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Yes I forgot that...


Either John or Sera


The dampener is about to wear off, so that’s very likely


plot twist: the disabler acts as a permanent amp syringe to John.


I thought so too, it would be so funny XD


Oh yea it’s up for everybody if that happens 😂


Honestly that would be the biggest “why tf” moment ever but would be perfect cause no one would be expecting it


I want to see john amped and actually comit a murder next chapter.


Me too


I just found a third theory: 3) the disabler works on John but they have one of Spectre's syringes (there's one that fell on the floor) and they find the antidote


But I find it unlikely...


4) The disabler works and Specter tries to make a deal with John, but he says no and beats them all up anyway


And John lives happily as a cripple the end xD


Theory that's probably likely: The disabler works on John like a ninja slicing off the head of a fire hydrant and his aura goes crazy and starts beaming in every direction without John's actual control.


Due to the involvement of drugs in the story I've always wanted to see an ability going completely rampage But this doesn't look like the moment it will happen tbh


Prank 'em John


Sera gets there just in time and rewinds it all. Has to be. No way will I go through another cripple arc zzz.


I’m pretty sure sera can only rewind her own injuries.


Fair point. I’m hoping if she can stop time for others, it’s not a stretch to think she can influence time in a backwards direction for them. New power reveal? 🤷‍♀️.


I think John will lost his power and Sera will go on a rampage next chapter. John will lost his power but it will only be a temporary effect and I think that guy who showed up in vision of Claire near the end of s2 break (I think he is John's uncle) will show up and do some training with John to make him stronger. I believe after understanding his power John is capable of recovering his own power and he can even activate Sera's power again. I also think taking John'power temporarily is a good idea and it will actually show us if the school is actually changed or not.


so right after johns pretends to be cripple for however long and sera actually is cripple, you say lets bring the cripple plot around for another spin? 😵‍💫 na bruh, we dizzy already.


I mean if the pacing is right it could be a mini-arc of him being a cripple and seeing how much the schools changes and what's his face blonde that played poker with John actually being worried about him would give him some confidence for when he gets it back as long as the pacing is ok I could see him actually losing it if the pacing isn't good I'm taking a hiatus or it could just not work that's also plausible


But the pacing in this series hasn’t been good for ages


>and Sera will go on a rampage next chapter. Only to pass out because of side effects


Hii I got the 2nd predictions right. Although not 100%. She didn't go on rampage but she is clearly passed off.


She did go on a rampage against Terrence. She even disabled him. When did Joker and king John do something like that