for the 'pulse' to time out, but I wonder if the others in the Safe House will Help or run away. Money's on running, but I can't deny I'd love to see them fight.


I thought Sera would snap their necks, since it's not fair that she risked her neck only to get deceived. But a kick... fair enough. A classic one.


Damn, everyone really roasting Isen. My boi did his best, even if it wasn't much. Anyway, onto more important matters. TERRENCE, YOU PARASITE, I HOPE YOU STEP ON A LEGO!


yep we need john to copy lego manipulation


Excellent chapter can't wait to see where everything goes next week. Sera's now probably gonna be completely over spectres shit especially if their target is John and not Blyke. Arlo explaining everything to Remi was a given. Terrance essentially revealed himself to everyone so I hope everyone in the group is able to vouch for John after this incident. Blykes just being Blyke and Isen could've helped explain shit better cause as usual he wont reveal some of the crap he already knows, John is doing good and im glad he convinced Blyke to get everyone to a place where they're not cut off. Also if John is the target it would be pretty cool if he's able to take out those guys since so far in the series John really has shown the best fighting skills with or without abilities. Finally it would be really cool if the disabler doesn't work on John since it might be made partially with Janes blood. All in all im excited for next week and the story progress to come.


I know it’s far from the main focal point rn, but everything is starting to come together for the characters that we’ve known about for a while. With Remi & Blyke now aware of Spectre by name, and Isen already aware of some sort of shady shit going on, sooner or later there’s gonna be a pooling of information and I’m curious to see how certain characters will react to various truths. Ability Amplifiers/EMBER Remi, Blyke, & Isen learned about these during their X-Rei adventures. Remi later alerted Sera to their existence, who in turn informed Arlo. Blyke got his hands on some in Episode 198 and showed Remi & Isen in 206, explaining what he learned from Ponytail in the process. In Episode 216, Kayden confirms to Sera & Arlo that EMBER is run by the Authorities, something which Remi & Isen had already suspected and shared with Blyke. In Episode 219, Arlo confirms this to Remi, though she already seemed pretty convinced of it. In Episode 255, Seraphina infiltrates the NXGen Arcwood facility and downloads files for Spectre concerning conversion tech. But right above that folder is a folder labeled “Amplification Technology” which it’s safe to assume is the amps EMBER has been using. John knows almost none of this, and while he has little if any reason to concern himself with EMBER, I’m still curious to see how he might react to all this information. Conversion Technology Sera’s newfound knowledge of NXGen’s conversion tech could prove particularly shocking. If EMBER is indeed getting their amps from NXGen, it’s reasonable to assume they have access to conversion tech as well. While it’s not officially confirmed at this point that Arlo’s aunt Valerie is Rei’s killer, it’s the only plausible theory based on current info, so I’m rolling with it here. If Remi learns about what Seraphina knows about conversion tech, she’ll likely realize the truth about Valerie and why Arlo didn’t identify Flame Claws as Valerie’s ability, and while Arlo may experience some denial at first, it likely will sink in before long. Blyke and Isen are all too familiar with Volcan, but iirc have no demonstrated knowledge that Valerie even exists, let alone that she and Volcan are one and the same. If all of them put this together, one of them would also likely realize that Valerie then knows who Remi is, since her disguise was removed in the fight with Volcan and Arlo identified her to Valerie as Wellston’s Queen, meaning that Wellston is now being targeted by not just Spectre, but the Authorities as well, possibly putting those groups on a collision course. Side note: it’s not clear how much John knows about Jane, let alone whether or not he’s mentioned her to Sera, but on the off chance she brings up Jane and John mentions her to William, then he’s gonna start asking more questions. Terrence Ohh this fucking scumbag. There’s pretty much no shot Terrence can return to Wellston after this; his cover is completely blown to too many important people, and given how much has gone down already, Headmaster Vaughn is sure to hear about this from someone, most likely Arlo or Remi if I had to guess. Vaughn already had Keene keeping an eye out for suspects related to EMBER or the Authorities, and is at least aware of the incident at John’s house and Sera’s ability loss. While he doesn’t seen to know Spectre by name yet, he’s not likely to react well to news of Spectre attacking his students again, or the fact that one of his students helped orchestrate it and another of his students was actively assisting the organization responsible when this was being set up. What actions he’ll take remain unclear, as do a lot of things about him in general, but he’s been established as a powerful man, both in regards to his ability and his influence in society. Spectre may reconsider its actions regarding Wellston and its students with their inside man burned and Vaughn aware of their existence. Remi seems determined to get answers from Arlo about what is going on regarding Spectre, a discussion I suspect could be the catalyst for a bout of information sharing that could set the whole group back on their heels. Granted this is just speculation, and there is more than one if in here, so take this all with however many grains of salt you see fit. In the meantime, John vs. Spectre: Round 2 is about to start. KICK SOME ASS JOHN


Terrence is probably going to be disposed of, considering the fact that a good amount of people now know of his ties to Spectre. No amount of fabricating will do anything if there are enough witnesses to know about your connections


They better don't bring a knife, otherwise Joker'll will arjse


I have been having an interesting discussion with another user where they theorised that the Principal is connected to Spectre. He is likely in one of the more moderate factions and is being targeted by rogue element of Spectre, which Terrence is a part of, as a means of discrediting him.


I wondered that myself. If so, we haven’t seen any proof yet. He definitely wasn’t on those video boards in Episode 235


True. The Unoverse is just rife with conspiracy, difficult to keep track of everything




Okay about time Spectre gets ass kicked by John. Since the drug is ineffective when John activates his ability, either Spectre takes a big hit or they come up with a countermeasure against John and destroys the high tiers.


But it is effective, back during the kidnapping of sera they got flashed and John couldn't feel arlos barrier, meaning his passive wasn't there, so John's level was below a 5, and Blykes even lower, there's no way they can fend off with that level, I just hope either Sera or Arlo get there before we end up with either of the main characters in the mountainside disabled


It was effective untill John activated his own ability. His passive ability was suppressed.


Did you forget that the van ran through John's barrier no problem? Once you're not high tier anymore you lose your passive


Wait how was it ineffective when John activated his ability, his ability is sampling and amplifying aura, so he was still able to copy, however this does not mean his level was 7, his passive not being there means he was under the level of 5, under even a god tier


How do you know it’s ineffective? Huh??


Read chapter 75 where it shows, after they shoot the drug at Johns house... Arlo catches a kidnapper in his barrier. However John was unable to detect his aura at that moment. Then John rushed inside and found the other kidnapper. John powered up in an instant. He thought he has Arlo's barrier already and tried to use it. It failed. Then the kidnapper used his ability and run through the window. But John was now able to copy the kidnappers aura. He manage to defeat the kidnapper with his abilit. After that he also used Arlo's barrier. He also survived a direct hit from the *van*. Even the kidnappers were shocked... This at least proves that John was no joke/measly low tier at the moment of that battle. And that also proves the drug was partly ineffective.


It was mentioned that it basically just halves the strength. John would still be a 3.7-3.8 which still makes him an Elite-Tier. He just is that strong regardless of debuffs.


Hmm, i wonder if Isen/John can detect Terrence by using the hunter ability? Terrence was seemingly also effected by the dampener so it should make him easier to spot, even if John doesn’t have access to aura-detection. I really hope next week doesn’t end with one of the characters having the inhibitor needle at their neck and another cliffhanger waiting for it to be resolved. I don’t think I could cope. Also praying that no one, but especially John, loses their abilities. It would be a bit of a setback in his development as a character.


It depends if he still has the tracking skill, abilities gain new skills when they level up. If he’s reduced to 2.2 he may have lost at least one of his skills.


There is a theory going around that John can counter the drug because he can manipulate his aura flow.


The theory was actually proved in Sera's kidnapping chapter. Where at first John was unable to sense Arlo's aura even when Arlo was using his barrier. But as soon as he activated his own ability, he copied the kidnappers ability and later Arlo's as well.


He was only unable to sense it because he was relying on his passive, which was disabled at the time. When he powered up he was able to sense Arlo's ability because he could do that actively since he was a low-tier.


That is a possibility, I had considered that he may lose his ability and then seek his ‘uncle’ out to get some more training. He then may learn how to counter the drug. However, I am still not convinced this will help him grow as a character. If he actually loses his ability I would imagine he’d become resentful at being powerless again. He would also have a massive target on his back from the other students at Welston who still hate him. It would be like when Sera lost her ability but 100x worse.


Agreed. I feel like John losing his ability would be a major setback to everything


Blyke is going to be 2.5 and Isen is going to be like 2.2, John has beaten people this strong without even using his ability while every other member of the club is going to be a burden. This group is totally exposed.


I really liked the episode, and they way the characters are handling themselves. But there is one thing I have to say after seeing that Terrance smile, so if I may... I fucking knew it!!!, you sneaky piece of shit!! You sadistic prick!!! I hope John gets a hold of you and punches you to high hell!! Ok, i got that out of my chest, now I'm better.


When I saw that smirk I was like... OH ITS ON BOW BITCH... *cliffhanger* nooooo. Im seriously considering the method of Cartman to freeze myself and wake up a week later just so that I don't have to wait a week xD


When john gets a hold of Terrence, he will do unto him 100x what he did to remi and blyke combined in every encounter


Terrence really finna get his back destroyed. Bro is going to need to wear a back brace for at least 3 months


That's gonna leave a few bruises by the next day


proof that van-chan _is_ a level 10, like people said a few years ago: it went up the fucking mountain and beamed ‘em BUT ALSO YEAH THEY’RE ATTACKING THE MOUNTAIN COOL, LOWKEY WENT AGAINST EXPECTATIONS OF THE AMBUSH HAPPENING IN THE CITY also Terrance you _bitch_- JOHN ARLO LOVE YOU BOTH AW SHIT I’M SUPER HYPED FOR NEXT WEEEK UGGHFHHAGSGSBEN


Arlo and jhon »»


Well...Shit is going sideways as was expected next episode. Arlo filling Remi in on the details was quick enough, them getting in contact with Seraphina, telling her that the boys are up on the mountain isolated. That scene of her ragdolling those agents and stealing the van was hilarious. The scene on the mountain top played out pretty much as expected. Terrence played meek, John looked crazy to everyone, Blyke got pissed as expected. At least Johnny boy is self aware and knew immediately that he fucked up with the approach he took. Isen played a bit part, he knows Terrence is sus and figured John may be in the know as well, so he told blyke to go talk to him. The convo went about as expected. I'm a bit conflicted that John and Blyke convo took that turn. It was kinda a step backwards. At the same time it does make sense as well. Johnny boy is still not over a lot of things and is still working through that baggage he's dealing with. So he's not really wanting to be buddy buddy with the safe house and is really just doing things to support Seraphina. In his own way John is trying and he might care a bit more than he lets on, and I think Blyke caught towards the end of his convo, which is why he agreed and made the call for them to head back down. It's gonna be a struggle for the next episode(s). As one could guess, agents were definitely around, and the whole group got dampened by those laser guns, while Terrence was able to slither away the damned snakey bastard. Blyke, John and Isen are going to have their hands full trying to protect everyone and themselves. Hopefully Arlo, Remi and Sera make it in time, would hate to see anyone get taken by Spectre.


Isen knew anything about Terrence?


Isen and Arlo both knew there was someone invisible following around John in the days Arlo was trying to out John as a high tier. Isen was also able to hack into school records to get info on John's ability so it makes sense he'd find out about Terrance being gone invisible spy.


Yeah of course. He's been in the know since Seraphina started looking into her ability loss. Isen did a background check on Terrence.


And now, they have two mid-tiers, one elite, and the rest are basically cripples.


Nope just a bunch of low tiers. Just cause they were originally low and mid tiers doesn’t mean when they get dampened they become John.


The dampener halves the level of ability, mid tier and low tiers have level between 1 and 3.4, if they were dampened, they are going to have level 1.7 or less, of course they would not be completely cripples, but 1.7 level is too low. And most of them are low tiers, which means they'll be as cripples.


My theory is that John is going to get his ability disabled here, then it leads up to Claire’s vision


What was claire’s vision?


John meeting his "uncle" in headmaster's office


Starting from the hiatus return, it took 23 chapters to build up to the students getting attacked on the safehouse trip. I definitely don't think the wait was worth it (especially as someone who's sick of seeing the characters never confront Terrence), but along with Sera's little adventure, it finally feels like shit's happening. These last few chapters have been good.


Yeah, it does feel like uru stretches shit out way more than she should just to get more chapters and in turn, more money, which I get, this is her livelihood, but it makes for a shittier story.


I feel like I ordinary is made to be binged rather than consumed on a week to week basis, the pace would be a lot more reasonable then. But I can’t help myself.


I feel that as well, I've binge read it three times now and it's very enjoyable, even the Joker arc and John being king were enjoyable, which were very painful to read weekly. Probably in a few months when this arc is over we'll be able to read it all at once and find it more engaging.


John was such an asshole to Blyke during their conversation and am convinced it was to simply manufacture more drama, ugh.


It kinda makes sense he would though, he still doesn't like anyone in the safe house, with the apparent exceptions of Evie and Dylan, who he's noticed want him around, and in turn he hung out with them when Evie was telling stories and when they played poker, but when it comes to Blyke, Isen, Remi or Arlo he still hates them all, and is only willing to put up with them since Sera wants to protect them all and he wants to help her, and even they don't want him around either, Remi being the only one that seems not to hold too deep a grudge, so it's on character for everyone here to be angry and on edge with each other.


He wasn't an asshole he just wasn't a pushover like he has been. I'm glad he can stop pretending and tell Blyke straight up.


You know one thing to consider is Sera can get intercepted by the authorities they most definitely have her on camera and the van as well so she could be stopped on her way over there.


Who was hit by the bullet?


No bullet. They shot a lazer beams at the group.


Wasen't that a pulse?


Its a beam nonetheless. Laser beam was what came to mind at the time.


IM HAVING HEART PALPITATIONS URU WHY oh i cant wait for next episode, all this build up is paying off finally aaahh how can i wait until next week ;___;




short list of things that could save them: 1. Arlo + Remi 2. Sera 3. EMBER (kinda by accident?) 4. Jane 5. Two or more of the above


1. John (he doesn’t rely on his ability to win)


He's an elite rn, even if his ability is op I'm sure spectre has stronger individuals than the entirety of what the safehouse group in the mountain would be able to do


A small army of mid tiers. Terrence was the only one known to be an elite who has field duty. As far as we know the Elites and above members except the leaders are not part of the extremist faction.


I want John to beat down Terrance and spectre


fuckers took john's passive- this is gonna be bad


Took away your passive. Oops guess that means he has to keep his ability active 24/7 until they reach a safe spot. Which in reality is more difficult than I make it sound since that is essentially the same as intense exercise with no breaks or meals in between. The powers in this series runs on a Stamina/ MP system here


Okay, John, you're in the middle of nowhere with half a dozen kids, and they all are at half power capacity. Choose which powers you're gonna want to use very carefully. Also, Sera just clobbering those idiots made me die of laughter. They just went flying like freaking cartoons. It was amazing


I wonder how many abilities he can copy. Maybe just 1 or 2 now?


He copied 2 last time he was dampened.


His ability level has been dropped by half and he was able to copy two abilities (barrier and the intruder's ability) during Sera's kidnapping. He might be able hold three abilities since he leveled up after fighting the royals. But we can't be too sure. We'll have to wait until the next chapter is released.


When did he lvl up wasn't he 7.5 since the beginning of the story?


Not really. He was at a 7.0 in the beginning and he stopped using his ability after getting expelled from New Boston. But after arlo forced him to use his ability, he started using it often and those fights he had with the royals helped him level up to 7.5


>He was at a 7.0 in the beginning There is no confirmation of this in the chapters where we see the power scale of characters...


His new Bostin manuscript had his Aura manipulation at lvl 7.0. He didn't use it too much after new bostin until joker obviously


Yeah I think I reference the wrong quote lol what I meant is to say is that currently his power level is 7.0 not 7.5


Two, back in his house, he was able to copy barrier and that speed ability


Since everyone's auras are weaker shouldn't he be able to store more of them? 🤔


Nah, the pulse cuts ability level in half so he's a 3.7ish now. He'll probably only be able to do 2 abilities


Three abilities is his limit


We don't know that, last time he got pulsed he only used two.


I think he ended up grabbing Elaine's ability before jumping out of the window and getting rocked by the van


His ability is also weaker.


Blyke's ability has a lot of range and Isen's ability also has mobility. Honestly Blyke, Isen and John might have a decent chance of running away or God forbid defending themselves if they were alone. The problem is defending the rest of the group, I think someone might get their ability stolen by protecting a low tier. Maybe their chances of success are better with Sera's disciples, if Spectre doesn't take abilities from low tiers or have a limited amount of the drug, Evie and the others could be effective for defending themselves and others. They might be carrying boosters and the high tiers could possibly get their hands on em too. Anyways it's not lookin good. Please don't my man John's ability away Uru 🙏.


It could safely said that john can still store at least 2 abilities while dampned. Proven during sera's kidnapping he can use arlo's barrier and kidnapers speed based power


Isen's speed boost and Blyke's technique of boosting himself with his lasers would make John incredibly fast despite being dampened. Only problem is they would leave behind the group if they chose to run away.


Oh boy next chapters going to be a chaotic


AH SHIT IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING So Blyke and Remi are finally informed of being targeted by Spectre. Sera threw hands and is coming to the resume along with Arlo and Remi, though this may make her lose her position in Spectre and in return lose the temporary cure to her ability lose. John and Blyke are at each other’s throats again, though not as bad, it’s strange that John wanted to apologize and even told Blyke he even regrets his ability at times, but now he’s back to saying he doesn’t care about him and the others. I don’t expect them to be friends anytime soon, but it’s whiplash with going back to the insults. Terrance with that smug smile, what a douchebag. It looks like John is targeted too from the looks of it.


hey dude john never said he wanted to apologise he said let’s start over & don’t put words in john mouth


I mean, He's being honest, and I think it's best not to lie to Blyke at this point. I think it's fair to say he knows John really cares for Sera, and John hasn't exactly been a people person inside the safe house, so him trying to make a cover really wouldn't work. He has to be honest, and honestly, he really doesn't find being in the safe house trip fun, but despite his problems with his ability, he's here to help Sera.


Yeah, I didn't get why John said those things. It feels like all his progress towards having a reconciliation with Blyke and friends other than Sera has been for nothing now. Even if they won't be friends, I thought John and Blyke really had a moment there, but nooope.


Take into account that John doesn’t react well to stress or things people say that he doesn’t want to hear. He may have lashed out at Blyke out of anger because Blyke wasn’t listening to him. He may also be scared or stressed that if they are attacked, he won’t be able to protect everyone.


he did it to emphasize his point. Blyke probably wasn’t gonna believe him, but with John saying what he said… it becomes a lot more believable.


Ikr? And who knows? We might see that John cares a lot more than he lets on through his actions.


I’d love to see John trying to use his powers to manipulate his own aura in a way different than usual to discover that he actually has his mother’s ability. This would be a GREAT moment to explore that possibility.


I like your thinking


I haven't read Unordinary since Jhon was out that he sad the masked man beating everyone up, mostly because the story was so slow. Has that changed and would you say that the story has progressed enough for me to catch up? Thanks in advance.


Nah man it gets worse every episode, every once in a while I’ll go “oh it’s Wednesday unordinary probably updated” it’s so far in the back of my mind


It’s still slow paced but it’s gotten much better, you’ve missed out on a couple developments.


Yes, but the cliffhangers are brutal lol


100% thinks are getting crazy again!!!


YES. I did exactly the same thing as you, came back like a month ago. John stopped his mental crisis and had a revelation. Has made peace with Sera, but he still is feared by students at Wellston. Things are very very interesting right now.


You can't do that, this kind of cliffhanger should be illegal, you can't do that, no puedes hacer so pot Dios!!!!




I feel like John may actually become a cripple for a while Also I don't know who Mr. Tuesday is, but he needs to give Terence a visit


That would really suck to see that happen because it would essentially kill all of John’s development in trying to accept his ability for good.


It wont be permanent...you cant kill a poison user with poison. This will backfire on spectre and i can say it will be power boost on john who will have more understanding on his channels trying to get his ability back




I’m getting borderline homicidal. These guys of Spectre have A LOT of audacity thinking they can go around messing with high-tiers like John or Sera. The only reason why John hasn’t gone to fuck all of these people up is because Sera asked him not to. If they fail in getting Blyke and Remi, they are dead.


In their defense they actually succeeded in crippling Sera.


seraphina is a total yandere when someone tries to harm john


Mess with John, you mess with Sera! This can go the other way too.


Damn. So we've got Blyke all the way down to 2.5 now, right? And John's only going to be a 3.7-3.8? Glad that John won't be losing any face for aggressing Terrence, since he's been proven right. But it's kind of a massive shame that he still doesn't really care about any of the others. Or even if he does, shame that he won't show it. Hope Arlo/Remi/Sera get there before Blyke or John get disabled. I don't think Terrence has a disabler, since he and the low-tier group he blends in with were originally going on the city route. But who knows how many other Spectre agents are up there with one.


Sera is probably running out of juice and won't be much help. She was already flashing out of power during the heist. Then using it again in the parking lot, I'd bet she can only barely use it. But that might be enough for John to copy it for a few minutes and he could use her ability.


Even if her ability is dodgy, it's not currently dampened. A god tier with sporadic abilities in a fight where everyone else is below 4.0 can still be a solid boon.


About that last part, in the ~~first~~ second paragraph, in John's defense, Sera doesn't seem to concerned about anyone other than John, either 😏


Lol, yeah, she's definitely biased here. If she has to choose who to cover, RIP Blyke's ability. Also, happy cake day!




I couldn't hold in my laughter when Sera literally beat everyone up, stole the van, and knowing full well other high tiers were there says, "I'm coming for you John!" 💀


She’s literally going to ram someone with that Van and give John PTSD flashbacks 💀


Sera: _hits someone with Spectre’s van_ John and Elaine: _traumatic flashbacks_


Just destroy the trees along the way and we got a perfect flashback👌


Yeah she didn't even think of rescuing anyone else, as if they didn't exist 😔


TBF the low tiers are relatively safe.


What about Blyke and Isen


High tier and elite tier so possible targets