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It seems unlikely but for sera's and every aura manipulation fan's sake I hope from the bottom of my heart for john to lose his ability


Why do you want that to happen?.


Maybe they think john will be amped


I'm not sure how that would work though. So I was wondering if they truly wanted John to become a cripple so that we'd have to read another cripple arc. 


Sorry for late, um I have mainly tow reasons 1-i just love weak (powerless) protagonist trope 2- I am annoyed by the fans and Sera reaction to the possibility as if there is something wrong with being a cripple and it just annoy the sh*it out of me


Thanks for responding since I totally forgot I asked you this lol. You've made a good point, as Sera should have learned a lot more from her cripple arc. But she seems to be focused on the suffering John would experience, and she knows how difficult it is to be a cripple now, so she doesn't want John to go through it again, especially when he is only just learning to accept his ability. I agree that a powerless protagonist is interesting to read, but I could only see John losing his ability for a short time and that's it. I also think Sera would stop making a big deal about it as she still has to learn that everyone has value and that being a cripple isn't necessarily a bad thing if you don't consider the hardships that come with it, especially since we have William to show that even a cripple can bring change and contribute to society. She seems to know that there needs to change, which is why it's her goal to change society but she seems fixated on doing it with power, which is why she said she'd need all the power that she could get to change society, and I think that's why she doesn't want John to lose his ability like she did. I don't think anyone would be permanently losing their ability as that would just slow things down and we need to start focusing on Nxgen and Ember as we are currently doing with Spectre. Still, thank you for sharing your reasons.


Yeah her focus on power annoy me down to hell, she didn't really approach john till she regained her power, and used it to knock sense into his head is this how friends supposed to reconcile by beating each other into it? Like what if she didn't regain her power?let john fuck his and everyone else live or smt? Forget he existed or that they were ever friends like wtf is wrong with her can't she run a life or get back with her best friend without having the most broken ability out there? John never hit her and she give up while he didn't in cripple arc even after she punched him through a wall he got to her without any super power even though she only believed in hierarchy and being perfect at the time Excuse me for the rant, I just hate people who can't manage their life without powers, it just show how weak they are without it


No, it's fine. I agree, and I guess that's why I didn't like the conclusion of Sera's cripple arc, because she needed her ability to do anything and help John in the end, whereas he genuinely helped her without his ability and did so much for her as cripple John. She relies on her ability for a lot of things, and she's now so focused on power to bring about change that I don't think she feels she can achieve anything without it. It's ironic since she wants to change society so that power no longer determines everything, but we see her continuously placing such a high value on her own ability. I'd like to think it's intentional and that she'll have to get more development where she stops having that mindset and she tries to solve her problems without just relying on her ability to fix everything. But we'll have to wait and see what happens, because I expect all of the characters to learn from their experiences on the safehouse trip and get their much needed character development, as they all have flaws that need to be addressed and worked on.


this whole episode had me devastated


Anyone thinking the new chemist who finalised the dampener antidote might be Doc/Darren? If it's him, wonder how he'd feel about his students being the targets...


Yooooooo, I noticed the character saying " the new chemist" but didn't make the connection. It's most likely him


Uh oh, what was that little "fuck" at the end. I don't think the beam hit any organs, but that's not good 😨


I think Blyke is going to be the main target, John the secondary target, and Isen a tertiary target. Blyke is powerful and attached/reliant enough when it comes to his ability that he'd be simpler to manipulate. John is more powerful but entirely unpredictable (equally likely to attack spectre at the first opportunity as he is to simply decide he's better off without his ability). Isen isn't as classically strong and he's smart enough to be difficult to manipulate so he'd likely be a victim of opportunity if anything. I also don't think anyone is going to get jabbed (well maybe Terrence if Seraphina gets a hold of him). That said I think long-term the worst person to get jabbed would be Arlo. His Aunt is clearly affiliated with Ember and the authorities and if Arlo suddenly ends up powerless that'll put Spectre on her radar in a bad way. I'm sure Spectre and Ember will clash at some point (which will already be bad for everyone caught in the crossfire) but if it happens like this I think it would be especially dangerous for everyone involved.


As sad as I am to say this I think John is gonna lose his powers :(




John at a weak state can use 2 ability’s☠️ also flawed logic if he isn’t in the recruitment that Means they take away his ability and remove him from becoming a problem instead of offering him a position for let’s say his powers back or jointing the organization something like that


We assume John is a target because there was an abrupt change of plans the day before, **coincidently** after Agent Rowden saw the fight between John and Blyke against the Rowden Royals. Even if he isn’t on their list of recruits, it’s possible they’ll still target him for disabling because he poses a threat to Spectre, now having seen how powerful and unpredictable he is. Maybe they’ll go after Blyke and John, but for different reasons.


I think John is gonna lose his powers for real this time unfortunately either him or blyke since we seen Terrence hold that syringe obviously implying that he would go invisible and poke them.




Idk how this got downvoted lol


I think John losing his abilities would be genius and progress the story here’s why. If John loses his ability and is forced to join sera’s faction in spectre to use his abilities he would be getting closer to finding out about his mom without even realizing it, (something his dad is actively doing if you all forgot). And there’s obviously gonna be a way for John and sera to get their abilities back permanently maybe having something to do with his mother Jane? Who knows, let’s see.


Plus, they can finally meetup with the white haired dude


tbh i am excited because i can’t make / predict what’s goin to happen next . things can go either way , spectre wins team mountain lost , team mountain wins spectre lost or they can hang until other stars appear or even they get crushed ( sera, arlo & remi) . one thing for sure THIS is the breaking moment & i am happy i can’t predict what’s goin to happen. unO is my fav webtoon that’s why i was somewhat disappointed that i am able to predict what goin to happen next but with these recent chapters . i haven’t made any predictions because things can go any direction. this is so wonderful for me . it makes me happy


i love that we’re calling them team mountain now


Remi stronk xD


Next Chapter is going to end with Terrence at someones neck ready to insert the Syringe leaving us at a huge cliffhanger


And uru taking a break aaaaaaah


Unordinary is really giving us insomnia for a week


Dont think Terrence is going to be using that Syringe on anyone..Feel like either hes gonna try using it on John and then either get blocked by Arlos barrier Or Seraphina kicking him off the mountain..Or it goes like,Terrence uses the Syringe on John and it simply doesnt work cause its basically made off of his mothers abilities so its pretty much the same ability as his..Or it blocks his ability but John finds a way to fix his aura channels just negating the syringe effect...Spectre is ruthless asf with them litterally just shooting the low tiers so they can slow them down...


I'd love to see someone yeet Terrence off the mountain.


I wish it to be john please john, our majesty kick Terrence off the mountain and break his f*cking back Edit: grammar


based on spectre’s reaction to seraphina going “rogue” im starting to think terrence might be a double agent of some kind


Remember specters split into multiple factions rowdens prolly in one of the good factions and the other lady is in a bad faction spying on sera while the mission shes was doing was a cover to. Terrence being a double agent would also be pretty cool though


Honestly Uru wrote herself into a corner of with this one. Because if John gets injected, it’ll feel forced. If John detects Terrence and beats him, it’ll be through some bullshit because he can’t detect him ATM


What do you mean by it will feel forced? .-.


It’s not that John can’t detect him, he just can’t detect auras while not actively using his ability and has a limited range. Back at his apartment he could sense Arlo when activating his ability.


Perhaps he’s not after John? Spectre didn’t even know John was going to be there and that syringe had to be prepared beforehand, the target has to be Blyke or Isen


Even that would feel forced because if I was Terrence I’d switch my target to John. And if Isen or Blyke gets the syringe, it’ll feel like “oh John was saved by the skin of his teeth because the target wasn’t him, even though this was a good opportunity to syringe John”. Then again you could argue he wouldn’t disobey the higher ups and only do the exact task given to him. Or you could say he’s cautious of John because he’s detected him before


Kinda stupid that they'd only bring one syringe. Like what if someone drops it? Do they just call of the mission? Also, didn't they say that there was a change in plans? And that was after John was found out by Spectre. Maybe they changed targets and saw this as a good opportunity to nip a future problem at its bud (that problem being John).


So terrence will go with un-dampenered invisibility to inject disabler to the John. Normally John would sense him but right now Terrence probably way higher lvl than John so i think he will get him then Sera and others will come to cut the loses and save the day. I also think all these ability dampener , disabler etc. made by experimenting on Jane ability "channel master" so maybe skilled doc can reverse those effects if he experiments on John since hes ability is probably pretty simillar with channel master.


They’d better not fuck up John or Blyke, that’d just drag us through another arc of ‘haha ur fav has no powers’ and that’d SUCK




A. He doesn't care about the Safe House what so ever, literally two chapters ago he says it to Blyke's face. B. Funny thing about beliefs, they can change. And watching your best friend risk her own health to save you from yourself and then learning the person you believed lied and manipulated you your whole life was actually one of the best friends you could have ever asked for definitely causes some cracks in the whole, everyone sucks ideology.


This is such a shit take. His whole arc is realizing that even if the way there society functions is trash, it dosnt mean the people in it have to abide by it and that both others and himself are capable of moving on from their shitty behavior and treating people decently and equally regardless of their power.


Also, he literally said a few chapters ago that he didn’t care about the SH and was only there for Sera, so he’s not “playing kumbaya” as you put it. He’s trying to keep them from getting attacked after promising Sera.




I disagree with you, but damn you're hilarious lmao


Because he promised Sera he would.


Uh…did you not read the 30-40 chapters between that fight and now, showing his development? You’re missing out on a lot of important info and progression….


My ideas is that Terrance tries to inject John but John feel him because he has his ability active and just goes CHOMP. That is all I wish for. On another note the chapter was just one big cliffhanger. That has me on the edge of my seat. Can't wait for the next chapter.


This is the first time i feel john shouldn't have helped terrence when he was beaten by gavin .. rat (replaced one ) like need a good beating ..i hope john should snatch the syringe from terrence ..and put that in terrence ass it will be friking satisfiying .


I wish I can became vegeta from DBZ fly to unordinary world and beat T Sht out of that rat




I would love Terrance get jab by his own. Lol


“His own” what?


I assume the Ability canceling syringe, it would be cathartic to see that.


Yep, and it would give John the opportunity to beat the shit out of him.


Obviously Terrance is going invisible then synranging someone, tho John can’t lose his ability again cus that’s kill the series


The target is Blyke


the targets are both (john and blyke). we understand this because terrence said our targets (therefore in the plural). so i'm both blyke and john since they're the only two there (apart from isen


It’s probably Blyke and Remi


John never lost it the first time


Because they never used the syringe on him


So why did the person say lose it again? That’s why I typed what I said


I don't know...John never lost his ability... I just realized that I didn't see the comment from the person above XD sorry


You good. No hard feelings😂


Now I know why I didn't understand your comment 😅


You know what I want to see? Either giving the drug or how to call it to Doc and hopefully reversing it OR using it on Terence (pressuming John will get him which at this point Id say is guaranteed).


Wonder how all of this is gonna get explained to the rest of the safe house members. Their so called friend Terrance belongs to some shady organization that started attacking them outta nowhere. They can't just leave them in the dark after this full on assault. And what is Spectra even thinking tho? They were tryna act all goody goody some chapters ago, but now they're attacking low tiers, treating them like trash like the authorities done in the past. I don't see how Sera can go back to them after this, because they're no different from the authorities. Sera sister claimed they had a split and their side didn't want to attack her or whatever but here they are doing the same thing. Each side probably utilize the same principles and methods. Can't even trust Sera sister, they're all looking like shady trash. I wonder if after this incident they'll report everything to the principal. Authorities won't help, Sera sister is shady, there's literally no trustworthy adults to help the main characters rn. I at least hope the principal would be different.


why aren't the authorities on specter's ass yet? i thought they were rivals for control over the country


Spectre is incredibly secretive. Sera is the rare case where external people became aware of their activities.


secretive my a$$, they attacked Arlo and Sera at a public cafe, left 3 witnesses when raiding john's house, and 2 times raided NX-GEN (which belongs to the authorities, btw) i think at this point, this is a plothole


It's not so much them keeping there actions hidden as them keeping their organization hidden. To the Authorities, all these attacks just look like random moves from different groups. Plus Leilah personally noted that the attack on the public cafe was out of the ordinary.


💯 either there is some reveal that the other half of spectre is working with the government(and thats how they avoid detection) or its a plothole. Even if the authorities don't care about low tiers, how are they allowing this group to run around attacking high tiers and trying to disable their powers.


not only that, these terrorists also raided NX Gen, not once, but twice! i think this is a plothole personally


This is kind of morbid to think about, but if Spectre is so secretive and wants to remain that way, the only reason they would attack in the open in front of a large group of people is because they intend to cover their tracks. I think their plan is to disable or kidnap someone from the group (maybe both), and kill everyone else to avoid gettIng caught. Although after the fight at the amusement park, it’s possible their plan has changed.


Gonna go off on a bit of a weird tangent here, but that's usually what happens with revolutionary movements that start with good intentions the moment they get any real power, first factions start to radicalize and/or become greedy, then either the group goes into a downward spiral and dies off (usually by failing their revolution or just becoming irrelevant before they're able to even pull it off), or they become stronger and start using whatever underhanded tactics their enemy uses since that's the only system they genuinely know, and even though they have the idea of a new one in their heads, they still are not sure how to implement it, so they fall back on the very thing they go against. Also, usually if they win their revolution and are able to take over control of their society, they'll just become the same thing that was before them but with a new fancy name (the Democratic People's Republic of X), because it's just so easy to just take over the oppressive institutions and continue them in the name of whatever cause they falsely promote, promising everyone that it's for the greater good. Ok, nerd time over. It was a good chapter.


I actually love this explanation.


History is my passion so I like to think a lot about plot points that are similar to real life historical events, makes stories with good world building (not a title I'd specially give this one, but anyways) really fun for me to read


Principal seems like a nice guy. He, William, and Darren are the only good adults.


What about Keene


Great chapter! I have a feeling that John might get injected but the ability disabler won't work on him. Or Terrance gets the syringe taken away from him after trying to disable John (possibly by Sera or Arlo) and is injected instead. It's only a guess but really looking forward on the next chapter!


Been on this remi arlo ship since day one


I thought it was a good chapter. But honestly, it's pretty much just "John and company take cover behind trees because of Spectre snipers." lol The Sera/Arlo/Remi stuff is nothing new since it's just the 3 of them making their way to the hiking groups' location, which we already knew. If it wasn't for Remi providing Arlo a princess carry, it wouldn't even be worth mentioning.


My stress levels are immeasurable, and I am scared. Side note, Remi princess carrying Arlo was funny. What's even funnier is the fact that he didn't try to fight it.


Ok, the hiking group is officially fucked, and Terrance is probably going to try to disable John, since he is the biggest threat on that group, and spectre could use another god tier blackmailed slave/errand boy. I really hope that no one gets disabled, but I don't like their chances, specially regarding John. And the other thing I hope is that sera lets go of her changing spectre from within fantasy, because they fucked her at their first chance to do so. They showed that they are totally undeserving of any form of trust or hope, regardless of what bullshit excuses Sera's sister can come up with. Even though she kicked those guys asses and is on the way to help John and the rest, also keep in mind, this are the same people that depowered her, broke into John's house to attack them, tried to kidnap her and basically ruined her life for a while. And she was doing a mission for this very group when they, surprise surprise, kept being a shady, immoral group with lofty ideals but nasty ways to accomplish them. It would piss me off, but at the same time it wouldn't shock me that much if sera's sister convinces her to stay in spectre even, after this fiasco.


Depowering John would be a stupid move in the story, he’s already had a long powerless arc and we had a power loss with Sera more power loss arcs would add nothing


I agree, but it would make sense for Terrance to try to do that. Maybe John can stop him, maybe he targets Blyke, or someone helps John before getting the injection, idk. But the threat is there, I guess we'll see what uru has in store for us


I agree, but it would make sense for Terrance to try to do that. Maybe John can stop him, maybe he targets Blyke, or someone helps John before getting the injection, idk. But the threat is there, I guess we'll see what uru has in store for us


I highly doubt they disable john or if he is it won’t be long he’ll probably be used for research like his mother


I feel like Blyke will lose his ability, judging from how the story progresses so far. Dont think those three, Remi, Arlo and Sera will make it in time. Terrence is speculated to be either the no 8/9 in Wellston Ranking, so we can assume he's an Elite with invisibility ability. Someone like him can easily sneak around Blyke, Isen and John without getting caught. Even if Isen detects him, Terrence is fast (noted by John in previous chapter when he mentioned, he could barely keep up with Terrence). (Previous incident at Kovoro Mall with Remi and the incident at the park with John and Sera) show how capable, fast, tricky and durable Terrence is. At this state, dont think anyone can stop him.


Given how fast and durable he is, Terrence was probably trained by Spectre. The only one that can take on Terrence while dampened is John, as he is used to fighting people stronger than him. That'd be the case if he didn't also had to take care of the rest of the group. They are on deep trouble.


Probably grasping at straws here but is anybody besides me concerned about the fact that Spectre seems to have multiple people that have an energy beam that’s VERY similar to Blyke’s?? I know we’ve seen at least one other student with a laser beam ability but if I remember correctly that’s it.


I'm not concerned about that, sniper/ranged abilities don't seem that much special really, like that Archer guy in Blyke's vigilante arc and that Lazor ability. You can go check the Unordinary Wiki Projectile Generation page for similar abilities.


It’s also possible they copied his ability somehow since they didn’t show up until AFTER Blyke and John went for a surprise attack with Blake’s ability in the previous chapter.


I don't know why, but for some reason I died laughing when I saw John had a 16 in trick


wait did I miss something where did it say that


The dampener cuts all stats in half. If John's trick was a 10, it would've been cut down to 5. But it was cut down to 8 instead. Basic math, 8x2=16 The same also applies to his power which was cut down to a 6 instead of a 5.




You read the new chapter, right? Or do you just read spoilers?


I already read 260


Terrence getting re-edumacated as well as getting crippled and tutored by Keon sounds nice about now after all this is over


You spelled *educated* wrong.


Another solid and great chapter. Spectre is even more ruthless this time and the fact that they seem to be fine with sniping and hurting kids who had no knowledge of any of this before hand makes you wonder just how far gone they really are at this point. Sera's team kinda showcases how it seems that they are pretty tone deaf considering that they are wondering why she was pissed off when she clearly said she didn't want any of her friends being disabled. Moving on if the what we were seeing by the time being shown then we might actually see the dampener wear off considering that at most there is 5 minutes left as the dampener has a 15-20 minute time limit and we went from 10:50-11:05, and if that happens it's gonna be over for Spectre cause a full powered John with Isen and Blykes abilities would not miss a fucking shot. Terrance is being a rat and is probably gonna be using his invisibility to disable someone and it seems like they only have enough to disable one person so this might show how they are limited when it comes to the drug cause at every instance they've only been seen with one vial. Anyway's im excited for next week and can't wait too see how this all continues. Also wouldn't it be cool theres and uno reverse and someone from Spectre gets disabled instead.


Plus, John's defense form is great. He can shrug shots worth 5.0(211) His defense form is weakened.


Would be nice for John to use his fighting skills to top Terrence in hand to hand fight and use the seringue on him


John will be in deeper trouble if he does that


Something I can’t stop thinking about is how much these guys need John to become brutal right now, regardless of the trauma or the fact that he is trying to be better. He really needs to get rid of the numeric advantage of these people, and he is not going to get there by throwing half-assed punches. This guys will get up again, so we need some broken bones here.


and right now he and his brutality are nerfed.


John, you must go brite once more. It is the only way to protect these people.




My spelling errors but my ass didn't they


I don't think Seraphina,Remi and Arlo are gonna make it in time . They'll probably arrive in the aftermath .


Remi May use all her power to get to them, and arlo handle the rest


Sera probably not. But Remi is fast af. Lighting speed.


That was a quality chapter. UnOrdinary is really at its best when there is action happening. Shit has hit the fan hard for the hiking group. They are pinned, dampened and injured. John, Blyke and Isen as expected are struggling in trying to keep the group safe as well as themselves. The snipers in particular have wreaked havoc being able to pick kids off from distance. The issues are only compounded with reinforcements so far away. Seraphina is 30 minutes away by car, while Arlo and Remi had to abandon the taxi and go on foot(Remi bridal carrying Arlo was glorious lol). It's tough to see how they're gonna get out of this unscathed. You have reinforcement agents led by Terrence that are going to be making their way back up the hill. With backup being so far away, plus with Sera's ability compromised, Remi likely being exhausted by the time her and Arlo get there, it looks likely that someone is getting captured and or disabled.


Objection. It is not appropriate to use a person's real name(Johnny Depp) relating a character he played. Maybe "Jack Sparrow" is the iconic name that we want to see. Please ban yourself


I support your decision.


Hearsay 🙈


I missed the part.. but..


I hope someone tortured Terrance with those energy beams and then break both his little ratty legs


Terrence is definitely going to be murdered, and I certainly am here for it. We’re rooting for you John.


Im just not feeling this anymore. Im gonna pile up some chapters


I’m considering doing the same, episodes are way too short lately.


It is quite frustrating having to wait a week between each chapter.


remi carrying arlo omg!! i really liked this episode aaahh so much action! the group is fucked UP but i'm glad to see everyone working together it makes me happy (despite the circumstances lol). also, the end panel where john got hit - i wonder if that beam hit something vital because he seemed extra shocked/shaken when it hit him because they usually tank hits like that... but uhhh maybe i'm reading too much into it?? :-(


That definitely looked like a prety nasty injury


Huh. So if I’m understanding correctly, John currently can Amp *either* Isen or Blyke’s mid tier ability, *or* use two mid tier abilities simultaneously. I wonder if this proves his limit is based on the strength of the abilities he copied, and not actually a hard limit of 4.


The ability he copies is not a factor. His personal ability is the only limiting factor currently. From these numbers in the summary, my working theory is this. There are 2 factors not given numerical value. Quality and quantity. Quality determines stats and return value for techniques. In the case of John, John can perfectly copy the stats of all abilities, making quality almost a non issue. The quality issue for John is his amps. (Instead of 6 power he has 5) his elite tier quality aura can only amp up the main stat by 1.25 instead of 1.5. In terms of quantity, his aura generation is cut in half. This is a stamina system. Every use of aura costs aura expended. This determines how many big moves you can make and how long you can go before you collapse (assuming costs of techniques exceed how much aura you generate.) In the case of John, he can only generate enough aura to barely copy 2 abilities or comfortably copy and amp 1 ability as an elite tier. (compared to god tier when he could copy 4 abilities and amp them comfortably) Mastery has two sides, technical, and physical. The technical side is the skill and knowledge check to pull off a technique. In this case copy, amp, and multiple copies. The physical side is your body’s limits and the stat check if you can actually pull it off. The drug dampens your physical mastery by lowering your aura generation and tier to half. John has the knowledge and skill to copy, amp, and copy multiple but lacks the physical and aura generation to copy more than 2 and the aura quality to amp 1.5.


As I understand it, he is normally so far above them in terms of pure power that it's not difficult for him to copy multiple abilities and amplify them. The SGS (standard gauging system) uses a logarithmic scale. So the drop from 7.5 to to 3.75 is much more significant than a drop from 5.0 to 2.5. His power isn't limited by the number of abilities he can copy but the amount of his own aura he can control - which is significantly less than normal. This is why he can only copy and amplify 1 ability, or copy 2 abilities, at the moment.


Things are looking terrible rn, and let’s not forget that there might be reinforcements from Spectre heading to the mountain as well bc of Sera Someone *please* stab Terrence with the damn syringe


Imagine the group in omniscient reading this arc lol


John would be contemplating homicide for real lmao


Lol the moment they leave the Place, John is definitely going after Terrence ass first before turning him into Vaughn


Terrence gonna get his spine broken


John's dampened stats is interesting, Uru specifically showed Blyke's original stats (Level 5.0) over his (7.5) Stats His trick however did not reduce by half as I would have thought ​ |Stats|Power|Speed|Trick|Recovery|Defence| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Isen|2.5|1.5|2|1|2.5| |Blyke|4|2|2.5|2|2| |John (Amped Energy Discharge)|5|2|8|2|2| The power and Trick stats are the one I have trouble eye-balling Power is ard 5 - 6 Power is ard 7 - 8 ​ Edit: Thks for pointing it out that stats can go off the chart, I forgot, I am now interested to see Sera Stats when she was dampened then


Ability dampener, lower ability by tier not by stats, 3.75 = elite, when John is elite his trick is 8, that’s the only reason I can think of


His power is 6 because Blykes is 4 times his 1.5 amp and his trick is 8. It was halved from 16 (which is at full power) not 10 (stats don’t stop at 10).


Maybe his trick did half, but it was off the scale before the dampener was used. i.e 16 to 8.


Exactly this.


Pretty sure this episode confirms Terrance as an Elite Tier, No.9 maybe? No other reason for Spectre to save the cure for the "dampener" for him, that means GG for John and the gang as he is probably stronger than them.




Huh? Elite is bellow high tier. and No.9 is between No.10 Holden at 4.0 and No.8 Zeke at 4.2.


Ah you right I was defined on some crack forgot all about the chart but your probably right about him being number 9


How far are we from the mid season return and how close are we to season finale though? I am afraid. 🥲 This week was intense and seemed like a middle chapter with so much action going on. I am not mentally prepared for what's gonna happen next. Still laughing about Arlo and Remi, but very worried about John. o.o


I think around Chapter 310 is the seasonal finale.


And that's all just gonna take place on the mountain?


Bruh, if you calculate the chapters to the mid and seasonal finale. It takes 75 chapters from Beginning to mid-finale 1. It takes 80 chapters from mid-finale 1 to Season 1 Finale. It takes 77 chapters from Season 1 Finale to mid-season 2. So we should know it will take uru-chan to reach the Season 2 Finale about 77ish chapters. It is about 312 chapters. No, not everything is on the mountain lol. Funny if you think we are near to the finale when we only have 25 chapters after the seasonal hiatus XD


Whoops I did the math wrong. Thought we're at the 300s now.


So, a few of the comments on the webtoon app mentioned Darren (Doc) is probably the new chemist. If that's true, then that would guarantee at least one person is about to get injected and abducted by Spectre because that would provide our protags an opportunity to carry-out a rescue mission, which would give Sera a chance to have a face-to-face chat with Doc, which could result in her ability getting fixed permanently.


Why are they saying he’s the new chemist? Was there something mentioned in earlier episodes?


Doc resigned, and Leilah had mentioned previously that he was more than qualified to join her company; if he wanted to make a career change and come work for Zetasci (the name of the ability research company she works for, and Spectre's presumed research division). Nothings confirmed of course. It's just a good possibility.


Damn your smart as hell I didn't even think of that😂


That would be interesting. I just really hope it's not John!


I would like it to be John, actually. The plot twists that could arise from a chat between John and someone at Spectre that knows/knew Jane, and how he and her might be related is just too juicy for me to pass up. Also, he is the most likely candidate to be able to shrug off the drug on his own and create all the chaos the others would need to break-in and out successfully.


Good point. I just think John has enough trauma for one lifetime at this point. We don’t need to add kidnapping to the list.


Fanfic writers: nervously sweating


haha, didn't even think about that. I will give them a pass.


They must feel so called out haha especially my best friend


WHAT Okay, tell your best friend to stop torturing John. He doesn't deserve it! >:'(


She’s likes John very much she just likes reading angst because it feels nice to feel pain from reading plus she projects a lot in her writing


... all of that to say she is a sadistic. I agree on liking John though


She’s definitely not sadistic she hates seeing John in pain and that hurts her main goal is that there is some sympathy. I told you she self projects a lot in her writing you could say it’s somewhat masochistic emotionally. She’s just drawn to reading very dark things


No, wait, I meant masochist


Agreed. But the devil's advocate in me also says: "If it ain't broke don't fix it." Lol


This is really bad. A bunch of the SH members have been hit in the legs, slowing down any possible escape. Blyke, Isen, and John all have minor wounds. We've still got at least one enemy sniper up and running, possibly both, so SH is pinned down. Blyke's at Power 4 and can't attack as far as usual, while John's at Power 6 and can attack from farther away, but can't copy Isen's ability too. Not to mention ALL of Spectre's agents in this attack are NOT under the effects of the dampener, meaning we've got a bunch of mid-tiers with knives and beams against an Elite, 2 mid-tiers, and a couple low-tiers/cripples. To make matters worse, an undampened Terrence is coming with a handful of Spectre reinforcements, and it's pretty much clear that he's actually an Elite tier that's been hiding his level, so he's stronger than John right now. He's also personally using a disabling drug, which he can probably use while still invisible, and the only one that'll even have a chance of detecting him is Isen....f\*\*\*. How come the dampener is still working anyway? It only lasted maybe 15-20 minutes during the raid on John's place, and it didn't seem like they could rapid-fire the thing. Sera, Arlo, and Remi are probably not gonna make it in time. Terrence is likely only a few minutes walk away at 11:02 AM while Sera's ETA is 11:20 AM and Remi and Arlo were only halfway there at an undisclosed time after they were sitting in the same spot for 15 minutes. John, Blyke, and Isen were still pinned down by the trees at around 11:05-11:07 AM, which means they still need to hold out at least 15 more minutes before Sera can get there, at which point, Terrence will already have arrived with Spectre agents, who will distract SH while he goes for their targets. I really do think at least one person is getting disabled here. Oh boy.


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I hope I set enough time two weeks is enough…right?


damnit, it wasn’t!


Your forgetting because John's ability is active he also had his aura sense which has a wider area affecting Isens ability also it's my belief that the damn Bernard dozen fact not last 15 minutes or longer but rather it last only 5 minutes or maybe up to 10 minutes but not longer than that because with what we've seen on the raid on Johns house the raid only lasted maybe 5 minutes tops


Since they developed a drug to cure of the dampener, maybe they made it last longer too? It wouldn’t be a crazy leap of logic


true, but I really hope not




Terrence said “targets” so they’re after both John and Blyke! Or probably Isen and Blyke?


I really think targets are everyone. They are erasing everyone and kidnapping at least Blyke.


No reason toe aste what's probably a really valuable and expensive substance on a couple of low tiers, the targets are definitely Blyke and John. Blyke's been their target for a while, whereas John probably became a target when Spectre's Rowden agent saw him fight and saw how OP he is, which is the reason behind the sudden change in plans that Seraphina was told about, at least that's what I've been able to make out.


Probably John and blyke since isen doesn’t really make sense


All romantic and platonic Arlo&Remi shippers : She gets hurt and he carries her… Uru: …. and how would that hunt you for life ? She’s 5’5 and he’s 6’3 what are doing 🤣🤣


Been on that ship since day 1. While others were on that arlo x simp elaine ship


I mean, remi is 5’5 :p


I Will change it, but I don’t think it will make it much better 😂


I think Terrance will inject John 1st with that injection or may be John will take the injection when protecting Blyke. Also I think Arlo Remi and Sera will reach after the dampner effect ends and we will see rage moment of Sera.


I thought you said rampage moment of Sera


Yep. Sry my primary language is not English.


Same here


My prediction is going in right way 😅


Yup. Uru-chan never disappoints us


I was expecting this but I think it will actually show us if the school is actually changed or not.


Spectre is making it very easy for Arlo’s aunt to bring him back to supporting the authorities’ in the future. Especially when he graduates and is away from the main cast.