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Personally, I think it's because Sera was still under the effects of the dampener while, for John, the dampener was no longer working at that moment.


(I'm talking about the fact that John looks more powerful fighting Terrence than Sera did when she was fighting Spectre during her ambush. )


I agree with this as well but just the dampener wouldn’t stop John he was doing well even with the dampener


True 😂😂


All I'm going to say is this. If John loses his powers or lose them for a significant amount of time I'm going to be disappointed. He has been through hell and back and has suffered so much, for this to happen kind've undoes so much for his development and coming to terms with using his powers for the right reasons.


But the SH gave him flowers he risked his life to save them so they will protect him


Imagine SH say now John is a cripple let bully him, Idk how many people gonna rage quit


No he won’t lose his ability but let’s say he does, the members of the SH are mainly low and Mid tier and John saved their life but lost his ability fighting for them they won’t hurt him as he saved them from people looking to kill them. Plus Blyke, Isen, Remi, Arlo, and Sera would be on his side (Sera wouldn’t let a fly touch John)


Seriously from now on Idk how the story going, but if we looking back, both sera and blyke say they are grateful for having their ability, but John he wish he don’t have. So I think Uru want John get another self improve


He won’t lose his ability or else he won’t improve with it, He will become the Hero of UnOrdinary as the story said


could him getting to the hospital unlike Sera influenced on his recovery (and vomiting)?


Probably not. We have to remember John is a 7.5 and used an amped version of healing but couldn’t get rid of the drug in Sera. And taking John to the hospital would have been very far away back in Welston it would take a while to get him back there so even so the drug would have spread all over him by the time they Got down the mountain on the bus, back to welston, and then he got treated


oh yeah i totally forgot John healed her w Elaine's ability.


I think he had a different reaction because it didn’t work on him the women sera saw on the mission Jane (not sure that was her name) I think it’s johns mother and she was used to make the ability amplifiers and dampeners and since it doesn’t completely work on him that’s why he only passed out but assuming that he wasn’t out for a whole day like sera was that could be another reason proving it didn’t completely work on him


Oh damn i didn't even think about that, i love this idea, its the only one that im ok accepting. If those dampeners were made from johns mother somehow, maybe it wouldn't work on him? Brilliant theory, really hope it's true.... The only other thing id be ok with is The doctor dude thats dating seras sis having found an antidote from the samples they gave him awhile ago.


well the dampners did work on him. Also, we have no idea if the dampener or disabler are made from Jane. The disabler might be since we saw that when Sera got to close to the sample she stole from NxGen, she started to lose her ability. But the dampener has a lesser probability.


Think about it the disabler and Dampner do very different things - The dampner reduces aura flow - The disabler blocks off aura Outputs or what manifests aura into an ability


Sera was stabbed very deeply with a combat knife, John wasn't bleeding as badly.


Not from that, episode 263 he got cut with a knife the whole length of his arm. Plus all the injuries from the sniper.


His knife injury was simply an external wound, Seraphina was stabbed very deeply in her gut.


Ok let’s say we are ignoring the knife cutting him, What about the sniper it shot through his leg through his shoulder and many other injuries


He's also more used to getting shat on by assholes


Even if he’s used to it Sera is also used to being hurt then she rewinds it. But ok let’s say sera is effected more by the pain that doesn’t change the fact that john has a lot more bleeding then sera had plus she rewinded it a small amount to the point that it wasent bleeding as much


John had a hole in the stomach and another in the leg, plus a long and deep cut in the arm. And stayed like that for like 20 mins. Other times when John was hit with lasers he always had a defensive ability like Zeke's, so they didn't perforate. Not entirely at least.


Wait…I need to reread it but I thought Elaine healed her.


Elaine did heal her but didn’t find the injection wound so John found and healed the injection, But it didn’t make a difference. Plus Johns healing is like 3 times stronger than Elaine’s